Bossware and Employment Tech Database



Could your boss be an app? Since 2018 we’ve seen a rise in the use of tech to manage the world’s labor force.’s Bossware and Employment Tech database compiles more than 550 labor-focused technology products that are changing our relationship to work.

Little Tech Is Coming for Workers, an accompanying report, seeks to address the proliferation of these technologies and analyzes the ways they’re harming workers, labor standards, and the economy.

are you a worker who interacts with any of the tech in our database?

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In the database you’ll find companies — and their products and investors — that touch every part of the labor process, from hiring to productivity monitoring and more. Organized by category, type, and date founded, the database covers products that use technology like AI, location tracking, and biometrics to manage employees and collect their data — often without their knowledge.

Use the table and the filters below to learn more about the companies behind this emerging trend:

Little Tech Is Coming for Workers_Page_01

Little Tech is Coming for Workers

A Framework for Reclaiming and Building Worker Power

By Wilneida Negrón, PhD

Click the "+" next to the product name to expand the table.

Product NameParent Company NameCompany DescriptionEmerged During Covid-19?CategoryTypeTargeted WorkersCurrent Business GoalsStatusClientsIndustries Product is Marketed TowardsInvestorsDeploymentDecentralized/CentralizedData AnonymizationLocation SettingsOrigin TerritoryDatacenter LocationCrossborder Data TransfersRetention PeriodWho is being surveilled?Hardware UtilizedPermission RequestsFacial recognitionAlgorithm ClaimsEncryptionWhen is the app/program/tool collecting data?Informed consent obtainedCan the worker access and interpret their own data?Can the worker correct incorrect data?Who can view the data?Prohibitions on discriminatory use of dataWhich SDKs are used?Data Sharing ArrangementsGrievance mechanismForced use of toolDiscrimination potentialRight to freedom of associationWorkplace health and safetyEnvironmental impactSupply chain worker safetySecurityRegulatory arbitrageInternal processes are consistently applied and auditedLaw enforcement access to dataImpact AssessmentNews articlesCorporate documentsTestimonialsDeveloper NameDeveloper WebsiteConvention 108 Jurisdiction Insight for RetailAbeja, Inc is a platform that brings various AI technologies (including IoT, big data, and deep learning) to an organization's existing data sets and sourcesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Accumulate data from Internet of Things sensors, and use Abeja's data analysis platform to optimize internal processes * Continuously collect time-series data and sensor data, such as images and sounds, and use this to accurately detect internal failures with Abeja's deep learning technology * Optimize store management and inventory management by accumulating sensor data and combine this in Abeja with Point of Sale system and Customer Relationship Management system dataIn UseGuessAnalytics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine LearningNVIDIA, Salesforce Ventures, Google, SBI Investment, NTT DOCOMO Venturescompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can not be readily identifiedLocation always capturedJapanJapanYesUnknown, but the FAQs state that video footage is not recorded and therefore not permanently retained Only anonymized, aggregate data is storedWorkers and members of the public are being surveilledCameraN/AYesAbeja claims, "By utilizing deep learning technology, it is possible to visualize behavior that could not be acquired in the past, such as the number of visitors, age and gender of visitors, and the migration status in the store, based on the data of cameras and sensors installed in the store" (Google Translate version of website, originally published in Japanese)YesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData is not shared with third partiesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the tool under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Studies (in Japanese):, Inc Grove Software, Inc is an activity monitoring tool intended to help teams improve security, compliance, and productivityNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Analyze worker productivity activities and behavior patterns * Get visibility into cloud application usage trends * Visualize employee work patterns and time management * Uncover poor operational processes and workflow bottlenecks * Get alerted to employee activities that introduce compliance riskIn UseShip Sticks, Linden Care, Royal Air Force, C3, Biorev, Regenersis Huntingdon, Parry InternationalRemote WorkSapphire Ventures, Elsewhere Partnerscompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardView ScreenNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesManagers, IT Administrators, WorkersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData is not shared with third partiesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Grove Software, Inc Human Capital ManagementADP, Inc provides business outsourcing solutions that facilitate businesses in HR, payroll, and administration processesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Help HR managers minimize labor costs while complying with HR law * Labor forecasting/budgeting, attendance policy compliance, leave case management * ADP Time Kiosk with touchless interaction uses facial recognition to identify and clock workers in and outIn UseEquinix, Pfizer, Boston Globe, IAC, Honeywell, Lenovo, Enterprise, Covidien, TomTomRestaurant / Hospitality, Manufacturing, Professional & Technical Services, Construction, Financial Services, Retail, Health Care, Government, Education, Non-ProfitN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesADP will retain biometric data until it receives notice that "a client’s employee’s employment has been terminated" Information is not available on how long other data elements will be retained forOnly workers are being surveilledMouse, Keyboard, Camera, MicrophoneUnknownYesNo specifics are available as to what algorithms (if any) ADP usesYesData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownManagers, Owners, HR Teams, IT Administrators, WorkersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California, Nevada, and the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://www.affectiva.comAffectivaAffectiva, Inchttps://www.affectiva.comAffectiva builds artificial intelligence that understands human emotions, cognitive states, activities, and the objects people use, by analyzing facial and vocal expressionsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformUnknown* Affectiva says it can track emotions such as anger, contempt, disgust, engagement, joy, sadness, surprise, and valence (a measure of the positive or negative nature of the recorded person’s experience) by analyzing a video clip * Note: Affectiva does not develop hiring technology itself, but offers an emotion recognition API that other companies can access and incorporate into their products. The Financial Times says companies like HireVue upload video to Affectiva’s API to assess the emotional intelligence of candidatesIn UseUnknown Claims to be "Used by 28% of Global Fortune 500"All sectorsAptiv, Motley Fool Ventures, CAC, Trend Forward Capital, The E14 Fund, Pegasus Tech Ventures, Sega Sammy Group, Horizons Ventures, WPP VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy:, Inchttps://www.affectiva.comNo Mexico State University Mexico State University is a public research universityYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, management, non-management, visitors* Contact tracing, through optional collection of location and wifi information * Self-checking of symptoms, through a simple questionnaire * Self-reporting for voluntary reporting of Covid-19 testing and positive cases * Self-registration for workers and students when they check in or check out of a university buildingIn UseNew Mexico State UniversityEducationN/A - public universityworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Captured When In Use, Location Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy states that all data collected will be permanently deleted from the server after 14 daysData is being captured about the general public as well as workersBluetooth, GPSNoneNoN/AYesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesThe privacy policy states that data can only be viewed by "the director of the Aggie Health and Wellness Center or his/her designee and is responsible for COVID-19 contact tracing at NMSU"There is an internal policy prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneData is not shared with third partiesUnknownWorkers able to voluntarily choose to use the softwareThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/A - this is a bespoke product for one institution in one stateThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Games Lab, NM State University Health Health provides cloud-based software for specialty medical providers on the continuum of healthcare‚ from hospital to homeNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Workforce and workflow optimization: automate and streamline business processes like operations, patient registration, patient scheduling, missed appointments, exposures and vaccines, provider and clinician documentation, case management * Workflow efficiency analysisIn UseStanford Medicine, Appalachian Regional Healthcare System, Ohio County Healthcare, Restorix Health, Hope Healthcare, Mason District Hospital, Transitional Care Management, Life Care Centers of AmericaHealthcareThe Carlyle Groupcompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownData is primarily being captured about workers, but some patient data is also captured, as this system is also a medical billing toolUnknownUnknownNoNo specifics are available as to what algorithms (if any) Net Health uses in AgilityYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknown, but the Net Health website implies that data can be licensed, in some form, in some circumstancesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Healthhttps://www.nethealth.comNo
https://www.agot.aiAgot AI-Powered Kitchen AwarenessAgotAIhttps://www.agot.aiAgot is a computer vision startup that offers AI-powered checkout, service, and operations management for limited-service restaurantsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly* Agot AI uses real-time computer vision to automate labor and increase order accuracy in quick-service restaurants * The AI monitors workers when at work to eliminate order errors, reduce food costs, and increase customer satisfaction with the quality of food * Argot AI collects worker biometric dataIn UseUnknownHospitality, RestaurantsInnovation Works, Hustle FundUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableNo
https://www.aifi.comAifiAiFi Inchttps://www.aifi.comAiFi is an information technology company that specializes in developing store automation systemsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, non-management* Convert an existing retail store into an autonomous store that does not require human cashiers * Essentially clones Amazon Go cashier-less stores, only requiring part-time human labor to restock shelvesIn UseCarrefour, Loop, ValoraArtificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Retail Technology, Shopping, SoftwareStartX (Stanford-StartX Fund), Greylock, Plum Alley, Plug and Play, Qualcomm Venturescompany-provided devicesCentralizedUnknownN/AUnited StatesData is stored locallyUnclear, but possibly notUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraNoneYesFacial recognition technology can identify workers and customersYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableNo privacy policy available to the publicN/AAiFi Inchttps://www.aifi.comNo FlowAiRISTA Flow, Inc Flow provides wifi-based Real Time Location Systems, process improvement, and hand hygiene solutionsYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management * Wearable device continuously tracks the movements of workers * Enables workers to return to the workplace safely when interactions are unavoidable, providing a means for contact tracingIn UsePrisma Health, Bouman Mental HealthcareHealthcare, Industrial, Education, Hospitality, GovernmentUnknowncompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersGPSUnknownNoNo specifics are available as to what algorithms (if any) AiRISTA Flow usesUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Flow, Inc AIAlcatraz modernizes the enterprise access control environment by enabling touchless and secure entryYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Face mask enforcement: Alcatraz can control access to buildings by checking whether a worker is wearing a mask as they are badging in and before unlocking a doorIn UseMartin Luther King, Jr Community HospitalHealthcare, Financial Services, Energy & Utilities, Education, GovernmentMucker Capital, HCVC, LDV Partners, Hemi Ventures, JCI Venturescompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersUnknownUnknownYesOn its website, Alcatraz says, "Facial authentication technology ensures that only authorized personnel can access secure areas" No specifics are available as to how this technology works or has been validated for accuracyYesData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknown The privacy policy on Alcatraz's website refers only to their marketing website, and not to their productsNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable, Policy: Single Person Thermal Wrist Temperature Detection and Face Recognition UnitAlibi Security sells security solutions it says makes communities safer, more secure, and smarterYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Enable businesses to conduct fast, reliable, and accurate temperature detection in high-traffic, commercial spaces to determine possible symptoms of Covid-19In UseUnknownEducation, Retail, OfficesUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown There is no publicly available privacy policyData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCamera, Face IDN/AYesYou can achieve a streamlined and highly accurate detection process to minimize exposure and prevent the spread of illness infected those individuals from entering your building Wrist detection measures their temperature within 02 seconds, and 99% accuracy If they’re running a fever or they’re not wearing a mask in a business that requires one, advanced AI will sound off an alarmUnknownData is only collected within the parameters of a workplaceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNoUnknownUnknownUnknownYesUnknown, but from publicly available information about how the product works, it is very possible that the product's facial recognition technology could have a discriminatory effectUnknownThere is no evidence that this hardware exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown, as no privacy policy has been publishedInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Demonstrating Product: https://youtube/cIEYYQmFVukN/AZhejiang Uniview Technologies HousekeepingFivePals, Inchttps://www.aliceplatform.comALICE connects every department of a hotel with one platform for all staff communication and guest requestsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly* Marketing website states, “Enable your housekeeping department to be in constant communication with mobile functionality for all users to send and receive requests from each department, wherever they are on property” * The app tracks workers throughout the hotel, reassigning them automatically to different rooms if guests arrive early or depart late, and alerts supervisors immediately if a room is taking longer to clean than the system expectsIn UseMarriott, The Leading Hotels of the World, Yotel, One&Only, Coast Hotels, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, Nordic Choice HotelsHospitality, HotelsExpedia, 645 Ventures, Laconia Ventures, NeueHouseWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesData is being captured while a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableFivePals, Inchttps://www.aliceplatform.comNo - "Project Ultraviolet" (Covid-19 Testing) Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried* Amazon is testing warehouse workers in at least 23 states for Covid-19 using its own federally certified laboratories to process samples * The Amazon initiative is called Project Ultraviolet and aims to develop the diagnostic capacity to regularly test all of Amazon's warehouse workers for Covid-19, regardless of whether they are showing symptoms * By handling its own testing, Amazon can quickly identify and isolate infected employees without relying on the services of third-party laboratories, which have been plagued with delays. The size of its workforce is also far too large to allow Amazon to easily contract testing to an external provider In UseAmazon.comWarehouse, RetailN/A - Publicly listedWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledNoneNoneNoUnknownYesUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Inc - A to Z Worker Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly* This app is used by workers in fulfilment centers to clock in and out of their shifts and to view their Covid-19 test results * It will also alert workers if additional shifts are available and is used for training activities, as the app contains training videos that are mandatory for workers to watch * Workers note that the only way to interact with HR is through the dehumanizing in-app chat bot, and some wake up every day to 15 or more notifications from the app. Workers describe the app’s constant notifications as very stressful for them to read when they work multiple jobs * If a worker does not download this app, some workers claim in the Google Play Store reviews that they are required to come to work earlier and must wait for a HR representative to clock them in for their shiftIn UseAmazon.comRetail, WarehouseN/A - publicly listedWorker-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this Inc - Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Amazon Connect is an omnichannel cloud contact center that helps companies provide customer service across voice and chat * It uses real-time speech analytics to detect customer issues during calls and provide agents recommendations and answers * It makes it easy to prioritize, assign, and track all contact center agent tasks to completion, ensuring customer issues are quickly resolved * It uses machine learning to provide real-time caller authentication to verify customer identities and make voice interactions faster and more secure * AI and machine learning enabled by default, allowing organizations to automate interactions, understand customer sentiment, and automatically create interactive chatbotsIn UseHilton, Morrisons, Capital OneCustomer ServiceN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesDatacenter location is configurableYes by default, though this can be disabledUnknownWorkers and customers are both being surveilledMicrophoneN/ANo facial recognition, but does capture voiceprints* Amazon says that Amazon Connect works on behalf of an organization's supervisors and agents to save time and money while providing an organization's customers with the best possible contact center experience Amazon Connect has self-service tools and intelligent automation, such as natural language chatbots, interactive voice response (IVR), and automated customer voice authentication * Amazon Connect provides a seamless omnichannel experience for agents and managers for voice, chat, and task management to ensure customers are routed with their conversation's full context or work across applications when switching channels Once Amazon Connect has identified the customer’s needs, skills-based routing matches them with the best available agent most likely to resolve their issue Amazon Connect has all the automation capabilities you need to improve efficiency and reduce agent time performing repetitive functions * Amazon Connect Wisdom uses machine learning (ML) to drastically reduce the time agents spend searching for answers Today, knowledge articles, wikis, and FAQs are spread across separate repositories and siloes Agents lose a lot of time trying to navigate all those different sources of information, and in the meantime, the customer waits for an answer With Wisdom, agents use ML to search across connected repositories based on phrases and questions exactly as the customer would ask them, in order to quickly find answersYesData is being collected whenever a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownManagers, Supervisors, IT Administrators, HRUnknownSalesforce (in some cases - not by default)UnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this hardware exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an has a policy which states it only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailable Documentation: Web Services - Fulfilment Center Automated Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, salaried, management* Amazon Fulfilment Centers constantly monitor workers for productivity * Amazon has an automated termination process in place for workers. “Amazon’s system tracks the rates of each individual associate’s productivity,” according to a letter written by counsel to Amazon “and automatically generates any warnings or terminations regarding quality or productivity without input from supervisors.” (Amazon says supervisors are able to override the process)In UseAmazon.comWarehouse, RetailN/AN/ACentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCameraPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiNoAmazon has a system in place to track “time off task,” which the company abbreviates as TOT If workers break from scanning packages for too long, the system automatically generates warnings and, eventually, the employee can be fired by an algorithm Some facility workers have said they avoid bathroom breaks to keep their time in line with expectations However, Amazon says managers and HR teams can overturn terminations and opt to re-train staff, though no details are known as to how often this occurs While details of this algorithm are sparse, a letter submitted by Amazon's legal counsel to the the National Labor Relations Board offers further details: https://wwwscribdcom/document/407590982/Amazon-Terminations YesData is continuously being collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoManagers, HR, Trust & SafetyUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentAmazon has argued to the National Labor Relations Board that its processes in relation to this practice are has a policy which states it only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailable privacy policy and internal documentation unavailableN/ Inc - Fulfilment Center Gamification Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, non-management* Amazon workers at fulfilment centers in 20 states are receiving digital currency as a reward for meeting their targets * The recognition is intended to improve productivity and relieve the burnout that often accompanies warehouse jobs * This digital currency can be used to feed and play with digital petsIn UseAmazon.comWarehouse, RetailN/Aworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledWiFi, GPSUnknownNoDetails of the algorithm are not knownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processed Use of this tool is voluntaryYesUnknownManager, WorkerN/AUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to this hardware and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerNo The use of this tool is optionalThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown, as no privacy policy has been publishedThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are has a policy which states it only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailable privacy policy and internal documentation unavailableN/ Inc - Fulfilment Center WiFi Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, non-management* Gives Amazon a way to track workers’ locations inside warehouses so they can develop better social distancing and cleanliness plansDiscontinuedAmazon.comWarehouseN/Aworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledWiFiN/ANoUnknownYesData is only collected when hourly workers are inside an Amazon facility and their personal device is connected to an Amazon-owned WiFi networkUnknown It is difficult to make an assessment given has not released a data protection impact assessment for this product, and that it was trialed in a jurisdiction that does not require oneNoNoUnknownUnknownAmazon Web ServicesUnknownUnknownNoUnknownIt is unlikely that this application adversely impacted freedom of associationThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/A - as this product was trialed in one location and then withdrawn, it is not known whether intended to offer differential privacy protections based on the locations of workersInsufficient information is available to make an has a policy which states it only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailable privacy policy and internal documentation unavailableN/ Inc - Go Store Worker Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, management* Amazon Go has eliminated cashiers and automation, technology, and artificial intelligence are likely to eliminate restocking rolesIn UseAmazon.comRetail, GroceriesN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownBoth workers and customers are being surveilledCameraN/AYesN/A - While Amazon Go workers likely are subject to algorithmic monitoring, this workplace technology is more about reducing labor altogether, rather than improving worker productivityYesData is continuously being collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoHR, Trust & SafetyUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an has a policy which states it only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailableSpecific privacy policy and internal documentation unavailableN/ Inc - Mentor Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, visitors, non-management* A driver risk management program to help organizations reduce collisions, injuries, license violations, and their total cost of fleet ownership * Smartphone sensors collect and analyze driver behaviors most predictive of risk including acceleration, braking, cornering, speeding, and phone distraction * Drivers receive an individual score that predicts their likelihood of being involved in a crash or accidentIn UseAmazon.comLogistics, DeliveryN/Aworker's personal deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoDriving behavior is retained for seven years It is not known how long other data is retained forOnly workers are being surveilledMicrophone, GPS, CameraPhotos / Media / Files, LocationNoAccording to the website of developer eDriving, "Mentor by eDriving combines the company’s patented, proven, continuous improvement methodology for driver risk reduction with a unique smartphone app that not only identifies risky driving behavior, but also remediates it with in-app micro-training Through eDriving’s partnership with industry analytics leader FICO, drivers receive an individual FICO Safe Driving Score validated to predict the likelihood of a driver being involved in a crash or incident"YesAccording to the March 11, 2021 privacy policy, "When you install and activate the Mentor by eDriving application (the “App”) on your mobile device, it collects the following information Your driving behavior: The App uses your mobile device’s internal sensors (eg, its gyroscope and motion tracker) to collect information regarding your driving behavior data, including acceleration, hard braking, cornering, and speeding Location, travel and route information: When you are on a driving trip, the App gathers location and route information in the form of GPS signals This is NOT shared with your organization Phone usage and activity: The App measures general phone activity, including when the screen is on, texting, phone calls and phone movement The App does NOT record any individually identifying usage or activity information, such as key strokes, content of phone calls, contacts, photographs (unless uploaded by the driver) or which other applications are running Information about the device: The App collects eDriving specific webpage views, IP address, browser type, and operating system information"No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesNoManagers, HR, Trust & SafetyUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsAccording to the privacy policy, the developer eDriving has ISO 27001 certification for Information Security and is regularly audited both internally and by third partieseDriving says it will respond to law enforcement requests for data submitted "in good faith"Unavailable publicly accessible privacy policyN/Aedriving LLChttps://www.edriving.comNo - Muscle-Tendon Monitoring of Warehouse Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly* Amazon is "developing new automated staffing schedules that use sophisticated algorithms to rotate employees among jobs that use different muscle-tendon groups to decrease repetitive motion and help protect employees from MSD [musculoskeletal disorders] risks"In DevelopmentAmazon.comRetail, WarehouseN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/ Inc - Netradyne Vehicle Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, non-management* Amazon is rolling out a driver-monitoring system to its fleet of vehicles, consisting of four cameras and 16 sensors * The device is installed on the roof just behind the windshield Three cameras are pointed outside the vehicle, and the fourth is pointed at the driver * The device will use artificial intelligence to analyze a driver as they operate the vehicle. The camera then gives real-time feedback — including automated suggestions like “distracted driving” and “please slow down” — while collecting analysis that is used to later evaluate drivers during their shifts * A marketing video by Amazon says that the four cameras record “100% of the time” (though without audio and not viewable live) and upload footage to a dedicated safety team for review if any one of 16 signals is triggered through an incident happening on the road or an action the driver takes. The driver is able to manually disable the camera, but only when the ignition is off and must wait 20 minutes before the cameras will stop recording Drivers are also allowed to manually upload footage when they choose toIn UseAmazon.comLogistics, DeliveryN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCamera, Microphone, SensorsN/AUnknownAccording to promotional material on the website of Netradyne in India, the Driveri technology that Amazon has licensed in the US "uses proprietary Deep Learning based computer vision algorithms to identify at-risk driving situations Upon detection of an impending danger, Driveri notifies the driver in real time using Netradyne’s Real Time Coach audio messages" While details are sparse as to how the algorithm works, a video that Amazon posted to its Vimeo channel offers details on the automatic classifications that the tool can make: https://vimeocom/504570835/e80ee265bcYesData is being collected when a worker is working and for 15 to 20 minutes afterwardsNoUnknownUnknownManagers, Senior Leadership, HR, Trust and Safety Teams, Business Intelligence TeamsUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentPossibly The privacy policy for Netradyne says that workers in California have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictions, however it is possible that Amazon has a bespoke arrangement with Netradyne and therefore this generic privacy policy lacks relevanceThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are has a policy which states it only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user information Netradyne says if it receives a subpoena it will evaluate the request No further information is available on how this evaluation occursUnavailable publicly accessible privacy policyN/ANetraDyne Inchttps://www.netradyne.comNo - Inchttps://www.amazonrobotics.comAmazon is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* now has 200,000 robots in operation within its warehouses in the US * Pegasus machine is 19cm high, can lift 560kg, and transports goods around warehouses autonomously * Pegasus X-Sort Drive machine sorts fulfilled packages into delivery vehicles - according to Amazon it has halved the mis-sorting errors that human workers made * Xanthus machine is only used in new fulfilment centers and is the successor to Pegasus - this machine can gift wrap items in addition to sorting them into boxes * Robostow machine is an articulated robot used to lift pallets or boxes around * Amazon Scout (in beta) delivers parcels the last mile from the fulfillment center to the customer * Amazon Drone (in beta) brings parcels the last mile from the fulfillment center to the customer They are currently able to fly up to 15 miles carrying up to 5 pounds and deliver within 30 minutes These drones can start and land like a helicopter, but fly like a plane for longer distancesIn UseAmazon.comWarehouse, RetailN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesProbably NoUnknownIt is not clear if workers are being surveilled by this productN/AN/ANoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to this hardware and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/AN/AUnknown, but it would seem unlikely these robots are collecting any data of value to law enforcementUnavailable privacy policy and internal documentation unavailableN/AKiva Systems
https://andgosystems.comAndgo Absense Management SoftwareAndgo Systems Systems is an Absence Management automation platform developed for complex scheduling environmentsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Automate the communication of available immediate need shifts to eligible employees * Facilitate and optimize employee leave, vacation and payout requests * Receive, route, and prioritize incoming HR phone calls automatically, eliminating the need for a human switchboardIn UseSaskatchewan Health AuthorityHealthcareUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/ACanadaCanadaYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoDetails of the algorithm are not knownUnknownUncertain, but it is likely that data is only collected when a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to this hardware and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Systemshttps://andgosystems.comYes FacePassAnviz Global Inc Global develops products for the intelligent security industryYesWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* The FacePass and FaceDeep systems are physical terminals that include thermal face detection that can identify an individual as a worker, and sound an alarm when a high body temperature is detected * HR staff can track and manage shifts and schedules, and employees can access their records through any mobile deviceIn UseUnknownOffices, Schools, HealthcareUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesIt is not clear whether the data captured by the device is shared with the manufacturer, or retained and stored locally by the company deploying this technology, but it seems likely from promotional material that Anviz has access to worker data Anviz's privacy policy is ambiguous on this question, seemingly refering only to its marketing website and not the products it sellsWorkers are primarily being surveilled, but workplace visitors are also being surveilledCameraN/AYesAnviz says its FaceDeep 3 series of products have "AI deep learning mask-wearing detection" and can scan 50 people per minute for symptoms of Covid-19 (fever check) and face mask complianceYesData is only being collected when a worker physically approaches the device, which is highly visibleNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle AnalyticsUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to this hardware and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Global Inc
https://www.applicantstack.comApplicantStackSwipeClock provides workforce management solutions for maximizing the productivity of work teamsNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Reduces the paperwork required to onboard a new employee by automating the tasks required to get the new employee up and running, e.g., complete one form to generate employee logins in every enterprise applicationIn UseUnknown, but in their FAQs, ApplicantStack says, "ApplicantStack customers range from single recruiters and small businesses to global organizations with 10,000+ employees ApplicantStack customers come from diverse industries and from all over the world" On the independent review website G2com, ApplicantStack had 570 reviews as of April 4, 2021Human ResourcesNexPhase Capital, 42 Ventures, Moelis Capital Partnersdepends on the organization's configuration, but likely to include a combination of company-provided and worker-own devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation When In Use (Optional)United StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy does not specify a retention periodWorkers and prospective workers are being surveilledGPS (optional), Mouse, KeyboardLocation Settings (Optional)No facial recognition, but does capture fingerprintsApplicantStack has a feature called "Rule Wizard — a tool designed to rank applicants and score resumes based on content It’s not real magic, but it’s close" YesData is only being collected when a worker consciously shares data with the toolYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesDepends on the organization - but in addition to staff from the employer, ApplicantStack and SwipeClock staff can view data In the privacy policy, ApplicantStack says its staff will only do so when triaging support issues and will view client data only with permission Nonetheless, this is a vulnerabilityThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownAccording to the privacy policy, "SwipeClock does not sell your Personal Information to third parties However, we may share your information with: other companies within the SwipeClock family, including affiliated business entities and those companies listed at the bottom of our website homepage; other Business Partners, including suppliers, vendors, subcontractors, business partners, and Resellers and their agents (including their sub-contractors) or third parties that process information on our behalf (eg, internet service and platform providers, payment processing providers, and those organizations we engage to help us send communications to you); third parties where you have a relationship with that third party and you have consented to us sending information (eg, social media sites or other third-party application providers); credit reference and fraud prevention agencies; regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies, and third parties in the context of actual or threatened legal proceedings, provided we can do so lawfully (eg, in response to a court order), or where there are mandatory statutory or regulatory reporting requirements for the detection or prevention of unlawful acts; our own and SwipeClock Group professional advisors and auditors for the purpose of seeking professional advice or to meet our audit responsibilities; and/or another organization if we sell or buy (or negotiate to sell or buy) any business or assets, or otherwise transfer our agreement with you We may also share information about the use of our website, applications, products, or services publicly or with third parties, but this will not include Personal Information"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to this hardware and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects sensitive personal information such as race/ethnicity and gender, and could therefore be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in California and the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailableNo privacy policy available to the public voice technologyMcDonald's Corporation's Corporation operates and franchises McDonald's restaurants worldwideNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* McDonald's intends to replace human drive-thru workers in the United States with voice-based technology * AI technology will make the customer ordering process more efficient * McDonald's is recording the audio from its drive-thru systems as validation data. Conversations between workers and customers are thus being recorded and stored for AI training purposesIn DevelopmentMcDonald'sRestaurants, HospitalityN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersMicrophoneN/AUnknownVoice recognition technology will be able to take orders more accurately than humans, in more languages, and in less timeUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify workers who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; privacy policy available to the publicN/AMcD Tech Labs "Secure Store"Appriss Inchttps://apprissretail.comAppriss Retail offers AI, EBR, return fraud detection, and other tools to help retailers protect margin, increase sales, cut shrink, and improve performanceNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatform* "Uncover employee outlier behavior" for fraud and theft prevention while also "improv[ing] efficiencies at the point-of-sale" by decreasing "sales reducing activities (SRAs)" * Marketing material says, "artificial intelligence and predictive retail analytics help you identify the employees, items, and locations that cause significant loss, uncover inefficient processes, and reveal systemic problems that drain your stores' profits every day" * Marketing material says, "You cannot afford to have a manager hovering over clerks all day, the software you deploy needs to allow associates to function independently while still allowing insight into their activities and performance"In Usepossibly being used by Target (per Reddit threads); previously used by BestBuy (Reddit threads suggest BestBuy has stopped using this tool)Retail, GroceriesUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited States, Poland, United KingdomYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "Where Appriss collects and controls your Personal Data, we may retain your Personal Data for a period of time consistent with the original purpose of collection We determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data on the basis of the amount, nature, and sensitivity of your Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure, and whether we can achieve the purposes of the processing through other means, as well as the applicable legal requirements (such as applicable statutes of limitation)"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersCamera, Keyboard, MouseN/AYes* Marketing material says, "Secure Store harnesses the power of AI by using machine learning statistical models to uncover employee outlier behavior, allowing you to act on what you don't already know Using artifical intelligence and machine learning, Secure performs advanced exception modeling from multiple data sources and enables immediate corrective action"YesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneThe privacy policy states, "When we are the processor of your Personal Data, we may process your Personal Data to enable our customers to achieve any one or more of the following purposes: Complying with legal and regulatory obligations to conduct due diligence and other screening activities; Conducting risk management activities for which there is a substantial public interest; Providing information that may impact customer’s organization, brand, or customer base; Enabling informed commercial and business risk decisions" While this implies that data is not shared with third parties, the processing activities that are disclosed are substantialNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects sensitive personal information and could therefore be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are freedom of association concerns associated with this product, because its facial recognition system could be used to identify workers who meet with one another Insufficient information is available in order to understand when this functionality could be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in California and the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Service Processing Notice: Inchttps://apprissretail.comNo sells HR and compliance management tools to high-risk, high-consequence industriesYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Time and attendance tracking * Screen workers for Covid-19 symptoms with a survey at clock-in * Marketing website states product benefits, including "Automate HR and workforce management" to "Meet FLSA and COVID health-screening requirements while controlling payroll overage" * Marketing websites stated employers can confirm "employees’ locations while on the clock with our GPS geofences and breadcrumbing. You can set the time tracking app to snap a photo at clock-in and eliminate dishonest punches"In UseCurrent Builders, Superior Bowen, Heggem-Lundquist, Sage Partner: CBSNW, Centurion Industries, Bird Dog Equity Partners, FACCA Incorporated, Donley's, Civil Constructors, Roberts Glass & Service, Latite RoofingHuman Resources, Retail, Groceries, Construction, Healthcare, Financial ServicesUnknowndepends on the organization's configuration, but likely to include a combination of company-provided and worker-own devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy which is publicly available seemingly speaks only to the public-facing marketing website, and not to the worker platform itselfOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhoto LibraryNoThe marketing website says Arcoro's technology can "confirm employees’ locations while on the clock with our GPS geofences and breadcrumbing. You can set the time tracking app to snap a photo at clock-in and eliminate dishonest punches." It also claims to be able to "automate HR and workforce management"Unknown, but probablyIt is not clear when data is being collected about workers, but potentially data is collected continuously while a worker has the app installed on their device and in their presenceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownAccording to the privacy policy, Arcoro will share personal information with "one or more third parties Arena uses to create and maintain the application and provide related services; and in the event that our business is acquired in whole or part by another company, then to that company, but disclosure of your information will be subject to this Policy; and if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary by law or the legal process, to protect and defend our or others’ interests or property, or to enforce or perform under our agreements" In addition, personal information will be shared with employers (ie clients of Arcoro)No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects sensitive personal information and could therefore be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy:
https://www.arcticshores.comArctic ShoresArctic Shores Limitedhttps://www.arcticshores.comArctic Shores' behavioral assessments combine neuroscience, AI, and game technology to generate data-driven people insights NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* This pre-hire cognitive assessment tool claims to extract up to 12,000 data points on each candidate by measuring their response to questions on “overcoming obstacles," etc., with responses like “me” (green button) or “not me” (red button) Candidates must respond rapidly, as questions disappear after 5 seconds * Given these colors and the quick response time, this assessment might not be suitable for candidates with ADHD, dyslexia, and/or color blindness In UseAdecco Group, Kantar, Siemens, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Telekom, Cisco, Axa, Capita, Thales, ArcadisRetail, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Logistics, TransportationBeringea, Candy VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AArctic Shores Limitedhttps://www.arcticshores.comNo
https://www.arena.ioArenaArena Analytics Inchttps://www.arena.ioArena applies predictive analytics and machine learning to talent acquisition challengesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Arena is a recruitment tool that collects data from applicants, external sources, and an organization * Machine learning continually analyzes all this data and recognizes patterns * Arena then makes predictions for worker retention, engagement, and other selected outcomes * Arena primarily markets itself towards the healthcare sector * According to their website, "Whenever Arena Analytic’s deployments have been tested for EEOC and OFCCP purposes, Arena’s clients have never failed the four-fifths threshold for any protected class"In UseUniversity of Maryland Medical Center, Mount Sinai, MultiCare, Sunrise Senior Living, Benchmark Senior Living, Legend Senior Living, RWJ Barnabas HealthRecruiting, HealthcareUnknownN/ACentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy is silent on the retention period for data that is collectedAccording to Arena's privacy policy, "If you are interested in applying for a position with Arena’s client/s, Arena (on your or the client’s behalf), predicts the likelihood of applicant success in different roles inside the organization using machine learning and algorithms Accordingly, we will predict the likelihood you will succeed in the position to which you have applied or a position in which you have expressed interest, and we will also predict the likelihood you will succeed in other roles in an organization whether or not you have actively applied to them or actively expressed interest"UnknownUnknownNoArena claims its technology is able to "predict the likelihood [workers] will succeed in other roles in an organization whether or not [workers] have actively applied to them or actively expressed interest" In addition, Arena says its technology will "help [workers] navigate to positions where you are most likely to thrive and be happyYesAccording to the privacy policy, Arena "will collect information [job applicants] have submitted through the application and screening process, including [their] resume and background information, and including how [they] respond to questions [they] answer through this process Arena collects information electronically during [their] interactions with the screening platform which may be used to create our predictive algorithms We may also collect information on you in the public domain that you do not provide directly to us, and we may collect information about the way in which you interact with these sites, including the device you use to access our application and how you use that device while accessing our application We also collect contact information about you so that we may provide information related to your application and alert you about service-related announcements (such as when we must temporarily suspend our service for maintenance) We will not collect financially sensitive information, such as social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, and bank account or credit card numbers, and if we collect demographic information such as gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation we will use that only to validate that our predictions are reducing any implicit bias in the hiring process"No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects sensitive personal information and could therefore be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://arenaio/privacy-policy/N/AArena Analytics Inchttps://www.arena.ioNo Systems Inc provides a software gateway for accessing employment recordsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Customers who earn income from a variety of sources are not easily verified with legacy solutions like Equifax * Argyle is a gateway to access employment records Similar to how Plaid changed the fintech industry by opening up access to financial institutions, Argyle is doing the same with employee databases * Argyle is building the underlying infrastructure that connects to every employer, maintains a live data feed to the systems these employers use to manage employment records, and provides a normalized data set so that businesses can make use of employment data in a way that is simple yet impactfulIn UseDriveItAway, AlchemyCredit Bureau, Financial ServicesCheckr, Bain Capital Ventures, F-Prime Capital, Bedrock Capitalworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Captured When In UseUnited StatesUnited StatesProbably YesData is permanently retainedData is being captured about the general public as well as workersUnknownUnknownUnknownWith Argyle, businesses can reinvent themselves by leveraging ongoing, real-time transparency into an individual's work activity Leveraging this system, a business can: - Monitor hours worked and jobs completed as they occur - Receive a notification upon a change in employment status (eg a termination) - Track payouts to workers as they happen **Payday / cash advance lending** When a lender gains transparency into their borrower's work as it occurs, the lender can provide a loan against actual income earned, but not yet deposited into a bank account Beyond removing the blackout problem that payday lenders have been plagued with, access to real-time earnings provides new benefits that have until now not been possible: - Dynamic lending to users based on computed income earned Lenders can now deposit funds every day based on verified completed work - Loss protection on a borrower based on transparency into a work stoppage A contributing factor to the industry's notoriously high-interest rates is that lenders don't know when a borrower has stopped working until a repayment schedule is breached, a solvable problem **Insurance** By leveraging actual work activity, an insurance provider can provide better and dynamic rates Insurance providers can also improve their claims processing workflows to help verify the viability of a claim **Loan servicers** Real-time income and employment status changes will allow loan servicers to change from reactive to proactive By subscribing to webhooks and receiving real-time notifications to changes in work, a servicer can address issues with loans before they arise Eg if a worker loses their job, a servicer can proactively reach out to restructure a payment plan before a loan becomes delinquentYesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownAnyone who purchases a license to Argyle can view the dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle, GitHub, Twillio, Notion, Slack, Hubspot, Mixpanel, Crazyegg, Sentry, PostmanAny party that licenses Argyle can access the data collectedNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:; Argyle A Round Funding Memo: https://wwwnotionso/Argyle-A-Round-Funding-Memo-Public-Version-597e168c519c4cd7b40bd5ff1acb1083N/AArgyle Systems Inc
