Workplace Policy Research

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Workplace Policy Research

Employees at many companies in Coworker’s networks are grappling with the introduction of software that mediates hiring, performance, scheduling, productivity, and wellness of workers. In other cases, such as Uber drivers and Instacart shoppers, the entire work experience is managed by algorithms on apps downloaded to their personal devices. Through a combination of participatory research with networks and partnerships with think tanks, academics, and economists, we have studied the impact of these technologies on workers’ ability to organize and collectively advocate for their rights on the job.


When ‘Teamworks’ Isn’t Working, Starbucks Baristas Pay a Price


Here’s what workers are saying about app-based food delivery

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New Frontiers of Worker Power: Challenges and Opportunities in the Modern Economy

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The Datafication of Employment


Workers rights in the age of surveillance capitalism

Contact Us

Coworker is developing a program to address the impact of technology on workers and low-wage communities through legal frameworks beyond labor and employment law. This will include cross-sectoral research on technology, trade, data, antitrust, civil rights, and tax policy as well as participatory research with groups of employees using as part of their organizing campaigns. We aim to help the field advance a hybrid policy approach that emphasizes economic equity, deconcentration of power, increased workplace rights, and public oversight of technology. If you are interested in connecting with Coworker on this work, please contact us.

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