Campaign Support

Campaign Support
Facing a problem in your workplace? Ready to start a campaign on our petition platform? Whether you’re still formulating a campaign, wondering how to take your campaign to the next level, or curious about your rights as a petition creator, the resources below have you covered.
If you’re dealing with a specific issue related to a campaign, or just want to talk through an idea with an organizer, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re happy to help!
Getting Started
What have you noticed that needs fixing in your workplace? Where do you see an opportunity for positive change? Your campaign need not be limited to particular issues or locations. Your audience can be global or local.
When starting a campaign the most important step is to get the ball rolling – don’t worry about getting everything 100% right.
Even experienced, professional campaigners make mistakes and often change tack as things develop. You don’t need to be an expert to launch a campaign in your workplace, you just need to be willing to learn new things along the way.

Helpful Resources
Besides starting a petition, what else can I do in my campaign?
Coworker.org helps you take your campaign to the street. For instance, you can download a blank copy of your petition, collect signatures in person and then enter your data easily into the system. You can also download a finished copy of your petition to print and deliver to decision-makers.
This is a tool that allows anyone, anywhere to start a campaign to change their workplace.
Ready to create a campaign to change your workplace?
Every day, people are launching and joining campaigns around issues large and small — from improving an office breakroom to providing paid sick leave to employees.
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When you share your email address with us, we'll send you news about workers using Coworker.org to make positive change in your industry, resources for improving your workplace, and occasional surveys. (Read the full terms and conditions here.)