https://www.ariglad.comArigladSpotlight Solutions is a workplace reporting tool that allows employees to anonymously raise concerns or to provide workplace feedback through SlackNoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Identifying workplace concerns is very difficult because many workers worry they will lose their jobs or are too nervous to speak directly to HR * By not knowing what's going on in their workplace culture, HR can't take the necessary steps to help * Using this tool, workers can anonymously report concerns to HR so that HR can take actionIn UsePermutive, OnDeck, Webflow, Queen's University, Spocket, CuratioRemote Work, Offices, TechnologyUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnclear While the marketing website says workers do have the ability to use the tool anonymously (and also in an identifiable manner), it is not clear that this anonymity is assured Indeed, from how the tool is described, it sounds like Ariglad and IT staff can identify workers, even if HR teams cannotN/AUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown The privacy policy is silent on the retention period for data that is collectedOnly workers are being surveilledKeyboard, MouseN/ANoIt is not clear from the promotional material on Ariglad's website that this product has an algorithmic decision makingYesData is primarily collected when a worker consciously uploads information into the Ariglad web app or Slack chat bot, but Ariglad does automatically collect some data like IP addresses even when the user does not consciously engage with the product if, for example, the worker's workplace has deployed Ariglad's Slack chatbotUnclear, but use of this tool is optionalYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle Analytics, Sendgrid, Slack, StripeThe privacy policy describes "sensitive information" collected as potentially including "information relating to your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional associations or memberships, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual practices or sex life, criminal records, health information, or biometric information The types of sensitive information that we may collect about you include: Workplace concerns" The policy also states, "we will only use or disclose your sensitive information as permitted, required, or authorized by law" This language is ambiguous and does not describe what due diligence, if any, is conducted before responding to requests to access this sensitive informationNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify workers who meet with one another, but if workers ask the chat bot sensitive questions, perhaps around organizing, it is possible this could be tracked and monitoredThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in California and the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable homepage: https://wwwariglad.comSpotlight Solutionshttps://www.leaveaspotlight.comNo AI Recruiting PlatformLeoforce, LLC develops technology that empowers talent acquisition professionals to truly understand peopleNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Engages automatically with job candidates with personalized messaging * Builds candidate pipelines that identify workers most likely on the market for a new job; blends predictive analytics with data-driven methods to create the best pipelines * Tracks successful hires and instantaneously searches similar candidates * Tracks successes and failures and learns what kinds of candidates to look forIn UseAmerican Century Investments, Broadaxis, Kaizen Approach, Kelly, Korn Ferry, Lenovo, Parsons, RegisHuman ResourcesUnknownworker-provided deviceCentralizedJob candidates can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited KingdomUnknownThe privacy policy is unclear, stating, "We retain Personal Data we collect from you when we have your consent or an existing legally binding agreement to provide services to you or receive services from you When we do not have your consent or an existing, legally binding agreement, we will delete your Personal Data Suppose it is not possible to delete your Personal Data, for example, because your Personal Data has been stored in backup archives In that case, we will securely store your Personal Data and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible If required by law, we will retain the Personal Data as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected"Job candidatesUnknownUnknownNoAccording to its website, "As a machine learning tool, Arya gets smarter from overtime use by implementing strategic feedback, and learned successes and failures to pivot your sourcing strategy toward gold-star candidates and long-term hires"YesUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesThe privacy policy for Arya AI states that personal information will be shared "internally with Leoforce employees who require access to such Personal Data to fulfill their roles and responsibilities within Leoforce; with entities with suitable recruitment opportunities for you and with whom we have a legally binding agreement; with third parties that provide Leoforce with necessary services such as analytics, web hosting, data augmentation, and communication under a binding agreement with Leoforce; with subsidiary companies and their employees based outside the United States of America so that they may conduct supporting activities that assist Leoforce services; as required by law; with law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or other legal process"There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownWorker data may be accessed by third party vendors supporting Arya AI, and with other third parties with the express consent of the prospective workerNo Job candidates are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerJob candidates are obliged to have this tool assess their suitability for a jobThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California have privacy protections that are not extended to workers in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, LLC CarePointAscentis Corporation mission of Ascentis is to create products that are easy to use for the underserved mid-market that covers the full healthcare management suiteYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Ascentis Timekeeper is "an automated time and workforce management technology that goes far beyond traditional time and attendance solutions" * Ascentis Timekeeper has automated leave accruals, real-time leave tracking, and streamlined approvals * CarePoint’s Thermal Checker offers an automatic, touch-free tool for worker temperature screening. "With real-time results, HR leaders can create a policy for failed temperature checks to ensure a safe environment and a consistent experience for all employees at the point of entry to the workspace" * "CarePoint allows employees to fully interact with all essential clock functions with voice recognition to avoid any physical contact and prevent the spread of disease" * "CarePoint’s built-in Bluetooth beacon technology helps you track workers’ locations within a building"In UseMandarin Oriental Group, Monster Inc, West Central Wireless, Francis Ford Coppola, Sumter County of Florida, LaForce, Forum Communications, Mountain Valley ExpressHuman ResourcesSummit Partners, Catalyst InvestorsCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedWorkers are always tracked while in the workplaceUnited StatesUnited StatesNoRegarding biometric data, the privacy policy states, "We only use the Biometric Data for identity verification, workplace security, and fraud prevention purposes We only store the Biometric Data for so long as you continue to use the Solutions, or until your employer asks us to delete the Biometric Data In no cases is the Biometric Data stored for more than one year after you have stopped using the Solutions" No retention period is specified for other dataOnly workers are being surveilledGPS, Camera, BluetoothPhotos / Media / Files, Wi-FiYesAscentis' website states "most employees steal time" and that its system is capable of detecting time theft by workersYesData is only being collected when a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesOrganizations can set their own permissions pertaining to who can or cannot view dataAscentis has made no public facing statements on whether the use of its technology for discriminatory purposes is permitted or notUnknownWe may share your Personal Information with the following types of entities: Service Providers, such as those who provide system administration and hosting, credit card processing, marketing, research and analytics, or customer support Affiliates, to the extent that it is required to provide our Solutions to you or our client Our Clients (including their affiliates) who are responsible for your use of the Solutions, and to the extent this is necessary to verify accounts and activity, or enforcing our contracts and policies Professional Advisors, including lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers, who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance, and accounting services, and to the extent we are obliged to share your Personal Information Third Parties Involved in a Corporate Transaction, such as to a buyer or other successor prior to or in the event of a merger, acquisition, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as a part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, where the information is among the assets being transferred, or for any other purpose we disclose when you provide the information Regulators or Courts, as required by law, as necessary to comply with a subpoena or similar investigative demand, court order, request for cooperation from law enforcement or other governmental agency, to exercise our legal rights, to defend against legal claims, or as otherwise required by lawNoYesYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThis app tracks the locations of workers within a building, and therefore could be used by management to identify workers who speak with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California have privacy protections that are not extended to workers in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Corporation SamWal-Mart is a multinational retail corporation that operates several chains of discount department and warehouse storesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, salaried, non-managementWith Ask Sam, Walmart workers can speak or type questions and access: * Store Maps * Price Look-up * Product Locator * Check Email * Sales Information Walmart does not provide workers with business devices, and they therefore must use their personal device at work in order to use the app. Walmart does not offer cellphone reimbursement, charging cables, or facilities, or insurance for stolen devices Note: due to labor laws in California, Washington DC, Illinois, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and South Dakota, hourly workers in these states are not permitted to use the Ask Sam app and must use company-provided handsets insteadIn UseWal-MartRetailN/AWorker's personal deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not ordinarily captured unless the worker is looking up a store map, in which case location is captured to direct the worker to an aisle Location data is not retained by Wal-MartUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothUnknownNoUnknown Wal-Mart has not made many specific, public claims about the capabilities of this softwareYesOnly when the worker is working The app is designed not to be usable outside of Wal-Mart stores and hourly workers cannot use it outside of their scheduled shiftsUnknownUnknownUnknownIt is unknown who can view the data However, on Reddit, Wal-Mart workers claim that the terms of service state that their personal device may be retained by store management for up to 24 hours at management's discretion if they install the app on their deviceUnknownUnknownData will not be shared with third partiesUnknownWorkers are not officially obliged to use the app However, on Reddit workers claim that store management forces or pressures them to use the app because company-provided devices are broken, have poor/low battery, or are insufficient to cover all workersUnknownThe app does not capture location and therefore is unlikely to be a vector for identifying workers who meet with one another However, its chat feature might appear private, when management can read messages being sent between workersThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe app is not available to hourly workers in California, Washington DC, Illinois, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and South Dakota, because in these jurisdictions it violates local labor lawsWal-Mart has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsUnknownUnavailable Policy:
https://aspectum.comAspectumEOS Data Analytics Inc is a cloud-based solution for location data visualization and analysisYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareSalaried* Software for mapping location intelligence and geospatial visualizations of business threats * Brings real-time situational awareness to protect against the unexpected and mitigate the impact of unplanned scenarios * One advertised scenario: create heatmaps to "evaluate how effective sales representatives" areIn UseSenseAcre, Ecosap, Predicio, GeoDevLabXY, EOS Crop Monitoring, Deutsche Gesellischaft fuer Internationale ZusammenarbeitGovernment, Military, Retail, Transport, Logistics, Healthcare, Financial ServicesUnknownCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation is captured, but it is not clear how frequently or how this data is obtainedUnited StatesUnited States, UkraineYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "EOSDA complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland to the United States in reliance on Privacy Shield EOSDA has certified that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles with respect to such data If there is any conflict between the policies in this privacy policy and data subject rights under the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern"Both workers and members of the public are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoOn Aspectrum's website they state, "The market is full of small and large solutions for retail heat mapping However, if we go further into details that is not enough to solve routine problems Aspectum offers 7 analytical chains to plan, audit and find new opportunities that were previously unseen in charts and tables"UnknownUnknownUnknownYesUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownAspectrum says in its privacy policy that personal information is not sold, but may be shared "with vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described in this statement For example, companies we've hired to provide customer service support or assist in protecting and securing our systems and services may need access to personal data to provide those functions In such cases, these companies must abide by our data privacy and security requirements and are not allowed to use personal data they receive from us for any other purpose We may also disclose personal data as part of a corporate transaction such as a merger or sale of assets"UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Data Analytics Inchttps://aspectum.comNo IDAtlas ID Inc ID connects employers with Covid-19 testsYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, visitors, non-management* Connect workers with Covid-19 tests * Communicate worker test results to employers, so workers who test positive for Covid-19 do not enter a workplaceIn UseIntermountain LandfillHospitality, Retail, Events, Offices, Logistics, Transport, Warehouses, LandfillHIRE Technologiesworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We will normally retain Personal Information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the Identified Purposes However, some Personal Information may be retained for longer periods as required by law, contract, or auditing requirements"Only workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardN/ANoNo algorithmYesData is collected only when a worker voluntarily shares information with Atlas ID, which includes the contact information for the worker's primary care medical providerYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesEmployer, Health Providers and Testing Laboratories, Public Health Officials, WorkerAtlas ID has made no public facing statements on whether the use of its technology for discriminatory purposes is permitted or notUnknownThe privacy policy states, "Atlas ID may disclose your Personal Information, including any diagnostic test results and other medical data, to your employer, as reasonably required for the purpose of Atlas ID to deliver services to your employer"NoYesThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California have privacy protections that are not extended to workers in other jurisdictionsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: ID Inc Thermal Entry WizardAmerican Technologies Network Corporation Technologies Network manufactures thermal imaging optic and night vision devicesYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* A tablet-like device with a thermal sensor and multiple infrared-cameras that quickly and without contact check for fever in anyone seeking entry to a building * Asks workers a series of questions pertaining to Covid-19 symptoms * Grants access to a building if a worker does not have a fever or present symptoms of Covid-19 * Time clock for workers arriving/departing workIn UseUnknownHealthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Hospitality, OfficesUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown The privacy policy ambiguously states, "The Company will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies"Workers and visitors are being surveilledCameraPhotos / Media / Files, Wi-FiYesDetails of the algorithm are sparse, but we know the product has some kind of face recognition systemYesData is collected only when a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle Analytics, Matomo, Clicky, Statcounter, Flurry Analytics, Mixpanel, Unity Analytics, InMobi, Bing, MoPub, StartApp, AdColony, AppLovin, Vungle, AdButler, Unity Ads, Facebook, Pinterest, AdRoll, Perfect Audience, AppNexus, PayPal, Mouseflow, FreshDeskThe privacy policy is ambiguous and speaks more to ATN's website, which serves marketing purposes, than it does the Thermal Entry Wizard itself It is not known who is obtaining data collected by this deviceNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to this hardware and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies Network Corporation OnDemandOuter Limits Technology, Inc OnDemand sells an Applicant Tracking System to small- and mid-size businesses in all industriesUnknownLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, visitors, non-management* "Intelli-Match smart recruitment tool ranks hundreds of candidate profiles in seconds" * "Disposition candidates automatically or manually to recruit flow statuses customized by your team"In UseUnknownHuman Resources, RecruitingUnknownN/ACentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at info@atsondemandcom We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements"Only workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardN/ANoOn ATS' website, it states its "Intelli-Match smart recruitment tool ranks hundreds of candidate profiles in seconds" and that it can "disposition candidates automatically"YesInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataATS has made no public facing statements on whether the use of its technology for discriminatory purposes is permitted or notFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ADP, Namely, Paycom, Paylocity, ProliantATS OnDemand says in its privacy policy that it "will not sell, share, or rent any customer information" and that "we do not share any information with third parties for any reason including marketing"NoYesThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California and the European Union have privacy protections that are not extended to workers in other jurisdictionsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Limits Technology, Inchttps://power.atsondemand.comNo
https://www.attabotics.comAttaboticsAttabotics Inchttps://www.attabotics.comAttabotics is a warehouse fulfillment startup that provides robotic warehousing servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, non-management* Warehouse robots can replace human workers and are faster, cheaper, and more reliable. Streamlines business processes, while reducing capital costs by modernizing supply chain * Consolidates goods into high-density storage to lower space requirements by 85%In UseUnknownManufacturing, WarehousesForerunner Ventures, Coatue, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Honeywell International, Comcast VenturesCompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/A - replacing human workersN/ACanadaCanadaUncertain, but probably yesN/ANo one is being surveilledCameraN/ANoAttabotics describes its robots as "pick, pack, and discrete shipping with one algorithm", but no detailed information about its algorithms are availableUnknownInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownN/AN/AYesThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.attabotics.comYes
https://www.attendanceondemand.comAttendance on DemandAttendance on Demand, Inchttps://www.attendanceondemand.comAttendance on Demand is a computer software company providing labor management software solutionsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Accurately and consistently apply complex absence management rules through an efficient workflow * Schedule the right workers in the right place at the right time. Efficiently compare labor budgets, analyze labor costs, and set target budgets * Accurately process payroll and simplify data sharing across time clocks and workforce management systemsIn UseAspen Hospitality Management, Bordine's Nursery, Chase Hospitality, Doctors Vision Center, Spring Air Company, YMCA of Central CarolinasRetail, Hospitality, Warehouses, Manufacturing, HealthcareN/ACompany-provided devicePlatform is centralized; biometric data is stored in a decentralized manner on local devicesWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation is not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoIn Illinois, biometric data is deleted after three years, or after a worker's employment is terminated, whatever comes first The privacy policy does not outline a retention policy for other states nor for other collected dataOnly workers are being surveilledBiometric ReaderN/ANoAttendance on Demand says its technology can "accurately and consistently apply complex absence management rules" and "meet organizational, federal, state, and local labor compliance requirements while accommodating employee leave requests, unexpected absences, and census changes" Further details on the nature of this automated decision making are unavailableYesAttendance on Demand's publicly-accessible privacy policy speaks to the data that is collected by the company when handling marketing enquiries, but is silent on how and when its product collects worker data (However, this is the policy that is linked to from the Google Play app store and which worker's are asked to agreed to)No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnclear; individual organizations can configure which users can correct dataManagers, HRAttendance on Demand has made no public facing statements on whether the use of its technology for discriminatory purposes is permitted or notUnknownIn its privacy policy, Attendance on Demand states that personal information will be shared with third parties with 1) worker consent; 2) with their employees, contractors, affiliates, business partners and service providers; 3) pursuant to applicable law or regulation or in response to a subpoena or an order of a court or government agency; 4) to establish, exercise, or defend against legal claims of an individual or Attendance on Demand, including in order to protect the safety of an individual or to protect Attendance on Demand’s rights and/or property; 5) to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of Attendance on Demand: (i) in the event of a reorganization or restructuring, or (ii) for use and processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy; or 6) in connection with a change of ownership of Attendance on DemandNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: on Demand, Inchttps://www.attendanceondemand.comNo Connected Worker PlatformAugmentir, Inc enables rapid and sustainable digital transformation for industrial companiesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Deliver work instructions and performance plans personalized to each worker’s proficiency level * Identify the largest opportunities in improving the skills of a frontline workforce and help drive continuous improvementIn UseHunter Industries, Strongarm, CaterpillarManufacturingHolt Ventures, Lerer Hippeau, Pritzker Group Venture Capitalcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown Augmentir's privacy policy is silent on how long data is retained for However, its marketing materials imply data is permanently retained, as it is used to feed machine learning modelsOnly workers are being surveilledN/AN/AYesAugmentir says its technology "combines enterprise augmented reality (AR) with artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to help frontline workers perform their jobs with higher quality and increased productivity while driving continuous improvement across the organization" This takes three forms: Digital Work Instructions "Digital work instructions, augmented with visual aids, contextual information, and AR/MR experiences, help intelligently guide workers through complex jobs Embedded AI dynamically optimizes work procedures and workflows to minimize time at 100% quality" Remote Expert Assistance "Augmentir’s AI captures and accumulates tribal knowledge from SMEs and turns it into a sharable corporate asset" Operational Insights "AI-based operational insights allow companies to identify opportunities for improving worker skills, enhancing workforce development, and driving continuous improvement throughout the organization AI bots capture tribal knowledge and deliver real-time decision support to workers on the job"YesData is being continuously collected when workers are at their workplace and visible to cameras, sensors, and tablets connected to the Augmentir systemAs this product can be deployed differently by different businesses, individual businesses can choose how to deploy Augmentir and what level of consultatation they have with impacted workers That said, given the investment involved in Augmentir and its deployment in states with at-will employment, it seems unlikely that most workers would be in a position to object to working alongside the platformUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownAugmentir's privacy policy speaks primarily to how the company collects and processes personal information pertaining to marketing enquiries and support enquiries It does not directly speak to what data is collected by its products nor how that data is used For marketing and support enquiries, broadly speaking Augmentir shares data with third party contractors who it has engaged for business-relevant support; with service providers hosting its infrastructure; and to comply with legal requests (though the outlined legal requests pertain largely to civil infringements, like intellectual property theft, rather than criminal ones)Workers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects with the developer, Augmentir, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are likely obliged or pressured to have their data collected by this software under a real or perceived threat or due to lack of knowledge that it has been deployedInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy:, Inc
https://aurora.techAuroraAurora Innovation Inchttps://aurora.techAurora's mission is to deliver the benefits of self-driving—safely, quickly, and broadlyNoWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, non-management* Aurora Driver is a physical device that can be installed in trucks to make them autonomous * The software and hardware can track objects over 300 meters away, enabling vehicles to stop for pedestrians, travel safely on highways, and avoid obstacles * In the immediate term, being used for long-distance travel to connect warehouses and fufilment centersIn UseWal-MartLogistics, Delivery, TransportationUber, Shell Ventures, Index Ventures, Greylock, Geodesic Capital, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Hyundai Motor CompanyCompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/A - replacing human workersLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoN/A - not collecting personal informationData is being captured about the general public, but not permanently retainedCamera, LidarN/ANoN/A - While Aurora's self-driving technology does use algorithms, at its core it is about reducing human labor, and not monitoring human workersYesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownAurora's privacy policy speaks only to its website, and not to the products it is developingN/AN/AN/AThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productUnknown There may be implications for worker health and safety when interacting with Aurora self-driving vehiclesInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://auroratech/privacyN/AAurora Innovation Inchttps://aurora.techNo Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* AWS Panorama is a machine-learning Appliance and Software Development Kit that allows organizations to bring computer vision to on-premises cameras to make predictions locally with high accuracy and low latency * Can automate tasks that have traditionally required human inspection to improve visibility into potential issues. For example, a business can use AWS Panorama to evaluate manufacturing quality, identify bottlenecks in industrial processes, and monitor workplace safety and security, even in environments with limited or no internet connectivityIn UseParkland, BPx Energy, Cargill, FenderManufacturing, Oil and Gas, WarehousesN/ACompany-provided deviceCentralizedOff the shelf, workers cannot readily be identified, but organizations deploying this technology can change thisN/AUnited StatesIndividual organizations can select where the collected data is storedYesIndividual organizations configure how long data should be retained for The default settings are unknownOnly workers are being surveilledCameraN/AAmazon told the BBC in January 2021 that AWS Panorma does not, by default, have any facial recognition features However, campaigners have said that organizations can add third party 'plugins' to the tool that effortlessly integrate facial recognition technology with this productIn the product FAQs, Amazon describes this product as having the following functionality: * "AWS Panorama is a new machine learning Appliance and SDK, that allow organizations to bring computer vision to their on-premises cameras to make automated predictions with high accuracy and low latency With AWS Panorama, companies can use compute power at the edge (without requiring video streamed to the cloud) to improve their operations, by automating monitoring and visual inspection tasks like evaluating manufacturing quality, finding bottlenecks in industrial processes, and assessing worker safety within their facilities" * "Many customers face challenges improving their physical systems, whether it be increasing manufacturing quality, ensuring safety or operating compliance of their facilities, or gaining insight about customer behavior inside retail locations To do this today, customers have employees monitor live video of the facility or equipment, or they review recorded footage after a problem or incident has occurred These methods are manual, error prone, and difficult to scale Customers have begun to take advantage of computer vision models running in the cloud to automate these inspection tasks, but there are circumstances when relying exclusively on the cloud isn’t optimal due to latency requirements or intermittent connectivity that make a round trip to the cloud infeasible You can use AWS Panorama to support scenarios that have low latency or local data processing requirements, and in locations that may not have reliable network bandwidth or connectivity AWS Panorama customers typically need to generate near real-time responses to end user applications or need to communicate with other on-premises systems or control on-site equipment such as for automated operations in manufacturing, crowd density monitoring in airports, worker safety in warehouses, extracting text from vials in labs, and quality assessment is production lines and factory floors" * "While customers can take advantage of AWS Services and use them as building blocks to develop a custom edge computer vision deployment solution, AWS Panorama offers an integrated edge-to-cloud workflow making it easy to build, manage, and deploy computer vision solutions AWS Panorama removes the heavy lifting from each step of the computer vision process by integrating with familiar AWS services such as AWS SageMaker so you can build and train your CV models easily The AWS Panorama Appliance enables you to run your CV models directly on the device (at the edge), right where the data is created, meaning you can get access to real-time predictions even in remote and isolated places where network connectivity can be slow, expensive, or intermittent AWS Panorama application results can be integrated with on-premises line of business applications for automation and can be routed to services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Kinesis Video Streams or Amazon CloudWatch for deriving actionable insights to drive process improvements"YesData is continuously being collected while a worker is workingIndividual organizations can configure this product in different ways, but as a tool that connects to existing closed-circuit surveillance systems, it does not lend itself easily to obtaining consent from those whose images are captured by itUnknownUnknownUnknownAmazon has made no public facing statements on whether the use of this technology for discriminatory purposes is permitted or notUnknownThe privacy policy states that individual organizations deploying this technology are "responsible for maintaining control over your content that is hosted on this infrastructure" and that Amazon itself does not have access to an organization's dataWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects with the developer, Amazon, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerUnknown, but in all likelihood workers are either obliged or pressured to have their data collected by this software under a real or perceived threat or due to lack of knowledge that it has been deployedInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable; Web Services
https://www.babysitters4hire.comBabysitters4HireCareGuide Inchttps://careguide.comCareGuide connects families with care providers at,,,, and HouseSitter.comNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* "Our mission is simple: pair families and individuals with great care providers"In UseIndividual families looking for a babysitterChild CareFJ Labs, 500 Startups, CIBC, RBC Capital, Inovia Capitalworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/ACanadaUnited StatesYesNo retention period is specified in the privacy policy, but it notes, "You may require us to change, amend or delete the personal information that you have provided to us at any time"Data is being collected about workers and families looking to hire babysittersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how nannies are assigned to families, but the product website implies an algorithm is involvedYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesWorkers, Babysitters4Hire staff, Families using the Babysitters4Hire platform to recruit workersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailableN/AN/ACareGuide Inchttps://careguide.comNo on TrackFerrari SpA is an Italian luxury sports car manufacturerYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareSalaried, non-management, management* Ferrari is screening workers with blood tests to check their state of health in relation to Covid-19. This screening is intended to lead to an initial picture of the health status of the company population analyzed * This service is available to the 'Ferrari Community'; that is, to any interested cohabiting relatives of employees, and to the staff of suppliers present in the company * Workers are offered (but not required) the opportunity to use an app to receive medical support in monitoring the symptoms of the virus If a member of the population under analysis tests positive for Covid-19; through the app his or her contacts can be tracedIn UseFerrariAutomobile, Manufacturing, Logistics, TransportationN/Aboth worker-provided and company-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be identified, but only if the worker tests positive for Covid-19Location always CapturedItalyUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being collected about Ferrari workers and, optionally, their families, for contact tracing purposesGPS, BluetoothUnknownNoNo algorithmYesData is being constantly collected, even when a worker is not in the workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processed, and use of this technology is optionalYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownData is not shared with third partiesUnknownNo The use of this tool is optionalThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingGiven the public facing statements that Ferarri has made about its privacy considerations in developing this tool, it is unlikely to be a vector for freedom of association concernsThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/A - only offered in one jurisdictionInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable SpA System PlcBAE Systems Plc Systems designs, develops, and supports defense, aerospace, and surveillance systems used in the air, on land, at sea, and in spaceNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformSalaried, non-management, management* BAE's Corporate Security Analysis Service can "preempt new threats and get the edge over your adversaries with focused intelligence" * BAE says its "Advanced Analytics Lab has developed industry-leading methodologies for safe collection, efficient processing, sound analysis, and effective visualization of social media data. We focus on enhancing the intelligence lifecycle and operations with digestible quantitative data drawn from credible content and sound models" * Customers are not known, but a case study from a "UK retail bank" indicates that the landscape of "threats" includes workersIn UseUnknownDefense & Space, Retail, Financial ServicesN/AN/A - platform is collating data from other sourcesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited KingdomVaries depending on where the worker is based and the organization is basedDepends on the preferences of the organization deploying the technologyUnknownBoth workers and members of the public are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknown, but likely notThere are limited public facing comments by BAE Systems on the capabilities of its algorithms, aside from that they existYesData is continuously recorded and collated from a variety of sources, including open source intelligence platforms such as social media platformsNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknown, but likely Business Intelligence analysts within an organizationUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown, but in all likelihood workers are either obliged or pressured to have their data collected by this software under a real or perceived threat or due to lack of knowledge that it has been deployedYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make a proper assessment, but it is possible that there are freedom of association concerns attached with this technologyThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Systems Plc
https://www.bambee.comBambeeBambee, Inchttps://www.bambee.comBambee is a platform offering an affordable solution to small and medium businesses for hiring HR managersNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* For workers, Bambee Employee Voices is a chatbot designed for workers to ask HR-related questions. The chatbot will answer questions according to organizational policy and which comply with relevant laws * For employers, Bambee provides HR forms and agreements for various situations, such as offer letters, workplace injury claims, and HIPAA notices, and an on-call HR manager for responding to HR questions * Bambee "will navigate all high-risk HR and termination situations for your business and coach you throughout the entire process. We’ll also make sure you have all the necessary documents and conform with HR policies going forward, to help prevent mistakes that result in expensive lawsuits"In UseComfort Inn, Domino's, Fantastic Sams Human Resources, Professional ServicesAlpha Edison, Greycroft, QED Investors, Mucker Capital, Steve GoodmanN/ACentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownBambee has a detailed and thoughtfully-composed retention policy; employment data is retained for 10 years, while in-app chats with chatbots and staff "of no lasting importance" are retained for two years Some data is retained permanently, such as that which pertains to pensions, insurance claims, and terminations Source: https://wwwbambeecom/legal/retentionOnly workers are being surveilledCameraThe web-based app has no compulsory permission requestsNoIt is not clear what algorithms are in place, but Bambee's website says "We invest in automation to increase the accuracy, quality and efficiency of all the HR work to do" and this implies the use of algorithmsYesData is not being continuously fed into Bambee; workers must either directly engage with the app by asking a question, or employers must consciously upload worker data into the Bambee websiteAs workers are required to use Bambee, the legal basis for processing their data cannot be consent However, Bambee is transparent about what data is collected and how it is usedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure which of their workers can see the data of others In addition, unspecified "Worksite Employees of Bambee" can view worker dataBambee does not have an explicit public-facing policy prohibiting the use of its technology for discriminatory purposesFacebookBambee's privacy policy outlines the following arrangements whereby worker data may be disclosed to third parties: * To comply with legal requests * If Bambee is sold, data will be transferred to the resulting buyer * To suppliers and service providers to facilitate provision of its professional employer and HR-related services • To Square, if an organization specifically and optionally links its Bambee account with its Square account [Square will only have limited access to worker information and not access to sensitive HR records]No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use BambeeIt is possible that Bambee's technology could be used to discriminate against workers On the Bambee homepage, there are two screenshots - one is small business owner asking the Bambee chatbot how to terminate a disabled worker, and the chatbot responds by suggesting ways to do this, asking if their disability is a direct threat to the safety of the workplace or they have a poor work product Another screenshot asks for ways to get out of paying unemployment While Bambee's recommendations are likely compliant with the letter of the law, there is a risk that its responses could help a business 'manufacture' a reason to terminate a vulnerable workerThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BambeeThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentNo Bambee extends the same privacy protections to workers in all jurisdictions that it operates inUnknownBambee says that it does comply with requests from law enforcement to access data, but provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to these requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:, Inchttps://www.bambee.comNo HR LLC sells subscription-based HR software for small and medium businessesNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* All worker information is stored in a secure database with access controls in place to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing sensitive HR data * Applicant tracking tools streamline the hiring process, ensuring all candidates receive consistent communication and no documents are lost * Onboarding and offboarding workflows are automated and ensure workers are hired/depart in a consistent manner compliant with labor laws * Gathers and tracks payroll data, so compensation discrepancies can be known * Sends employee satisfaction surveys * Manages performance reviewsIn UsePostmates, ZipRecruiter, Grammarly, Changeorg, Jacksonville Jaguars, Stance, University of Maryland, CloudflareHuman ResourcesSorenson CapitalN/ACentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "we will retain your information for as long as your account is active, as needed to provide you with the Services or necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, or as required by applicable law We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements"Only workers are being surveilledGPS (optional), Camera (optional)Photos / Media / Files (optional)NoBambooHR does not make specific claims about its algorithms, other than acknowledging that it does have automated processes in place The privacy policy, however, states, "BambooHR does not engage in any automated decision making with User Personal Information" and therefore implies that algorithms are not making decisions of importance pertaining to workers or job candidatesYesData is collected only when workers or job candidates intentionally engage with the platformYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesBambooHR's privacy policy states that it "collects Data, including Personal Information, under the direction of its Clients and has no direct relationship with the individuals whose Personal Data it processes For more information on how the applicable BambooHR Client uses your Personal Information, please see its privacy policy" Accordingly, it seems likely that individual organizations can configure who within the business can or cannot view worker dataBambooHR has made no public facing statements on whether the use of its technology for discriminatory purposes is permitted or notMicrosoft, Google Ads and Analytics, Quora, Twitter, Facebook, Hotjar AnalyticsBambooHR's Data Processing Agreement states that it "will at all times provide an adequate level of protection for the Personal Data, wherever processed, in accordance with the requirements of Applicable Privacy Laws" and that it will not disclose data without the permission of the worker and/or their employer It also states, "If BambooHR receives a subpoena, court order, warrant or other legal demand from a third party (including law enforcement or other public or judicial authorities) seeking the disclosure of Personal Data, BambooHR shall not, unless otherwise required by applicable law or advised by counsel that it is so required by applicable law, disclose any information but shall immediately notify Client in writing of such request, and unless otherwise required by applicable law, reasonably cooperate with Client if it wishes to limit, challenge or protect against such disclosure, to the extent permitted by applicable laws"BambooHR's Data Processing Agreement states they "shall reasonably cooperate with Client to enable Client to respond to any requests, complaints or other communications from data subjects and regulatory or judicial bodies relating to the processing of Personal Data under the Contract, including requests from data subjects seeking to exercise their rights under Applicable Privacy Laws"Workers are obliged to use BambooHRIt is not immediately apparent that BambooHR could be used in a way that would expose workers to discriminationThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BambooHRThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in California and the European Union have additional privacy protectionsYes BambooHR states that it "maintain[s] records in accordance with ISO 27001, SOC II or other similar Information Security Management System ("ISMS") standards and shall provide Client with copies of relevant ISMS certifications, audit report summaries and/or other documentation reasonably required by Client to verify BambooHR's compliance with this DPA, upon Client’s request"BambooHR's Data Processing Agreement states, "If BambooHR receives a subpoena, court order, warrant or other legal demand from a third party (including law enforcement or other public or judicial authorities) seeking the disclosure of Personal Data, BambooHR shall not, unless otherwise required by applicable law or advised by counsel that it is so required by applicable law, disclose any information but shall immediately notify Client in writing of such request, and unless otherwise required by applicable law, reasonably cooperate with Client if it wishes to limit, challenge or protect against such disclosure, to the extent permitted by applicable laws"Unavailable, but BambooHR says it "shall assist Client in carrying out any privacy impact assessment of the Services as is reasonable in light of the Personal Data that is being processed BambooHR shall reasonably cooperate with Client to implement such mitigation actions as are reasonably required to address privacy risks identified in any such privacy impact assessment"Privacy Policy: HR LLC for EnterpriseHancock Medical, Inc is a health technology company with a mission to improve the quality of life by improving one's quality of sleepYesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingHardwareSalaried, non-management, management* Beddr claims that sleep-deprived workers cost businesses $5,700 per worker per year from lower productivity, increased absenteeism, higher incidence of mental health issues, and chronic diseases * Beddr consists of a physical sensor to be placed on the worker's bed, and an accompanying Sleep Tracker app * Beddr provides workers with access to experts for full-spectrum care, and can diagnose and prescribe therapy if necessary In UseOmniTRAXHealth, Wellness & FitnessDelta Dental of Washington, Three Leaf Ventures, StartX (Stanford-StartX Fund), IT-Farm, Arijit SenguptaCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveilled, as well as anyone who may share a bed with a workerSleep sensorNoneNoBeddr ambiguously says that it "use[s] the information you share during registration to provide a customized scoring and analysis of your data We use Sleep Data, Phone Data and Background Data in order to make the Product and App features available to you"YesBeddr collects information about a worker's pulse, movement and position (“Sleep Data”), and information about the device itself, such as battery level, settings, user-defined device name and firmware version That Sleep Data is then collected by the App and transferred to Beddr's servers and associated with the individual worker If a worker elects to provide information through the App, which can include their age, gender, weight, height, body mass index, and survey feedback, it is also transferred to Beddr's servers and associated with their accountYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownIt is unclear who, aside from the worker, can view the collected dataNo prohibitionsAppsee, Aible, Kustomer (Facebook subsidiary)Beddr says in its privacy policy that it "may use and share with third parties the Anonymous Data and Phone Data (neither of which identifies you personally) for any purpose"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the sensor and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair manner However, its use is voluntaryNo Workers are not obliged to use this toolIt is not immediately apparent that Beddr could be used in a way that would expose workers to discriminationThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BeddrThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy: Medical, Inc
https://www.beekeeper.ioBeekeeperBeekeeper AGhttps://www.beekeeper.ioBeekeeper empowers frontline employees to be more agile, more productive, and create a safer workplace NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Beekeeper is a mobile communication platform for contacting frontline, deskless workers * The platform records analytics such as how quickly a worker reads a message and whether they reply or not to a messageIn UseDomino's, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Globus, Holcim, Seaboard Foods, London Heathrow AirportAviation, Airports, Hospitality, Restaurants, Retail, WarehousesVerve Ventures, Swisscom, HighSage Ventures, Energize Ventures, Alpana Ventures, Thayer Ventures, Swisscanto Private Equity, Swiss Post, Samsung NEXTWorker-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownGermanyGermanyUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableBeekeeper AGhttps://www.beekeeper.ioYes
https://biointellisense.comBioButtonBioIntelliSense, Inc develops a medical-grade data services platform for remote health monitoringYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* BioSticker is an on-body sensor for continuous vital sign monitoring for up to 90 days * Continuous temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate at rest measurements * BioMobile health screening surveys are sent to workers to complete daily via an app * BioIntelliSense is the employer platform for viewing worker dataIn UsePhilipsHealth CareFresenius Medical Care, Fresenius Medical Care North AmericaCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknown, but location data is captured (per privacy policy)United StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe retention period is unclear, but the privacy policy indicates that California residents may request that their data be deleted at any timeOnly workers are being surveilledOn-body sensor, GPSUnknownNoThe product claims to have "advanced analytics and data services for early detection" of Covid-19YesAccording to the product privacy policy, health data is continuously and automatically collected, including respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature, activity level, sleep duration, body position, step count, gait analysis, coughing, sneezing and vomit frequency and other symptomatic or biometric dataUnknownYesYesIf a worker who wears the device tests positive for Covid-19, their data will be retrieved for contact tracing purposes The privacy policy says that when they contact persons, they will not disclose the worker's identity and will follow "recognized clinical standards and practices" in making contact with third partiesNo prohibitionsNoneThe privacy policy is extensive and outlines the various scenarios whereby worker information may be disclosed to third parties However, it also notes that employers may set their own policies for the collection and processing of data, so this may be a 'loophole' that allows for more problematic uses of worker dataNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the sensor and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair manner However, its use is voluntaryYes Workers are obliged to use this productThis device collects sensitive medical data If misused, it could expose workers to discriminationWith this product, employers are theoretically able to track and monitor the physical movements of workers, including identifying workers who meet with one another However, there is no evidence that this is occuring in practiceThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable, Inchttps://biointellisense.comNo
https://biozonert.comBiozoneVivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical company focused on opioid cessation and deterrence and non-addictive solutions for pain managementYesWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Biozone is a machine that dispenses a hypochlorous acid (HOCI) sanitization mist, which is approved by the FDA and EPA and safe for humans of all ages, according to the announcement * The device is designed to sanitize 300 people per hour, and is intended for schools, offices, and event venues * The device has facial recognition: "State-of-the-art imaging method provides enhanced security for identification and verification, giving you advanced control and only allowing those meeting your health requirements access to your building and business"In UseEcoGroupPharmaceuticalsUnknownCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownWorkers and visitors to an office building are being surveilledCameraN/AYesThe device has a facial recognition algorithm to identify workersUnknownData is only being collected when workers are workingNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Pharmaceuticals, Inc ConnectBlackline Safety Corp Safety designs, develops, and manufactures connected safety wearables and industrial Internet of Things softwareYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareContract, salaried, managementBlackline Industrial Contact Tracing * Consists of G7 wearable device and Loner Mobile smartphone app to be installed on the worker's phone * Wearable device provides workers with a real-time, proactive warning when they enter close proximity with another G7 device wear through a notification on their cellphone screen, accompanied by flashing lights and vibration on the wearable device * Together, G7 close contact detection and user warnings help businesses facilitate safe back-to-work protocols that promote active social distancing in the workplace In UseShell Oil Company, Enmax, Cermaq, Montauk Energy, KeyeraGovernment and Military, Manufacturing, PetroleumUnknownThe G7 wearable is a company-provided device; it is not clear whether the accompanying app is deployed on company-provided phones or on a worker's personal deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedAlways recordingCanadaUnited StatesYesThe retention period listed in Blackline's privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "We will retain your information for as long as needed or permitted to achieve the purposes for which it was obtained Retention periods are based on criteria including the period of time we have a relationship with you and provide services to you, as well as our legal obligations to you and others"Only workers are being surveilledGPS, BluetoothUnknownNoIt is understood that this tool does not use an algorithmYesData is continuously being recorded, whenever the worker is wearing or carying the wearable sensorDepends on the organization deploying the toolYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownData is shared with a worker's employer and/or their delegate The privacy policy states, "When using a Blackline Safety device or mobile app owned by your employer, your employer has access to your information under their service account If they have delegated management of that device or mobile app to another Blackline Live account (for example, to a third-party Safety Operations Center), then that account owner can also access your information" In addition, Blackline personnel and its contractors, including its sales teams, can access personal information Data will also be shared with law enforcement upon requestUnknownUnknown, but the use of the tool is likely determined by one's employer and not BlacklineInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThis tool continuously monitors the precise movements of workers, so could realistically and feasibly used to monitor which workers interact with one another, when, and whereThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in the European Union and Switzerland have privacy protections not extended to other worksThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Safety Corp
https://blinkidentity.comBlink IdentityBlink Identity, Inc Identity sells face recognition technology for personalized customer experiences and venue safetyNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformContract, non-management, visitors* Blink Identity’s biometric matching system utilizes military-grade technology to reliably identify people at full walking speed in any lighting condition * Blink Identity integrates with existing ticketing, CRM, POS, time and attendance, and security systemsIn UseUnknownEvents, HospitalityTechstars, Live Nation Entertainment, Sinai Ventures, Techstars Music, Avex USACompany-provided deviceCentralizedData is identifiable and can identity individual workersN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownBlink Identity states ambiguously that it complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework "as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal data transferred from the European Union to the United States"Workers and members of the public are being surveilledCameraN/AYesBlink Identity claims its "biometric matching system utilizes military-grade technology to reliably identify people at full walking speed in any lighting condition"YesData is only being collected when workers are workingUnknownYesYesUnknownNo prohibitionsHubSpot, Google AnalyticsPersonal information wil be shared "to comply with any court order, law or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request; to enforce or apply the Terms and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes; if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Blink Identity, our customers or others"NoYes Workers are obliged to use the toolUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California and the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Identity, Inchttps://blinkidentity.comNo makes people management software for small business ownersNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Blip creates a geofence—a virtual boundary—around a workplace * When workers enter or leave the geofence, Blip picks up their location and asks them to clock in or outIn UseUnknownCleaning, Logistics, Transportation, Healthcare, Manufacturing, EducationUnknownWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited KingdomUnited States, Canada, European Union, Australia, New ZealandYesThe Customer Data and Privacy Policy states that employers set the retention period for worker data: "You own your Customer Data and have sole responsibility for the legality, reliability, integrity, accuracy and quality of that Customer Data You warrant and represent that: (i) you have and will comply with all applicable privacy legislation when processing personal information in Bright HR or the Services; (ii) you are duly authorized to process personal information in Bright HR or the Services, having provided all notices and obtained all consents as required by all applicable privacy legislation"Only workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPS, CameraPhoto LibraryNoNo information is available on what algorithms, if any, Blip usesYesData is continuously collected when a worker is working It is not clear if data is collected when a worker is not working, but given the app requests to collect location continuously, it seems likely that it is always collecting geolocation dataNo Informed consent is not obtained from workers before their data is collectedNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNo, there are no prohibitions on using collected worker data for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states that employers "retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in the information that you (or your employees) enter into Bright HR" Worker data is not shared by Bright HR with third partiesYes BrightHR does have a publicly-available, formal complaints procedure: https://wwwbrighthrcom/media/brighthr/complaint-procedurepdfYes Workers are obliged to use this toolYes The privacy policy states that worker data may be shared with "regulators, banks, law enforcement agencies (including the police) when Peninsula Employment Services Ltd determines that it is necessary to do so" (Peninsula Employment Services is the parent company of Bright HR)Unavailable Ocean Covid ScreeningBlue Ocean Health Services enrolled in the Blue Ocean Health Services screening program can provide an app to their employees for daily health screenings and referrals for appointments and testingYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Symptom checking * Appointment reminders * Telemedicine appointments in case symptoms indicate Covid-19 exposureIn UseGeneral MotorsHealthcare, Factories, WarehouseUnknownWorker-provided deviceCentralizedData is identifiable and can identity individual workersLocation always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYes, to contractors and subcontractors outside the United StatesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, Face IDPhoto Library, ContactsYes, the iOS app uses Face IDNo algorithmUnknownUnknownNoYesNoUnknownNoUnknownBlue Ocean Health Services' privacy policy is not specific to this product, but broadly states, "Blue Ocean Health Services discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only to those of its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations that (i) need to know that information in order to process it on Blue Ocean Health Services behalf or to provide services available at Blue Ocean Health Services websites, and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others" The policy also states, "Blue Ocean Health Services will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone"NoUnknown, but the use of the tool is likely determined by one's employer and not Blue Ocean Health ServicesUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsYes The privacy policy explicitly states that law enforcement will be provided with user data, if requestedUnavailableBlue Ocean Medical Service privacy policy (not specific to this product): Screen Labs
https://www.bold.comBoldBOLD Limitedhttps://www.bold.comBold specializes in providing products, tools, guidance, and support for the career industryNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformJob seekers* Bold's four key brands for workers are Resume-Now and Zety (for the US and rest of the world), and Livecareer and MyPerfectResume (for the European market); its key brand for employers is MightyRecruiter * Bold helps job candidates write their resumes and cover letters * Resumes and personal information are retained by Bold, and access to this data is then licensed to employers to access through the MightyRecruiter platform, described as a "proprietary database of over 20 million resumes"In UseDocusign, OpExpert, GTM Pros, Small World Recruiting, Think Glink MediaRetail, Hospitality, Warehouses, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Financial Services, RecruitmentUnknownWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy for Zety (a Bold brand targeted at workers) does not outline a specific retention period for collected personal information, but does say that an individual may log in to their account and view and delete their personal information at any timeJob candidatesMouse, KeyboardN/ANoOn the MightyRecruiter website (MightyRecruiter is a Bold brand targeted at employers), it states, "MightyRecruiter’s resume database of 21+ million resumes candidates (and growing!) has helped our customers find and hire those unique, opted-in candidates that they haven’t seen on other job sites Be sure to rank candidates by relevance (which uses our unique intelligent algorithm), so you can stop reading hundreds of resumes and simply review the best matches for your role"YesData is collected only when workers consciously upload data to one of Bold's websitesYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesProspective Employers, Bold Staff, WorkerUnknownGoogle AnalyticsAccording to the privacy policy of Zelt, a Bold brand, the personal information of prospective workers is shared with: "(a) The Provider Corporate Family We may share the information we collect about you with the Provider’s corporate family (our affiliates and subsidiaries) If we share your information with them, their use and disclosure of your information will be subject to this Policy (b) Service Providers We may disclose your information to service providers under contract who help with our business operations (such as, but not limited to, fraud investigations, bill collection, payment processing, and site analytics and operations as detailed in Section 8 below) (c) Additional Services Requests You have opportunities to express interest in or register for other services on the Site If you choose to do so, we will provide information about you to those third parties, or parties working on their behalf, to implement your request We may share your Information with third parties to whom you ask us to send your information (such as resume editors, employers, recruiters or job posting third-party websites or others about whom you are otherwise notified and agree to when using a specific service) (d) Legal and Law Enforcement We may disclose information that we gather if we believe that such action is necessary to comply with the law, a judicial proceeding, court order, or other legal process, such as in response to a court order or a subpoena (e) Change of Control We may share your information if there is a bankruptcy proceeding, if substantially all of our assets are transferred to another company, or if we merge with or acquired by another business entity If any of these events take place, we will make reasonable efforts to request that the new service provider follows this Privacy Policy with respect to your information (f) Ad Networks We cooperate with third parties to serve advertisements, provide us with data collection, reporting, ad response measurement and site analytics and assist with delivery of relevant marketing messages and advertisements on the Site These third parties may view, edit or set their own tracking technologies/cookies (g) Analytics Providers We may disclose information we gathered through our Site to our analytics providers such as Google Analytics, to evaluate usage of our Site, and to help us improve our services, performance and user experiences (h) To Protect Us and Others We may share your information where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or act regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, potential threats to the safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Use, or this Policy, or as evidence in litigation in which we are involved (i) Aggregate and De-Identified Information We may share aggregated and de-identified information with third parties for marketing, advertising, research, or similar purposes (j) Your Consent We have obtained your consent for the disclosure of the information we gather by agreeing to this Privacy Policy "NoNo Use of this product is voluntaryIt is not immediately apparent that Bold's products could be used in a way that would expose prospective workers to discrimination, but it is feasible given the volume of data collected and the lack of transparency around how Bold filters job applications for employers by 'relevance' with its algorithmUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California and the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsBold indicates in its privacy policy that it only complies with legal access requests "if we believe that such action is necessary to comply with the law, a judicial proceeding, court order, or other legal process" This language implies that the company does push back against excessive requestsUnavailableZety (Bold brand) privacy policy: Limitedhttps://www.bold.comNo DispatcherBolt Technology OÜ is a transportation platform providing ride-hailing, micromobility, and food delivery servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract, non-management* Sells Bolt Dispatcher to taxi operators, described as a "world-class system to manage drivers, dispatchers, and clients" * Includes auto-dispatching based on drivers location and custom queues * Brings Uber-like labor market optimization features to small taxi operatorsIn UseUnknownRidesharing, Transportation, RestaurantsInternational Finance Corporation, Darsana Capital Partners, D1 Capital Partners, Naya Capital, European Investment Bank, Korelya Capital, G Squared, Counterpart Advisors, Creandum, NordicNinja VCWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedEstoniaThe privacy policy says data will be stored in Amazon Web Services facilities in the European Union (no more precise location available)NoThe Bolt privacy policy states, "Unless otherwise legally required or agreed, the data will remain stored as long as you have a Bolt account If your account will be closed the personal data will be stored for additional 3 year period" In addition, it states, "b) Data necessary for accounting purposes shall be stored for 7 years c) In the event of suspicions of a administrational or criminal offence, fraud or false information, the data shall be stored for 10 years d) In the event of disputes, the data shall be retained until the claim is satisfied or the expiry date of such claims"Both workers and customers are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhoto LibraryNoLittle details are available, other than that the software includes an "Auto-dispatching [function] based on drivers location and custom queues"YesData is collected when input by a worker and whenever the driver app is open This includes recording the geolocation routes of where drivers areYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure which of their workers can see the data of others NoUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects with the developer, Bolt, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerYes Workers are obliged to use the toolIt is not immediately apparent that Bolt Dispatcher could be used in a way that would expose workers to discriminationUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentNo Bolt extends the same privacy protections to workers in all jurisdictions through this softwareUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy for Drivers: https://bolteu/en/legal/am/privacy-for-drivers-en/N/ABolt Technology OÜ
https://www.withbond.comBondShookit, Inchttps://www.withbond.comBond is a platform which gives retail companies control and visibility over their operations and assists reducing operational costsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Customer service protocol enforcementIn UseUnknownRetailUnknownCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownBoth workers and customers are being surveilledNoneNoneNoLimited information is available, but this product states it has customer service protocol enforcement functions for ensuring that agents only issue refunds in accordance with company policyUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentNo Bond extends the same privacy protections to workers in all jurisdictions through this softwareUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.withbond.comNo
https://www.bostondynamics.comBoston DynamicsBoston Dynamics, Inchttps://www.bostondynamics.comBoston Dynamics builds advanced mobile manipulation robotsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Boston Dynamics develops and manufactures various industrial robots that seek to displace human workers * Spot is an automated data capture and inspection robot * Stretch is a mobile, automated case-handling robot for more efficient warehouse operations * Pick is an automated, complex depalletizing robot that uses a machine learning vision systemIn UseUnknownWarehouse, ManufacturingSoftbankN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Dynamics, Inchttps://www.bostondynamics.comNo
-Brain ReaderDeayea / Shanxi Diyi Tongan Technology is a technology company focusing on the intersection of intelligent hardware, bioinformation and artificial intelligenceNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* In factories, workers wear caps to monitor their brainwaves, data that management then uses to adjust the pace of production and redesign workflows * On railways, sensors built into the brim of the driver’s hat measure various types of brain activities, including fatigue and attention loss with an accuracy of more than 90%, according to the company’s websiteIn UseState Grid Zhejiang Electric Power, Hangzhou Zhongheng ElectricFactories, Industrial, Transportation, HealthcareChinese governmentcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedChinaChinaNoUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersBluetooth, Camera, GPS, MicrophoneN/AYes* can measure various types of brain activities, including fatigue and attention loss with an accuracy of more than 90 per cent * can increase the overall efficiency of the workers by manipulating the frequency and length of break times to reduce mental stressUnknownData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknown, but given cybersecurity laws in China, the Chinese government almost certainly has access to any data collectedNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThe software interferes with medical devicesInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Cap at Ningbo University-No Corporation Corp develops core technology for the robotics industryNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* BrainOS is an AI software platform for autonomous mobile robots operating in indoor public spaces * Robots enabled by BrainOS software navigate autonomously, learn from user demonstration and process sensor data collected from usage to avoid obstacles, adapt to changing environments, manage data, and seamlessly interact with end-customers * From the Brain Corp website, "Researchers estimate human stocking errors make up 2-3% of lost revenue, and out-of-stock inventory costs retailers nearly $450B annually in lost revenue Robot shelf scanners can provide digital images and map stock-outs in individual aisles, entire stores, in regions, or full markets" * In many cases, these robots are tasked with cleaning retail and grocery stores, real estate, malls and airports, allowing these facilities to eliminate jobs previously held by human workersIn UseWalmart, KrogerAirports, Offices, Education, Healthcare, Malls, Retail, WarehousesQualcomm Ventures, SoftBank Vision Fund, ClearBridge Investments, Satwik VenturesWorker-provided deviceCentralizedN/A - Data is not captured about workersN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoN/A - not collecting personal informationNo one is being surveilledCamera, SensorsN/ANoEnsuring Inventory Availability: "Researchers estimate human stocking errors make up 2-3% of lost revenue and out-of-stock inventory costs retailers nearly $450B annually in lost revenue Robot shelf scanners can provide digital images and map stock-outs across individual aisles, entire stores, in regions or full markets" Reduce Labor Costs: "Combining sophisticated AI technology and proven cleaning equipment, robotic scrubbers consistently and methodically clean an entire store while safely navigating among customers and employees These machines save you time and money, and help you better manage today’s cleaning challenges"YesData is only being collected about workers when they interact directly with a robot; the robot does not retain identifiable data pertaining to the workerNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoUnknownNoUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to interact with the robots under a real or perceived threatIt is not immediately apparent that BrainOS could be used in a way that would expose workers to discriminationThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BrainOSThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnavailable - -Privacy Policy: Corporation
https://www.usebraintrust.comBraintrustFreelance Labs Inc is a blockchain-powered freelancer marketplace that connects technical and design talents with organizationsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* For employers, Braintrust gives "full transparency" into the backgrounds of its freelancers, allowing them to see a worker's work history, salary history, references, and client testimonialsIn UseNASA, TaskRabbit, Nike, Nextdoor, Deloitte, BlueCross BlueShield, Nestlé, Porsche, Black & Decker, PacificLifeTechnology, DesignTrue Ventures, Pantera Capital, Galaxy Digital LP, Multicoin Capital, Blockchange VenturesWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers are readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "Freelance Labs retains account and purchase data as long as it is necessary to facilitate a User’s access and use of the Services When an account is terminated, Personal Information collected will be deleted in accordance with the requirements of applicable law"Primarily workers are being surveilled, but data is also being collected about customersMouse, KeyboardN/ANoIt is not clear how Braintrust evaluates freelancers, assigns jobs to freelancers, or makes its freelancer recommendations to the platform clientsYesData is collected when workers consciously upload it to the platformYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesWorkers, Potential EmployersNoUnknownThe privacy policy states, "We share information regarding Freelancers who have entered into a contract with a Client or who have elected to participate in Freelance Labs, including information in Work Diaries and work history, with Clients, Agencies and vendors Note that if a Freelancer is suspended from the Freelance Labs Service, we may share that information with Clients for whom that Freelancer has worked or submitted proposals for work We may also share information with Agencies to whom Freelancers are associated for a particular work project If you choose to submit a proposal for work as a Freelancer via the Service, we will share information relevant to your application with the applicable Client(s), including, but not limited to, the information contained in your Freelancer Profile"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/AThe platform collects information such as profile pictures, gender, and age that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Labs Inchttps://www.usebraintrust.comNo
https://branch.coBranchBranch International offers mobile financial services in emerging markets to spur human potentialNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly, Contract* Branch "has created an algorithmic approach to determine credit worthiness" for those who do not qualify for conventional forms of creditIn UseN/AFinancial ServicesBarium Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Foxhaven, Foundation Capital, Formation 8, CreditEase Fintech Investment Fund, Victory Park Capital, Greenspring Associates, Visa, Trinity VenturesWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedKenyaUnited StatesUnknownUnknown The privacy policy does not outline a specific retention period for collected dataWorkers are being surveilled In addition, the app captures a worker's SMS messages and cell phone contacts in the event of non-payment of a loanCamera, Microphone, GPS,Photos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-Fi, SMSNoBranch says on its website, "our products are designed to meet people where they're at For many, that means having little to no credit history or savings So we use alternative data to offer financial products that people can access anywhere, without the hassle of judgement of traditional institutions With the explicit permission of our customers, we analyze smartphone data to determine loan eligibility Our machine learning algorithms process thousands of data points to create personalized loan options in a matter of seconds" This includes capturing GPS data, contact lists, SMS logs, repayment history, and handset detailsYesData is only collected when the worker initially applies for a loan (or applies for a subsequent loan) Data is not continuously capturedUnknownYesYesUnknownNoUnknownThe privacy policy states, "we may disclose some or all of the data we collect from you when you download or use the App to credit reference bureaus We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, affiliates, our holding company and its subsidiaries We may disclose your personal information to third parties: in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets; if Branch International or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets; if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation or request; and/or in order to: enforce our Terms and Conditions and other agreements or to investigate potential breaches; report defaulters to any credit bureau; or for the purpose of publishing statistics relating to the use of the App, in which case all information will be aggregated and made anonymous"N/AN/AThis app collects very sensitive information and therefore could potentially be a vector for discriminationThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BranchThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in some jurisdictions have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Internationalhttps://branch.coNo Messenger, Inc is an Employer Payments Platform helping businesses accelerate payments to empower working AmericansNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformHourly, Contract* Allow delivery drivers to receive digital tip payouts immediately after their shift ends * Provides earned wage access to hourly workers when they need it * Tips are tracked and automated, reported to the IRSIn UseDomino's, SuperCuts, Continuum, Henry Ford Healthy SystemRestaurants, Hospitality, Hotels, Hair SalonsMasterCardN/ACentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe retention period ambiguously states, "We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements; this retention period may extend past the point at which you close your account"Workers are being surveilled on a continuous basis, with details of their earnings/income shared with an organization other than their employerN/AN/ANoN/AYesData is collected continuously, with the Employer Payments Platform receiving worker earnings on a daily basisIt is unclear if consent is obtained, as individual organizations can communicate and deploy Branch differentlyYesUnknownUnknownNoUnknownThe privacy policy says data is not disclosed to third parties, however, "if Branch should ever merge with another organization, file for bankruptcy, or sell our assets, we may transfer the information you provide to us to the company with which we enter into such transaction as a part of such transaction"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerUnknown, but workers are likely obliged or pressured to use the software if they want to be paid more swiftlyInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in some jurisdictions have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/ABranch Messenger, Inc Technologies Group plc HR modernizes the hiring process with end-to-end recruiting software built to scale for teams of any sizeNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* "Qualify your applicants automatically with Breezy Questionnaires, a powerful way to turn your application form into an active screening tool. Customize the actions Breezy takes on your candidate according to their answers, from moving them to the next stage to sending a follow-up email or new questionnaire, or even to disqualifying them" * Automated background checks * Built-in scheduling links, plus all-in-one emailing and SMS, let candidates choose the time that works for them for interviews without needing HR admin workers * "Discuss and vet candidates in real time; let your teams discuss candidates and collaborate to accelerate your hiring process with better outcomes"In UseShipt, Waitr, Telus, L'oreal, Docebo, Lean Startup Co, Piksel, Dwell, Ikonick, Nando's, Cameo, Boba Guys, Dodge, Opera, T MobileHospitality, Retail, Events, Offices, Logistics, Transport, Warehouses, LandfillReal Ventures, Symphony Technology GroupWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited KingdomUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy ambigously states, "We will keep a copy of your personal data for as long as you remain registered with our site, or, in case of the Subscription Services, for as long as determined by our customer, and thereafter for such period as may be required for our legitimate purposes and in compliance with any legal, audit and compliance requirements, provided that in certain cases as outlined below under “Your rights” we may delete such data on your request, and further provided that in regard to the Subscription Services, our specific Terms of Service with the relevant customer organization may include relevant specific provisions"Only workers are being surveilledNoneNoneNoAlgorithms are used to automate processes like interview scheduling, but not to shortlist candidatesYesData is only being collected when workers intentionally upload information into BreezyHR,Yes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesWorkers, HR teamsThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesRapidAPIThe privacy policy states, "We will obtain your consent before we share your data with third parties other than our above listed Third Parties, or before we use it for a purpose other than which it was originally collected or subsequently authorized"No Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerProspective workers are obliged or pressured to interact with the robots under a real or perceived threatThis app collects very sensitive information and therefore could potentially be a vector for discriminationThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BreezyHRThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: HR, Inc Employee FilteringFLIR Systems, Inc Systems designs, manufactures, and markets technology solutions that focus on thermal imaging and infrared camera systemsYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Staff wear or carry a small, discrete electronic tag that can be easily concealed and not visible to customers * Brickstream Employee Filtering automatically identifies, counts, and monitors workers wearing tags. "No manual intervention is required and there is no impact on daily staff operations" * Integrates with surveillance cameras and other monitoring systems * "Employee filtering is also ideal for luxury retailers where foot traffic is lower and including even a few employee counts can easily skew conversion metrics"In UseUnknownRetailUS Department of Defensecompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can readily be identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknown, as individual organizations must self-host the product and thus configure their own data retention systemsBoth workers and customers are being surveilledGPS, Bluetooth, CameraN/AYes (feature exists - may not be enabled by all organizations)UnknownYesData is collected when a worker is working at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Flir but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are obliged to have the sensor count themInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable;$92-million/; FLIR subsidiaries: https://wwwsecgov/Archives/edgar/data/354908/000119312510042277/dex210htmPrivacy Policy: Systems, Inc, Inc helps subscription-based businesses assess customer lifetime value NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Replaces human sales and customer service agents who handle cancellation requests * Customers who are looking to cancel a subscription service receive a personalized retention offer * Automated customer profiling * Maintains statistics on numbers of customers who cancel a service because of poor customer service (as evaluated by the customer)In UseFreshly, Powtoon, UnbounceRetailRembrandt Venture Partners, Matrix Partners, Point Nine, Index VenturesN/ACentralizedData is not collected about individual workersN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoN/A - not collecting personal informationOnly departments are being surveilled, not individual workersNoneNoneNoBrightback works by querying a business' "data warehouse to run real-time save reports and trigger workflows across your engagement tools" It then "build cohorts for each of your plans and segments" and "integrate[s] a testing platform so you can test experiences and offers at scale" Brightback then imports and compares this data against benchmarking data to see how a business is measuring up within the industry It also updates cancel reasons and responses for seasonal business changes, product launches and global events across all a business' systems Based on the collected data, Brightback is then able to offer customers different retention options to retain their business, in a manner which is more accurate than human agents could deliverYesData is not being collected about individual workers, but about customer's satisfaction with their departmentYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedN/AN/AIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected data, but given it is a sales tool it is likely that sales teams are able to access data pertaining to dissatisfaction with particular departmentsThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesStripe, Salesforce, Segment, Recurly, Slack, ZapierIn an anonymized and aggregate fashion, data is shared with other retailersNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers have no alternative but to have their performance assessed, subjectively, by customers interacting with this productWhile this product is unlikely to be a direct vector for discrimination, in collecting subjective opinions about customer service from customers, it is possible that customers ratings will be colored by discriminatory factorsThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BrightbackThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://mybrightwheel.comBrightWheelDSSV, Inchttps://mybrightwheel.commBrightwheel is the first all-in-one software platform for preschools and childcare providersNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, salaried, non-management* Management can "access staff records anytime and from anywhere" * Staff check-in feature tracks the total number of hours worked by staff for timecard/payroll purposes * Monitor staff health by logging their daily temperatures * Create custom questions and capture staff health information at morning check-in In UseUnknownPreschools, Child Care, EducationGGV Capital, Eniac Ventures, Emerson Collective, Addition, Bessemer Venture Partners, Next Play Ventures, Chan Zuckerberg Initiativecompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown The privacy policy states that individual preschools and child care facilities have full control over dataWorkers and students are being surveilledKeyboard, MouseN/ANoNo algorithmYesData is being collected when a worker consciously uploads data into BrightWheelUnknownYesUnknownIndividual preschools and child care facilities can configure who can view the collected dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesAmazon Web ServicesThe privacy policy states that data is not sold or shared with any third partiesNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatIt is not immediately apparent that BrightWheel could be used in a way that would expose workers to discriminationThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with BrightbackThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://mybrightwheel.comNo
https://wwwbringg.comBringgBringg Delivery Technologies Ltdhttps://www.bringg.comBringg is a cloud platform helping retailers and logistics providers to scale up and optimize last mile delivery and fulfillmentNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-managementIntelligent Fleet and Driver Management System * Live tracking of drivers: "real-time visibility on every delivery through internal and contracted fleets across first, middle, and last miles" * Automated Driver Scheduling, Payments, and Permissions: "get the technology to dispatch drivers and assign vehicles based on each order’s requirements and your business priorities – lower costs, faster delivery, etc. Manage driver payments and delivery tasks with role-based tracking and compensation" * "Dynamically engage the optimal resource – internal and contracted fleets, drivers and vehicles – then automate and optimize both resources and operations for maximum efficiency and delivery that’s on time, every time" * "Customize and automate your fleet selection logic for faster time to deliver, greater on-time delivery (OTD) rates and reduced cost to deliver" * "Use data on time-based KPIs [Key Performance Indicators] and customer satisfaction on the driver, team, or fleet level to understand and improve your delivery performance"In UseDixons Carphone, Wal-Mart, Party City, Boulanger, Galls, Auto Zone, Shoe Carnival, Leroy MerlinRetail, Logistics, TransportationSalesforce Ventures, Next47, GLP, Aleph, Cambridge CapitalWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedIsraelUnknown; privacy policy states, "The information collected from you by Bringg, as detailed in this Privacy and Cookie Policy, may be transferred to, and stored at, servers which may be located in countries outside of your jurisdiction and in a country that is not considered to offer an adequate level of protection under your local laws"YesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "Bringg will retain the Personal Information for as long as we are comfortable that it is accurate and can be relied upon Personal Information which is no longer required for the purpose for which is was initially collected will be deleted unless we have a valid justification to retain it which is permitted under applicable law, such as to resolve disputes or comply with our legal obligations"Only workers are being surveilledGPS, Bluetooth, CameraUnknownNo"Our AutoDispatch and Route Optimization intelligently factor in your unique considerations – including fleet, driver, order and customer variables – based on your business logic, to automatically suggest or assign the optimal fleet and determine the best routes and vehicles for each order"YesIt is unclear if geolocation data from drivers is being collected only while they are working, or is continuously being capturedUnknownYesUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can see dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy says that data may be shared with: • Bringg Personnel: "Personal Information that we collect and process may be transferred to or accessed by personnel of Bringg for the sole purpose of enabling the operation of the Site and to contact you (as detailed in Section 5 above) Please note that all Bringg personnel that will have access to your Personal Information are under an obligation of strict confidentiality with respect to such Personal Information" • Service Providers: "We share Personal Information with vendors, commercial software providers, consultants and data processers who perform services on our behalf, including without limitation, companies that provide analysis, messaging services and services which host the Site Please note that we collect, hold and manage your Personal Information through a third party’s cloud based services, as reasonable for business purposes, which may be located in countries outside of your jurisdiction" • "In addition, we may share Personal Information in the following cases: (a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, subpoena or governmental request; (b) to enforce this Privacy and Cookie Policy or any other agreement or terms of service between you and Bringg, and to defend against any claims or demands asserted against us by you or on your behalf; (c) to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; (d) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Bringg, its Users or the general public; and (e) when Bringg is undergoing any change in control, including by means of merger, acquisition or purchase of all or substantially all of the assets of Bringg (while such acquired company or investor may be located in countries outside of your jurisdiction)"No Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Delivery Technologies Ltdhttps://www.bringg.comNo
https://www.bringoo.deBringooBringoo GmbHhttps://www.bringoo.de45-minute grocery delivery from supermarkets in the neighborhoodYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* Instacart competitor - customers order groceries; workers pick items from the grocery store and deliver them * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders by bicycle to a customer in under 45 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseEdeka, MetroRetail, Groceries, LogisticsRe-Pie Asset Management, Hasib KhanWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedGermanyGermanyYesThe privacy policy states that personal information is by default retained indefinitely, but will be deleted upon requestOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownGoogle Analytics, Facebook, MailChimpWorker data will not be shared with third parties without the consent of the workerNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwbringoode/privacy/N/ABringoo GmbHhttps://www.bringoo.deYes
https://buymie.euBuyMieBuymie Technologies Limitedhttps://buymie.euBuymie is a same-day grocery delivery companyYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* Instacart competitor - customers order groceries; workers pick items from the grocery store and deliver them * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders to a customer in under 60 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseLidl, Tesco, DunnesRetail, Groceries, LogisticsCrowdcube, Enterprise Ireland, Act Venture Capital, Wheatsheaf Group Limited, Sure Valley VentureWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedIrelandUnited States, Ireland, ArmeniaYesThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "We will not retain your information for any longer than we think is necessary Information that we collect will be retained for as long as needed to fulfil the purposes outlined in the ‘Use of my information’ section above, in line with our legitimate interest or for a period specifically required by applicable regulations or laws, such as retaining the information for regulatory reporting purposes When determining the relevant retention periods, we will take into account factors including: our contractual obligations and rights in relation to the information involved; legal obligation(s) under applicable law to retain data for a certain period of time; statute of limitations under applicable law(s); our legitimate interests where we have carried out balancing tests (see section on 'How we use your personal information' above); (potential) disputes; guidelines issued by relevant data protection authorities"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorker data will not be sold, but may be shared with third parties "if we are under a duty to disclose or share your information in order to comply with (and/or where we believe we are under a duty to comply with) any legal obligation or regulatory requirement This includes exchanging information with other companies and other organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and prevention; in order to enforce our contractual terms with you and any other agreement; to protect the rights of Buymie, retail partners,Shoppers, or others, including to prevent fraud; with such third parties as we reasonably consider necessary in order to prevent crime, eg the police"No Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://buymieeu/Home/PrivacyN/ABuymie Technologies Limitedhttps://buymie.euYes
https://cafexapp.comCafeXCafe X Technologies Limitedhttps://cafexapp.comCafeX develops robotic cafés that serve single-origin coffee from specialty roasters NoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly* CafeX is a robotic arm that precisely prepares coffee beverages like a human barista, capable of preparing multiple drinks simultaneously and hundreds per hour * The robot costs $220,000 plus $1,000/monthIn UseN/AHospitalityLAUNCH, Abstract Ventures, Base VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo privacy policy availableN/ACafe X Technologies Limitedhttps://cafexapp.comNo
https://www.cajoo.euCajooCajoo Technologyhttps://www.cajoo.euCajoo provides grocery home delivery servicesYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* Gig-economy platform with downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders in 15 minutes or less * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/ARetail, Groceries, LogisticsXAnge, FrstWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedFranceFranceYesThe privacy policy states that personal identifiers like contact details will be retained for up to five years after a worker deactivates their account Banking information will be deleted once an account is deactivated Location data is retained for one monthOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy says that worker data will not be shared with third partiesNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwcajooeu/politique-de-confidentialitéN/ACajoo Technologyhttps://www.cajoo.euYes, Inc is an AI-powered chatbot that offers customers support and information through AI chat and live chatYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly* Self-screen workers for symptoms of Covid-19 * Contact tracing of workers who test positive for Covid-19In UseCreighton University, Stony Brook UniversityEducationUnknownWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe retention period is unknown In their Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit, IvyAI claims to be "GDPR compliant" and says their retention period for data is in line with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) However, this is nonsensical, because the GDPR is not a prescriptive law and instead requires that data controllers clearly specify how long data is stored for and for what purpose Accordingly, the lack of a specified retention period means that this software cannot be GDPR compliantOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesAmazon Web Services, Google (exact Google SDK unknown)Privacy policy states that personal information is not shared with third partiesUnknownUnknownThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationhttps://drivegooglecom/file/d/1du-hHGkOhgqKASazsUTq66NVEWiiLkfV/viewPrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://www.springhealth.comCandela by Spring HealthSpring Care, Inchttps://www.springhealth.comSpring Health helps individuals and organizations thrive by eliminating every barrier to mental healthYesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformSalaried* Candela is a pay-for-performance mental healthcare platform, where employers only pay Spring Health if improving the mental health of workers results in improvements to agreed business outcomes like reducing other healthcare costs or depression/anxiety improvementIn UseClever, MasterClass, AppLovinAll sectorsGingerBread Capital, SemperVirens Venture Capital, The William K Warren Foundation, Rethink Impact, Able Partners, Work-Bench, True Capital Management, Northzone, Tiger Global ManagementUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableSpring Care, Inchttps://www.springhealth.comNo
https://www.caper.aiCaperCaper Inchttps://www.caper.aiCaper builds autonomous retailer devices and solutions powered by deep learning and computer visionYesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, non-management* Caper Cart is an AI-powered shopping cart that allows customers in grocery stories to pay for their items through the cart, eliminating the need for human cashiers * Caper Counter is a cashier-less checkout solution for convenience stores, along the lines of Amazon Go * Caper targets its products at small, independently owned grocery and convenience storesIn UseSobeys, Foodcellar MarketGroceriesPrecursor Ventures, FundersClub, Y Combinator, First Round Capital, Lux Capitalcompany-provided deviceCentralizedData is not collected about individual workersLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknown - no privacy policy availableCaper devices surveil retail environments and replace cashiers, but do not directly nor intentionally surveil workersCamera, Sensors, Bluetooth, GPS, Weight ScaleNoneNoN/A - Algorithms assist with item restocking and product inventory management, but do not interface with worker performanceUnknownData is collected whenever a worker is inside a store with Caper technology deployedN/A - no personal information about workers being collected intentionallyUnknownUnknownUnknownWhile there are no guidelines prohibiting the use of this technology for discriminatory purposes, in its current application is designed to collect no data about workers or other persons, and therefore is likely at less of a risk of perpetuating inequalities than other technologies UnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware and/or the data it collects with the developer, Caper, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerN/AThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableNo privacy policy made available to the publicN/ACaper Inchttps://www.caper.aiNo ProtectHonor Technology, Inc is a home-care technology company that partners with local agencies to provide in-home careYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, non-management* Prior to every visit, workers are required to take their temperature and confirm that they have no fever or symptoms of illness * Workers receive ongoing support, information, and reminders to verify they are following our protocols and universal infection control standards * If a worker reports flu-like symptoms, we immediately restaff their visits and notify the client’s family * Before returning to work after an illness, a worker must follow our new clearance process, in accordance with CDC guidelinesIn UseHonorHealthcare, Nursing, Aged CareAndreessen Horowitz, Slow Ventures, Thrive Capital, Kapor Capital, 8VC, T Rowe Price, Homebrew, BAM Ventures, Rock Spring Capitalworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured 30 minutes before a shift begins, and during a shiftUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy does not outline a retention periodOnly workers are being surveilledGPSContactsNoHonor claims to use artificial intelligence to try to improve general logistics and better understand the home healthcare landscape at large This use of AI, while presently rudimentary, might represent the true value proposition of Honor as a company trying to use artificial intelligence to become the most knowledgeable player in the industry While this claim is largely conjecture at the moment, the involvement of prominent software venture firm Andreessen Horowitz supports a theory of high-tech, software-centered value in this businessYesThe privacy policy states that location data is captured "when the Honor Care Pro App is running in the foreground or background of your device only during the period 30 minutes before the scheduled start time for a Visit until you clock out of the Visit For your and Recipients’ safety, we use location services to confirm timely arrival and departure at the Visit while minimizing the need for communications with Care Pros during times that they may be in transit This data enables us to make alternative arrangements in the event that a Care Pro will not arrive as scheduled at the Visit Our Care Pros often work alone in private homes, so we also use location services to confirm their location and to monitor their status when they must relocate during an in-Visit emergency We also use location services to investigate claims that a Care Pro was not present or did not arrive to a Visit in a timely manner" Other data is captured when a worker consciously uploads data into the mobile appYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesHonor outlines in its privacy policy the situations where personal information of workers will be obtained and viewed, but does not specify the job titles or departments of those workers who are authorized to perform such tasks Broadly, data will be viewed if a worker is extremely late leaving a workplace (to alert law enforcement) or does not arrive; for legal and/or regulatory compliance; and "for customary HR functions like payroll, reports, complaints, compensation reviews, and performance management"There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneIn its worker privacy policy, Honor says worker data will be shared with third parties in the following circumstances: a Recipients you work with and Members of their Honor Account: We share your name and basic aspects of your skills and work experience with Recipients and other members on their Honor Account to verify that you are appropriately staffed for their care needs We do not share your phone number, email, or other contact information with Recipients or members of their Honor Account b Honor Care Network Agencies: Home care agencies who have partnered with Honor through the Honor Care Network to jointly provide home care services to clients c Affiliates: With our corporate subsidiaries or affiliates Any Personal Information provided to Honorʼs subsidiaries or affiliates will be treated in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy d Third Party Payors: Insurance companies, workers’ compensation funds, and other third party payor organizations for payment for Services and for record-keeping purposes e Vendors and Other Service Providers: We share your Personal Information with web hosting services, application development, analytics, security, data processing, legal, actuarial, accounting, management, administrative, accreditation, and financial services in the ordinary course of operating our business and providing you the Care Pro Services These companies are obligated through agreements to maintain the confidentiality of any Personal Information they receive from us and are restricted from using it for any purpose that is incompatible with the uses set forth in this Privacy Policy f Governmental Authorities: We may share your Personal Information with a governmental authority when we have a good faith belief that it is necessary to (a) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental requirement, including audits and investigations; (b) enforce any applicable terms of your employment or our Care Pro Services, (c) protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of Honor, its partners, its users or the general public, (d) to authorities if we believe you are a victim of neglect, abuse, or domestic violence, (e) to public health or law enforcement officials, or in response to a court or administrative order, valid subpoena or other legal process g Corporate Transactions: If Honor undergoes any merger or sale of its stock or some or all of its assets, we may transfer your Personal Information to the successor entity so long as it continues to maintain that information in accordance with the Privacy Policy under which it was collected h By Your Consent: If you request that we share your Personal Information with a third party not described in this Privacy Policy and such third party is related to the Care Pro Services, we may do so but reserve the right not toYes In its privacy policy for workers, Honor says it "will investigate and attempt to resolve any concerns or complaints" and provides a procedure for handling worker complaints pertaining to Honor's data handling practicesYes Workers are obliged to use the softwareThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-making, such as age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational background, and medical historyThe software could reasonably be used to identify workers who meet with one another However, Honor's privacy policy for workers does outline the circumstances within which location data would be viewed, and these are limited to the following situations: "For your and Recipients’ safety, we use location services to confirm timely arrival and departure at the Visit while minimizing the need for communications with Care Pros during times that they may be in transit This data enables us to make alternative arrangements in the event that a Care Pro will not arrive as scheduled at the Visit Our Care Pros often work alone in private homes, so we also use location services to confirm their location and to monitor their status when they must relocate during an in-Visit emergency We also use location services to investigate claims that a Care Pro was not present or did not arrive to a Visit in a timely manner"There is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations like California more safeguards than workers in other locationsUnknownIn its privacy policy, Honor says it will only share worker data with law enforcement where it has a "good faith belief" that doing so is necessary to "satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental requirement, including audits and investigations; (b) enforce any applicable terms of your employment or our Care Pro Services, (c) protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of Honor, its partners, its users or the general public, (d) to authorities if we believe you are a victim of neglect, abuse, or domestic violence, (e) to public health or law enforcement officials, or in response to a court or administrative order, valid subpoena or other legal process"UnavailablePrivacy Policy for Workers: Technology, Inc Inc is an online web portal for finding suitable caregiver services for childcare, senior care, housekeeping, pet care, and moreNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Connect families with workers for childcare, school support, senior care, housekeeping, special needs, or pet care supportIn UseIndividual families looking for child care, school support, senior care, housekeeping, special needs, or pet care supportChild Care, Healthcare, HousekeepingMatrix Partners, HV Capital, IVP, New Enterprise Associates, Reid Hoffmanworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy states, "If you close your Carecom account, we will remove your name and other contact and identifiable information from our publicly viewable database If you close your account, we have no obligation to retain your information, and may delete any or all of your account information without liability However, we may retain information related to you if we believe it may be necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse, or for legitimate business purposes, such as analysis of aggregated, de-identified information, account recovery, auditing our records, enforcing our rights and obligations under our agreements, or if required by law"Data is being collected about workers and families looking to hire care workersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how care workers are assigned to families, but the product website indicates that a paid premium membership will ensure the worker "rank[s] higher and [will] be featured in search results with a premium badge"YesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesWorker profiles "will appear in search result listings if you match the search criteria used by a Care Seeker", be visible to Carecom staff, and be shared "with vendors with whom we have a contractual relationship and who perform services for Carecom" Data will also be shared with law enforcement "when we believe in good faith that such disclosure is appropriate in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding possible illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the health or physical safety of any person, violations of this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use, or the Backup Care Terms of Use, and/or to protect the rights and property of Carecom, our employees, users, and the public"There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownWorker data will be shared "with a third party if you consent to the sharing", such as for a background check In addition, the worker's "photo, first name, first initial of last name, city, state, and job/provider description, may also be shared with third party search engines, social media sites, and other third party websites or vendors who run classified advertising and other businesses, and thus may be listed in third party web site search results and on third party websites, which would make that information available to the public and allow them to link to your Carecom posting"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California and Nevada have protections not extended to workers in other jurisdictionsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc
https://careguide.comCareGuideCareGuide Inchttps://careguide.comCareGuide connects families with care providers at Sittercom, Housekeepercom, PetSittercom, ElderCarecom, and HouseSittercomNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformhourly workers* Connects workers with families with care workersIn UseIndividual families looking for a babysitterChild CareFJ Labs, 500 Startups, CIBC, RBC Capital, Inovia Capitalworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/ACanadaUnited StatesYesNo retention period is specified in the privacy policy, but it notes, "You may require us to change, amend or delete the personal information that you have provided to us at any time"Data is being collected about workers and families looking to hire care workersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how care workers are assigned to families, but the product website implies an algorithm is involvedYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesWorkers, CareGuide staff, Families using the CareGuide platform to recruit workersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://careguide.comNo
#Carnival Cruises Worker SurveillanceCarnival Corporation & plc Corporation is a cruise companyYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareContract, salaried, non-management, management* Using a modified version of the netTALK MARITIME Shipboard Communication platform, Carnival Cruise workers can communicate with medical personnel * Electronically transmits frequent, critical, real-time health information to a ship’s medical team without any initial physical interaction required on the part of crew * When boarding a ship, workers report their heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, blood oxygen, and complete an online questionnaire before quarantining for a designated period * Workers complete a daily health questionnaire via a mobile app * Check vital-sign diagnostics via mobile phone camera * Geofencing feature alerts the company if a quarantined worker leaves his or her cabinIn UseCarnival CruisesTravel/TourismN/Aworker-provided device (if worker prefers) or company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknownBoth workers and cruise ship passengers are being surveilled (cruise ship passengers are surveilled in a similar way to workers, but through the Carnival mobile app)Camera, GPS, BluetoothUnknownNo"Contact-tracing algorithms enable the contact of identified infected [workers and] guests to be tracked and indicate [workers and] guests with suspected infections to engage in safety protocols"YesData is continuously being recorded whenever a worker is onboard a Carnival cruise shipNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownCarnival Cruises medical teamThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownData is not shared with third partiesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerYes Workers are obliged to use the appThe app possibly collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-making, as it is collecting medical data like one's heart rateThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable relevant privacy policy made available to the publicN/ACarnival Cruises App Borrow LoanSquare Inc is a merchant services aggregator and mobile payment company that aims to simplify commerce through technologyNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, management"* Workers can take out a loan between $20 and $200. The loan must be paid back in four weeks, along with a flat fee of 5% * Offered to both the general public (for a fee) and in the future possibly via employers’ systems as a workplace benefitIn UseN/AFinancial ServicesJon Hassan, Omega Venture Partners, GGV Capital, JP Morgan, Sapphire VenturesWorker's personal deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation is not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe Borrow Agreement and Privacy Note do not specify a specific retention period, but note, "You have the right to ask us to delete the personal information we have collected from you (subject to exceptions the law provides) Please note that you may no longer be able to use our Services if you delete your personal information"Only workers seeking finance are being surveilledN/ANoneNoAn algorithm is used to determine eligibility for loans, however details on this algorithm are not knownYesData is collected when workers consciously upload it to Cash AppYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesCashApp staff, First Electronic BankYes There are guidelines prohibiting the use of the Cash App for discriminatory purposesUnknownAccording to the Cash App privacy policy, "We share your information with others For example, with other people with whom you interact when you use our services; within our family of companies (like Square and Weebly), who may offer services that we think could be useful to you; with service providers who help us run our services; or if we need to share your information to comply with the law"N/ANo Use of this product is voluntaryInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Ohio, Washington, Utah, Florida, and Wisconsin have additional protections not extended to residents of other statesYes The data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy: Borrow Agreement: https://cashapp/legal/us/en-us/borrowagreementN/ASquare Inc Hand Hygiene ComplianceCentrak, Inc sells a Real-Time Location System (RTLS) that provides precise location solutions for healthcare applicationsNoWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* CenTrak’s electronic hand hygiene monitoring system is a sensor that mounts to any dispenser, canister, pump, or sink * "Generate reports that show visits to hand hygiene stations as well as missed opportunities Reports can be compared and analyzed to help determine where additional interventions are needed" * Improves clinical workflow: "An electronic hand hygiene monitoring system does not interfere with workflow the way other types of monitoring might In fact, because it does not require the healthcare worker to do anything to record compliance, it actually improves workflow"In UseWake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance, Mission Hospital St Joseph Health SystemHealthcareUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoIndividual organizations configure how long data should be retained for The default settings are unknownOnly workers are being surveilledBluetoothN/ANoThis software delivers "Personal reminders to staff to encourage compliance in real-time The best behavior correction strategy is delivered immediately A gentle reminder from the system at the exact moment when compliance could be improved can provide faster results than other methods"UnknownData is only being collected when workers are in the workplaceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware and/or the data it collects with the developer, Centrak, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerYes Workers are obliged to use the hardwareThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy:, Inc Ltd enables the real-time and dynamic orchestration of people and spaces, empowering companies to adopt flexible working at scaleYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Desk management software to allow office workers to book hot desks * Color-coded floor plans visualize capacity for understanding office density * Capacity management for multiple buildings, floors or workspaces all in one place * Tracking of employee bookings and usage for improving availability and contact tracing in case a worker tests positive for Covid-19In UseRobin, EnvoyOffices, Schools, HealthcareTechstars, Intel Capital, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Firstminute Capital, Manta Ray VenturesWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured when workers are in the officeUnited KingdomUnited KingdomYesThe privacy policy states that all data is recorded for 12 monthsOnly workers are being surveilledGPS, BluetoothUnknownNoAlgorithm assigns desks to workers near other team members, to ensure team collaborationUnknownData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn their privacy policy, Chargifi says, "We employ other companies (“Agents”) and people to perform tasks on our behalf and need to share, and may transfer within the EEA, your information with them to provide products or services to you Other types of Agents with which we may share Personal Information include organizations providing services to support Chargifi functions, such as distributors, supply chain, social media and our Public Relations agency"Workers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware and/or the data it collects with the developer, Chargifi, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerYes Workers are obliged to use the hardwareThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy: Ltd OnlineCanon Solutions America, Inc is an optical products company specializing in the manufacture of imaging and optical products including camerasYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Check-In Online is an "electronic and dynamic way to gather information from either internal or external parties who wish to gain access into your facility" * Prevent potentially unhealthy workers or visitors from entering your facility * Reduce the environmental impact by digitizing the entire process * :Route the responses to the appropriate departments or stakeholders (HR, on-premises Security or EMT, business unit, etc.)"In UseCanonOfficesN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown, but a brochure for the product recommends that individual organizations deploying this tool choose a short retention period for data "You can set retention policies at varying thresholds, but to avoid liability related to responsibilities of protecting PII (personally identifiable information) and PHI (personal health information), it is recommended to only store the data long enough to review and assess" https://esscsacanoncom/rs/206-CLL-191/images/Therefore-Checkin-Online-BrochurepdfWorkers and visitors to an office building are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardNoneNoBased on worker input, the system will determine whether the worker can return to work, must speak with HR, or must report to a medical facility for treatmentYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesHR, ManagerThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware and/or the data it collects with the developer, Canon, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerYes Workers are obliged to use the hardwareThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy: Solutions America, Inc, Inc seeks to automate the process of professional background checksNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Checkr claims to use "AI-powered technology to help our customers run their background checks so companies—big or small—can make safer, more informed hiring decisions in less time" * Allows employers to "verify important candidate data such as education, employment, and licensing history" * "Get insight into a candidate’s accounts including late payments, charge-offs, and collections. Checkr brings you a comprehensive view from public records and credit history reports" * Checkr claims that "85% of background checks [are] completed within 24 hours"In UseAirbnb, Hot Topic, Uber, Zillow, Lyft, Elwood Staffing, NetflixStaffing, Gig Economy, Retail, Hospitality, Volunteering, ManufacturingKhosla Ventures, T Rowe Price, GV, SV Angel, IVPworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy does not outline a specific retention period However, it does state, "You have the right to delete your data After deleting your data, you will no longer have access to our Candidate Portal" and provides a link to an online form to permanently delete one's records in CheckrWorkers and prospective workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhoto LibraryUnclear - Checkr does collect face photos for identity verification and drivers license checks, but it is not clear what analysis is applied to these images Checkr says it streamlines the background check process process by pulling as much information as it can find on a candidate into a machine learning system Checkr can then discern the type and severity of a criminal charge and can summarize disparate documents and identify convictions more quickly than any human It then makes an automatic assessment on a candidate, but candidates can request a human review if they disagree with the assessmentYesCheckr offers two background checks; a one-time check in which case data is only collected at one point in time, with the candidate's knowledge, and a continuous check, in which case data is collected on a daily basis about the candidate, typically without their knowledge (however, Checkr will notify the candidate/worker if their assessment of them changes)Yes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected data, but in its Service Agreement, Checkr requires that organizations have controls in place to ensure only "supervisors" and above can view background checks In addition, data is visible to the worker and by Checkr staffYes There are guidelines prohibiting the use of Checkr for discriminatory purposesNo SDKs are used Checkr's privacy policy states all data is collected from individuals directly, except for, "Public Records: Checkr may collect public records bearing on an individual or business entity, including civil and criminal court records and documentation, business filings, and public media articles Private Records: Where appropriately authorized, Checkr may obtain private records, including educational, employment, financial, and health records"In its privacy policy, Checkr says that personal information will be shared with third parties in the following circumstances: As authorized: Certain collected information may be shared when authorized, either expressly or implicitly, through the use of the Site or Services Such authorization includes: - Consumer authorization to share collected personal information, as well as public and private information with Customers (eg, background check information, supplemental information, etc); - Customer authorization to share certain account information necessary to administer requested Services (eg, company name and contact information provided to Consumers) or to integrate with third party service providers (eg, applicant tracking systems); - Site Visitor authorization through the submission of contact information To Perform Services: Certain Services necessitate sharing collected information (eg, to perform a background check) Checkr may share or transfer certain collected information to third party partners and affiliates who perform services on behalf of Checkr, including but not limited to data storage, analysis and processing To Meet Legal and Compliance Requirements: Checkr may disclose certain collected information where, in good faith, we believe that the law or legal process (such as a court order, search warrant or subpoena) requires us to do so or in other circumstances where we believe it is necessary to protect the rights or property of Checkr, our Consumers, our Customers, or third parties To Provide Security: Checkr may share information with and between Customers, relevant Partners or third parties to verify account credentials and to address fraud or safety concerns To Analyze Usage of Services: We use analytics services for purposes of analyzing usage of the Services See What choices do you have about online tracking, analytics and email communications from Checkr? for more information To Transfer Business: In the event of a merger, sale of capital stock or assets, reorganization, consolidation or similar transaction involving Checkr, the information we possess may be transferred as a corporate asset to the acquiring entity To Conduct Research and Marketing: We may disclose information to non-affiliated third parties for research and marketing purposes See Anonymized Information aboveYes Checkr says in its privacy policy and service agreement that it has a complaint mechanism for receiving and processing complaints about its data collection and processing practices This can be activated by contacting Checkr through its online portal If a worker is not satisfied with Checkr's response, there is an adjudication process with an independent adjudicator that workers may avail of If workers remain dissatisfied with the outcome, Checkr says workers "have the right to contact your relevant supervisory authority However, we encourage you to contact us first, and we will do our very best to resolve your concern"Yes Prospective workers and/or workers are typically obliged to have Checkr run a background check on themWhile Checkr does collect sensitive information, and therefore could be a vector for discriminatory decision-making, its service is designed to be run on a job candidate after an offer of employment has been extended to themThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentProspective workers and workers in California and Massachusetts have additional protections not extended to residents of other statesYes Checkr says it has standardized its processes and these are audited: "Checkr follows the ISO 27001 standard to continuously identify, select, maintain and improve information security controls to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our systems and information"Checkr says in its privacy policy it "may use the collected information to i) comply with any applicable procedures, laws, and regulations, subpoenas, governmental requests or legal process; ii) in connection with a legal investigation, if in our good faith opinion such is required or permitted by law"Checkr Compliance Resources: https://helpcheckrcom/hc/en-us/articles/115007789668-Compliance-ResourcesPrivacy Policy: Service Agreement:, Inc, Inc is an AI conversation intelligence cloud platform for sales teams that claims to transform conversations into data and insightsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Chorus records, transcribes, and analyzes business calls in real time so managers can access call insights within minutes after the call ends * The software "make[s] it easy to jump to the moments that matter like next steps, competitor mentions, feature requests, and more" * Allows managers to see "at a glance if your team is following your prescribed sales process. Understand if your training is sticking and whether your approved talk tracks are being used so you know where to invest more time"In UseAdobe, Zoom, Ambition, Cision, Asana, Podium, Billcom, Bugcrowd, MongoDB, Everstring, AdRoll, GitLab, Qualtrics, 6sense, Guru, UserTesting, Marketo, Housecall Pro, Coursera, TapClicks, TripActions, Talkdesk, Invision, LucidChart, Procore, PubNub, Segment, TheMuse, DataRobotCustomer Service, Hospitality, Travel, SalesSozo Ventures, Emergence, Redpoint, Georgiancompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "we’ll retain information for as long as we need it to provide you the Services or to comply with applicable law"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersMicrophoneUnknownUnknownClaims made on the marketing website: * Understand the Relationships that Drive Revenue Deeply understand every customer with powerful Relationship Intelligence so you can better personalize interactions, more effectively engage with prospects and customers, and win business faster Advanced AI uncovers what key topics were discussed in past interactions, and easily enables every team member to come up to speed and create world-class customer experiences * Forecast with Confidence Revenue teams can’t afford to rely on high-level forecasting numbers or intuition With firsthand Conversation and Relationship Intelligence, leaders accurately plan their business through understanding each deal inside-out, just as if they were a part of every interaction from day one * Pinpoint Actionable Opportunities Cut through the activity clutter, and pinpoint exactly what interactions impact deal progression Better manage deal and account reviews with AI that highlights focus areas and helps you build a repeatable formula for your team * Conduct Smarter Pipeline Reviews At a glance, understand how engagement activity correlates to deal outcomes that move your pipeline forward Quickly reveal deal risks, critical moments and overall deal momentum to eliminate roadblocks for your teamYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:, Inc-No, Inc is a food delivery platform that connects customers with local and national businessesYesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Robots for making/serving fresh food * Sally the Robot makes salads * "Serve ~65 meals before replacing ingredients and keep food fresher longer with 38 degree refrigeration, so you can run through the night without extra labor costs"In DevelopmentCurrently being deployed in hospitalsRestaurants, HospitalityN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/A - not tracking workersN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoN/A - not collecting personal informationN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/ANoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc, Inc is a gig-based company that hires you to help evict peopleYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareContract* Civvl is a platform that allows "landlords, property managers, real estate agents, banks, plaintiffs, and courts to evict people faster" * Civvl promises independent contractors they'll earn up to $2,000 per week for helping with evictions and foreclosure cleanoutsIn UseUnknownReal Estate, Cleaning, Property EvictionsUnknownWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto Album, ContactsNoThis app does not make any public claims about its algorithmUnknownData is always being collected, even when the worker is not workingIt is not clear if the informed consent of workers is obtained before their personal information is collected or processedWorkers can access some of their own data, but not all of the data collected about themWorkers can correct some of their own data held about them, but not all of the data collected about themUnknownNoUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedIt is plausible that this app could explose workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown The privacy policy is incomplete and not specific enough to make an assessment about regulatory arbitrageThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:, Inchttps://www.onqall.ioNo
https://getclair.comClairClair Inchttps://getclair.comClair is a social fintech that provides Instant Pay Access as a Service for human capital management and gig platformsYesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Clair offers workers advances on their next paycheck, but charges no fees to the worker and charges a small fee to the employer ("When employees need quick cash, they don't want to have to turn to a predatory payday lender. Show them that their employer has their back") * Clair tells its employers it helps reduce check printing costs * Clair says by removing financial stress it helps reduce worker turnover ("Studies show 20-40% reduction in employee turnover with on-demand payment benefits")In Use7ShiftsGig Economy, Hospitality, Ride Share, Restaurants, RetailFounder Collective, Upfront Ventures, Michael Vaughan, Walkabout Ventures, Paul AppelbaumWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured, but unknown whether continuously captured or whenUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "Clair retains personal information or personal data for as long as necessary to (1) provide the Services; (2) comply with legal obligations; and (3) resolve disputes"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhoto Library, WiFINoClair does not outline what algorithms it deploys on worker data, but a blog post from an investor, Upfront Ventures, says Clair has a "wage-advance algorithm" for assessing whether it would be harmful to a worker to issue them a pay advance or not, and the level of the advancr https://upfrontcom/thoughts/democratizing-earned-wage-accessYesData is collected about a worker when they either apply for their first pay advance This includes their name, gender, address, email, telephone number, job title, department, photograph, and payroll information, some of which is obtained from the employer with the worker's consent The privacy policy does not state whether any information is continuously collected, but presumably payroll data must continue to sync with the Clair app in order for Clair to assess whether or not to offer a worker a subsequent pay advanceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYes Clair's privacy policy states how workers may request a correction to the information held on them Clair notes, "We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect"Clair's privacy policy implies that its customer service team can view data, but notes data is not shared with third partiers or in identifiable manner with a worker's employerThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of Clair for discriminatory purposesUnknownWorker data is shared with MetaBank, NA, who issues prepaid debit cards on behalf of Clair Clair says that it does not sell identifiable data to third parties, but it may be disclosed in the following circumstances: We may share the information or data that we collect, or you provide as described in this privacy policy: With Clair’s customers, only to the extent necessary as the information pertains to the customer’s end users; With service providers, and other third parties we use to help us provide, manage and improve the Services and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information and data confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we share it to them; With Clair subsidiaries and corporate affiliates; and To a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Clair's assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information or data held by Clair about our end users is among the assets transferred We may also share your personal information or personal data: To comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request; Enforce the terms and conditions that govern the Services; and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Clair, and/or that of you or others; and To Protect, investigate and deter against fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity, in the event of active or prospective litigation or arbitration, for regulatory compliance efforts and/or auditsIn its privacy policy, Clair says to "send us an email at {EMAIL ADDRESS}" (email address not provided) if a worker has a complaint No information is available on how Clair handles complaints or what rights workers have if they are dissatisfied with Clair's resolution to their complaint This lack of a formal complaints procedure suggests that Clair does not have a proper mechanism in place for resolving worker grievancesNo Use of this product is voluntaryThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California have additional protections not extended to residents of other statesThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://getclair.comNo AnalyticsJoberate, Inc is a labor market intelligence platform, like Bloomberg for workforce information NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract, salaried* Claro describes itself as a “sonar for employee engagement”, monitoring billions of data points to benchmark worker attrition risk and worker engagement * It also helps firms to “assess your competitors' job openings for new products or services”In UseUnknownProfessional ServicesBeta Bayview, Kline Hill Partners, CEB VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AJoberate, Inc, Inc is a gig economy platform that helps cleaners find local cleaning jobsNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareContract* CleanQwik connects workers with customers seeking cleaning servicesIn UseUnknownCleaningUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto Album, ContactsNoThis app does not make any public claims about its algorithmUnknownData is always being collected, even when the worker is not workingIt is not clear if the informed consent of workers is obtained before their personal information is collected or processedWorkers can access some of their own data, but not all of the data collected about themWorkers can correct some of their own data held about them, but not all of the data collected about themUnknownNoUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedIt is plausible that this app could explose workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown The privacy policy is incomplete and not specific enough to make an assessment about regulatory arbitrageThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.onqall.ioNo 19Sway Medical, Inc has developed an FDA-cleared mobile software application that monitors for signs of musculoskeletal, neurological, and vestibular dysfunctionYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformNon-management* This COVID-19 screening tool allows managers to schedule regular remote screenings for workers to report their symptoms and temperature before coming to workIn UseUnknownHealthcare, Educationi2Eworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownWorkers and visitors to an office building are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoNo algorithmYesUnknownUnknownWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationhttps://staticswaymedicalcom/web/QR-2003-01-v03pdfPrivacy Policy: Operations, LLC Performance, Engagement and Goals Platform is a talent management software providerNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementClearCompany Performance, Engagement and Goals platform is a performance management system * Marketing website says "seamlessly design, automate, and manage any type of performance review," including new hire reviews, quarterly and annual reviews, competency and roles-based reviews, and peer/360 reviews * Employee engagement surveys can help "understand employee sentiments and improve workplace culture" * The Reporting Suite "analyze[s] performance trends and track[s] employee performance over time by department, manager, and individual"In UseChick-Fil-A, Fujifilm, Eyemart Express, Answer Financial, America's Test Kitchen, DC United, Community College System of New Hampshire, Children's Miracle Network HospitalsFinancial, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Nonprofit, Hospitality, Technology, Engineering, Real Estate, Education, Skilled Labor, RetailPrimus Capital, SaaS Capitalcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedNo location data capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesIn its privacy policy, ClearCompany says ambiguously, "ClearCompany retains personal information and the personal data we process on behalf of our customers for as long as needed to provide the Services to customers, job-seekers and employees enrolled in those Services We will retain and use this personal information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements with customers, and/or the period required by laws in applicable jurisdictions"Only workers are being surveilledKeyboard, MouseN/ANoClearCompany uses algorithms to generate trends of how individual workers have performed over time, but no information is available on how this is calculatedYesIt depends on how individual organizations have configured the platform, but broadly data is collected on a continual basis from co-workers of the worker whose performance is being evaluated Data is not collected automatically from the worker's device(s) or other hardwareNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedNoLeadership, Managers, HR, Worker (to some extent)There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of Clair for discriminatory purposesSlackThe privacy policy states that data may be shared with the following third parties: • To contractors, service providers and other third parties we use to support our business • To a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of some or all of ClearCompany, Inc's assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by ClearCompany, Inc about our Website users is among the assets transferred • To fulfill the purpose for which you provide it For example, if you give us an e-mail address to use the "e-mail a friend" feature of our Website, we will transmit the contents of that e-mail and your e-mail address to the recipients • For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information • To employers, when you apply to a position managed by the Website on behalf of that employer, or when you become an employee of an employer who uses the Website • With your consent • To comply with any court order, law or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request • To enforce or apply our terms of use as posted on wwwclearcompanycom and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes • If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of ClearCompany, Inc, our customers or othersYes In its privacy policy, ClearCompany provides the contact details for its Data Protection Officer who is designated to handle complaints about ClearCompany's data handling practicesUnknown as deployment depends on the organization that has licensed it, but it is likely that workers are obliged to use the softwareYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-making Its 360 and Peer Review features, for example, show a photo of the worker and ask their colleagues to describe their performance in subjective termsThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to US workersThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://wwwclustertruck.comClusterTruckClusterTruck, Inchttps://www.clustertruck.comClusterTruck is an online food delivery platformYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* ClusterTruck has ghost kitchens in food trucks parked in parking garages and, increasingly, in Kroger kitchens * Food is delivered to customers within 20 minutes of being ordered * When an order comes in, kitchen workers wait to start cooking it until the system tells them exactly where the driver is. If food takes five minutes to cook, the time to start the order is when a driver is five minutes away Because the software allows for more precise timing, the drivers don’t even have to get out of the car; food is ready for delivery as soon as they arrive * Drivers have downward pressure to deliver items rapidly and are paid a fee per deliveryIn UseN/ARestaurantsNimble Ventures, Kristian AndersenWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy does not specify a retention periodBoth workers and customers are being surveilledGPS, Bluetooth, CameraPhoto LibraryNoNo claims madeYesWorker location data is continuosly captured while the worker is working It is not known if worker location data is captured when workers are not workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.clustertruck.comNo
https://healthscreenapp.scmich.eduCMICH HealthscreenCentral Michigan University Michigan University is a public research universityYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Every member of the university community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors, is required to monitor their symptoms daily before coming to campus * This app consists of a Covid-19 symptom screening questionnaireIn UseCentral Michigan UniversityEducationN/Aworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedNoneUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown There is no publicly available privacy policy specific to this appAll persons on a university campus, including students, workers, management, and members of the publicN/AN/ANoN/AYesData is only collected when the app is open on a user's deviceUnknownUnknown The privacy policy is silent on whether workers can access their dataUnknown The privacy policy is silent on whether workers can correct incorrect dataUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingAs the software does not collect one's location, the software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/A - designed for one jurisdiction onlyUnknownNo information is available on what due diligence is carried out by the university before it responds to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Michigan University (Collaborative Robot)Teradyne Inc is a supplier of automatic test equipment used to test complex electronics used in consumer electronicsYesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, non-management* A cobot (collaborative robot) is a small, nimble robot that can perform multiple jobs, such as machine-tending, sanding, deburring, part inspection and laser marking, leaving small businesses less dependent on manual labor * Cobots are intended to work alongside human workers (for example, packing items into boxes), leaving human workers to perform tasks that are less simple to automate * In a Covid-19 case study, a warehouse reports that when all its workers needed to self-quarantine because of Covid-19, this had no impact on a facility's productivity because the cobots could continue to workIn UseDCL Logistics, All Axis MachiningIndustrial, LogisticsN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedUnknownUnited StatesNot ordinarily connected beyond a local networkNoUnknownUnknownN/A - No hardware is utilizedN/ANoN/AUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AWorkers are obliged or pressured to work with the cobots under a real or perceived threatN/AN/AThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy made publicly available Robots Facial Recognition PlatformThales Group is a leader in the aerospace, transportation, and defense and security marketsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Cogent Facial Recognition Platform is a biometric face recognition system that uses deep neural networks for face detection, tracking, and recognition * It can process videos in both live or replay to identify people and integrates with existing access control, ID check, and security/video surveillance systemsIn UseUnited States Immigration and Customs EnforcementGovernment, Military, Airports, RetailN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedFranceUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraFace IDYesFaces are captured and matched in roughly 1 second Utilizing score normalizing algorithms, the software can be utilized to help identify matches even from low-quality imagesYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable privacy notice for all products, not specific to this one: Group DialogCogito Corporation provides contact centers with an AI coaching systemYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformContract, salaried, management* Cogito performs live, in-call voice analysis on customer calls * Agents "receive real-time phone etiquette training, with guidance on how to speak with more empathy, confidence, professionalism, and efficiency, while early signs of customer frustration and intent to purchase help improve customer service and close deals" * Real-time dashboards "empower supervisors to virtually walk the floor with real-time measures of customer experience, agent behavior, and the ability to proactively listen to live calls with no extra setup required Supervisors are automatically alerted to calls in which a customer is having a poor experience"In UseVeteran Affairs, "Top 5 Credit Card Issuer"Healthcare, Insurance, Financial Services, Tech and Telco, Travel and Hospitality, Retail, SalesSafar Partners, Salesforce Ventures, Goldman Sachs, Romulus Capital, Hearst Ventures, DARPA, Battery Ventures company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We may keep Customer Data for the period of time which is agreed upon in Customer Agreement", implying that the retention period varies by organization deploying this technologyData is being captured about the general public as well as workersMicrophoneN/ANo"Uncover new behavioral insights and trends with Cogito’s one-of-a-kind, signal-based machine learning platform that provides continuous streaming analysis of all phone conversations Cogito’s analytics provide objective insight into agent speaking behavior and customer experience on every call Live customer experience scores help identify actionable best practices and trends With Cogito, establish better customer service solutions and new systems of employee and customer insights to improve internal analytics by leveraging unique behavioral and conversational data across your organization’s business-critical systems"YesData is being collected when workers are on phone calls with customers (or waiting for phone calls from customers)No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownCogito says it does "not sell, rent or trade Customer Data with third parties" It will only share personal information with: * contracted service providers who agree to use the personal information exclusively for our benefit, including email services, website hosting and measurement, job application management, and other necessary functions * to comply with any court order or other legal obligation * to enforce or apply the terms of the definitive agreement between Customer and Cogito * in the event of merger, acquisition, or any form of sale or transfer of some or all of our assets (including in the event of a reorganization, dissolution or liquidation)Yes In its privacy policy, Cogito says it "has appointed a data protection officer at Lucid Privacy Group who has direct access to the highest level of management in the organization and is responsible for the organization's individual privacy protection program Our appointment of Lucid Privacy Group is based on deep professional experience, in particular, expert knowledge of data protection law and practices and the ability to fulfill the tasks required of a Data Protection Officer The Data Protection Officer is selected by Cogito’s VP Legal after a review of the Data Protection Officer’s qualifications and expert knowledge of data privacy laws and practices Cogito’s VP Legal is responsible for periodically reviewing, at least annually, the qualifications and expert knowledge of the Data Protection Officer" This external legal advisor can be contacted by data subjects with complaintsWorkers are obliged to use the softwareInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to US workersYes Cogito says it has ‘System and Organizational Controls’ in place and audited by a third party in order "to measure and report on the controls at a service organization to provide assurance that the controls provide the appropriate level of security and availability of the information stored and processed"The company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Sensing PlatformPointGrab Inc is a sensor and cloud-based management system that offers visibility into occupant behavior and space utilizationNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* The CogniPoint Sensing Platform consists of workspace occupancy sensors, installed in the ceiling of every room of an office, that sync to a cloud management system * The sensors detect people’s presence, locations, and numbers, and send analytics data to the management system * The management system then reports this real-time analytics data to integrated third-party building systems, such as for planning purposes and securityIn UseMitsubishi Capital, Phiips, ABB, Flex, Gooee, Sunplus IT, Rifiniti, Busch-Jaeger, Tyco Innovation, Qmapiq, Ecomachines Ventures, Spica, MetrikusOffices, WarehousesGoldman Sachs, Battery Ventures, Salesforce Ventures, MIT Media Lab, GS Growthcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can not be identified by this deviceN/AIsraelUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy on the website of PointGrab, the manufacturer of CogniPoint, speaks only to their website and does not outline the retention period for the data captured by their sensors or cloud management systemData is being captured about the general public as well as workersSensorN/ANoAccording to the manufacturer's website, "All of the image processing is done on the sensor itself, the sensor does not store or output images, and has no interface to extract images, so privacy is fully protected As the sensor tracks peoples’ movement rather than personal devices (eg mobile phones), it is completely anonymous"YesData is captured when a person is within 7 square meters of a sensor The device will count then count them as being in the room, and record how long they spend in the roomN/A - device is not capturing personally identifiable informationUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData can be optionally shared with: Smartspace, Honeywell, Savvy, Comfy, Octo, Mapiq, Cloudbooking, Asure Software, Johnson Controls, Office App, Locarise, Spacewell, Door Tablet, JLL, Mitie, EngieNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to have the sensor count themThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Inc
https://gocollectivehealth.comCollective GoCollective Health Health is a company providing an alternative to traditional health insuranceYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformSalaried* An evidence-based, externally-reviewed occupational health protocol underpinning a testing process, tailored to address risks associated with specific job types and populations * A full ecosystem of clinically validated or FDA EUA test options through a wide and growing network of certified lab partners * A simple, streamlined, and privacy-oriented app experience with symptom and exposure checking, test status monitoring, and certification of compliance with business workplace testing protocols * A HIPAA-compliant platform capable of securely receiving data from a variety of testing labs, with management tools to deliver insights on how the workforce is tracking towards successful risk reduction and reentryIn UseZendesk, Red Bull, Live Nation, Pinterest, Box, Jazz PharmaceuticalsCompanies with 1,000 employees or more in any industry, but particularly agriculture, retail, tech, consultingNEA, Founders Fund, Sun Life Financial, GV, Maverick, Mubadala, Redpoint, DFJ Growth, Softbank, PSP InvestmentsPersonal devices and company-provided devicesCentralizedIdentifiableN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe Collective Health Digital Platform Privacy Policy states, "We will retain your Personal Information for as long as necessary to perform the services and to comply with our legal obligations" This ambiguous statement does not give workers sufficient information to understand how long their personal information is being retained forOnly workers are being surveilledCameraPhoto LibraryNoN/AYesUnknownUnknownUnknown The privacy policy is silent on whether workers can access their dataUnknown The privacy policy is silent on whether workers can correct incorrect dataUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnknownNo information is available on what due diligence is carried out by the company before it responds to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Health AppSiemens is a multinational engineering and electronics company involved in the fields of industry, energy, transportation, and healthcareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformContract, salaried, non-management, managementFor workers: * The Comfy app gives workers personal control over their work environment * Comfy helps workers "control their temperature, adjust lighting throughout the day, find and book available rooms and desks, and share immediate feedback with workplace teams" For employers: * Comfy is a business intelligence platform that "capture[s] critical data from your people, spaces, systems, and things to provide transparency into key business metrics, enhance the workplace experience, and drive cost savings" * Administer employee wellness checks prior to building entry to identify risks of Covid-19 * Configure space usage across the real estate portfolio and enforce regulatory limits * Drive utilization of workplace services and amenities and increase employee satisfaction by making them bookable through an appIn UseMcDonald's, Salesforce, Morgan Stanley, BMW, Siemens, Nikoa, Arvato BertelsmannConsumer Electronics, Energy, Hardware, Health Care, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Software, SustainabilityN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedGermanyUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy states, "Subject to our obligations contained in the section above titled “Your Choices”, and unless a different retention period is required by law or by agreement with our Customer, we will retain the personal data of users of the Service until the first to occur of the following: five (5) years from the date of collection of such personal data, the date on which our contractual relationship with our Customer terminates, or ninety (90) days following the date on which we become aware that you are no longer an active user of the Service At such time, we will delete your personal data"Both workers and visitors to a space are being surveilledGPS, BluetoothNoneNoThe Comfy website does not expand on what algorithms it uses, and whenYesData is continuously collected about a worker when they are physically at work, or when they open the Comfy app on their cell phone The privacy policy says this data includes, "Information concerning the requests submitted by a user (eg to control the temperature and lighting of their workspace; to find and book meeting rooms; to request repairs; to view desk availability or book a desk; to view available amenities; to view maps of buildings and campuses, etc); Information about the location which a user submitted the request from (building, floor, zone, space type); Date and time of a user request; User preferences for the office settings that are controlled by the Comfy app" No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processed The privacy policy states, "The Customer is responsible for determining the legal grounds for the processing of Customer Data carried out by Comfy on behalf of Customer"YesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view the data, but by default, it is viewable to corporate real estate leaders and workplace teamsThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy says that Comfy does not disclose worker data, but instead it "will be disclosed to the Customer as set forth in the agreements concluded between us and the Customer, as may be instructed by the Customer, and to comply with applicable laws and/or governmental orders"Yes, in some circumstances The privacy policy contains a complaints mechanism and also states, "if you have a dispute with us about our adherence to the Privacy Shield Principles, we will seek to resolve it through JAMS, an independent alternative dispute resolution body based in the United States If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint from us, or if we have not addressed your complaint to your satisfaction, please visit https://wwwjamsadrcom/eu-us-privacy-shield for more information or to file a complaint The services of JAMS are provided at no cost to you In certain circumstances, you may have the right to invoke binding arbitration"Workers are not obliged to use the app, but will be tracked by it regardlessInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentUncertain It is possible that Comfy could be used to identify workers who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to US workersYes Comfy's parent company, Siemens, has standardized its processes and these are auditedSiemens, Comfy's parent company, only responds to lawful access requests and pushes back against unlawful law enforcement access requestsUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, LLC is a web-based cloud system for employee surveillance on work computersNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformContract, salaried, non-management, management* Controlio is a cloud system that covertly monitors workers by capturing their every keystroke, recording their device's screen, and stealthily monitors websites visited * A "Productivity Score" is automatically calculated to monitor for "distractive activites"; workers are ranked from most productive to least productiveIn UseUnknownOffices, Remote WorkUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoDefault settings are unknown Individual organizations can configure how long to retain data forOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, Keyboard, MouseNoneNoThe product calculates a "productivity score" According to the marketing website, "The Productivity Score measures your team’s level of productivity Levels of productivity are calculated as percentages and range from 0% to 100% productivity This indicator is calculated by monitoring and measuring your team’s active use of computer programs and websites The calculation is measured in units of time, which are then categorized in parameters (‘productivity levels’) that show your team’s time as either very productive (vp, weight 4), productive (p, weight 3), neutral (n, weight 2), distracting (d, weight 1), or very distracting (vd, weight 0) Productivity Score formula: 25 x ( d + n x 2 + p x 3 + vp x 4 ) / ( vd + d + n + p + vp ) The maximum Productivity Score value is 100, the minimum value is 0 It can be calculated to any set of apps&sites, users&departments"UnknownData is collected continuously and without the knowledge of the impacted workerNo Informed consent is not obtained from workers before their data is collectedNoNoManagers, HRThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use the softwareInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, LLC Back-to-WorkCordata Healthcare Innovations, LLC Healthcare Innovations offers specialized software applications for effective patient managementYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Assessment and tracking of workers' Covid-19 status * Facilitation of communication to workers about mandatory testing or screening * Reinforcement of processes and safety through workflows * Robust reporting capabilities * Can be integrated with other systemsIn Useover 100 hospitals in the USHospital & Health CareCincyTech, CVH Holdings, First Health Capital PartnersWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoAccording to marketing material, Cordata says, "Based on state and CDC guidelines, employers are required to retain symptoms and record assessments Healthcare records must be kept in a separate system, outside of the HR system The ADA also requires any medical history documentation be saved for 1 year"Only workers are being surveilledKeyboard, MouseN/ANoCordata says Back-to-Work has "automation built in", describing this as, "Proactive communication, workflow management, and automatic task assignments with reminders and alerts make it easy to streamline your internal team processes"YesData is collected when workers consciously upload information into the app or websiteUnknownYesUnknownManagers, HRThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneData will not be shared with third partiesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use the softwareInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable; Policy: Healthcare Innovations, LLC Recruitment and HR ProductsCornerstone OnDemand provides cloud-based talent management software solutionsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* "Build and manage a high-performance organization​" * "Evaluate skills organization-wide to identify the right people for the right roles Reward high performers and address skills gaps to ensure your organization is always at its best​" * "Lockdown compliance processes to focus on what matters; remain audit-ready with holistic appraisals and reports from a highly configurable system"In UseHyatt, RSM, BJC, Penn Community BankComputer SoftwareLinkedIn, Silver Lake, ff Venture Capital, Bessemer Venture Partners, Bay Partners, Meritech Capital Partnerscompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknown The privacy policy does not outline a specific retention period for collected dataOnly workers are being surveilledKeyboard, MouseN/ANoCornerstone does not publish details on how its algorithms functionYesData is collected when workers or co-workers of the worker consciously upload information into the platformYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownCornerstone says in its privacy policy that personal infromation will not be shared with third partiesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use the softwareThe software collects information that could potentially lead to discriminatory decision-making, but a better understanding of how individual organizations are deploying this tool is necessary in order to understand how significant the potential for harm here isThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes The company has a human rights policy, and policies for vendors, published on its website: https://investorscornerstoneondemandcom/investors/governance/governance-documents/defaultaspxInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentCornerstone offers equal privacy protections to workers across all jurisdictionsYes Cornerstone has an internal audit function, and external auditors, ensuring its procedures are applied consistentlyInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Intelligence, Inc is a developer of artificial intelligence for roboticsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Order picking, packing, and storage robot to replace human workers in warehousesIn UseKNAPP, Obeta, Bpost, ABBApparel, Manufacturing, Food, Healthcare, Retail, ParcelIndex Ventures, Radical Ventures, Amplify Partners, Samsung NEXT, Lux Capital, SV Angel, Frees FundN/ACentralizedN/A - not tracking workersN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesData is retained for one yearN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/ANoN/AYesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://covariantai/privacy-policyN/AEmbodied Intelligence, Inc LLC makes high-quality digital art accessible by connecting people with professional artists around the worldYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Covatar is a marketplace connecting people who want a photograph converted into a cartoon by artists * Artists are paid fixed fees of $15-25 for 2 or more hours of work and receive no tips or artist creditIn UseN/AArt, Graphic Design, Social MediaUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersKeyboard, MouseN/ANoNo details are known about how Covatar assigns artists to customersUnknownData is collected from workers only when they consciously upload information to the platformYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged to use the online platformInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: LLC Campus AppBroad Institute Broad Institute brings together a diverse group of individuals from its partner institutions to confront biomedical challengesYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried* Schedule Covid-19 tests and remind users of their appointments * Users receive test results in real time * Contact reporting * Allows HR departments to keep vaccination recordsIn Use41 universities, including Barnard, Colby, Connecticut, Curry, Emmanuel, Fisher, Landmark, Laser, Lesley, MECA, MCPHS, Merrimack, Mitchell, Saint Lawrence, Salem State, Simmons, Skidmore, Suffolk, Trinity, Vermont, Wagner, Wentworth, Wheaton, Williams, Worcester StateHigher EducationIt is unknown if Current Care Analytics (parent company) has outside investors, but it is possible it does not Current Care Analytics is a C corporation co-founded in Delaware in 2016 by Brandon Busuito and Frank Albanese CoVerified is a daughter company that began in May 2020, as a focused engineering project to help bridge the gap between siloed clinical / lab partners administering Covid-19 testing, and the general public, in an effort to promote a proactive approach to preventing local outbreaks of Covid-19 among local municipalities, businesses, and schools Coverified appears to have emerged out of an MIT hackathon for MIT alumni that encouraged Covid-19 response tools to be developedPersonal DeviceCentralizedIdentifiableIn UseUnited StatesUnited StatesNoDefault retention period is unknown Individual higher education institutions can configure this for themselves Logs that do not contain personal information are retained for the duration of an active, legally binding agreement between the institution and CoverifiedAll persons on a university campus, including students, workers, management, and members of the publicCamera, GPS, MicrophoneCalendar, Contacts, Photo Library, Run at StartupNoYesData is only collected when the app is open on a user's device In addition, there is a web-based service available which offers full functionality without tracking the user's locationYesYesYesIndividual institutions can configure who can view data Coverified has a permissions system in place that allows for various levels of viewing, so personnel only see the data that is relevant to their roleUnknownAmazon Web Services, with HIPAA-compliant provisioned resources (RDS, EC2, S3); Amazon CloudWatchData is shared with Broad, LabCorp, and ELLKAY for the purposes of sending and receiving test resultsUnknownProbably Individual institutions can determine who may or must use the tool From the press page on the Coverified website, it would appear it is common for institutions to make use of Coverified mandatory for students, workers, and others visiting college campusesHighly unlikely This app only collects a worker's first name, last name, phone number (if provided), email address (if provided), last 4 digits of social security number, and permanent residential address, and it is architectured in such a way that these details (aside from email) can only be accessed by medical laboratories who are transmitting test resultsLocation data is not shared with individual institutions of higher education, and a web-based tool is available which does not collect location data, so the potential for freedom of association abuses is reducedIt would seem unlikely that this app would have any adverse impacts on workplace health and safetyN/AN/AN/ACoverified offers equal (and high) levels of privacy protections to all usersYesUnknownYes The parent company has published a comprehensive impact assessment: https://wwwcoverifiedus/s/HECVAT&usg=AOvVaw3gw6Peqa3LDKvoERvW60eqN/ACurrent Care Analytics RadiusRombit NV helps industrial organizations to excel in efficiency, safety, and security through innovative technologiesYesWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* COVID Radius is a bracelet worn by workers that provides gentle notifications to workers when they come too close to each other: a visual warning and a vibration * The marketing website states, "When an employee is infected, the company physician can consult the wearable register to retrieve the identities of the colleagues that have been too close to the employee during the previous two weeks"In UseAdpo, Atlas Copco, Balta, Besix, Brabo Group, DEME, EuroChem, EuroNav, EuroPorts, Ineos, Katoen Natie, Mpet, Port of Antwerp, PSA, Vopak, 3MPorts, Warehouses, ManufacturingUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured while device is wornThe NetherlandsThe NetherlandsYesData is retained for two weeks and then deleted automaticallyOnly workers are being surveilledGPS, BluetoothN/ANoAn algorithm is used to "provide the accuracy needed for reliable measurements" and to determine how far apart workers are in the workplaceYesData is only collected while a worker is physically wearing the tracking wristbandUnknownUnknownUnknown"Company doctor"UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged to wear the wearable deviceInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentUncertain It is possible that data from the wearable device could be used to identify workers who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable NV
#COVID Screen - St GertrudeSt Gertrude Catholic School Gertrude Catholic School is an elementary school in MissouriYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareSalaried, non-management* Covid-19 symptom screening appIn UseSt Gertrude Catholic SchoolEducationN/Aworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/AOpen Brace LLC Employee Health Check PlatformHarri US LLC offers a next-generation software technology platform that helps hospitality businesses build, manage, and engage their teamsYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* A mobile app records worker symptoms and gathers a temperature check prior to the worker entering the business premises * Enterprise-ready reporting capabilities and printable status reports to instil customer confidence * Can be integrated with Harri’s timekeeping system to collect PPE attestations * Supports confidence and trust among team membersIn UsePizza Pilgrims, Dishoom, Hawksmoor, The Ivy Collection, Cote Brassier, D&D London, Mitchells & Butlers, The Big Table, Radisson Hotel Group, Brownsword The Hotels, Harbour Hotels, The Landmark London, The Red Carnation Hotel Collection, Village Hotel Club, The Grand Brighton, Royal Lancaster LondonRestaurants, Hotels, Retail, SupermarketsDaintreeVC, Brad ZionsWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownYesUnknown The privacy policy states, "If the services are made available to you through an organization (eg, your employer), we are the processor for that personal data The retention period for this data is decided upon by the employer"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownYesMarketing website states, "AI-powered object-detection determines if a mask is present at the time of clock in and produces alerts" if a worker is not detected as wearing a face maskYesData is captured only when a worker opens the app on their deviceUnknownYesUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view data, but example screenshots show it being accessible to HR teamsThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states, "We will share your personal data with organisations that perform services or functions on our behalf, including cloud storage and web hosting providers, email service providers, and software maintenance service providers We must necessarily share your information with these organisations for them to perform their functions If requested or required by law enforcement authorities, courts, or regulators, we may disclose any information we have collected from you We also may disclose your information to exercise or protect our legal rights or to defend against legal claims In some cases, we may choose to buy or sell assets In these business transfers, customer information is typically one of the business assets that are transferred Moreover, if all or substantially all of our business assets were acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter into bankruptcy, customer information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party"The cookie policy says, "Our Data Protection Officer is Kristy Gouldsmith and she can be contacted at DPO@harricom" (Oddly, these details do not appear in the privacy policy) This point of contact may be able to respond to and resolve worker complaints about Harri's data handling and processing practicesWorkers are obliged to use the online platformInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentAs it does not collect location data, there are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentHarri offers equal levels of privacy protections to all users in all jurisdictionsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Cookie Policy: US LLC Remote Monitoring and Triageemocha Mobile Health Inc empowers every patient to take every dose with video technology and scalable human engagementYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Conduct virtual check-ins to identify, track, and manage COVID-19 symptoms of workers to enable an effective return-to-work strategy * "Through rapid implementation and comprehensive analytics, emocha immediately identifies symptomatic and asymptomatic employees to help make timely decisions" * Actionable reporting insights are updated hourly for employers * "With a fully staffed clinical team, emocha provides triage services for clinical evaluation and verification of symptoms or exposure per CDC guidelines"In UseCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, LifeBridge Health, John Hopkins University, University of Maryland, University of Washington, National Institute on Minority Health and Health DisparitiesEducation, Offices, HealthcareKapor Capital, TEDCO, Gaingels, Sand Hill Angels, Dreamit VenturesWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown The privacy policy ambigously states, "You may request deletion of your personal information by us, but please note that we may be required (by law or otherwise) to keep this information and not delete it (or to keep this information for a certain time, in which case we will comply with your deletion request only after we have fulfilled such requirements) When we delete personal information, it will be deleted from the active database, but may remain in our archives, and we may also retain anonymous information about your use of our services and products"Only workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardN/ANoThe algorithm is basic; if a user checks "yes" to any Covid-19 screening question, it will direct them to an emocha nurse to do a human assessment of their symptomsYesData is only being collected when a worker inputs data into the app or websiteYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownemocha medical staffThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn the privacy policy, emocha says it does not sell personal information, but it may be disclosed in the following circumstances: To our subsidiaries and affiliates To contractors, service providers and other third parties we use to support our business To third parties to provide their products or services to you if you have consented to/not opted out of these disclosures Once you make your information available to others, it may be collected and used by the recipients and we no longer have control over that information or how it is used To a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of some or all of the Company’s assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by the Company about our Website users is among the assets transferred To third parties to market their products or services to you if you have consented to/not opted out of these disclosures To fulfill the purpose for which you provide it For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information With your consent To comply with any court order, law or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request To enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Company, our customers or others This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reductionNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use the online platformInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentAs it does not collect location data, there are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Mobile Health Inc TrackerKokomo Solutions, Inc Solutions, Inc., makes a cloud-based safety platform that helps educators reduce unsafe student incidents to ensure higher quality learning environmentsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Covid-19 symptom screening * Contact tracing if a worker tests positive for Covid-19 * Case management system * Immunization verification system * Vaccine distribution managementIn UseCheesecake Factory, Aspen Capital, BMW, Liberty Science Center, Akerman, Rockwell Group, Los Angeles Police DepartmentEducation, Law Enforcement, Healthcare, Restaurants, Automobile, Offices, RetailUnknownEither worker's own device or company-provided device, depending on organization's setupCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy does not outline a retention periodOnly workers are being surveilledGPS, BluetoothUnknownUnknown, but likely notAlgorithm can examine all worker data and, "Notify, collect, and manage pre-emptively to mitigate the risk of an outbreak or becoming a hotspot by a super-spreader"YesData is collected continuously, whenever the app is installed on a mobile deviceUnknownWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownIndividual organizatons can configure who can view worker dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states, "Kokomo Solutions may share your personally identifiable information with select third parties for fulfillment of services and features Kokomo Solutions may share or disclose your personally identifiable information when it determines, in its sole discretion, that the disclosure of such personally identifiable information is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against you if you may be: (i) causing intentional or unintentional injury to another; (ii) interfering with another’s rights or property, including Kokomo Solutions’ rights or property; (iii) violating any applicable law, rule or regulation; or (iv) such disclosure is required by any applicable law, rule or regulation" Bizarrely, the policy also states, "If you transmit, submit or post information to wwwcovidtrackerorg or any of our Websites that is not, or does not contain, personally identifiable information, you automatically grant Kokomo Solutions the royalty-free, non-exclusive right and license to use, copy, format, adapt and/or to incorporate the same in other data and content viewable on, contained in, or downloadable from, wwwcovidtrackerorg or any of our Websites"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use the appInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Solutions, Inc claims to improve product adoption rates by developing interactive user onboarding flowsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried, non-management* Ask workers how their tasks have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and capture issues that need to be triagedDiscontinuedMobileAction, Foriba, Insider, Neobrain, Zirra, ArtBnk, Thundra, Invisible, V-Count, Is InvestmentTechnologyAngel Effect, Galata Business Angels, Collective Spark, Aykut Karaalioglu, Collective Spark, Galata Business Angels, Hackquarterscompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedNot collectedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe Privacy Policy states,UserGuiding will retain your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy We will retain and use your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies UserGuiding will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of our Service, or we are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods In the case that customers or individuals request the deletion of their data, UserGuiding will perform this deletion within seven working daysOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoNo claims have been made about algorithms, and there is no evidence that algorithms are being used to analyze worker dataYesOnly when the worker is on the websiteUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: sells a white-labeled telehealth platform that can be accessed and used from any operating system or mobile deviceYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformNon-management, visitors* Covid-19 symptom checking questionnairesDiscontinuedUnknownEducation, EventsUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownNo claims have been made about algorithms, and there is no evidence that algorithms are being used to analyze worker dataUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownData "may" be shared with unspecified pharmacy partnersUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies
https://www.adlatuseu/en/adlatus/#innovationCR700Adlatus Robotics Robotics GmbH develops, manufactures, and distributes service robotsYesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* CR700 is an autonomous service robot designed for grocery stores that can sweep and mop floors and collect and remove products that have fallen off shelves and onto the groundIn UseUnknownGroceries, Retail, Hospitals, WarehousesHigh-Tech Grunderfonds, MBG Baden Wuerttemberg N/AN/AN/AN/AGermanyN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AAdlatus Robotics, Inc-Crew is a frontline employee app that helps companies streamline communication, scheduling, recognition, and more across distributed teamsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Send task lists to frontline workers to complete, e.g., update window display * Ensure work is up to standard by requiring written or photographic validation before tasks can be marked as completed * Improve frontline productivity by enabling employees to exchange shifts in a manager-controlled shift marketplace * Enable employees on different teams to access and claim available shifts at other locations and never have a shift go unfilled * Simplify scheduling for managers by allowing employees to submit dates and times they are available to work * Maintain work-appropriate conversations through content filters and reporting functions, e.g., ban discussions on certain topics and notify HR if a banned topic is discussed by workers in a private messageIn UseShoprite, Taco Bell, Valero, Wendy'sRetail, Groceries, Restaurants, HealthcareSequoia Capital, DAG Ventures, Aspect Ventures, Tenaya Capital, Harrison Metal, Greylockworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedPrivacy policy states, "We don’t track you outside of work If you turn on location, we record when you enter and leave your Organization’s location We never record anywhere else you go"United StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy states, "Crew collects only the information it needs for business purposes, and retains that data as long as necessary for those purposes while your account is active If you have not accessed your account for 6 months, we will consider it inactive and delete the personal data associated with the account"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, Microphone, BluetoothPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiNoDetails on Crew's algorithms and what they seek to accomplish are not knownYesThe privacy policy states that location data is only collected when a worker is working, and it is optional to grant access to location data: "Location Information, for the sole purpose of providing Location-Based Group functionality This feature is optional, and used only to determine when Organization members enter or leave a “geofenced” area, which is a certain radius of a defined point (usually the work place) that the admin sets This feature approximates location based on information which varies by device, such as GPS, WiFi connectivity, and network information Users may disable location features through their device settings Crew does not collect or store specific geolocation data, and we do not track user movement or enhance user data with geolocation information"UnknownYesYesSupervisors, Managers, HRThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy outlines the following scenarios whereby the personal information of a worker may be shared with a third party: We share personal information with third-party service providers who provide services to us including payment processors, SMS-based communications, hosting services, and analytic services These companies are obligated by contract to safeguard any personal data they receive from us in accordance with this privacy policy We may disclose or transfer your personal information in connection with the sale, merger, bankruptcy, sale of assets or reorganization of our company We will notify you if a different company will receive your personal data and the promises in this Privacy Policy will apply to your data as transferred to the new entity We may disclose your personal information if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation, valid legal process (eg, subpoenas or warrants served on us), or governmental or regulatory request, or if we determine in our own discretion that your actions on Crew constitute fraud, abuse, harassment, or are in violation of the Crew Terms of Use We also may be required to disclose an individual’s personal information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements If we are going to release your personal information, we will make an effort to provide you with notice in advance through the Platform, unless we are prohibited by law from doing soCrew only offers a grievance mechanism for European workers, and not US workers The privacy policy states, " Crew commits to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information European Union individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy should first contact us at: privacy@crewappcom Crew has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the Privacy Shield Principles to BBB EU PRIVACY SHIELD, a non-profit alternative dispute resolution provider located in the United States and operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, please visit wwwbbborg/EU-privacy-shield/for-eu-consumers/ for more information and to file a complaint Please note that if your complaint is not resolved through these channels, under limited circumstances, a binding arbitration option may be available before a Privacy Shield Panel"No Although workers are obliged or pressured to use the app, if they do not have a smartphone they are not required to use it, and workers are not required to use all of the app's featuresInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have substantially greater protections than are extended to US workers, including a formal complaints mechanism and access to binding arbitration for resolving complaintsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe privacy policy states Crew, "may be required to disclose an individual’s personal information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements If we are going to release your personal information, we will make an effort to provide you with notice in advance through the Platform, unless we are prohibited by law from doing so"UnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc-No Occupational Care, Inc is a health and wellness screening app for businesses, schools, and other organizationsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Covid-19 symptom tracking * Health screening results * Monitor trends and cases, and stay compliant with local health guidelinesIn UseClaims to have 110,000 paying users on its platform (users are not individual businesses) and to have performed 46 million health screens One testimonial is attributed to a "VP, EHS of a Fortune 100 Food & Beverage company"DefenseUnknownworker's own deviceCentralizedData is identifiable and can identity individual workersUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy states, "AOC will only retain most Personal Information for as long as is necessary to provide its Services (usually only a few months)"Only workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoNo claims have been made about algorithms, and there is no evidence that algorithms are being used to analyze worker dataUnknown The privacy policy states that data "may" be encrypted and that "good faith" efforts will be made to keep data secureUnknownUnknownWorkers in California and the European Union can access and interpret the data that has been collected about them The privacy policy indicates that this function is not by default extended to workers in other jurisdictionsWorkers in California and the European Union can correct the data that has been collected about them if it is incorrect The privacy policy indicates that this function is not by default extended to workers in other jurisdictionsUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesFacebook, Google (per privacy policy - specific APIs used are not disclosed)The privacy policy states, "We may also share your Personal Data with third parties to prevent crime and reduce risk, if required to do so by law, where we deem it appropriate to do so, to respond to legal process or to protect the rights or property of Dlocal, our customers or others"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes The privacy policy states that, "You may have certain rights to your Personal Information as a result of privacy laws around the world, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) If those laws apply to you, AOC gives you the choice of accessing, editing, or removing certain information, as well as choices about how we contact you" Persons outside of California or the European Union are thus given a lower level of privacy protectionThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Occupational Care, Inchttps://www.appliedoc.comNo
https://cultivate.comCultivateCultivate Technology Inchttps://cultivate.comUses AI to analyze worker behavior and give managers real-time feedbackNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried, managementAI-Leadership Development Platform * Managers receive continuous feedback to improve leader self-awareness * "Cutting-edge analysis on content of digital messages, not just metadata, to personalize insights in the flow of work" * "Unique insights on how culture changes in an organization as it becomes more distributed and remote"In UseBASF, SAP, McKesson, Samsung Next, KeepTruckinHuman ResourcesVillage Global, Trinity Ventures, Silicon Valley Data Capital, SAPiO, Bloomberg Betacompany-provided deviceCentralizedData is anonymized and workers cannot be identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "Cultivate retains personal data according to the timeframes set forth in the relevant agreement with its Customers"Only workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoThe marketing websites says, "The Cultivate platform leverages digital behavior and AI to redefine how organizations shape culture and grow people leaders"YesUnknown - depends on the employer According to the privacy policy, "Customer (your employer) is using a “self-hosted” version of Cultivate’s software, which means that the software is installed and running directly on Customer-owned or controlled servers, where most of the analytics also occur Therefore, Cultivate does not seek or require access to a Customer or user’s emails, chats, or calendar content, unless directed by the Customer or user, for example, technical and support issues However, this is rare because support issues generally don’t require Cultivate to access such content In general, Cultivate’s access to your personal data will be limited to statistics, persistent online identifiers, name, and email address"UnknownUnknownYesAccording to the privacy policy, "Cultivate does not proactively display your personalized leadership and coaching content to our Customer (your employer) Theoretically, it may be viewable by others within your organization, for example, if your employer takes control of your login credentials"There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesAmazon Web Services, Chameleon Intelligent Tech, Functional Software, Google, Microsoft, Mixpanel, Mode Analytics, Segmentio, SendGrid, SurveyMonkey, ZendeskAccording to the privacy policy, "Cultivate will disclose personal data when instructed by our Customer We may disclose your personal data to our affiliates and third party processors as needed to provide the services that you and our Customer have requested These entities are contractually bound to limit the use of your personal data as needed to perform the services Cultivate will refer any request for disclosure of personal data by a law enforcement authority to the Customer Cultivate may, where it concludes that it is legally obligated to do so, disclose personal data to law enforcement or other government authorities Cultivate will notify Customer of such request unless prohibited by law"Workers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware and/or the data it collects with the developer, Cultivate, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections than are extended to US workersYes Cultivate has an internal audit function, and external auditors, ensuring its procedures are applied consistentlyThe privacy policy states, "Cultivate may, where it concludes that it is legally obligated to do so, disclose personal data to law enforcement or other government authorities Cultivate will notify Customer of such request unless prohibited by law"UnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technology Inchttps://cultivate.comNo
https://dlocal.comD LocalDlocal IncdLocal is a cross-border payment processor that connects global merchants to emerging marketsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Make low-value high-volume payments to gig economy workers * Pay gig workers quickly and directly into their local bank accounts * For workers outside the U.S.: "Paying out your partners and sellers worldwide can be arduous due to diverse compliance requirements, unpredictable regulatory changes, and volatile currency fluctuations. dLocal manages all these risks"In UseAmazon, Bookingcom, Uber, Didi, Dropbox, GoDaddy, TripAdvisor, MailChimp, Nike, Wix, Gearbest, WikimediaRetail, Transportation, Ride Share, Gig Economy, RestaurantsGeneral Atlantic, Addition, Oren Zeev, Expand VentureN/A - not deployed on worker devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedNo location data capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown The privacy policy does not outline a specific retention period for collected dataOnly workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoNo claims have been made about algorithms, and there is no evidence that algorithms are being used to analyze worker dataYesData is only collected by DLocal when data is transmitted to the company by a gig economy platform or employerNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownDepending on the employer, it may be necessary to use this toolInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: IncNo
http://intuitive.comda Vinci Surgical SystemIntuitive Surgical, Inchttp://intuitive.comThe da Vinci Surgical System is changing the experience of surgery for patients around the worldNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceSalaried* Robot-assisted surgery tool for use by surgeons and other medical professionals * Has better dexterity than even experienced surgeons * Can allow surgeries to be completed on average 15% faster than human-performed * Can be more hygenic than humans; one U.S. hospital reported a 70% drop in Cdifficile in its intensive care unit after adopting da Vinci * While this product is not directly eradicating jobs in the US, its extreme cost and new subscription business model is resulting in some hospitals reducing other roles in order to fund its maintenanceIn Use"100 of the 100 largest hospital systems in the US" have the da Vinci surgical systemHealthcareN/A - publicly listedN/AN/AN/A - no worker data collectedN/AUnited StatesN/A - data stored locally on hospital networkNoPatient data retained for 7 years; no worker data captured/retainedOnly patients are being surveilled; not workersN/AN/ANoN/AYesN/AN/AN/AN/AIndividual organizations can configure who can view patient records No worker data retainedN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANo privacy policy publicly availableN/AIntuitive Surgical, Inchttp://intuitive.comNo PayEx PlatformDailyPay Inc is a financial solutions company that reduces employee turnover by letting employees control when and how often they're paidNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformContract* Give workers instant access to their earned pay (funds arrived the same or next business day), rather than wait until the next payday * FlexTips make cash tips instantly available for workers, giving employers "real-time insights into what your employees are earning" * DailyPay lets users access 100% of their earned wages, but it takes a transaction fee, which ranges from $1.25 to $2.99, every time a user takes an advance. The average advance is $.66, and DailyPay users typically take advances once a week * Program terms indicate that in using the app, workers "You appoint us and our designees your true and lawful attorney in fact, with full power to take any action relating to the Daily Earnings in your name and place that we or our designees deem advisable and consistent with the terms of these Program Terms. You will timely execute and deliver to us any power of attorney instrument evidencing our authority and power under this Section 8" (Arguably, this is an excessive demand)In UseWalmart, Adecco, Berkshire Hathaway, BICFinancial Services, Call Centers, Healthcare, Hospitality, Retail Fin Venture Capital, RPM Ventures, First Ascent Ventures, Larnabel Ventures, Inspiration VenturesWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured when pay advance requestedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown The privacy policy does not outline a specific retention period for collected dataOnly workers who opt to use the platform are being surveilledCamera, Microphone, GPS, BluetoothPhoto Library, WiFiYes, the iOS app uses Face ID (but biometric data is stored locally on the worker's device and not transmitted to DailyPay)Marketing website states, "DailyPay is the only provider that uses a patent-pending, proprietary algorithm to provide a close-to-net available balance, in real-time, for each employee We call this our Dynamic Income Algorithm (DIA), which provides employees access to up to their full estimated net earnings" Further details pertaining to how this algorithm functions are unavailableYesThe privacy policy is ambiguous and outlines the types of data collected, but not when it is collected or whether this collection is continuous or a one-off While the privacy policy implies that data is processed on the basis of worker consent, the Partner Terms oblige the employer to "for each eligible Company employee as of the Effective Date, and for all new, eligible hires during the Term, Company will create a User profile within the Service (or, if the Service does not allow Administrators to do so, provide information reasonably requested by DailyPay to establish such profiles)", thus implying that workers data will be provided to DailyPay by their employer absent their consentYesYesAccording to the Partner Terms, at least one employer administrator will have access to worker data; in addition to DailyPay staffThe Partner Terms require that access to DailyPay be provided equitably and prohibit the use or allocation of logins to DailyPay on discriminatory groundsUnknownThe Program Terms state, "You grant and will grant to DailyPay and its affiliated companies a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid up, transferable, sublicenseable, perpetual, irrevocable license to: (A) copy, display, upload, perform, distribute, store, modify, and otherwise use your User Content in connection with the operation of the DailyPay Program; and (B) use your User Content in aggregated and/or anonymized format in connection with (i) the promotion, advertising, or marketing of the DailyPay Program or (ii) other services we provide to our customers and business partners You represent and warrant that you have the rights to upload, input, or submit the User Content to the DailyPay Program and grant the foregoing license DailyPay is not obligated to pre-screen or review User Content, but DailyPay reserves the right to do so to ensure your compliance with these Program Terms DailyPay will also have the right (but not the obligation) in its sole discretion to disable access to or delete any User Content that it considers to violate these Program Terms or be otherwise illegal DailyPay may share User Content with the Hiring Entity, and any third-party service providers, as well as otherwise described in the Privacy Policy" In addition, the Privacy Policy states, "We may disclose your Personal Information or any information you submitted via usage of the Service if we have a good faith belief that disclosure of such information is helpful or reasonably necessary to: (i) to administer the service; (ii) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (iii) enforce our Terms, including investigations of potential violations thereof; (iv) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud or security issues; or (v) protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of DailyPay, our users, yourself or the public"Workers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the app and/or its automated decision making with the developer, DailyPay but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employer DailyPay, in its terms, says workers must direct their complaints to their "hiring entity"Use of this app is voluntary and workers are not required to use it However, if their employer has an agreement with DailyPay, DailyPay will be in possession of worker data such as name, contact details, income, job title, and potentially other data elementsInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentWhile this app does collect location data, the Program Terms say this is for fraud prevention purposes only, and there is no indication that location data is being shared with third parties or employersThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc
https://www.darkstore.comDarkStoreDarkstore Inchttps://www.darkstore.comDarkstore is an on-demand fulfillment startupNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceContract* Building micro fulfillment centers around the US to enable 2-hour delivery of higher value goods, anywhere * Collaboration/partnership with Uber; Darkstore owns the fulfilment centers, Uber drivers deliver goodsIn UseN/ARetail, Logistics, TransportationVillage Global, R/GA Ventures, Gokul Rajaram, Cota Capital, Firebolt Venturesworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesPotentiallyDarkStore's privacy policy does not outline how long data is retained for However, as DarkStore drivers are Uber drivers, Uber's privacy policy also applies Uber's driver privacy policy states that driver data is retained permanently until a driver requests its deletion Then, "Because we are subject to legal and regulatory requirements relating to drivers and delivery persons, this generally means that we retain their account and data for a minimum of 7 years after a deletion request For riders and delivery recipients, their data is generally deleted within 90 days of a deletion request, except where retention is necessary for the above reasons"Both workers, customers, and guest users of DarkStore's app (like prospective customers) are being surveilledCamera, Microphone, GPSPhoto Library, WiFiNoDetails on the algorithms that DarkStore, and its app FastAF, use to surveil workers are unknownYesData is continuously collected about a worker when they have the app open on their device It is not clear if data is collected when the app is closed or a worker is not on shiftYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesStripe, UberThe privacy policy does not specify when, why, or with whom worker data is sharedNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.darkstore.comNo
https://coviddasha.aiDasha Covid-19 ScreenerDashaAI Inc is an AI platform that allows you to design, test, and launch rich, human-level voice conversationsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Screen for COVID-19 exposure and symptoms * Pinpoint infection risk * Marketing website says, "Keep your workforce safe with voice AI. Following CDC recommendations, our voice AI Dasha assesses whether the person is an infection risk or can be cleared to come in to work. All data is available to your HR in the admin panel. This AI can be used by companies and governmental or healthcare organizations"UnknownOn LinkedIn, Dasha's Head of Growth writes, "About 60% of our clients are in finance, the rest are insurance, HR and e-commerce" https://wwwlinkedincom/pulse/dasha-ai-my-story-arthur-grishkevich/Financial Services, insurance, Retail, People ManagementRTP Global, RTP VenturesN/ACentralizedData is identifiable and can identity individual workersN/AUnited StatesUnknown, but possibly RussiaUnknownUnknown The Privacy Policy that is available online speaks only to the product's website and marketing portals, and not to the portal itselfOnly workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoDasha uses state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms to interview workers about their Covid-19 symptoms This is possible because Dasha transcribes the speech, extract the meaning, and then synthesize the speech very accurately and quicklyUnknownOnly when a call is made to a worker and they answer the phoneUnknownNoNoHuman ResourcesThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown - no privacy policy is available for assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://covid.dasha.aiNo, Inc is a data-and-AI company that interacts with corporate information stored in the public cloudNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Generate real-time insights on risk factors and business performance to mitigate adverse impacts on operations and the bottom line, including detecting/predicting both "criminal threats" and "at-risk" events * Drive incremental revenue through enhanced segmentation based on deeper behavioral insights * Improve accuracy in inventory predictions by understanding customer demand, enabling you to reduce excess inventory while avoiding lost sales In UseStarbucks, Dollar Shave Club, Columbia, Nike, OverstockEnergy and Utilities, Financial Services, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Retail, Education, State and Local GovernmentBlackRock, Battery Ventures, Salesforce Ventures, T Rowe Price, Andreessen HorowitzN/A - not deployed on worker devices, but harvesting up worker data en masse through emails, Slack messages, etcCentralizedData is identifiable and can identity individual workersUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown The privacy policy ambiguously states, "Databricks may retain the personal data we collect from you as described in this Privacy Policy for as long as you use our services or as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue our legitimate interests, for our business or commercial purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws"Both workers and customers are being surveilledN/AN/AUnknownRefer to the following webpage for information on Databrick's various algorithms: https://databrickscom/product/data-science-and-machine-learningYesUnknownNoNoNoUnknown Individual organizations can configure who can view dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn its privacy policy it says, "Databricks does not ‘sell’ personal information of California consumers (as defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)) and we will not do so without offering you the right to opt out of any ‘sale’" No information is available for other jurisdictionsYes Databricks has a complaints process and workflow for handling complaintsWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California and the European Union have additional protections than are extended to other workersYes In its privacy policy, Databricks says it "has received certification to the internationally recognized industry standard information security management system, ISO27001, and aligns its security practices to the internationally recognized industry standard code of practice for protecting personal data in the cloud, ISO27018"The company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:, Inc Employee Safety MonitoringCeridian HCM, Inc is a global human capital management software company. Dayforce, their cloud platform, provides human resources, payroll, benefits, workforce management, and talent management solutionsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Monitor the health and safety of your employees during the Coronavirus outbreak * Monitor location: "whether employees are working from home or performing critical functions at their primary work location to manage exposure risk" * Status and health reporting: workers "report on [their] health status through employee self-service to track affected employees and impacted coworkers"In UseCosta Coffee, Hanover Insurance Group, Danone North America, Sendrik's Food Market, Organic Valley, Farm Credit, Buehler's Fresh Foods, Marshall Health, Wieden+Kennedy, DeafBlind Ontario, Essentra, DeRoyal Industries, A-MAX Auto InsuranceRetail, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Financial Services, Public Sector, SportsN/A - publicly listedWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown The privacy policy does not outline a specific retention period for collected data, stating instead, "Ceridian’s customers- your Employer(s)- are responsible for providing you with a notice of what Personal Information they collect, use and disclose, for what purposes they do so, and with whom it is shared"Only workers are being surveilledGPS, Microphone, Bluetooth, CameraPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiMaybe It depends on whether the individual organization deploying this technology has enabled biometric data collectionDayforce does not mention using an algorithm; rather, it collates data and does not sort or analyze itYesThe Service Provider Policy Statement says, employers provide the following worker data with Dayforce: Personal details such as name, birth date, national ID number, driver’s license number/state ID, passport number, marital status, signature, and image; Characteristics of protected classifications such as age, sex, race, ethnicity, physical or mental handicap; Contact details such as mailing address, telephone number, and email address; Financial information such as salary, bank account details, corporate card usage, and employment benefits; Performance information such as appraisals, performance reviews, disciplinary records, training records, details of skills and experience, and absence records; Information regarding your next of kin and other individuals such as emergency contacts, dependent information, and life insurance beneficiaries; Health-related information such as information regarding benefits programs, insurance, and sick leave; Voice commands and photos if you use the Dayforce mobile app; Application activity in Ceridian’s products through cookies, web beacons and server logsNoYesYesUnknown Individual organizations can configure who can view dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe Service Provider Privacy Statement, which outlines how worker data is used, is silent on what data is shared with third parties In the Ceridian Privacy Policy, which outlines how organizational data is used, it states that "We share Personal Information with other companies that provide products or services that we think will be of interest to you" in addition to sharing data with law enforcement, upon requestCeridian does not provide a mechanism for workers to file complaints with them directly about their data practices, instead stating, "If you are an Individual whose prospective, current or past employer (herein “Employer”) uses a Ceridian application such as Dayforce or Powerpay, and your Employer has asked you to submit Personal Information as part of that service, you should review your Employer’s own privacy statement to understand that Employer’s privacy practices"Workers are obliged to have the software monitor their business activitiesInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsYes According to their website, "Ceridian (the organization) and Dayforce (the product), are ISO 27001 audited and certified We have also been audited by an independent third party under the ISO 27017, ISO 27018, and ISO 27036 frameworks as well as SSAE 18 Type 2 SOC 1, SSAE 18 Type 2 SOC 2 {ISAE 3402/AT-C 320 (SSAE 18)/CSAE 3416 Type II SOC} and NIST 800-171"The Privacy Policy states, "We may report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we reasonably believe to be unlawful, or that we reasonably believe will aid a law enforcement investigation into unlawful activity In addition, we reserve the right to release your Personal Information to law enforcement agencies if we determine, in our sole judgment, that either you have violated our policies, or the release of your Personal Information will protect the rights, property, or safety of Ceridian, or another person"Unavailable Policy: Service Provider Privacy Statement: HCM, Inchttps://www.ceridian.comNo Ltd is a wellness product that monitors employee sleepNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareSalaried, non-management, management* Integrates with wearables like Apple Watch and Fitbit to create a personalized sleep training plan adjusted to the needs of the worker and their employer * Can offer referrals for the detection and treatment of sleep apnea * "Sleepy workers are 70 percent more likely to be involved in accidents than their well-rested co-workers" * "Improved decision-making skills, consistent job performance, and burnout prevention" * "Building a bridge between wellness and clinical sleep solutions using AI-based sleep training plans for organizations and their members" * "Improve the performance of your employees and reduce healthcare utilization costs."In UseNew BalanceOffices, Transportation, LogisticsUnknownWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedIsraelIsraelYesThe privacy policy states, "We retain your Personal Information that is strictly necessary for the functioning of the Service for as long as needed to provide you with our Service and for an additional period of 7 years from the end of the Service in case we need to resolve any dispute before the competent courts and authorities, unless we are required by law to delete it or if we accept your request to delete the information"Only workers are being surveilledHeart Rate, BluetoothUnknownNoDayzz collects data from "multiple data sources (wearables, mobile sensors, questionnaires)", "clinical partners (online sleep clinics, sleep testing providers, DMEs)" and "training blocks (behavioral modification and human support) to deliver an "AI based personalization engine (analysis, training, engagement) This data is shared with "members (individual, end-to-end digital journey)" and "organizations (reports and population perspective insights)"YesData is continuously collectedYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesThe privacy policy states that workers can view their own data In addition, it states, "we will never share your Personal Information with any third party However, for purposes of your personal sleep training plan only and subject to your informed consent, we will share your sleep data with the EdenSleep/ResMed team We will ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws by the recipient" Furthermore, organizations can see aggregate (but not identifiable) data about their workforceThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states, "we will never share your Personal Information with any third party However, for purposes of your personal sleep training plan only and subject to your informed consent, we will share your sleep data with the EdenSleep/ResMed team We will ensure compliance with applicable data protection laws by the recipient" However, organizations can see aggregate (but not identifiable) data about their workforceDayzz has a grievence mechanism in place for residents of the European Union, but not for US workersUse of this app is voluntary and workers are not required to use itInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections than are extended to other workersInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Ltd
https://deepscore.aiDeepScoreDeepScore, Inc screens an employee's face and voice to determine their trustworthinessNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Ask workers specific questions and track their micro-expressions (eye-movement, voice crack) to assess workers for signs of lyingIn UseUnknownFinancial ServicesUnknownWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownJapanUnknownYesUnknown - no privacy policy availableOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknown, but probably yesBy asking 10 questions, in two minutes the app can detect fraud or lyingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnavailable privacy policy publicly availableN/ADeepScore, Inchttps://deepscore.aiYes, Inc is a learning platform where individuals and organizations can discover content, build skills, and certify expertiseNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Upskill staff: "Understand your organization's skill sets in real time, and focus your upskilling and reskilling on the capabilities your workforce needs next" * Scale up workplace development: "Build custom learning experiences that guide everyone to the resources and insights they need to engage, collaborate, and contribute" * Mobilize a workforce: "Get up-to-date insights on your people's skill sets and intelligently match them to mentors, projects, or even job opportunities"In UseItau, Cigna, New York Life, Polaris, Colgate-Palmolve, Cognizant, Cisco, Zebra, Bookingcom, T-Mobile, Invision, Koch, Ameriprise Financial, Boeing, Tata, Asianpaints, HP, Campari Group, Signify, Vale, Prudential, Tivo, VisaRetail, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Food and Beverage, Insurance, Telecommunications, Aviation, TravelJump Capital, Owl Ventures, Benz Capital, Signal Peak Ventures, AllianceBernsteincompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be identified, but there are safeguards in place to limit who can view worker dataLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy says that worker data is retained for the period of employment plus 90 days "Upon separation from your employer, your user account is converted into an "individual consumer" account Proprietary information related to your employer is removed, but points achieved, skills accomplished, public users followed and public content completed will remain with your account To access and utilize your individual consumer account you must provide a secondary email (one for personal use) to your profile This can be accomplished while you are still an enterprise user with your employer If you do not add a secondary email, the account will exist for up to 90 days during which you can still reclaim it by contacting info@degreedcom or calling Degreed @ 8003117061 If no action is taken within the 90 day period, the account is deleted"Only workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardNoneNo* Visualize insights and trends on content utilization and user search activity * Track team and individual learning activity and get a pulse on culture * Measure critical skills and visualize strengths or gaps in real time * Track and analyze shifts in the supply and demand for skills inside your organization * Use data to automatically align development to career goals and strategic prioritiesYesDegreed says that workers must clarify with their employer what data is being collected, when, and how it is used The privacy policy also says, "We also capture data related to the content you view, comments you make, users you follow, users who follow you, search terms you enter, skills you follow, your personal skill ratings, manager ratings, skill reviews, and skill certification ratings Within Degreed you can mark your profile, groups and pathways as private which will prevent fellow users from seeing this information or your activity within the site Marking your profile as private will not prevent the data described above from being collected and shared with your employer Any questions about which data elements your employer has requested from Degreed may be directed to your company administrator"Yes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations deploying this technology are responsible for configuring who can view worker dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states, "Under no circumstances does Degreed use your Personal Data for any purpose other than as necessary to provide the services to you and your employer Any questions about the provisions contained in the written agreements between Degreed and your employer may be directed to your company administrator"Degreed provides a dispute resolution mechanism for residents of the European Union and Switzerland However, US workers have no access to such a formal grievance mechanismUnknown Individual organizations can determine which of their workers can or must use this toolThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this product Location data is not collectedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and Switzerland have additional protections than are extended to other workersInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
#Deliveroo Rider-Ranking AlgorithmRoofoods Ltd owns and operates an online food delivery platformNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Deliveroo’s reputational-ranking algorithm determines which workers to assign to work * An Italian court in January 2021 found the algorithm "discriminated against delivery couriers because it did not distinguish between legally protected reasons for withholding labor - namely, not working because a rider was sick or exercising their protected right to strike - and more trivial reasons for not being as productive as they’d indicated they would be" * The discriminatory algorithm continues to be used unchanged by Deliveroo in markets other than ItalyIn UseDeliverooFood Delivery, LogisticsN/A - publicly listedworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited KingdomEuropean UnionYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We will not retain your information for any longer than we think is necessary"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersBluetooth, GPS, CameraPhoto Library, WiFiOptionally yesThe Deliveroo Rider (driver) Privacy Policy states, "A completed delivery under your Supplier Agreement is the collection of order items from one or more partner restaurant(s) and delivery to one or more customer(s) Rider fees are paid for completed deliveries only We analyse your data and automatically confirm which deliveries you are due fees for You can choose to unassign from a delivery at any time, through the Rider App where possible or by contacting Rider Support In addition, you can simply reject offers of orders freely Choosing to not complete a delivery, without informing Deliveroo and while still claiming the delivery fee, is fraudulent activity and a serious breach of your Supplier Agreement Given the volume of deliveries we deal with, we use automated systems to make the automated decisions described above as they provide a more accurate, fair and efficient way of identifying suspected fraud, preventing repeated breaches of your Supplier Agreement and limiting the negative impact on our service Human checks would simply not be possible in the timeframes and given the volumes of deliveries that we deal with You have the right to contest the automated decisions referred to in this section by using the contact details set out in this privacy policy, in which case a person will review the decision"YesData is continuously collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states that worker data may be shared with the media: "where we have the legal right to do so, such as if you share (including by publishing or causing to be published) any details about your rider services for Deliveroo which are misleading or inconsistent with our records of your rider services for Deliveroo, including regarding details about your earnings, we may share your information (such as in the form of a correction) with the media"Yes Deliveroo provides workers with an independent mechanism for filing and resolving complaintsYes Workers are obliged to use the softwareYes An Italian court has already concluded that the ride-ranking algorithm is discriminatoryThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Ltd builds the technical infrastructure for cities, buildings, and spaces to measure how they're usedYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* "Reopen safely by managing occupancy limits with the world’s most accurate, anonymous people-counting system" * "Empower employees and customers to make safer decisions about their day with real-time capacity displays * Alert staff when occupancy reaches unsafe levels. Give your employees and customers the ability to subscribe to Safe Alerts" * "Monitor your portfolio's compliance with social distancing policies"In UseUniversity of Notre Dame, MarriottOffices, Education, Places of Worship, Restaurants, Hotels, Warehouses, Casinos, HotelsKleiner Perkins, Founders Fund, Jason Calacanis, Upfront Ventures, Scott Banister, Daniel Curran, Ludlow Venturescompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersUnknownN/ANoDensity uses artificial intelligence to help businesses measure how their spaces are used and automate building and facilities functionsUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Scheduling and Time Tracking SoftwareDeputechnologies Pty Ltd is scheduling and timeclock softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* "See who’s on shift, who’s running late, and who’s on break in real-time. If a team member can’t make their shift, find a replacement with one tap" * "Ensure timesheets are correct. Your staff can show they were in the right place, at the right time, with a GPS location stamp or facial recognition" * "Use real-time data visualization to compare forecasts to actual data for your business metrics to identify performance gaps and optimize your schedule" * "Automatically screen employees for worrying symptoms to prevent the spread of illness. If an employee comes down with a virus, instantly trace all the colleagues they’ve had contact with"In UseACE Hardware, HubSpot, Olivia Macaron, Da Vinci's Donuts, Harper Logistics, i9 Sports, CitizenMAgriculture, Call Centers, Charity, Cleaning services, Clinics, Construction & Engineering, Education, Entertainment, Healthcare, Hospitality, Hotels & Resorts, Manufacturing & Logistics, Professional services, Retail, Security, SupermarketsSquare Peg Capital, OpenView, Equity Venture Partners, IVPWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedAustraliaUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "Your personal information will be retained for only the period that is necessary according to the purpose it was originally collected for, or to fulfil the purpose outline in this Privacy Policy, or to meet legislative or regulatory obligations, such as financial reporting requirements After it is determined that your personal information reaches the end of its retention period, we will either delete or anonymize your information or, if this is not possible then we will securely store your information and isolate it from any further use until deletion is possible"Only workers are being surveilledGPS, Bluetooth, CameraPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiYes (feature exists - may not be enabled by all organizations)This webpage offers further details on how Deputy's demand forecasting algorithm works: https://wwwdeputycom/features/demand-forecastingYesData is collected when workers provide it themselves, when it is received from another party or source (like an employer), or when it is collected automatically (such as location data, which is collected continuously)No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view worker dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn its privacy policy, Deputy shares it "may share or disclose personal information to various third parties These third parties are likely to include: • Your and our representatives • Technology and media partners (eg telecommunication service providers) that perform services for us or connect with the Services (eg third party applications, data storage services) • Social media platforms (eg where you interact with our account or link your account to us or the Services) • Our lawyers, accountants and professional advisors • Other third party service providers, such as third party branding service providers • Our related companies • Law enforcement authorities and government agencies where we are required or permitted to do so by law, or as a result of a legal process • Any third party that your employer directs us to share or disclose your personal information to"Workers in Australia, the European Union, and the United Kingdom have access to a formal grievance mechanism Workers in the US are advised in the privacy policy, "If you reside in the United States, data protection regulations are developing, and privacy is handled on a state by state basis – in these instances, refer to your state’s Attorney General’s website"Yes Workers are obliged to have the software process their personal informationUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in Australia, the European Union, and the United Kingdom have additional protections than are extended to other workersInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Pty Ltd
https://dexterity.aiDexterityDexterity, Inchttps://dexterity.aiDexterity offers robots as a service solution for logistics, warehousing, and supply chain operationsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract* Robots that can pick, move, and pack packages with human-like dexterity * Software manages the fleet of robotsIn UseNabisco, KawasakiLogistics, Manufacturing, TransportationLightspeed Venture Partners, StartX (Stanford-StartX Fund), Kleiner Perkins, Liquid 2 Ventures, Obvious VenturesN/A - robot replacing human workersN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesData stored locallyNoUnknownN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/ANoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo privacy policy publicly available, Inchttps://dexterity.aiNo
https://www.dijanow.comDijaGodija Ltdhttps://www.dijanow.comDija is a startup offering groceries delivered to customers doors in under 10 minutesYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* Instacart competitor: customers order groceries; workers pick items from the grocery store and deliver them * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders by bicycle to a customer in under 10 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/ARetail, Groceries, LogisticsBlossom Capital, Index Ventures, CreandumWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited KingdomUnited KingdomYesThe privacy policy states, "We will not retain your information for any longer than we think is necessary and will take into account: our legal and contractual obligations, our legitimate interests, any statute of limitations under applicable law, and guidelines issued by data protection authorities We may also retain aggregate information beyond this time for research purposes and to help us develop and improve our services You cannot be identified from aggregate information retained or used for these purposes"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorker data will not be shared with third parties without the consent of the workerNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Ltdhttps://www.dijanow.comYes
https://www.csdisco.comDiscoCS Disco, Inchttps://www.csdisco.comDisco is a HR recogniion tool that offers products to promote, socialize, and analyze a company cultureNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformSalaried* "DISCO Case Builder is changing the way case teams leverage depositions by automating everything that’s low-value, redundant, and siloed about deposition review and trial preparation today and making high-value work easy, giving attorneys more time to develop case strategy and win" * "DISCO Case Builder empowers your firm to improve witness assessment and selection over time with a searchable repository of past learnings about witnesses’ performance and impact on your cases. Keep work product in your firm’s collective memory - and your expert witness agencies off speed dial" * "Cutting-edge AI workflows allow you to find relevant documents faster, end your reviews sooner, and improve accuracy" * This product is trying to automate the roles performed by paralegalsIn UseWeWork, Bunslow De Mory LLP, Miller Barondess LLP, Kennedys, Quarles & Brady LLPLaw FirmsComerica Incorporated, Breyer Capital, LiveOak Venture Partners, Stephens Group, Georgian, Bessemer Venture Partnerscompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoN/AN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/AN/A"DISCO employs continuous learning to help you find responsive documents faster Much like recommendations on Netflix, our DISCO AI identifies similar characteristics of the documents you tag as responsive and bubbles up more documents like them Our tag predictions get smarter with every tagging decision you make"YesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AYes On its website, Disco says it is "built on global infrastructure designed and managed with security best practices, DISCO is SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, GDPR, and HIPAA certified"N/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Disco, Inchttps://www.csdisco.comNo "System and Method for Monitoring Procedure Compliance" PatentThe Walt Disney Company Walt Disney Company produces and provides entertainmentNoWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, non-management* Disney intends to "put a better system in place that will help ensure cast members' hands are just as clean and wholesome as their image" * Workers would be identified using data obtained from "a non-contact or minimal contact biometric sensor, palm/fingerprint reader, and the like located at a sink or a handwashing station" * After the worker is identified, sensors (such as cameras or image sensors to determine gestures) would ensure that the right chemicals and soaps are being used by the worker and that their hands are making the correct movements for the correct amount of time. The system would provide instructions on the proper procedure and provide feedback if standards are not being met, Disney's example being that "if the user stops washing his/her hands before the prescribed length of time for doing such has elapsed, the system may provide audio or visual signal to the user indicating that the user should continue to wash his/her hands"In DevelopmentN/ATravel/TourismN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured at time of useUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledSensors, CameraN/AMaybePrecise details of the algorithm that Disney is using are unknownUnknownData is collected continuously while a worker is workingNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable
https://dpepdisney.comDisney Parks, Experiences and Products Worker SurveillanceThe Walt Disney Company Walt Disney Company produces and provides entertainmentNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, non-management* Electronic whip: "In the basements of the Disneyland and Paradise Pier hotels in Anaheim, big flat-screen monitors hang from the walls in rooms where uniformed crews do laundry. The monitors are like scoreboards, with employees’ work speeds compared to one another. Workers are listed by name, so their colleagues can see who is quickest at loading pillowcases, sheets, and other items into a laundry machine" (Los Angeles Times) * "The screen displays the names of several coworkers at once, with “efficiency” numbers in green for those near or above 100% of the expected pace, and red numbers for those who aren’t as fast" (Los Angeles Times) * "Technicans in the Disney Operational Command Center monitor restaurants, perhaps spotting that additional registers need to be opened or dispatching greeters to hand out menus to people waiting to order" (New York Times)In UseN/ATravel/TourismN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedNo location data capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothN/AMaybePrecise details of the algorithm that Disney is using are unknownUnknownData is collected continuously while a worker is workingNoYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable; relevant privacy policy made publicly availableN/AThe Walt Disney Companyhttps://www.disney.comNo Robot Actors PatentThe Walt Disney Companyhttps://www.disney.comThe Walt Disney Company produces and provides entertainmentYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringOther Physical DeviceHourly, non-management* Disney is working on robot actors that can participate in live performances, interacting with people in a lifelike fashion. They are designed to be untethered and free-roaming, self-balancing and highly dexterous * In its patent filing, Disney describe these robot actors as a "hardware platform" that will continuously evolve as AI improvesIn DevelopmentN/ATravel/TourismN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownNo one is being surveilledUnknownN/AUnknownPrecise details of the algorithm that Disney is using are unknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentN/AThe Walt Disney Companyhttps://www.disney.comNo Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* This software applies machine learning to cameras positioned in warehouses to identify high-traffic areas and encourage social distancing * As people walk by the cameras, a monitor distinguishes between “individuals remaining 6 feet apart [who] are highlighted with green circles, [and] those who are closer together [who] are highlighted with red circles” * Amazon has made the software open source for others to use and create their own Distance AssistantsIn UseAmazonLogistics, Transport, WarehouseN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceDecentralizedWorkers cannot be identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesN/A - data not retainedNoData is not permanently retained; at most it is kept for several minutesWorkers and warehouse visitors are being surveilledCamera, SensorN/ANoThe software applies machine learning to cameras positioned in warehouses to identify high traffic areas and encourage social distancing As people walk by the cameras, a monitor distinguishes between "individuals remaining 6 feet apart [who] are highlighted with green circles, [and] those who are closer together [who] are highlighted with red circles"UnknownData is only captured when a walker passes a marked cameraNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view on a 50-inch monitor, near to the camera, the data capturedNoAnyone in an Amazon fulfilment center who approaches/passes a camera connected to Distance AssistantThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData is not saved and therefore could not be shared with third partiesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to have the software monitor them as they walk within an Amazon fulfilment centerUnknownThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this product Location data is not collectedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Inc Pizza CheckerDomino's Group (Australia)'s Pizza is a multinational pizza restaurant chainNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, non-management* In-store cameras use advanced machine learning, artificial intelligence, and sensor technology to identify pizza type, even topping distribution and correct toppings * If the food prepared doesn’t match a customer's order, or Domino's internal quality standards, workers are ordered to make it againIn UseDomino's Pizza in Australia and New ZealandHospitalityN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedAustraliaUnknownYesThe privacy policy states that personal information "will be retained for up to a period of one year unless otherwise required under applicable law"Only workers are being surveilledCameraN/AYesThe QT AI camera system’s sensor and camera automatically monitor the preparation and cooking process in the kitchen Using proprietary patented advanced AI machine-learning technology, the system keeps improving its diagnostics, becoming even more efficient The QT has been upgraded in 2020 for hygiene and sanitisation checkingUnknownData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themYesManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy ambiguously states that personal information will be disclosed "to third parties who provide sufficient guarantees that they implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a manner that their processing of your personally identifiable information will meet the requirements of Data Protection Regulation"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThe use of this software could result in accidents or personal injuryInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy: Systems't PanicCoding Ninjas, Inc is a platform for finding freelance programmersYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Lemon is a platform for hiring web developers * Lemon has introduced a new brand, "Don't Panic," and forced its workers to work on this platform and to cut their rates because of Covid-19 because "it’s the new reality, and one you can’t do much about" In UseTigermedia, Stoovo, DosidodesignInformation TechnologyGrowthUPworker’s own deviceN/AN/ANot collectedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/ANoNo claims madeYesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneUnknownNone - workers do not have the ability to challengeUnknownUnknownUnknownWhile there is no evidence that this offering exposes workers to an unsafe working environment, in reducing their incomes significantly, it could contribute to negative social effectsN/AN/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: - Retraining Machine Learning ModelsDoorDash, Inc is a food delivery platform that connects customers with local and national businessesYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract, non-management* DoorDash uses machine learning models to predict food delivery demand, allowing DoorDash to determine how many workers are needed in a given area at any point in time * Historically, demand patterns were cyclical on hourly, weekly, and seasonal time scales with predictable growth. However, the Covid-19 pandemic brought demand patterns higher and more volatile than ever before, making it necessary to retrain DoorDash's prediction models to maintain performance while keeping labor costs as low as possible * Maintaining accurate demand models is critical for estimating how many workers are needed to fulfill orders. Underestimating demand means customers won’t receive their food on time, as fewer workers will be on hand to make deliveries. Alternatively, overestimating demand and overallocating Dashers means they can’t maximize their earnings, because there won’t be enough orders to go aroundIn UseDoorDashHospitality, LogisticsPublicly-traded companyworker's own deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedIn UseUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workers, but only in an anonymized formatGPSUnknownNoSupply and demand management at DoorDash focuses on balancing demand and number of workers at any given time and in any region Being able to predict future marketplace conditions is very important because predictions allow DoorDash to offer promotional pay and notify worker's of a busy marketplace in advance to preempt worker-demand imbalances By doing so, DoorDash claims allow workers to deliver and thus earn more, while also enabling faster delivery times for consumersYesOnly while workers are workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software and contribute to the development of the machine learning model under a real or perceived threatUnclearUnclearThere is no evidence that the models expose workers to an unsafe environment, but conversely, it is not clear what precautions DoorDash takes to ensure workers are not being fatigued or overworked in the event of staffing demand imbalancesInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations like California, Oregon, Washington State, Canada and Australia more safeguards than workers in other locationsUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableEngineering Blog Post: https://doordashengineering/2020/09/15/retraining-ml-models-covid-19/; Privacy Policy:, Inc FlowDrishti Technologies, Inc is a provider of AI-powered video analytics technology that gives visibility and insights for manual assembly line improvementNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-managementDrishti Flow continuously measures cycle time, letting you closely monitor and rapidly improve line performance * Reduce overtime and hit production targets * Solve problems more collaboratively with operators using video instant replay * Perform richer shift handovers by sharing information using data and videoIn UseDenso auto parts plant, Hella, FlexIndustrial, ManufacturingMicron Ventures, Presidio Ventures, Sozo Ventures, Benhamou Global Ventures, Hella Ventures, Alpha Intelligence Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Toyota AI Ventures, Emergence, Benhamou Global Venturescompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCameraN/AYesIn a press release, Drishti says, "Drishti was founded with the mission of augmenting the role of people in manufacturing In addition to improving standardized work adherence, highlighting any productivity issues and driving quality improvements, Drishti is providing AI-based continuous training for line associates Drishti’s training function uses AI, video and best practices reinforcement to train new employees, cross-train existing employees and identify “brilliant outliers”: creative line associates who excel in certain roles or develop new ways to improve standardized work Employees tend to embrace Drishti because of its direct benefit to workers on the line"YesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:
https://drizly.comDrizlyDrizly, Inchttps://drizly.comDrizly is an alcohol marketplace that offers a variety of beer, wine, and spirits onlineNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* GoPuff competitor: customers order alcohol; workers pick items from warehouse, then deliver * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders by car or bicycle to a customer in under 60 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/AGroceries, Retail, Logistics, TransportationFJ Labs, Tiger Global Management, Polaris Partners, Atlas Venture, AccompliceWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown The privacy policy does not specify a retention period for worker dataPrimarily workers are being surveilled, but data is also being collected about customers, including customer location dataCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://drizly.comNo
https://www.duffl.comDufflPowered Ventures Inchttps://www.duffl.comA 10-minute delivery service for college students. Made for students, by studentsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* GoPuff competitor: customers order items; workers pick items from warehouse, then deliver * Delivery workers are called "Racers" * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders by car or bicycle to a customer in under 10 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/AGroceries, Retail, Logistics, TransportationY Combinator, 1984 Ventures, GoAhead Ventures, Jonathan Zweig, Eytan ElbazWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown The privacy policy does not specify a retention period for worker dataPrimarily workers are being surveilled, but data is also being collected about customers, including customer location dataCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Ventures Inchttps://www.duffl.comNo HealthCheckDuke Health Health integrates the Duke University School of Medicine, Duke-NUS Medical School, Duke University School of Nursing, Duke University Health System, Private Diagnostic Clinic (Duke physicians practice), and incorporates the health and health research programs within the Duke Global Health InstituteYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, salaried* App asks worker if they have any Covid-19 symptoms * App then serves as a “pass” to gain entry into buildings/office areasIn UseDuke Health, Duke Universityhealthcare, educationN/APersonal devicesCentralizedUnknownN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledNoneNoneNoNo claims madeUnknownOnly while workers are workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/A - only available in one territoryThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/ADuke Health
https://dumpling.usDumplingDumpling provides the tools, technology, and support people need to run their own local delivery serviceYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract, non-management* Dumpling markets itself as the ethical Instacart * Workers collect groceries and other items for customers and traditionally did so in exchange for a tip. Initially, workers could set a minimum gratuity and customers would set their tip before groceries were delivered to them * From 1 December 2020, Dumpling has removed the option for workers to set a minimum gratuity and now allows users not to tip workers * Dumpling has also introduced new fees for drivers (a monthly fee of $49-99, up from $39, plus 5% of every transaction and a credit card processing fee of 28-39% plus 30¢ per transaction) * Media reports indicate that Dumpling banned 13 workers from its closed Facebook group for drawing attention to these new charges * Potentially, workers could now lose money delivering items for Dumpling, though workers are not compelled to accept orders which offer no tipIn UseN/AGroceries, RetailForerunner Ventures, Michael Mignano, Floodgate, Fuel Capital, Alchemist Acceleratorworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownDumpling's privacy policy does not specify for how long information is retained However, it does note that workers may request that their personal information be deleted, in which case it may be anonymized "You may request deletion of your account by email at mygig@dumplingus Some information may remain in our records after your deletion of such information from your account We may use any aggregated data derived from or incorporating your Personal Information after you update or delete it, but not in a manner that would identify you personally"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersCamera, GPS, MicrophoneCalendar, Photo GalleryUnknownN/AYesUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesUnknownUnknownGoogle Analytics, StripeUnclearNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: to bottom of homepage: https://dumplingus/Dumplinghttps://dumpling.usNo, Inc gives people early access to their paychecks directly from their smartphones as a cash advanceNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Workers can cash out their daily earnings (wages or tips) without waiting for their regular paycheck * While Earnin charges no fees to workers (provided their incoming paycheck covers the cash advance), it does encourage users to "tip" to keep the service free * Because the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation has said that "voluntary gratuities are not finance charges under TILA and excluded from APR," Earnin does not need to disclose how much a worker has paid relative to other services charging interest, and workers may thus be misinformed as to how low Earnin's fees are * Workers pay heavy late repayment fees if their employer is late sending a paycheck. From BBB complaints, it appears that Earnin frequently debits accounts early before holidays (but before paychecks are deposited), thus leaving workers with Earnin late fees and assorted bank overdraft feesIn UseN/AFinancial ServicesSpark Capital, Coatue, Matrix Partners, March Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Ribbit CapitalWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured when app is openUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy does not outline a specific retention periodOnly workers who opt to use the platform are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiNoDetails are unknown as to how Earnin determines which workers are, or are not, eligible for cash advancesYesData is collected when a worker either opens the app for the first time (and registers and account), or when they apply for a new cash advanceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownYesData can be viewed by Earnin staff and contractors, but is not accessible to employersN/AUnknownThe privacy statement says that worker data is not shared with employers, except where they "outsource some of Earnin’s functions to third-party service providers, such as data storage providers, platform administrators, customer service and/or other services Earnin may share information about or from you with these third-party service providers so that they can perform the requested services or complete your requests We may also use and share aggregated and other anonymous data with partners, service providers and third parties to help improve how Earnin delivers the Services"Only residents of California and Nevada have access to a grievance mechanism Residents in these states may contact OneTrust for independent mediation services: https://privacyportal-cdnonetrustcom/dsarwebform/1583d664-c891-4076-bfe5-c6f90c11d599/cfb4abdd-4658-4ef3-b610-92fc566318a0htmlNo Use of this product is voluntaryInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in California and Nevada more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe privacy policy states, "Earnin will share information with law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties if Earnin is compelled to do so by subpoena, court order or similar legal procedure, when it is necessary to do so to comply with law, or where the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information is reasonably necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss, to report suspected illegal activity, or to investigate violations of the Terms of Service or as otherwise required by law"UnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://www.eaze.comEazeEaze Technologies, Inchttps://www.eaze.comEaze is an online marketplace and technology platform that helps provide legal access to cannabis through safe and convenient deliveryNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Eaze offers on-demand delivery of cannabis products * Most delivery workers are BIPOC * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/ACannibisRose Capital, DCM Ventures, Kaya Ventures, Bailey Venture Partners, Great Oaks Venture Capital, FJ Labs, RBO VenturesWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy does not outline a specific retention periodOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto LibraryNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge formal grievances pertaining to the app or platformWorkers are obliged to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in California more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableDriver Terms of Service: Technologies, Inchttps://www.eaze.comNo, Inc is a software-as-a-service e-commerce company that provides online selling solutions for small businessesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Ecwid sells an online store/shopping cart to existing retail stores that helps them reduce labor costs by automating processes like shipping label generation, inventory management, and social media managementIn UseUnknownRetailRuna Capital, Trestle Partners, Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital, PeakSpan Capital, iTech CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknownN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/AN/AN/AYesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc MentoreDriving, LLChttps://www.edriving.comeDriving is an online platform that provides its users with driver education and training solutionsNoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* A driver risk management program to help organizations reduce collisions, injuries, license violations, and their total cost of fleet ownership * Smartphone sensors collect and analyze driver behaviors most predictive of risk including acceleration, braking, cornering, speeding, and phone distraction * Drivers receive an individual score that predicts their likelihood of being involved in a crash or accidentIn UseGSK, Royal Mail, Toyota, Munich RE, Siemens, Zurich, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Nestle, MerckLogistics, TransportUnknownworker's personal deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoDriving behavior is retained for seven years It is not known how long other data is retained forOnly workers are being surveilledMicrophone, GPS, CameraPhotos / Media / Files, LocationNoAccording to the website of developer eDriving, "Mentor by eDriving combines the company’s patented, proven, continuous improvement methodology for driver risk reduction with a unique smartphone app that not only identifies risky driving behavior, but also remediates it with in-app micro-training Through eDriving’s partnership with industry analytics leader FICO, drivers receive an individual FICO Safe Driving Score validated to predict the likelihood of a driver being involved in a crash or incident"YesAccording to the March 11, 2021 privacy policy, "When you install and activate the Mentor by eDriving application (the “App”) on your mobile device, it collects the following information Your driving behavior: The App uses your mobile device’s internal sensors (eg, its gyroscope and motion tracker) to collect information regarding your driving behavior data, including acceleration, hard braking, cornering, and speeding Location, travel and route information: When you are on a driving trip, the App gathers location and route information in the form of GPS signals This is NOT shared with your organization Phone usage and activity: The App measures general phone activity, including when the screen is on, texting, phone calls and phone movement The App does NOT record any individually identifying usage or activity information, such as key strokes, content of phone calls, contacts, photographs (unless uploaded by the driver) or which other applications are running Information about the device: The App collects eDriving specific webpage views, IP address, browser type, and operating system information"No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesNoManagers, HRUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsAccording to the privacy policy, the developer eDriving has ISO 27001 certification for Information Security and is regularly audited both internally and by third partieseDriving says it will respond to law enforcement requests for data submitted "in good faith"UnavailablePrivacy Policy:, LLChttps://www.edriving.comNo
https://eightfold.aiEightfold Talent Intelligence PlatformEightfold AI Inchttps://eightfold.aiEightfoldAI offers the best way for organizations to retain talent, recruit efficiently, and boost diversity, all with deep learning AINoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformSalaried* Eightfold is a recruitment and talent retention platform Their website states, “It is impossible to accurately convey a candidate’s experience on a resume, resulting in candidate profiles that lack true assessments of potential. Powered by the world’s largest source of talent data, Eightfold fills in the gaps by identifying Validated Skills, Likely Skills, Skills to Be Validated, and Missing Skills” * Using this knowledge, it can then recommend hiring new staff or recommend training for existing personnel. “Equal Opportunity Algorithms ensure that each prediction does not create bias against personal or demographic characteristics” * "The Eightfold Capability Dashboard enables employers to benchmark their workforce against a global data set to identify capability gaps in their workforce, initiate targeted reskilling and upskilling efforts, and identify individuals with specific skills and demonstrated potential"In UseAirAsia, Bayer, Capital One, Mercado Libre, DigitalOcena, Postmates, Bookingcom, Dolby, Akamai, NetApp, Tata Communications, Vale, BNY MellonAgriculture, Call Centers, Charity, Cleaning services, Clinics, Construction & Engineering, Education, Entertainment, Healthcare, Hospitality, Hotels & Resorts, Manufacturing & Logistics, Professional services, Retail, Security, SupermarketsGeneral Catalyst, Lightspeed Venture Partners, IVP, Foundation Capital, South Park Commonsworker's own deviceCentralizedUnclear - some worker data is identifiable, some worker data is anonymizedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We keep Personal Data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, while we have a legitimate business need to do so, or as required by law (eg for tax, legal, accounting or other purposes), whichever is the longer To determine the appropriate retention period for your Personal Data, we will consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your Personal Data, the purposes for which we use your Personal Data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements In some circumstances, we may anonymize your Personal Data so that it can no longer be associated with you, in which case it is no longer Personal Data"Workers and prospective workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoThe website ambiguously states, "Grounded in Equal Opportunity Algorithms, the Eightfold® Talent Intelligence Platform uses deep-learning AI to help each person understand their career potential, and each enterprise understand the potential of their workforce"YesThe privacy policy states that employers share worker data with Eightfold: "In order to provide the Services to our customers, Eightfold processes certain Personal Data input or uploaded into our Services by our Customers’ employees or authorized users, or Eightfold’s personnel who input or upload on behalf of Customers Through those connections, we receive certain Personal Data about employees and candidates for employment that the Customer makes available to us, such as contact information, professional and educational backgrounds and information included in resumes"No Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who view worker dataUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy states, "In order to connect potential job candidates with potential employers in providing the Services, we may share Personal Data with our Customers and their authorized users and service providers Our Customers and their authorized users may include companies that created the job positions or act as intermediaries such as counselors or recruiters for such companies and in turn may forward your submitted information to the employers Our Customers may also choose to implement their Eightfold services with service providers they select, and your information would be shared with those service providers While efforts are made to choose implementation partners that share our standards for privacy, their websites and services are outside of our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy, and we are not responsible for their selection, content, security, or privacy practices"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this product Location data is not collectedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsYes According to Eightfold's governance resources, "Eightfold is SOC 2 Type I and SOC 2 Type II certified by independent third-party auditors" and "Eightfold is ISO27001 certified by independent third-party auditors"Yes The privacy policy states, "If required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (i) comply with a legal obligation, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements, (ii) protect and defend our rights or property, (iii) prevent fraud, (iv) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Services, or the public, or (v) protect against legal liability"UnavailablePrivacy Policy: Governance documents: https://eightfoldai/why-eightfold/governance/N/AEightfold AI Inchttps://eightfold.aiNo
#Employee MicrochippingThree Square Market Square Market is a leader in providing micro market solutions to vending operatorsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Workers have a microchip inserted into their hand * Assists workers with day-to-day tasks, such as unlocking doors, logging in to computers, using printers, and buying snacksIn UseThree Square MarketFinancial Services, Corrections FacilitiesUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknown12 monthsOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, Camera, GPS, MicrophoneN/ANoUnknownUnknownData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers able to voluntarily choose to have the device implanted into their body, or notUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThe use of this software could result in accidents or personal injuryInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy:
https://www.economicmodeling.comEmsiEconomic Modeling, LLChttps://www.economicmodeling.comEmsi is a labor market analytics firmNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Emsi harvests “professional profiles” from social media and “traditional labor market information” in order to offer labor market analytics such as compensation data, job posting data, and market dataIn UseUniversity of FloridaEducation, Healthcare, Professional ServicesUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AEconomic Modeling, LLChttps://www.economicmodeling.comNo, Inc specializes in the fields of artificial intelligence, leadership science, and machine learningNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Marketing website says, "The Enaible Productivity Score is the world’s first comprehensive, normalized productivity score. Using your existing system data, we quantify productivity at the aggregate and team level through a multi-dimensional calculation of Capacity Utilization, Consistency, and Quality Impact" * "Our AI Trigger-Task-Time™ algorithm is the key to accurately measuring productivity. A breakthrough at the intersection of leadership science and artificial intelligence, 
the Trigger-Task-Time™ algorithm simultaneously factors in complexity, sequence, internal and external factors, patterns, time of day, and duration to deliver the world’s most accurate productivity score" * "Our Leadership Recommender™ provides actionable, personalized, and prioritized leadership recommendations. Powered by our AI, our recommendations evolve to help leaders from all industries better their best and drive productivity growth"In UseOmnicom Media GroupOffices, Remote WorkUnknownCompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnclear In some cases, worker data is identifiable; in other cases, it is anonymized Location not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownBoth workers and prospective workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANo"Our AI Trigger-Task-Time™ algorithm is the key to accurately measuring productivity A breakthrough at the intersection of leadership science and artificial intelligence, 
the Trigger-Task-Time™ algorithm simultaneously factors in complexity, sequence, internal and external factors, patterns, time of day, and duration to deliver the world’s most accurate productivity score"YesUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknown The privacy policy that Enaible shares on its website only speaks to data collected for marketing purposes, and does not speak in any detail about how their products collect and process worker dataWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Enaible, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are obliged to have the software monitor their performanceUnknown, but from publicly available information about how the product works, it is very possible that the product's AI Trigger-Task-Time algorithm could have a discriminatory effectInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:, Inc
https://www.enannysource.comeNannySourceeNannySourcehttps://www.enannysource.comeNannySource offers background checks designed specifically for nannies and caregiversNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Connects workers with families whose children require supervisionIn UseIndividual families looking for a babysitterChild CareUnknownworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesNo retention period is specified in the privacy policyData is being collected about workers and families looking to hire babysittersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how nannies are assigned to families, but the product website implies an algorithm is involvedYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: is a multinational engineering and electronics company involved in the fields of industry, energy, transportation, and healthcareNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* The Enlighted IoT platform captures information about what is happening in an office building, helping improve operating efficiencies and occupant experiences, enhance productivity, and optimize resource and asset use * Sensors detect motion, temperature, and ambient light. Asset tags and badges communicate using Bluetooth with the sensors for calculating the location of assets and peopleIn UseAT&T, Loom, Veeco, NHS, California State University Dominguez Hills, Interface, Geodis, City of San Jose (California), Agilent Technologies, Menlo Business Park, SchieverOfficesN/A - publicly listedCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker data is anonymized, but workers can be re-identified from collected dataLocation Always CapturedGermanyUnited StatesYesUnknown Individual organizations configure what data is retained and for how longBoth workers and visitors to a space are being surveilledSensors, Light FixturesNoneNoDetails are available here as to the various processing options available for collected data: https://wwwenlightedinccom/system-and-solutions/solutions/safer-workplaces/YesData is collected continuously while a worker is workingUnknownYesUnknownUnknown The privacy policy states, "Many Enlighted products are intended for use by organizations, such as businesses If your organization provides you with access to Enlighted products, your use of the Enlighted products is subject to your organization’s policies, if any You should direct your privacy inquiries, including any requests to exercise your data protection rights, to your organization’s administrator Enlighted is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of our customers, partners, or vendors, which may differ from Enlighted’s privacy policy"There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Siemens, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are obliged to have the hardware and platform monitor their location in a buildingMaybe The platform can be configured differently by different organizations, and could be used in a way which may lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Wellness Group allows you to electronically screen for symptoms related to COVID-19 while seamlessly managing employee access passesNoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareContract, non-management* Electronically screen workers for symptoms related to Covid-19 while seamlessly managing worker access passesIn UseUnknownHealthcare, Sports, EventsUnknownworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy states, "Records that have satisfied the period of retention will be destroyed/disposed of in an appropriate manner," but does not outline a specific retention scheduleOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoNo claims madeYesUnknownIt is unclear from the privacy policy whether informed consent is obtained from workers before their personal information is collected and processedIt is unclear from the privacy policy whether workers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownUnknownInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://appentrsafeapp/docs/ENTRSAFE_HIPAA_PRIVACY_POLICIESpdfN/AGlobal Wellness Group ProtectEnvoy Inc is transforming modern workplaces, challenging the status quo with innovations that make office life and work more meaningfulYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Ensure workers are healthy before they arrive to work. "Employees certify they’re healthy before they head to the office, so any germs stay far away from your front door" * Employers can set criteria for who is not allowed to work in the office based on their responses to a Covid-19 symptom questionnaire "Layer in extra security by connecting your access control system, so only healthy employees can badge in to your workplace" * Ensure workers can work at a safe distance. "Once an employee is approved to come into the office through Envoy Protect, we’ll automatically assign them a desk for the day, so you can be sure that everyone has a safe space to work"In UseBuzzfeed, Okta, Lululemon, Urban Outfitters, The Clorox Company, Lionsgate, Pandora, 23andMeOffices, Retail, Motion PictureAndreessen Horowitz, Menlo Ventures, Initialized Capital, Alexis Ohanian, Haystackworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownWorker data will be retained for length of employment plus 30 daysOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownMandatory: Amazon Web Services, FullStory, Heroku, Datadog, Looker, Sendgrid Optional (may be used by different organizations): Active Directory, Aerohive, Aruba, Avigilon, Box, C-Cure9000, Centrify, Cisco, Dropbox, Egnyte, Eventbrite, Everbridge, Google, IFTTT, MailChimp, Meraki, Microsoft , Mist, Okta, OneLogin, OnSolve, OpenPath, Ruckus, Salesforce, Slack, Twilio,UbiquitiThe privacy policy says that Envoy will not share data with third parties unless it is "required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (i) comply with a legal obligation, (ii) protect or defend the rights or property of Envoy or others, (iii) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our users or the public, or (iv) protect against legal liability"UnknownWorkers are obliged to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes The Data Protection Addendum states that Envoy will "implement appropriate technical and organisational measures, insofar as this is possible, for the fulfilment of the Company Group Members' obligations, as reasonably understood by Company, to respond to requests to exercise Data Subject rights under the Data Protection Laws" This implies that workers in jurisdictions without data protection laws will not be extended the same protections available to other workersThe Data Protection Addendum says that Envoy "shall allow for and contribute to audits, including inspections, by any Company Group Member or an auditor of Company Group Member by any Company Group Member in relation to the Processing of the Company Personal Data by the Vendor or the relevant Vendor Affiliate"The company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationThe privacy policy says, "Upon Company’s request, Vendor and each Vendor Affiliate shall provide reasonable assistance to each Company Group Member with any data protection impact assessments, and prior consultations with Supervisory Authorities, which Company reasonably considers to be required of any Company Group Member by article 35 or 36 of the GDPR or equivalent provisions of any other Data Protection Law, in each case solely in relation to Processing of Company Personal Data by, and taking into account the nature of the Processing and information available to, the Vendor or the relevant Vendor Affiliate" Policy: Inc, Inc is a technology startup, building a sensor-based Operating System for the physical worldYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Workers wear small wireless devices around their neck that reminds the worker in real time to keep a safe distance and registers direct contact exposures * In the event of a symptomatic worker, companies can quickly locate other exposed workersIn, Nike, Apple, Hyatt, FedEx, Coca-Cola, NasaWarehouses, ManufacturingY Combinator, Betaworks, FundersClub, Bessemer Venture Partners, HomebrewCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers are anonymized by default, but can be re-identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesData stored locally on deviceN/AUnknown, but likely individual organizations can decide how long data should be retained for, given data is stored on local devicesOnly workers are being surveilledGPS, BluetoothNoneNo* All interactions are stored anonymously and the list of exposed employees is generated only when symptoms are reported * Anonymized data helps measure the effectiveness of social distancing behavior in the workplaceYesData is collected when the wearable device is wornUnknownUnknownUnknownManagers, HRThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknown, but data is stored locally on the device and only made accessible the employer if the worker presses a button, so the likelihood of employers having access to significant volumes of worker data is limitedWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Estimote, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWhile this will depend on the organization deploying the technology, in all likelihood, workers will be obliged to wear the wearable deviceThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, Inc Responsible Finance, Inc is a financial service company that allows users to get paid on demand, budget instantly, and save automaticallyNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* "With Instapay, employees can access their earned wages when they’re short on cash. Instapay is significantly less expensive than overdrafts, credit cards, and payday loans" * Reduce absenteeism and turnover. "Workers favor employers who care about their financial stability. 70% of Even members whose employers offer Even say it’s improved their financial wellness" * Increase employee performance. "Employees who are more engaged and less stressed are up to 8 times more productive than employees who are less engaged due to stress"In UseWal-Mart, Sams Club, PayPal, HumanaRetail, Financial Services, Groceries, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Logistics, TransportationValar Ventures, Marc Benioff, Founders Fund, PayPal Ventures, Silicon Valley Bankworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured when app is openUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy states, "In accordance with our routine record keeping, we may delete certain records that contain Personal Information you have submitted through the Services We are under no obligation to store such Personal Information indefinitely and disclaim any liability arising out of, or related to, the destruction of such Personal Information In addition, you should be aware that it is not always possible to completely remove or delete all of your information from our databases without some residual data because of backups and other reasons We will retain your Personal Information as long as your Account has not been deactivated, or as needed to provide you services, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements An Account will be considered "deactivated" if you affirmatively request that we deactivate your account by emailing us at support@evencom We will deactivate a user Account promptly within 30 days of receiving your written request"Only workers who opt to use the platform are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhotos / Media / Files, Wi-FiNoNo details are available as to Even's algorithms In addition, the Terms of Service state, "You also promise not to (directly or indirectly): (i) decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of any part of the Services (including without limitation any application), except to the limited extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction"YesThe privacy policy states that data is collected when 1) the worker voluntarily provides it, and 2) from employers: "We may receive Personal Information about you from your employer We compare this information with the Personal Information we request from you when you use the Services in order to verify your employment In addition, we may receive additional information about your employment from your employer, including your start and end dates, location of your workplace, pay period, pay rate, work schedule, and job title"Yes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesOnly Even staff and the workerUnknownPlaidThe privacy policy states, "Even will not sell, rent or otherwise disclose Personal Information about you to third parties" However, worker information may be disclosed to the following third parties: "Third party providers We may share your Personal Information with unaffiliated third parties that provide certain services to us, including, but not limited to data analysis, payment processing, and risk management These third parties may have access to Personal Information or non-Personal Information in order to perform their functions on our behalf However, these third parties are only permitted to use your Personal Information for the purpose for which it has been provided or to administer, service or process transactions that you have authorized, and may not disclose it to any other third party except at our express direction and in accordance with this Policy We do not share your Personal Information with: (1) other financial companies for joint marketing purposes; (2) affiliated companies for their everyday business purposes; or (3) any third parties so that they can market to you Employer partners We may share limited Personal Information with your employer, including your name, employee identification number, place of employment, and information related to your paycheck, along with non-Personal Information, such as your partial account number, to facilitate providing the services, for joint marketing purposes, or to enhance your use of Even's service We will not disclose to your employer Personal Information concerning your use of the Services other than as necessary to provide the Services, the transactions to or from your bank account, the balance of your account, or Personal Information regarding your individualized financial situation Financial services partners We may share Personal Information with other financial services companies with whom we've partnered to provide a greater array of products to you These financial services companies do not operate on our behalf but, in certain instances, their services or products may be accessed through the Even application It will be clear who is providing the service or product If you choose to accept these services, we may exchange your information, including your Personal Information This exchange of information is necessary to maintain business operations and to provide the ongoing service you've requested By requesting or accepting these products or services, you are permitting us to provide your Personal Information to the other party In addition, you will be presented with, and you should review, the privacy policies of these financial services companies as these parties' services are governed by each such third party's privacy policy Business transfers As we continue to develop our business, we may sell or purchase assets If another entity acquires us or our assets, or assets related to the Services, Personal Information, information about how the Services are accessed and used, and any other information that we have collected about the users of the Services may be disclosed to such entity as one of the transferred assets Also if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against us, all such information may be considered an asset of ours and as such may be sold or transferred to third parties Legal disclosures Even may transfer and disclose information, including your Personal Information, information about how the Services are accessed and used, and information from our service providers, to third parties to comply with a legal obligation; when we believe in good faith that the law requires it; at the request of governmental authorities conducting an inquiry or investigation; to verify or enforce our Terms and Conditions or other applicable policies; to respond to an emergency; or otherwise to protect the rights, property, safety or security of third parties, visitors to our Services or the public With your permission At your direction or request, we may share your Personal Information with specified third parties Other Business Activities We may share Personal Information to conduct any other legitimate business activities not otherwise prohibited by law"Only residents of California have access to a grievance mechanism Residents in this state are advised to "email your request to privacy@evencom or mail your request to 9450 SW Gemini Dr #39582, Beaverton, Oregon 97008-7105 US In your request, please specify that you want a "Your Even California Privacy Rights Notice" Please allow 45 days for a response" if they have a complaint or wish to exercise their rights under California lawNo Use of this product is voluntaryThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this product While this product does collect location data, it is not shared with the employer and is only used for fraud prevention purposesThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in California have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsUnknownYes The privacy policy states, "Even may transfer and disclose information, including your Personal Information, information about how the Services are accessed and used, and information from our service providers, to third parties to comply with a legal obligation; when we believe in good faith that the law requires it; at the request of governmental authorities conducting an inquiry or investigation; to verify or enforce our Terms and Conditions or other applicable policies; to respond to an emergency; or otherwise to protect the rights, property, safety or security of third parties, visitors to our Services or the public"Unavailable Policy: Responsible Finance, Inc Visual AIEverseen Ltd provides technological solutions for retailers through an AI platform that combines advanced machine learning technology with computer vision algorithms and neural networksNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* In warehouses Visual AI can track pallets received, ensure pick accuracy in real time, and power smart audits * Retail: reduce shrink through general scanning, behavioral change, and precision alerting. Analyzes customer transactions, flagging errors and issues in real time to control for loss and inventory inaccuracy * It can protect against waste, errors, and theft, including "Sweetheart" detection and "Bottom of Basket" loss * Founder said in 2017 interview, "I grew up the son of a grocer in Ireland and spent my whole youth working in the family store, so my personal story ties into why Everseen chose to use its AI technology to address theft and customer/cashier error. Our store experienced so much loss over the years that we even joke that one of our cashiers built a house with the money they stole. But the methods of tracking the loss were so cumbersome that it just became something you accepted, not something you ever actually solved"In UseWal-MartRetail, Groceries, Warehouse, LogisticsRay Coyle, Carl McCanncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedIrelandUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy does not outlines a retention policy for data collected through Visual AIBoth workers and customers are being surveilledCamera, SensorsN/AUnknown, but possibly yesThis webpage discusses how Visual AI works, broken down by use case: https://everseencom/apps/YesData is collected whenever a worker is inside a store with Visual AI technology deployedNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Everseen, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWhile this will depend on the organization deploying the technology, in all likelihood, workers will be obliged to have the technology track themYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnknownInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable; Policy: Ltd Worldwide, Inc provides computer-based testing solutions for exam takers and exam administrators internationallyYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* ExamMonitor "is the AI-driven remote proctoring solution that digitally observes exam-takers with video and audio monitoring throughout the entire exam. It replaces in-person proctoring and provides confidence in the integrity of all your exams" * ExamSoft says it "can save time and costs [for educational institutions] by minimizing the need for expensive live proctoring/invigilation, while eliminating virtually all forms of academic dishonesty. Confidently evaluate student performance using data, grades, and scoring that are a true reflection of student learning and provide content-specific remediation strategies that are quick and easy to deliver." This tool thus seeks to eliminate jobs in education, replacing them with unproven AI technologyIn UseNorthern Arizona University, D'Youville School of Pharmacy, North Texas University, Indiana State University, Rutgers University, Alabama State University, Alfaisal University, University of California, Davis, University of Nebraska, Tufts University Education, Government, Legal ProfessionSpectrum EquityN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "ExamSoft retains personal data so long as we have an ongoing legitimate business need to retain it (for example, to provide services to its customers or to comply with applicable legal, tax or accounting requirements)"N/A - not collecting worker dataCamera, GPSUnknownYes"AI software detects abnormal behavior, sounds, and movements that could indicate a potential integrity breach"YesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AN/AYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-making Media reports indicate its facial recognition technology is not effective at recognizing the faces of Black peopleN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable, Policy: Worldwide, Inc Thermal Infrared Sensors, Optics, Light Sources and Detectors, Photodiodes and EmittersExcelitas Technologies Corp Technologies provides customized and advanced electronic systems to a global customer base of leading Original Equipment ManufacturersYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-managementExcelitas’ photonics technology portfolio responds to Covid-19 with: * Thermal infrared sensors for non-contact ear and forehead thermometry and body-scan temperature screening * Optics, light sources, and detectors that are integrated into various diagnostic and analytical systems for COVID-19 testing and blood analysis * Photodiodes and emitters that enable pulse oximetry to monitor patient oxygen levels and heart rates in hospitals worldwideIn UseUnknownHealthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Hospitality, Offices, Aerospace and DefenseUnknowncompany-provided deviceDecentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesN/A - data stored locally on device or local networkNoIndividual organizations configure how long data should be retained for The default settings are unknownBoth workers and visitors are being surveilledSensorsN/AOptionally yesN/AYesData is only collected when a worker is at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Excelitas, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWhile this will depend on the organization deploying the technology, in all likelihood, workers will be obliged to have the technology track themYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy: Technologies Corp Solutions SAS Solutions manufactures automated warehouse order preparation systems of robot fleets NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* The Skypod System is a retail order picking solution * Skypods function "as a fleet supporting the operators to prepare your orders faster. The robots are constantly assigned tasks and are programmed to prioritize the most urgent task" * Robots work 24/7 (charging is carried out in the picking station, which avoids electrification of the storage racks) * Robots pick and pack 4 orders simultaneously, eliminating the need for human workers in warehouses to pick and pack orders In UseGapWarehouse, Logistics, RetailDell Technologies Capital, 83North, 360 Capital, Iris Capital, Breegacompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AFranceN/AN/AN/AN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableTerms and Conditions: Solutions SAS Concussion Management LLC-ezSCRN is a fully paperless and near real-time communication tool making Covid-19 symptom screening easy and accessible for all usersYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* ezSCRN is a web-based tool that screens for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Covid-19 symptoms * ezSCRN logs all activity and provides flexible reporting to document results and decisions needed to comply with federal and state policies and guidelinesIn UseUnknownEducation, HealthcareUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe retention period is unknown The privacy policy states, the "destruction of data occurs within an agreed to date by TCM and its customer and after the database has been exported and provided to the customer in CSV format" This statement implies that data will be provided to clients in an unencrypted format for permanent retention before being deleted from an encrypted serverOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownYesNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogleUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Concussion Management LLC-No
https://getfabric.comFabricGet Fabric, Inchttps://getfabric.comFabric builds a supply-chain of micro fulfillment centers to stock items owned by small and medium-sized businessesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Turn an existing retail space into a "high-velocity automated micro fulfillment center" * "Leverage existing real-estate and bring automated micro fulfillment centers close to where your customers are, enabling on-demand pickup and delivery" * "Reduce labor costs by 90%" and "pack orders in 10 minutes or less" * Robots are replacing most human labor, resulting in fewer jobs for human workersIn UseFreshDirectGroceries, Retail, Logistics, Transportation, WarehouseTemasek Holdings, Evolv Ventures, Aleph, La Maison Compagnie d'Investissement, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Corner Ventures, Innovation Endeavors, Playground GlobalN/AN/AN/AN/AIsraelUnited StatesYesN/AN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Fabric, Inchttps://getfabric.comNo 2Bodet SA designs, manufactures and installs Time Management solutionsYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* FaceStation 2 is a face recognition clock-in/-out terminal * Being contactless, facial scanners are more hygienic than fingerprint scanners * FaceStation 2 uses infrared illumination, which allows for accurate facial recognition regardless of indoor lighting conditions. The facial image is analyzed in order to extract specific characteristics that are compared against a stored profile to identify the employee * Once a worker is identified, a time-stamped record is generated and transmitted to Bodet’s Kelio Time & Attendance software hosted locally or in the cloud. This gives employers a real-time indication of attendance, and allows the generation of daily reports that can be accessed by authorized personnel and made available for payroll * FaceStation2 integrates with the Kelio Visio X7 terminal, which incorporates a range of interactive functions designed to assist employees and HR staff in their daily activities. In addition to staff attendance, the Kelio Visio X7 terminal can allow employees to review their remaining holiday time, request leave, access their personnel reports, and send and receive personal messages directly at the terminalIn UseFedex, Serco, TalkTalk Logistics, Transport, Warehouse, Manufacturing, AgricultureN/ACompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AFranceData is stored locally on the device or uploaded to the cloud, depending on the deploying organization's preferenceThere may be crossborder data transfers, if an organization optionally selects to use Bodet's cloud-based timesheet management systemUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCameraN/AYesBodet says, "FaceStation 2 uses infrared illumination which allows [for[ accurate facial recognition regardless of indoor lighting conditions The facial image is analyzed in order to extract specific characteristics which are compared against a stored profile to identify the employee As with Bodet’s fingerprint scanners, all stored files are not images, but encrypted algorithm templates which are compared to the scanned image to confirm identity This ensures data security and conformity to Data Protection and GDPR legislation"YesData is only being collected when a worker approaches the highly visible deviceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownNoUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects with the developer, Bodet, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerYes Workers are obliged to use the toolIt is not immediately apparent that FaceStation 2 could be used in a way that would expose workers to discrimination, but further examination of its features and how its face recognition technology works may be beneficial in furthering our understanding of this toolThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with FaceStation 2There is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentUnknown - insufficient information about this application is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: SA InnovationSuiteRockwell Automation, Inc Automation is a company dedicated to industrial automation, seeking to make its customers more productiveNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* FactoryTalk InnovationSuite "brings edge-to-enterprise analytics, machine learning, industrial internet of things (iIoT) and augmented reality (AR) to industrial operations. This powerful suite simplifies how your company manages data and makes it easier for everyone to access, understand, and leverage the information they need to make decisions" * "InnovationSuite collects and consolidates information technology (IT) with operational technology (OT) from your existing equipment and systems, so you can make data-driven decisions that align with your exact needs. Your workforce can easily find the data they need to drive real improvements" * Workforce performance monitoring: "Track and compare actual versus planned manufacturing operation execution across shifts, orders, material, and quality so you can identify labor variances that require worker productivity improvements" * Digital shift handover: "A well-documented shift handover process facilitates efficient capture and transfer of critical shift information. With an easy-to-access and -understand record of historical shift information, you can drastically reduce the time required to log information and improve accuracy"In UseUnknownHardware, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing, Science and Engineering, SoftwareN/A - publicly tradedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Automation, Inc Social Media ScreeningFama Technologies, Inc uses machine learning and natural language processing to analyze a job applicant's public digital presence for indicators of riskNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Fama offers social media background checks * Fama scans a candidate's social media profiles, labels content that is problematic (references alcohol or drugs, contains profanity, is disrespectful), and warns potential employers in 10 seconds or less of the behaviors it has identifiedIn UseUnknownEntertainment, Media, Technology, Financial Services, Healthcare, Government, Education, Retail, HospitalityCrosscut Ventures, AmplifyLA, Bullpen Capital, Miramar Digital Ventures, Double M Partners, Wavemaker Partners, Tech Coast Angels, Social Startsworker’s own deviceCentralizedPotential workers can be readily identifiedLocation settings are not requestedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownN/ANoFama says it uses AI to identify "problematic behavior among potential hires and current employees by analyzing publicly available online information Our solution highlights behaviors that pose a risk to financial services organizations, and surfaces threats that are often hidden in reams of publicly available data Banks, hedge funds, and financial institutions count on Fama to help them intervene on problematic behaviors before they become a part of their culture, or worse yet, a news headline or incident"UnknownData is collected from the potential worker's social media feeds, from before they sought employmentNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedPotential workers cannot easily view, make sense of, or store the data being collected about them, but Fama says in is privacy policy that this data can be made available on requestYesHuman ResourcesThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn its privacy policy, Fama says, "we do not disclose information about your Personal Information collected online to any companies not part of Fama Technologies, Inc or its subsidiaries or related entities"No Potential workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerPotential workers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingN/AUnknownInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Technologies, Inc
https://www.fancyapp.liveFancy DeliveryFancy Delivery Inchttps://www.fancyapp.liveFancy is an application that offers the users the convenience to have drinks and snacks delivered within 30 minutesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Instacart competitor: customers order groceries; workers pick items from the grocery store and deliver them * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders by bicycle to a customer in under 30 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/AFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsY Combinator, Nate MathersonWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited KingdomUnited KingdomYesThe privacy policy states that personal information is retained for the length of employment plus 30 daysOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownGoogle Analytics, Facebook, MailChimpWorker data will not be shared with third parties without the consent of the workerNo Prospective workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwfancyapplive/termsN/AFancy Delivery Inchttps://www.fancyapp.liveYes
https://www.getfareye.comFarEyeRoboticWares Pvt Ltdhttps://www.getfareye.comFarEye is a predictive logistics platform for businesses to execute, track, collaborate, predict, and optimize movement of goodsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* FarEye’s digital control tower monitors drivers and assigns jobs to drivers to deliver * FarEye constantly monitors drivers and updates customers on the status of their delivery * FarEye's "low-code intelligent platform is powering brands, retailers, and carriers to do faster, reliable, customer-centric deliveries at scale" * FarEye’s "AI-powered functionality optimizes end-to-end deliveries and provides recommendations driven by aggregation of insights" * FarEye has "a vision to use aggregated data and real-time feedback to drive autonomous deliveries with autonomous vehicles and drones"In UseDHL, Tata Steel, Hilti, Amway, Blue DartLogistics, Transport, Food DeliverySAIF Partners, M12, Indian Angel Network, Honeywell Venture Capital, Deutsche PostWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedIndiaUnited States, European Union, IndiaYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We will not store your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which we have processed your personal data including our legal requirements to retain data after completion of the Services How long we retain your personal data depends on the laws governing such data or till the time customer requests for deletion of data"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy says, "We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal data to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so "No Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Pvt Ltdhttps://www.getfareye.comNo DeliveryH-E-B Grocery Company, LPhttps://www.heb.comFavor is a developer of a mobile-based food delivery application used to deliver restaurant-based foodNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly* Runners (drivers) deliver groceries and dry cleaning * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items in under 60 minutes * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsDraper Associates, S3 Ventures, Boost VC, Silverton Partners, Corsa VenturesWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoNo retention period is specified in the privacy policyOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy says, "Favor does not share, rent, or sell your Personal Information with third parties"No Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc Holdings Technologies Corp is an AI-based system for screening and detecting individuals with an elevated temperature in a crowdYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* A "quick and effective artificial intelligence-based system" for screening and detecting individuals with an elevated temperature (an indication of an infectious disease) in a crowd In UseCoca-Cola, Lowe's, Macy's, Saks Fifth Avenue, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, GoDaddy, Carter's, Verizon, Toyota, Mazda, JJill, Dick's Sporting GoodsEvents/Venues, Hotels, Retail, OfficesUnknowncompany-provided deviceDecentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AUnknownIn its marketing materials, Feevr says it "has a proprietary AI face detection algorithm that detects and isolates an individuals forehead which overlays the thermal detection to identify the indicative temperature to detect a possible elevated skin temperature" However, the website IPVM independently tested the device and concluded it "fundamentally lacks accuracy" and was 10 times less accurate than a lowcost, handheld temperature readerUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable https://feevrtech/pages/faqsN/Axlabs M3000Cantronic Systems (Canada) Inc Systems (Canada) Inc produces infrared thermal imaging and night vision systems NoWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* FeverScan M3000N is designed for mass screening of public areas, and is used to find individuals with elevated body temperaturesIn UseWal-Mart, Universal Studios, Carnival, Cubana, University of Iowa, Home Depot, Princess Cruises, Lindt, Vancouver Airport, Haas AutomationRetail, Airport, Groceries, Cruises, Travel, Hospitality, Theme Park, Manufacturing, Warehouse, EventsUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedCanadaCanadaYesUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:
https://www.filmsafe.appFilmSafeTech For Humans Ltdhttps://www.filmsafe.appFilmSafe enables film production companies to schedule Covid-19 tests, perform close contact tracing, and manage compliance, all from one online dashboardYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Workers use FilmSafe to log temperature checks, test results, and health declarations * If a positive Covid-19 case occurs, managers/admin can visualise the risk of infection "empowering you to implement risk mitigation measures based on data" * Send out automatic emails "to crew on set every day to fill in a short symptoms survey, automatically logging their health status to the system"In UseUnknownMotion Picture, TelevisionUnknownWorker's own deviceCentralizedData is identifiable and can identity individual workersLocation not capturedUnited KingdomGermanyYesThe privacy policy states, "FilmSafe will keep all customer and client data for as long as is needed to provide the services we are offering You can request access to your data / deletion at any time After a subscription has expired, we will keep a record of customer client data for a minimum of 6 months before deleting it"Only workers are being surveilledKeyboard, MouseNoneNoThe marketing website says the product can, "Manage Infection & Identify Those At Risk FilmSafe allows you to input close contacts for every crew member daily If a positive case occurs, you can visualise the risk of infection empowering you to implement risk mitigation measures based on data"YesData is collected whenever 1) a worker manually inputs data into the system, or 2) when an employer manually inputs data into the system Data is not collected automaticallyNoUnknownUnknownUnknown Individual organizations can configure who can view dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn the privacy policy, Film Safe says, "FilmSafe will not share your data with any other organisation, including partner companies or third party organisations"While there is not a formal mechanism for receiving complaints, FilmSafe does provide an email address in its privacy policy for data subjects to contact FilmSafe with a complaint In addition, FilmSafe makes data subjects aware of their right to contact a supervisory authority if they are unhappy with FilmSafe's response to their complaintWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this product Location data is not collectedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwfilmsafeapp/privacyhtmlN/AYes Inc connects the world's employers under a single APINoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformContract, non-management* Finch allows third parties to access sensitive HR data quickly and easily * "Employee data is dispersed across many closed systems. Finch smoothes over the difference between systems and unifies access with a single integration to support many innovative uses" * "FP&A, expense management, and accounting applications pull detailed headcount expenses to unlock cost-saving insights" * "SMB financing and insurance platforms utilize headcount and payroll expenses to augment underwriting and reduce fraud"In UseUnknownFinancial Services, Insurance, People ManagementGeneral Catalyst, Menlo Ventures, Homebrew, BoxGroup, YCombinatorworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured when app is openUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We retain Personal Data about you for as long as you have an open account with us or as otherwise necessary to provide you with our Services In some cases we retain Personal Data for longer, if doing so is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or collect fees owed, or is otherwise permitted or required by applicable law, rule or regulation We may further retain information in an anonymous or aggregated form where that information would not identify you personally"Data is only being collected about workersN/AN/ANoUnknownUnknownData is continuosly collected about workersNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoAny party that licenses access to Finch's APIThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesStripeFinch "sells" or makes available access to worker information to any third party which pays for a Finch license At this time, these licenses are available to any organization for any purposeNo Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWhile use of this product is voluntary at present, as Finch scales in size and is used by more and more financial institutions, workers may find themselves with no alternative but to allow Finch to have access to their data in order to obtain credit or even open a bank accountInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc ProNtechLab develops software products using techniques in the fields of artificial neural networks and machine learningNoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* Image and video detection: "FindFace Pro's engine is capable of real-time face detection from thousands of cameras providing a continuous stream of images" * Recognize additional attributes: "In addition to facial recognition, the program can reliably distinguish gender, age, mask, emotions, as well as the presence of glasses or beards"In UseFIFA World Cup 2018Sports, Events, Retail, HealthcareRussian Direct Investment Fund, Mubadala Investment Company, VB Partners, RT - Business Development, Impulse VCcompany-installed surveillance cameras on company premisesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/ARussiaUnknown, but most likely RussiaUnknown, but probably yesUnknownWorkers and members of the public are being surveilledN/AN/AYesNtechLab’s face detection algorithm is capable of detecting an unlimited number of faces in a frame, making it an ideal solution for security in crowded areas The speed of the detector does not depend on the number of faces in the frame A dedicated algorithm is able to determine the position of the head and correct visual distortions: for example, turn the face to a full-face position NtechLab’s face recognition technology works under difficult conditions and effectively displays faces in an image or video even in a significant lack of light, disregarding altered position or head turns and tilts NtechLab’s algorithm uses multiple neural networks for face image search and identification One network detects the face in a photo or video stream, the other extracts a biometric pattern, while others work with attributes (gender, age, glasses, beard and others)YesData is collected constantlyNoNoNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNoWorkers are obliged or pressured to be subjected to the technology under a real or perceived threatIt is likely that the use of this technology could have a discriminatory effect on some workersThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedUnknownInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnknownUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: https://findfacepro/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/NTech-Lab_Privacy-Policy_v1-2pdfhttps://findfacepro/en/success-stories/NtechLab Health Solutions for Employers - Covid-19 'Return to Work' ProgramFitbit offers compact, wireless, wearable sensors that track a person's daily activities in order to promote a healthy lifestyleYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformSalaried, non-management, management* Workers optionally wear a Fitbit wearable device * Fitbit’s Ready for Work program gives workers access to key health metrics from their Fitbit device along with exposure, symptoms, and temperature logging in, a Daily Check-In feature that provides guidance on whether to go or not into the workplace * Daily reporting and analytics enable employers to quickly assess and monitor workplace health and safety and provide support for workers In UseEmory University, Cisco, South Carolina State House, Indiana University, TransunionEducation, Office, Technology, GovernmentTrue Ventures, Felicis Ventures, Sapphire Ventures, Qualcomm Ventures, Foundry Groupworker's own deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymized so that employers can only see broad worker trendsAlwaysUnited StatesUnited StatesIn some circumstancesData is retained until the worker requests that it be deleted (data can be deleted instantly and at will)Only workers are being surveilledGPSN/ANoUnlike onsite temperature checks or screenings, Fitbit’s Ready for Work solution provides a continuous, more complete picture of an individual’s health The Daily Check-In feature highlights for employees changes in their resting heart rate, heart rate variability and breathing rate alongside self-reported symptoms, temperature, and COVID-19 exposure Based on these factors, the solution provides the employee with daily guidance to help them decide whether to go to work or stay homeYesThe Fitbit device is always collecting location data, even when worn outside the workplace Data syncronizes when the Fitbit app is opened and connects to the device over BluetoothYesYesYesOnly the worker can view their data by default, but they can opt to share it with others Employers can see overviews for their workforceUnknownGoogle AnalyticsThe privacy policy states, "We transfer information to our corporate affiliates, service providers, and other partners who process it for us, based on our instructions, and in compliance with this policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures These partners provide us with services globally, including for customer support, information technology, payments, sales, marketing, data analysis, research, and surveys" These third party vendors are not named but it is generally accepted by privacy scholars that binding corporate rules do offer adequate levels of privacy protectionsUnknownWill vary from employer to employerIt is unlikely that the use of this tool will have a discriminatory effect, because data is only visible to the worker themselves At the organizational level, organizations can see workplace trends and, depending on the size of the organization, it is possible that this could result in the reidentification of a workerThe use of this tool is not expected to adversely impact freedom of association, as employers cannot access location dataThere is no evidence that this device or software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentFitbit has an anti-slavery policy which states all the workers in its supply chain benefit from a fair and ethical workplace It says that all workers must be treated with dignity and respect and that it audits its vendors to ensure they uphold certain standards of human rightsIt is not anticipated that this tool will have an adverse impact on the security of a workerFitbit's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsFitbit has has standardized its processesIt is understood that Fitbit complies only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationFitbit is required to conduct an impact assessment, but the GDPR does not require it be published publicly Fitbit has been contacted to request that this document be voluntarily shared to better inform our analysis Policy:
https://www.fiverr.comFiverr - Late MarksFiverr is a marketplace for creative and professional servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareContract, non-management* On the Fiverr platform, workers have a limited amount of time to fulfill orders * The worker can set how long they need to fulfil an order. However, if a customer requests "express" (delivered in 24 hours for an additional fee), the worker can be penalized for delivering the order late, even if they deliver it on time. This is because an order is only marked as fulfilled when a customer presses the "accept delivery" button, and not when the freelancer uploads the delivery files * If a worker has too many late marks in a 60-day period, their services are placed on vacation mode and new sales are blocked. In some cases, workers can also be removed from the platform * Fiverr offered no relief during Covid-19 for late deliveries. Fiverr advises sick freelancers to send personal messages to clients asking for permission to extend the delivery deadline if the freelancer falls sickIn UseThis platform is largely used by small and medium sized businesses who only occassionally need freelance servicesOnline MarketplaceION Crossover Partners, Bessemer Venture Partners, Adam Fisher, Square Peg Capital, Arad Naveh, Qumra Capital, Erez Shachar, Accel, Adam Valkin, Bessemer Venture Partners, GC Capital, Qumra Capital, Erez Shachar, Lightbankworker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedNoIsraelIsrael, United States, other locationsYesUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersMouse, KeyboardNoneNoUnknownYesData is collected continuously and automaticallyNoYesNoUnknownN/AFacebook, Google, Microsoft (LinkedIn)The privacy policy states, "We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent" However, worker information may be disclosed to third parties in the following instances: "We share personal information with service providers that provide us with services for the purpose of operating the Site, opening and operating your account as well as providing ancillary services and solutions These include, among others, hosting services, billing and payment vendors, CRM systems, forum hosting, community management services, data and cybersecurity services, web analytics and performance tools, translation tools, IT SaaS services, session recording, communication systems, mailing systems, data optimization and marketing services, data enrichment services, legal and financial advisors or technical consultants Consistent with applicable legal requirements, we take commercially reasonable steps to require third parties to adequately safeguard your personal information and only process it in accordance with our instructions; We share personal information to law enforcement agencies, public authorities or other parties in order to respond to a subpoena or court order, judicial process or to regulatory authorities, if we believe we are required to do so by law, or that doing so is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes; when we believe it necessary or appropriate to disclose personal information to law enforcement authorities, such as to investigate actual or suspected fraud or violations of law, breaches of security, or breaches of this Policy; to respond to claims against us; and to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Fiverr, our customers, or the public; We share personal information with payment processors, fraud detection agencies and similar third parties for the purpose of facilitating payments done via the Site and securing the Site and protecting it against fraud, unauthorized transactions (such as money laundering), claims or other liabilities; Our Site includes certain social media features, including single sign on features We also share limited personal information with such social media platforms and marketing partners, such as Facebook and Google, to promote our services or the Fiverr marketplace Such features and third party services collect certain information about you and may set a cookie to enable their functionality Such third parties’ features are governed by their policies We share personal information to help facilitate interactions between Users For example, if you are a Buyer we may share certain limited information about you (such as the fact it is your first purchase on Fiverr) with the Seller to ensure the services you receive from the Seller will fit your needs; such sharing of information is limited in scope, will not include personal identifying information (PII) which is not already available to the Seller via the marketplace, and is only intended to improve the services provided by the Seller and your user experience; We share personal information with Fiverr’s corporate affiliates (Fiverr Inc, Fiverr Germany GmbH, Fiverr Limited) that are related by common control for the purpose of operating the Site, providing our services to you and for other purposes listed herein; and Personal information will also be disclosed if we go through a business transition such as a merger, sale, transfer of all or a portion of Fiverr's assets, acquisition, bankruptcy or similar event In the event that we sell any business or assets, we will disclose your data to the prospective buyer If we or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, information held by us about our users will be one of the transferred assets"Yes The privacy policy says, "automated processes may restrict or limit your ability to use Fiverr If you would like to challenge any such decision, please contact us at privacy@fiverrcom"Workers are obliged to use the platform and its automated decision making if they wish to earn an income from FiverrYes In relying on customers to subjectively evaluate workers and to indicate when work is completed (something that could be objectively determined by Fiverr), is possible that this feature may have a discriminatory effect on some workersNo The software could not be used to identify workers who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentYes Workers in California and the European Union have additional protections not extended to those in other jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsYes The privacy policy states, "We share personal information to law enforcement agencies, public authorities or other parties in order to respond to a subpoena or court order, judicial process or to regulatory authorities, if we believe we are required to do so by law, or that doing so is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes; when we believe it necessary or appropriate to disclose personal information to law enforcement authorities, such as to investigate actual or suspected fraud or violations of law, breaches of security, or breaches of this Policy; to respond to claims against us; and to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Fiverr, our customers, or the public;"UnavailablePrivacy Policy: SenseCipia, formerly Eyesight Technologies, is a leading provider of computer vision AI-based solutions for the automotive in-cabin industryNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Fleet Sense is an in-cabin driver monitoring system * Using computer vision, AI, and an IR sensor, Fleet Sense tracks the driver's head pose, eyelids, and direction of gaze to provide real-time assessment of the driver's state (attentive, distracted, drowsy), actions (smoking, wearing a face mask, a seatbelt, and holding a phone), and identity (recognition of enrolled drivers)In UseUnknownTransportation, LogisticsJebsen Capital, Arie Capital, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, Kuang-Chi Science, MaC GP Ltd, Mitsui Global Investment, xCEVAcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedIsraelUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "We will retain your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes stated in this Policy, unless otherwise extending the retention period is required or permitted by law"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersCamera, GPS, MicrophoneN/AYesUsing embedded computer vision and AI, Fleet Sense tracks head pose, blink rate, direction of gaze and other visual attributes to establish if the driver is focused on the road, distracted or drowsy The detection of driver state enables our customers to deliver real-time life-saving alerts to the driverYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
https://www.flexe.comFlexeFLEXE, Inchttps://www.flexe.comFLEXE offers a warehousing technology platform that helps enterprises expand their distribution networkNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Control warehouse operations through a single system * Metrics: "Build a complete picture of the health of your warehousing and fulfillment network with at-a-glance insights and reporting. We help you understand the finer points of your operational performance, showing the delivery experience your customers are getting and where you can optimize it" * Efficiently manage and track inventory: "Easily monitor and track your inventory to inform your planning and allocation strategy"In UseAce HardwareWarehouses, Manufacturing, LogisticsT Rowe Price, SV Angel, Tiger Global Management, Madrona Venture Group, RedpointN/ACentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesYesIndividual organizations configure how long data should be retained for The default settings are unknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, Bluetooth, SensorsNoneUnknown - likely noDetails on the platform and its automated decision making can be found here: https://wwwflexecom/why-flexe/technology-platformYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view dataUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the platform with the developer, Flexe, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWill vary from employer to employer, but in all likelihood, as a tool deployed to a warehouse, workers will be obliged or pressured to allow the platform to monitor their performanceInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableFLEXE, Inchttps://www.flexe.comNo, Ltd is an advanced mobile monitoring software company offering cross-platform solutions for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, and moreNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Marketing website says, "The World's Most Powerful Monitoring Software for Computers, Mobile Phones, and Tablets. Know Everything That Happens on a Computer or Smartphone, No Matter Where You Are" * Monitor all Android and iPhone digital and audio communications * Monitor everything that happens on a PC or MacIn UseUnknownInformation Technology, Mobile, SoftwareUnknownWorker's own device or company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedSeychellesUnited StatesYesData is retained permanently, until an employer deletes itOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, Bluetooth, GPSNoneNoThe marketing website notes these features: "Phone Call recording, Phone Call interception, FaceTime Call Recording, Spycall, Environment recording, Facebook Call Recording, LINE Call Recording, Skype Call Recording, Viber Call Recording, WhatsApp Call Recording, RemCam, RemVid, Spoof SMS, Call Notification Alert, SMS Keyword deletion, FaceTime Call logs, Facebook Call Logs, LINE Call Logs, Skype Call Logs, Viber Call Logs, WeChat Call logs, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct Messages, iMessage, LINE Messages, Skype Messages, Viber Messages, WhatsApp Messages, BBM Messages, Hangout Messages, Tinder Messages, WeChat Message, Email, Application Screenshots, SIM Changed Notification, Notes, Call logs, Address book, SMS messages, MMS, Location tracking, Geo-Fencing, Browsing activity, Browser bookmarks, Network connections, Application activity, Installed applications, Keylogger, Photos, Videos, Audio files, Wallpaper images, Calendar, Send Remote Commands from Web, SMS Remote Commands, Check Device Battery Status, Remotely uninstall the software, Remotely deactivate the software, Remotely restart device, Remotely change software features, Remote Upgrade, Run in Hidden Mode, Stop software from being uninstalled, Hide Jailbreak, Automatic Remote Updates"UnknownData is continuously collected without the knowledge of the workerNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData is not shared with FlexiSpy directly and is only accessible to the employerWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the platform with the developer, FlexiSpy, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWill vary from employer to employer, but generally speaking, workers will be unaware if this technology is monitoring their activityIt is likely that the use of this technology could have a discriminatory effect on some workersThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Ltd HousekeepersFlexkeeping is a hotel operations management and staff communication app that allows clients to manage hotel tasks remotelyNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly* Marketing website states, “With the press of a button, automatically assign rooms fairly and quickly using our smart AI. During their shift, housekeepers use their phones to confirm room cleanliness, update and comment on tasks, and notify supervisors of necessary inspections in real time” * Housekeepers can also “quickly deal with interruptions on one unified platform. Whether they are updating linen usage, inputting minibar consumption, or reporting a maintenance issue, housekeepers can do it in seconds on their phones to leave their workflow smooth” * The platform generates reports so managers "can make data-driven decisions. Analyze your housekeeping performance reports to optimize costs and ensure high-quality housekeeping service for your guests”In UseAccor Hotels, Holiday Inn, Kempinski, Sheraton, Hilton, ValamarHospitality, HotelsFil Rouge CapitalWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesData is being captured while a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
https://www.goflink.comFlinkFlink Lebensmittel GmbHhttps://www.goflink.comFlink Food GmbH is building an online grocery and food e-commerce operationYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Instacart competitor: customers order groceries; workers pick items from a warehouse and deliver them * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders by bicycle to a customer in under 10 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/AFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsTarget Global, Northzone, Cherry Ventures, TriplePoint Capital, Cristina StenbeckWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedGermanyGermanyYesThe privacy policy states that personal information is retained for the length of employment plus 14 monthsOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownGoogle AnalyticsWorker data will not be shared with third parties without the consent of the workerNo Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Lebensmittel GmbHhttps://www.goflink.comYes Robotics Robotics develops and manufactures artificial intelligence-driven robots that assist chefs to make food at restaurantsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly* Flippy is "the world’s first AI-powered robotic kitchen assistant and end-to-end frying solution designed to boost the performance of restaurant kitchens" * Automates the activity around the fryer station, offsetting rising labor costs * "Removes hot-oil and human interaction during cooking" * "No breaks, no sick days" * Marketing website states, “With Flippy, restaurants can increase profit margins from 5% to a healthy 14%, which translates into a 3x increase in earnings, creating significant value for customers”In UseWhite Castle, CaliburgerRestaurantsCrowdcube, SeedInvest, Adam Morley, Erhan Bilici, Levy Restaurantscompany-provided deviceDecentralizedWorker data not capturedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownN/A - not collecting worker dataUnknownN/AUnknownNo details have been published about how Flippy's AI vision functionsUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownN/ANo Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the hardware and their interactions alongside it in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatIt is unlikely likely that the use of this technology would have a discriminatory effect on some workersNo There are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Robotics
https://www.floatme.ioFloatMeFloatMe, Corphttps://www.floatme.ioFloatMe is an app that helps millennials cover cash gaps and improve their financesNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried* Issues cash advances of up to $50 * "Membership" costs $1.99/month and allows for one cash advance per pay period * An array of other fees for workers, e.g., if their paycheck is late arriving * Rather than build up a worker's financial stability, normalizes the practice of relying on cash advances and financing to surviveIn UseN/AEducation, Financial Services, FinTech, Human ResourcesRight Side Capital Management, ManchesterStory Group, Active Capital, Comeback Capital, SpringTime VenturesWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation captured when app is openUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy does not outline a specific retention periodOnly workers who opt to use the platform are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiNoDetails are unknown as to how FloatMe determines which workers are, or are not, eligible for cash advancesYesData is collected when a worker either opens the app for the first time (and registers an account), or when they apply for a new cash advanceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownYesData can be viewed by FloatMe staff and contractors, but is not accessible to employersN/AUnknownThe Terms and Conditions do not outline any circumstances in which data is shared with any parties, first or thirdThe Terms and Conditions do not outline any mechanism for receiving, handling, or resolving complaints or grievancesNo Use of this product is voluntaryInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in California and Nevada more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe privacy policy states, "Earnin will share information with law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties if Earnin is compelled to do so by subpoena, court order or similar legal procedure, when it is necessary to do so to comply with law, or where the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information is reasonably necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss, to report suspected illegal activity, or to investigate violations of the Terms of Service or as otherwise required by law"UnavailableTerms and Conditions:, Corphttps://www.floatme.ioNo, Inc is an online academy that gets workers jobs in tech sales NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformSalaried, non-management* Flockjay is a 10-week online course that costs $7,650 * Students learn how to become salespersons * Based on course performance, Flockjay helps find students jobs. No guarantee of a job is made, but Flockjay is incentivized to find students jobs because they are paid placement fees by employers * Because Flockjay has business arrangements with employers, it does not issue a formal qualification, and its students leave with so much debt, there is a "race to the bottom" in terms of negotiating salaries, with workers pressured into accepting lower-paid positions in tech sales than they might receive elsewhereIn UseZoom, Salesforce, Slack, Confluent, Stripe, Gusto, LaunchDarkly, Gong, PlaidInformation TechnologyWill Smith, Microsoft, Salesforce, Serena Williams, Gabrielle UnionStudent's own deviceCentralizedStudents can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownBoth students and faculty are being surveilledCamera, Mouse, KeyboardWeb CamNoNo algorithmYesData is collected when consciously provided by a student or faculty member Yes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownData can be viewed by Flockjay staffThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle AnalyticsThe privacy policy does not specify what data elements (if any) are shared with third partiesNo Students are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerStudents are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify students who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes students to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc Thermal CamerasFortive Corporation provides the essential technology for the people who create, implement, and accelerate progressNoWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Marketing website says, "Temperature can be a sign of trouble ahead. With Fluke thermal cameras you can detect issues before they become problems Designed for everyday use, in the toughest industrial environments, Fluke offers infrared cameras for a wide range of applications" including Covid-19 symptom screening * Real-time radiometric data streaming capability * "Advanced analysis features; Spot measures, lines/profiles, area/histograms, hot/cold markers, rulers, adjustable emmisivity by object, and more"In UseUnknownOffices, Manufacturing, Warehouses, EventsN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceDecentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesN/A - data stored locally on device or local networkNoIndividual organizations configure how long data should be retained for The default settings are unknownBoth workers and visitors are being surveilledSensorsN/AOptionally yesN/AYesData is only collected when a worker is at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Excelitas, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWhile this will depend on the organization deploying the technology, in all likelihood, workers will be obliged to have the technology track themYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy: Corporation
https://www.radiusnetworks.comFlybuyRadius Networks, Inchttps://www.radiusnetworks.comRadius Networks is a provider of mobile proximity technologies used by app developersNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Flybuy is a location technology that tracks workers, customers, and assets through hardware * Can prevent worker and customer theft of items * Flybuy's "proprietary machine-learning algorithms ingest mobile location awareness, real-time traffic data, and other mobile sensor and environmental inputs to deliver accurate location information that makes curbside, in-store, and drive-thru pickup fast and frictionless" * Track assets within a warehouse or large building. "Our technology enables businesses to dramatically decrease lost shipments, putting more money back in your wallet. Whether you want to keep track of expensive merchandise or locate specific boxes within a warehouse, let our asset tracking solutions help solve some of the biggest problems you face day-to-day"In UseLowe's FoodRestaurants, Retail, Grocery, Pharmacy, Convenience Stores, Hotels, Sports and Entertainment, Casinos and Gambling, Amusement Parks, Logistics, HealthcareContour Venture Partners, AAF Management Ltd, Trilogy Equity Partners, Core Capital Partners, Pendrell CorporationUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableRadius Networks, Inchttps://www.radiusnetworks.comNo
#Ford Social Distancing WearableFord Motor Company Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automakerYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareContract* Workers wear a watch to ensure they stand six feet apart from one another * Ford has also adopted thermal scanning cameras to track fevers, and mask and face shield compliance In UseWarehouse, ManufacturingKleiner Perkins, AOLcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesN/A - data stored locally on device or local networkNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSNoneNoN/AYesData is only collected when a worker is at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to wear the hardware under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable articles/2020-04-15/ford-tests-buzzing- distancing-wristbands-to-keep-workers-apart; relevant privacy policy made publicly availableN/ARadianthttps://radiantrfid.comNo
https://getfountain.comFountainOnboardIQ, Inc-Fountain is the leading talent platform for the hourly workforceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* "Automate mundane hiring tasks and increase recruiter performance with a talent ecosystem built for high-volume recruitment" * "Easily manage your recruiting funnel with a holistic view of all applicants across all job openings Get clear insight into all applicants, their current status, and even locate new applicants who meet your criteria" * "Automatically screen candidates based on your specific job requirements" * "Identify the best applicants in less than 90 seconds. Leverage assessments in your recruiting process to measure skills, aptitude, personality, and emotional intelligence to predict culture fit and job performance" * "Set your new hires up for success by sending new hire agreements, direct deposit, and tax forms like I-9, W-4, WOTC, through the platform You can even upload training materials for review and track status of completion so they’re prepared on their first day on the job"In UseDeliveroo, Airbnb, Chick-Fil-A, John Lewis, Uber EatsLogistics, Transportation, Food Delivery, Groceries, Retail, Travel51job, Uncork Capital, DCM Ventures, Industry Ventures, Commerce Ventures, Origin Ventures, Invariantes Fund, Salesforce Ventures, Crosslink Capital, Uncork Capitalworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown The privacy policy ambiguously states, "Fountain retains the personal information it receives as described in this Policy for as long as you use the Services or as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, provide our products and Services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws"Only workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoNo claims madeYesData is collected when consciously provided by a prospective workerNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the hardware and their interactions alongside it in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWhile this will depend on the organization deploying the technology, in all likelihood, workers will be obliged to have the technology assess themYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNo There are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc-No
https://www.freelancer.comFreelancercomFreelancer Technology Pty Limited is a gig economy marketplace to hire freelancers and find freelance jobs onlineNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Workers bid on assignments, with customers selecting workers for a job (often ranking them from those willing to accept the lowest bid) * No worker protections against abusive/exploitive customersIn UseN/AProfessional Services, OfficeInvestible, Tempus Partners, Startive Venturesworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedAustraliaUnited StatesYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts,NoNo claims madeYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the hardware and their interactions alongside it in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use the platform and its automated decision making if they wish to earn an income from FreelancercomYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNo There are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Technology Pty Limitedhttps://www.freelancer.comYes
https://www.fridgenomore.comFridge No MoreFridge No More Inchttps://www.fridgenomore.comFridge No More is an instant food deliverer that offers a 15-minute grocery delivery serviceYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Instacart competitor: customers order groceries; workers pick items from a warehouse and deliver them * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders by bicycle or car to a customer in under 15 minutes * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/AFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsInsight Partners, AltaIR CapitalWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We will retain your Personal Information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services and to maintain a record of your transactions for financial reporting purposes We will also retain and use your Personal Information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorker data will not be shared with third parties without the consent of the workerNo Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: No More Inchttps://www.fridgenomore.comNo Concentration DetectionFujitsu Limited provides information technology and communications solutionsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Fujitsu has developed "a new, general purpose AI model for estimating concentration levels that can capture and quantify with high accuracy the degree of concentration when a person is performing various tasks" * "The model accomplishes this by detecting subtle changes in muscle movements that reveal differences in facial expression that occur when a person is concentrating or not" * "The effectiveness of this model can be quantitatively estimated with an accuracy rate of over 85%"In DevelopmentNoneRemote WorkN/AUnknownUnknownWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownJapanUnknownUnknown, but probably yesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCameraUnknownYesAccording to a press release, "Using proprietary Action Unit detection technology that accurately learns the relative changes of facial expression muscles by training on a pair of images in which the intensity of movements of facial expression muscles differs, it becomes possible to capture changes over a short period of a few seconds, such as a tense mouth, and long-term changes over a period of several tens of seconds, such as staring intently, in time frames optimized for each action unit A highly accurate concentration estimation AI model was then developed using a new method of integrated concentration estimation This AI model was trained on a data set based on results of memorization and searching tasks that require concentration, drawing from a diverse pool of 650 people from Japan, the US, and China The resulting general purpose AI model can quantify the degree of a subject’s concentration or lack of concentration for a variety of tasks, such as whether someone is concentrating during e-learning, the degree to which someone is immersed in desk work, or the concentration levels of people engaged in plant assembly work, on a range from 00 (complete lack of concentration) to 10 (maximum concentration)" More information on the algorithm, including screenshots, can be found here: https://wwwfujitsucom/global/about/resources/news/press-releases/2021/0301-02htmlUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedNoNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown, but likely yesYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNo There are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable privacy policy tailored to this product is availableN/AFujitsu Laboratories Ltd FlexStrongArm Technologies, Inc Tech develops data collection, assessment, and safety solutions for the industrial workerYesWorkplace SafetyHardwarehourly workers, contract workers, salaried workers, non-management* Fuse is a wearable that flashes and vibrates when it detects another sensor within six feet. Auditory alerts sound if distance isn't corrected * Contact tracing. "Our data can accurately and anonymously discern who has interacted with whom, at what time, and for what duration, exposing any potential contact transfer with accuracy" * Daily reports. "With daily customizable reports, we make it easy for managers to assess workplace safety and identify potential areas of risk"In UseWal-MartWarehouseHeartland Ventures, Gambit Ventures, Tekfen Ventures, Q Venture Partners Logo, I2BF Global Ventures, Newark Venture Partners, MassChallengecompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymized, but can be re-identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSNoneNoUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is working and the wearable is being wornYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData will not be shared with third partiesWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, StrongArm Technologies, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWhile this will depend on the organization deploying the technology, in all likelihood, workers will be obliged to wear the wearable deviceInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe device could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Technologies, Inc TalentNeuronGartner, Inc is a research and advisory companyNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* TalentNeuron says that it will “incorporate competitive intelligence in your talent and business strategic planning by understanding key competitors’ hiring trends” and can help organizations “think strategically about how to acquire talent by looking at what your competition is doing”In UseUnknownAll sectorsN/A - publicly listedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AGartner, Inc COVID-19 ResponseNeurodiversity Foundationhttps://www.neurodiversityfoundation.orgThe Neurodiversity Foundation funds and supports autism researchYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformSalaried* Response Registry is a neurodiverse analytics solution developed to supplement "incomplete, backward-looking data on COVID-19 provided currently to municipalities" * Communities and municipalities use the Response Registry platform to more accurately track and manage critical, actionable data in real time, providing insights for smarter decision making * "Built to serve the needs of both individuals and communities, the Response Registry qualifies both your clinical symptoms of having COVID-19 along with your overall mental and physical health equity to determine your need for medical attention and facilitate immediate contact with a physician, testing facility, or hospital"In UseUnknownEducationN/Aworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "In general, we will retain your PII for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law"Only workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownThis product provides municipalities, businesses and schools the first tool to predict and analyze symptoms presented geographically, organizationally and logistically to determine both threat and active response to mitigate riskYesUnknownUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Registry, Inc
https://www.geekplus.comGeek+Geekplus Technology Co, Ltdhttps://www.geekplus.comGeek+ is a logistics and warehousing robotics developerNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Forklift robots "improve warehouse storage retrieval operations and save up to 50-80% on labor costs" * Sorting robots "improve warehouse sorting efficiency to nearly 10 times that of traditional sorting methods" * Goods-to-Person picking robots "improve warehouse picking efficiency by over 200%" * Bin-to-person picking robots "improve warehouse efficiency by 2 to 3 times" * Smart collaborative picking robots "improve warehouse picking effiency and save up to 35-50% on labor costs"In UseUnknown, but over 10,000 robots soldApparel, E-Commerce, Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, WarehouseRedview Capital, V Fund Management, Vertex Ventures, Warburg Pincus, GGV Capital, D1 Capital Partners, Volcanics VentureCompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/A - worker data not capturedN/AChinaUnknownUnknownN/AN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/ANoUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technology Co, Ltd
#geoSPatial Operating Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Amazon tracks workers’ micro-movements, decision points, and searches, and then uses this program to link all of that data to that of unions, community groups, and legislative policy campaignsIn UseAmazon.comWarehouseN/A - publicly listedCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers and union workers (members of the public) are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNone - workers do not have the ability to challenge algorithmic decison makingN/AUnknownUnknown, but likely yesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable publicly accessible privacy policyN/ Inc
https://gigwage.comGig WageVisage Enterprise Inc-Gig Wage is a fintech payroll company for gig workers and contractorsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Payroll service for gig economy platforms * Push payments to Visa and MasterCard debit cards instantly * Subsidize or pass on fees to workersIn UseOrange Crate, Mooala OrganicFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsThe Foundry Group, MassChallenge, Revolution’s Rise of the Rest Seed Fund, Green Dot, Continental Investors, Techstars, Western Union Accelerator Powered by TechstarsWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown The privacy policy is vague, stating, "if you terminate your account for convenience in accordance with this Agreement, then Visage Enterprise Inc will retain your User-Provided Data in accordance with its then current retention policies and, upon your written request, provide you with tools to access such retained User-Provided Data After the end of Visage Enterprise Inc’s then current data retention period, Visage Enterprise Inc may permanently delete your User-Provided Data on the Gig Wage platform Further, you agree that Visage Enterprise Inc will not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to the Gig Wage platform"Only workers who opt to use the platform are being surveilledCamera, GPSPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiNoUnknownYesUnclear It is believed that employers provide worker data with Gig Wage in order to process payroll It is not known if data is continuously collected on workersNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownYesData can be viewed by Gig Wage staff and contractors, but is not accessible to employersN/AUnknownThe Terms and Conditions do not outline any circumstances in which data is shared with any parties, first or thirdThe Terms and Conditions do not outline any mechanism for receiving, handling, or resolving complaints or grievancesYes, workers are obliged to have this data collect their personal information in order for payroll to be processedInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in California and Nevada more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe privacy policy states, "Earnin will share information with law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties if Earnin is compelled to do so by subpoena, court order or similar legal procedure, when it is necessary to do so to comply with law, or where the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information is reasonably necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss, to report suspected illegal activity, or to investigate violations of the Terms of Service or as otherwise required by law"UnavailableTerms of Service: Enterprise Inc-No for BusinessGingerio, Inchttps://www.ginger.comGinger is an on-demand mental health company providing around-the-clock access to emotional support via coaching, therapy, and psychiatryYesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformSalaried* offers on-demand mental healthcare services, primarily through text-based behavioral health coaching and a library of pre-recorded coaching videos. This coaching meets the needs of 90% of users * For users who display signs of anxiety its chatbot cannot handle, it will set up video calls with licensed therapists or psychiatrists. These video calls are confidential and neither recorded nor reported back to employers * However, aggregate statistics about how many workers use Ginger’s service, changes in workplace levels of depression or burnout, and changes in worker sleep are reported back to employersIn UseBuzzfeed, Chegg, Pinterest, Sephora, Wag!, General Assembly, SurveyMonkey, Domino's, TaskRabbit, 10xGenomics, Accolade, Optum, Kaiser PermanenteAll sectorsBlackstone Group, Advance Venture Partners, Cigna Ventures, Kaiser Permanente Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, City Light Capital, Next Play Ventures, Kapor CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableGingerio, Inchttps://www.ginger.comNo
http://glossgenius.comGlossGeniusGlossGenius, Inchttp://glossgenius.comGlossGenius is a vertical SaaS platform for small business owners in salons and studiosNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, salaried, non-management* GlossGenius is a platform for owners of beauty salons to manage their workers and customers * Focus on automating appointments and letting guests self check-in on arrival (and take in-app payments); reduces labor needs for small businessesIn UseSmall salons and beauty parlors across the United StatesSalon, SpaTechstars, Right Side Capital Management, Techstars New York City Accelerator, HearstLabWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknown The privacy policy does not specify a retention period for worker dataBoth workers and customers are being surveilledCameraPhoto LibraryNoUnknownYesData is collected when consciously provided by a workerYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownData can be viewed by the beauty salon owner and/or managerNoneUnknownThe privacy policy states that data may be shared "with business partners and third parties for any purposes"The Terms and Conditions do not outline any mechanism for receiving, handling, or resolving complaints or grievancesWhile this will depend on the salon deploying the technology, in all likelihood, workers will be obliged to use the platformInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentNo There are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in California and Nevada more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttp://glossgenius.comNo
https://glovoapp.comGlovoGlovoapp23, SLhttps://glovoapp.comGlovo is a courier service that purchases, picks up, and delivers products ordered through its mobile applicationNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Riders deliver food via bicycle * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items in under 20 minutes * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsUnknownWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedSpainSpainYesWorker data is retained for the length of employment, plus 15 yearsOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownFacebook, GoogleThe privacy policy says that worker data will not be shared with third parties unless in relation to an insurance claim, law enforcement request, or with the worker's consentYes Workers are able to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collectsWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, SLhttps://glovoapp.comYes Cloud Services GoMeyra App is uniquely developed to provide timely, secure, and convenient proof test results in the palm of the user's handYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* GoMeyra's laboratory workflow tool GoMeyraSCAN allows for the easy viewing of worker Covid-19 testing results and batch resultsIn UseUnknownFilm & TV Studios, Casinos, Pro-Sports Franchises, Education, AirportsUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy for GoMeyra is inadequate and likely not compliant with data protection law The policy states, "Despite not being a requirement within HIPAA, GoMeyra understand and appreciates the importance of health data retention Acting as a business associate, and at times a subcontractor, GoMeyra is not directly responsible for health and medical records retention as set forth by each state" Data protection law requires the destruction - not retention - of data when it is no longer required A data processor - not a "business associate" - is liable in California and other jurisdictions to comply with data protection law for the data that it itself processes This responsibility cannot be delegated or contracted away GoMeyra's retention policy speaks only to how and when it will erase business data, and does not recognize the rights of workers as data subjects to have discretion over how their personal information is usedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AYesUnknownNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle (exact Google SDK unknown)The privacy policy states that personal information may be disclosed to third parties, but does not name those third parties or the circumstances under which disclosures may occurNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Cloud Services Inc is a revenue intelligence platform that delivers insights at scaleNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract* Capture worker-customers interactions in calls, meetings, and emails * Deal intelligence. "Understand what deals are real. Discover deal risks and identify churn signals before it's too late" * People intelligence: "AI quantifies winning behaviors. Replicate what your best reps do and transform your team into quota-shattering super sellers"In UseServiceTitan, SproutSocial, BazaarVoice, SurveyMonkey, Conductor, Seismic, Drift, Mondaycom, PayScale, ThoughtSpot, TouchBistro, WalkMe, Outreach, ZipRecruiter, HubSpot, LinkedIn, PinterestInformation Technology, Software, Sales, Call CenterIndex Ventures, NextWorld Capital, Wing Venture Capital, Norwest Venture Partners, Coatue, Battery Ventures, Thrive Capital, Salesforce Ventures, Sequoia CapitalWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We retain Customer Data strictly on our customer’s behalf, in accordance with their reasonable instructions and as further stipulated in our Data Processing Addendum and other commercial agreements with such customer"Both workers and customers are being surveilledMicrophoneN/ANoLittle information is available on the algorithms that Gong uses, but this webpage offers some high-level details: https://wwwgongio/deal-intelligence/YesData is collected continuously from a worker's business email account, Slack messages, and telephone calls made through a business phoneUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy states, "Customer Data is typically shared and is available to the users belonging to such customer’s account Gong User Data is shared with the administrator of the customer’s account to which such user belongs (including data and communications concerning such user’s account)"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc, Inc is a mobile app-based digital delivery service that delivers products such as over-the-counter medicine, baby food, and alcohol NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly* Instacart competitor. Riders deliver food via bicycle or car * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items in under 20 minutes * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsSoftBank Vision Fund, Luxor Capital Group, Reinvent Capital, D1 Capital Partners, Eldridge, Baillie Gifford, AccelWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe Privacy Agreement does not outline a specific retention period for worker dataOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto LibraryNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe Privacy Agreement says that worker data may be shared with third parties "for any purpose"No Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collectsWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://gorillas.ioGorillasGorillas Technologies GmbHhttps://gorillas.ioGorillas is a delivery startup that allows customers to order groceries and other household itemsYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly* Instacart competitor. Riders deliver food via bicycle * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items in under 10 minutes * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AFood Delivery, Groceries, Transport, LogisticsFifth Wall, Atlantic Food Labs, Dragoneer Investment Group, Tencent, DST Global, Coatue, Greenoaks CapitalWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedGermanyGermanyYesThe Privacy Policy states that "as a rule" data will be retained for 10 yearsOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto LibraryNoUnknownYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownFacebook, Google, MicrosoftThe Privacy Policy states, "We will share your data with third parties in order to provide our Services The types of third parties with whom we share your data are: * External service providers or other contractors, eg for data processing and hosting, for order processing and execution, payment providers, feedback and survey providers, customer service and call centers; * Other external bodies, provided that the data subject has given his or her consent or if transmission is permitted for reasons of overriding legitimate interest, eg for the electronic transmission of information or for quality assurance purposes; * Public bodies or authorities if the appropriate legal provisions exist (eg tax authorities and customs authorities) on the basis of Art 6 para 1 lit c GDPR"Yes Workers are able to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collectsWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies GmbHhttps://gorillas.ioYes enables publishers and advertisers to manage their operations and transactionsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Ensure no person with a fever enters a building * Ensure all persons entering a building are wearing face masks * Includes attendance management features such such as in-time, out-time, number of employees reporting for their shift, number of employees on-premise or left for the dayIn UseDepartment of Health Washington DC, Novelis, Super StitchUnknownUnknownWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We will store your personal information, in a form which permits us to identify you, for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal information is processed"Only workers are being surveilledKeyboard, MouseNoneNoNoneYesData is collected when consciously provided by the workerNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYes, but only by contacting GoSafe via emailYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesFacebookThe privacy policy is ambiguous and says worker data is not sold, but may be shared with third parties supporting the development of GoSafe "because OneScreen is a global business"No Workers are unable to file and resolve grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collectsWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentNo There are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable
https://grabango.comGrabangoGrabango Cohttps://grabango.comGrabango is the leading supplier of checkout-free technology to major grocery store chainsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, non-management* Convert an existing retail store into an autonomous store that does not require human cashiers * Essentially clones Amazon Go cashier-less stores, only requiring part-time human labor to restock shelvesIn UseUnknownArtificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Retail Technology, Shopping, SoftwareFounders Fund, Abstract Ventures, Ridge Ventures, Commerce Ventures, Venture Universitycompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesData is stored locallyUnclear, but possibly notUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraNoneYesFacial recognition technology can identify workers and customersYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Cohttps://grabango.comNo Talent MakerGreenhouse Software, Inc is a talent acquisition software company with tools and services to help businesses with the hiring processNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Find and track candidates for new or open positions * Set up a fair and equitable hiring process by deciding in advance on a scorecard of key attributes for a candidate’s success; evaluate all candidates consistently * Allows candidates to pre-record the correct pronunciation of their name * "Leverage machine learning and predictive analytics with Greenhouse Predicts to uncover the likelihood of hiring a candidate on time" * "Make data-driven decisions to easily measure your talent team’s work and find out what’s working best"In UseDoorDash, DonorsChoose, JD Power, Bookingcom, Cisco Meraki, Wayfair, Invision, HubspotComputer SoftwareFrontline Ventures, Riverwood Capital, FundersClub, Groupe Arnault, Benchmark, Lumia Capital, Thrive Capital, Social CapitalWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited States, GermanyYesUnknown No retention period is specified in the privacy policy or the CCPA notice for California candidatesJob candidates are being surveilledMouse, Keyboard, Camera, MicrophonePhotos / Media / Files, Contacts,NoUnknownYesData is collected when provided by the candidate, if posted by the candidate to "Your public social media profile or other publicly-available sources", and where obtained from third partiesYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view worker dataThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownCandidate data may be shared internally, with law enforcement, and with "Lawyers, immigration advisors, and other outside professional advisors"No Job candidates in the US are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair manner Candidates in the European Union do have access to a grievance mechanismJob candidates are obliged to use the software in order to be considered for a roleInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentNo There are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in the European Union more safeguards than workers in the United StatesInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Software, Inc Group offers production technologies and solves automation tasks for numerous industries worldwideNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Automated guided vehicles transport goods carriers to pick stations for warehouse workers to pack. Depending on the requirements, vehicles with a payload of 600 kg or 1,200 kg are used * The Grenzebach Fleet Manager software coordinates all vehicle movements. "Together with a powerful warehouse execution system, it ensures optimal transport and maximum warehouse efficiency" * Increase the number of orders that can be packed per hour with decreased staffing requirementsIn UseAudiApparel, E-Commerce, Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, WarehouseCompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/A - worker data not capturedN/AGermanyUnited States, GermanyYesN/AN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/ANoUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Group
https://www.greyorange.comGreyOrangeGrey Orange Pte Ltd creates hardware and software products for warehousing industryNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* "The Ranger series of intelligent robots are built together with our GreyMatter AI-driven software to form the GreyOrange Fulfillment Operating System .A real-time feedback loop between GreyMatter and Ranger robots continuously shapes decisions and performance" * "Unlike robots that operate as system attachments, Ranger robots incorporate GreyMatter intelligence as a learning layer that guides them to adapt to real-time events happening in the distribution center and externally as orders fluctuate and you adjust your fulfillment priorities" * "Human-robot interaction contemplated in operational design to protect safety while accelerating productivity" * "Removing heavy-lifting and mile-walking from your workers by quickly and conveniently transporting racks of inventory to pick-pack stations"In UseUnileverApparel, E-Commerce, Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, WarehouseFlipkart, Tiger Global Management, InnoVen Capital, Blume Ventures, Mithril Capital ManagementCompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/A - worker data not capturedN/ASingaporeUnited States, SingaporeYesN/AN/A - not collecting worker dataN/AN/ANoUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Orange Pte Ltd AnalyticsGridwise, Inc creates gig mobility solutions to help empower industry stakeholdersYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Marketing website claims, "Every month, we ingest and process millions of anonymized location, trip, and earnings records from ride-hail and delivery drivers who work on platforms like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, Grubhub, Instacart, Amazon Flex, and countless others. This gives us an unparalleled view into gig-mobility activity across the US" * Data collected includes supply and demand patterns ("Know where and when ride-hail and delivery services are being used most"), earnings and wage data ("See how much drivers make per hour, per mile, and per service"), and unit economics ("Understand the unit economics of each trip based on driver earnings, incentives, and passenger tips") * Terms of service imply data is obtained from Argyle; not necessarily with worker knowledge or consentIn UseUnknownGig Economy, Ride Share412 Venture Fund, Switch Ventures, Innovation Works, BlueTree Allied Angels, Quaker Capital Investments, Mountain State Capital, Reinforced Ventures, Startbotworker's own deviceCentralizedUnclear - but possible that worker identity is anonymizedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYes Privacy policy states, "PII may be accessed by Gridwise or transferred to Gridwise in the United States of America or to Gridwise’s affiliates, business partners, merchants, or service providers elsewhere in the world"Unknown The privacy policy and terms of service do not specify a retention period for any data elementsData is being captured about the general public as well as workersGPSUnknownNoUnknownUnknownUnknownNoNoUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology or its data for discriminatory purposesArgyleA blog post states data is shared with many third parties, and lists the following as examples: Data provided by Gridwise Analytics serves as a critical tool for numerous industries and entities, including: Municipalities: Access to first-party Gridwise Analytics data helps cities, and states, better understand factors such as gig driver earnings, curb utilization, and the impact gig mobility has on traffic congestion, among others This can be invaluable for policy, regulation, and infrastructure decisions Mobility Service Firms: Gridwise Analytics helps mobility service firms understand current supply and demand within the gig driving economy so they can inform their go-to-market strategy, optimize pricing, and maximize utilization Regulators and Researchers: Access to Gridwise Analytics data will help to inform policy decisions and research related to workers’ rights, the impact on congestion, multi-modal patterns, and how to create more equitable transportation Investors: Gridwise Analytics can help investment firms make smarter investment decisions By using our data, they will be better positioned to estimate/predict performance and stock price for companies in the ride-hail, food delivery, retail, real estate, and other industries Developers and Retailers: Access to Gridwise Analytics data will enable retail restaurants and stores to better select their next location based on understanding origin and destination trends of people and food, grocery, or parcel deliveriesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerUnknownInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentUnavailableTerms of Service: Privacy Policy:, Inc SAT Infrared TechnologyGuangzhou SAT Infrared Technology Co SAT Infrared Technology Co Ltd is a multinational thermal imager manufacturerYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* YRH600 is an infrared camera designed for mass screening of public areas, and is used to find individuals with elevated body temperatures * An elevated body temperature may be a sign of Covid-19In UseUnknownRetail, Airport, Groceries, Cruises, Travel, Hospitality, Theme Park, Manufacturing, Warehouse, EventsUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedChinaChinaYesUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/AGuangzhou SAT Infrared Technology Co HC1 CommunicatorGuardhat Inc is an intelligent safety system that integrates cutting edge wearable technologyNoWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* HC1 Communicator is an Internet-connected hardhat to be worn by construction workers * Provides workers "sensor-based contextual awareness of the surroundings; multi-modal, high-precision real-time positioning (RTLS) and proximity detection; comprehensive audio-visual telecommunications; peripheral connectivity; and multiple wireless backhaul options; with an ergonomic and user-friendly interface" * "The hardhat PPE form factor allows for hands-free operation and simplifies the overall usage and adoption"In UseUnknownConstruction, Chemical, Forestry and Logging, Manufacturing, Energy, Utilities, TelecommunicationsSilicon Valley Bank, Revolution’s Rise of the Rest Seed Fund, Revolution, Caterpillar, RTP Ventures, Detroit Venture Partners, 3M New Ventures, Green D Venturescompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy states that all data is retained for two yearsOnly workers are being surveilledGPS, Camera, Microphone, Bluetooth, Human Condition / Vital Monitoring SensorsNoneNoUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is wearing the wearable deviceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states that only with worker consent shall data be shared with third partiesWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Guardhat, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are obliged to wear the wearable under a real or perceived threatPossibly The wearable device collects data about the human condition, such as heart rate, and also has a continuously recording microphone and camera It is not clear why this data is collected or how it is usedThe device continuously records a worker's location using GPS and Bluetooth and could reasonably be used to identify workers who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc Technology Company sells wearable Workplace Safety technologies to protect workersYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareContract* "Contact" (also called Halo) is a wrist-worn band that briefly vibrates to notify wearers that another band is within 6 feet, reminding them of the need to maintain social distance * It is deployed to all personnel at a job site or workplace to help mitigate the risk of a Covid-19 outbreak * Detailed proximity logs track interactions between workers who have been in contact with infected staff members * Devices cost $50 eachIn UseUnknownManufacturing, LogisticsUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesJapanUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwproxxico/privacy-policyN/AProxxi Technology Company
https://www.handy.comHandySittercity Inchttps://www.handy.comHandy, formerly Handybook, is an app through which users can book cleaners, plumbers, handymen, and other household service providersNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Connect customers with cleaners, plumbers, handymen, and other household service providers * Workers are subject to constant, pervasive electronic monitoringIn UseN/AHome RenovationGeneral Catalyst, MassChallenge, Slow Ventures, BoxGroup, Fidelityworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy implies that data is retained for as long as a worker has an account on the platform, plus 13 monthsData is being collected about workers and customers looking to hire workersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how workers are assigned to customers, but the privacy policy states, "Handy sometimes uses EEA Individuals’ Personal Information submitted through the Site for automated decision-making" (EEA refers to residents of the European Economic Area)YesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesThe privacy policy states worker data is visible to Handy staff, customers who contract the services of the worker, and "Some Third-Party Sites link to Handy and share information with Handy For example, in some cases, you can book services through the Handy Platform with one of our booking partners (“Booking Partner”), such as Costco, Crate & Barrel, Facebook, Google, Lamps Plus, Lowe’s, Walmart and Wayfair In that case, you might provide the booking information, such as your name, telephone number, email address, and booking address, to the Booking Partner The Booking Partner might then share the necessary booking information with us"There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states, "By using the Handy Platform, you may be contacted, either by Handy or directly by selected third parties, with opportunities to receive information on available services or marketing offers If you agree to share your Personal Information to receive this information or marketing offers, your Personal Information may be disclosed to such third parties All the information you disclose to the third parties will be subject to the privacy policy and practices of such third parties We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of such third parties and, therefore, you should review the privacy policies and practices of such third parties prior to sharing your Personal Information with them If you later decide that you no longer want to receive communication from such a third party, you will need to contact that third party directly"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California and Nevada have protections not extended to workers in other jurisdictionsInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.handy.comNo Oy combines a digital workplace and collaboration platform with a social intranet NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareSalaried* Happeo is an enterprise social network and collaboration platform that makes it possible for organizations to reach all their deskless workers quickly In UseUberflip, Algolia, WWF, Poppulo, Gant, Doctolib, Randstaf SourcerightRemote Work, EnterpriseDN Capital, Vendep Capital, Makivc, INKEF CapitalWorker-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownFinlandUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableHappeo Oy ReturnsHappy Returns Returns provides return solutions for online and omni-channel retailers and their customersNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformSalaried, non-management, visitors* Reduce costs of processing items returned by customers * Automate the generation of postage labels * Central processing center receives items, robots sort * Overall reduces need for human laborIn UseRevolve, Everlane, Avenue, Andie, Carbon 38, Draper Janes, Koio, JannuOnline Retail, WarehousesUS Venture Partners, Upfront Ventures, PayPal Ventures, Maveron, Lowercase CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Returns, LLC provides time tracking and online invoicing tools and services for freelancers and small businessesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Track employee time and send data to payroll system * Keep projects profitable and on track; stay on top of budgets and internal costs with live visual reports * Visualize your team’s capacity so you can adjust their workload accordingly * Generate invoices automatically from your tracked time and expensesIn UseDell, Condé Nast, Columbia University, McDonald's, ACLU, Lululemon, Amnest InternationalPublishing, Retail, Technology, Education, Restaurants, Non-Profit, OfficesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, LLC for WorkHeadspace Inc is a digital health platform that provides guided meditation sessions and mindfulness trainingNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly, salaried, management* App contains meditation exercises on stress, sleep, focus, and anxiety * "30 days of Headspace lowers stress by 32%, and just 4 sessions reduces burnout by 14%" * "3 weeks of Headspace shows 21% more compassionate behavior, and cuts aggression and reactivity to negative feedback by 57%"In UseAdobe, Aritzia, General Milles, Roche, Publicis GroupeHealth, Wellness & FitnessWME, blisce/, Allen & Company LLC, Spectrum Equity, Adam MorleyUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable; Policy: Inc Pass by CLEARSecure Identity, LLC makes it simple to be you by using biometrics to build a connected world that’s smarter and more secureYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* The CLEAR kiosk takes touchless temperature and verifies identity at the same time * Workers complete real-time health surveys on the device to screen for possible Covid-19 symptoms and alerts HR automatically if they may be at riskIn UseUnion Square Hospitality Group, 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Little Caesars Arena, Los Angeles Football Club, Seattle Sounders Football Club, Arizona CoyotesSports, Events, Hospitality, MuseumsRevolution, T Rowe Price, Delta Air Lines, United Airlinesworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy states that for people in Illinois, "in accordance with Illinois state law CLEAR will retain biometric data only until the occurrence of the first of the following: (a) The initial purpose for collecting or obtaining such biometric data has been satisfied (b) Three years following your last interaction with CLEAR" The privacy policy does not specify how long data for residents of other jurisdictions will be retained forOnly workers are being surveilledCameraFace IDYesN/AYesData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownOnly Clear personnel can access personal dataUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy states that personal information will not be shared with any third parties, and that collected data is not disclosed to a worker's employerUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company complies only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
https://myhealthchampion.comHealthChampionHealthChampion Partners, LLC is reshaping the healthcare ecosystem by giving individuals more control over their health records, decisions, and careYesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareContract, salaried, management* Screen workers for common Covid-19 symptoms before they come to work * Securely and confidentially track the Covid vaccination status of each worker * Monitor and track how your team is progressing towards vaccination goalsIn UsePlanned Parenthood, HealthFirst Family Care Center, Connecticut Community Care, Berkshire, Allstar HospiceHealthcareUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Partners, LLChttps://myhealthchampion.comNo Technology Management, LLC Health sells software to screen for symptoms of Covid-19YesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* HealthCheck is a Covid-19 symptom screening app * It reassures users that their co-workers or fellow patrons have taken the time to assess their health * HealthCheck strengthens communication between workers and HR * HealthCheck saves its users time by streamlining data entry into any participating location * HealthCheck eliminates the need for written wellness questionnaires, while keeping data secure * HealthCheck keeps both organizations and users compliant with state-issued guidelines and contact tracingIn UseUnknownRetail, Grocery, Restaurants, Healthcare, Dental, Eyecare, Sports, Concerts, Events, Hotels, Amusement Parks, Real Estate & Property Management, SchoolsUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoHealth data is visible to the organization for 14 days, and retained for 98 days for statistical purposes After 98 days, health data is automatically deletedOnly workers are being surveilledN/A - No hardware is utilizedNoneNoN/AYesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesOrganizations designate a "Facility Manager" who is able to view all data Typically, this will be a Human Resources Manager, according to the Frequently Asked Questions pageThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn the privacy policy, it is stated that Stratum Health will "not sell your Personal Information to any third parties or share it with third parties (other than as described herein) for, but we reserve the right to do so in the future" (sic)UnknownUnknownThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwstratumhealthio/privacyN/AStratum Technology Management, LLC by ZeroSafeMap, Inc is a global safety consultancy focused on safety governance, cultural change, and risk-based safetyYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, non-management* Workers and visitors complete a health and safety survey in the HealthPass app before traveling to work, and on arrival, present their completed HealthPass before entering the facilityIn UseDemocratic PartyConferences and Eventspossibly Higher Ground Labs (Teddy Gold, their Vice President of Investment, is on the board of SafeMap, Inc)UnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableMethodology: COVID-19Health Port Inc is an app that captures daily COVID-19 health screeningsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, non-management* HealthTrac’s reporting tools can flag population clusters that have questionable symptoms, whether a couple of employees who share an office, educators on a school campus, or multiple students in a single classroom * Screening Alerts (be notified when someone has been instructed to stay home)In UseUnknownEducation, Offices, HealthcareNew Mountain CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/AHealth Port Inc Thermal CamerasHangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd Hikvision Digital Technology develops, manufactures, and sells video surveillance productsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformContract, salaried, management* This product screens the temperatures of workers. An elevated temperature can be a symptom of Covid-19In UseUnknownOfficesN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownChinaChinaYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Hikvision Digital Technology Ltd, Inc is an artificial intelligence HR technology companyNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Instantly identify your best candidates for a job * "Harness the power of AI to ensure everyone who applies gets reviewed" * Automated candidate sourcing * Proactive surfacing of past candidates and employees for new jobsIn UseAlcoa, Pfizer, PepsiCo, Sun Life FinancialRetail, Financial Services, Logistics, Manufacturing, TechnologyUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesYesFor workers in the European Union, personal information is deleted after 9 months For workers in other jurisdictions, personal information is retained indefinitelyOnly workers are being surveilledN/A - No hardware is utilizedN/ANoHiredScore says its "proprietary AI for talent acquisition powers global hiring across the Fortune 500 with customized-by-client algorithms for compliant candidate prioritization and sourcing automation across talent types - external, internal, active, passive, hourly and contingent labor" This has been trained on 25 million resumes, 50 million job postings, and 21,000 career treesYesUnknownNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownHuman ResourcesThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesHiredEdu, Google Analytics, HubSpotIn their privacy policy, HiredScore says "We will share your personal information with our service providers, HiredEdu Ltd, Google (Google LLC) and HubSpot, Inc who assist us with the internal operations of the Website and our business These companies are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us and not for their own promotional purposes We do not sell your personal information to third parties"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingN/AThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Studies:, Inc
https://hiretual.comHiretualHireTeamMate, Inc-Hiretual is an AI-driven HR technology company and sourcing tool in the recruiting communityNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformSalaried* Website states, "Organizations have the responsibility to identify existing diversity gaps and act fast. With Hiretual, hiring teams can drive change from the source with powerful diversity filters" * "Hiretual’s AI Sourcing is the top recruiting solution to help modern recruiters succeed today. Pull candidate data from 45+ platforms from the open web and your internal database to give you the single largest talent pool. With Hiretual, you have access to 750M+ profiles so you no longer have to worry about not finding the right candidate for your open job" * Automates processes: "Use smart sequence email templates and engagement insights to increase response rates and maximize your productivity"In UseWayfair, Intel, Continental, Nike, Ceridian, CommonSpirit, Novo NordiskOffices, Non-Profit, Technology, Financial ServicesOceanpine Capital, Northern Light Venture CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc-No AI Facial RecognitionHireVue, Inc's Hiring Intelligence Platform claims to deliver the best talent, faster, with video interviews and AI-driven pre-hire assessmentsNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Replace time-consuming phone screens with "recorded video interviews that can be taken by jobseekers anytime, anywhere" * Job seekers screened by HireVue sit in front of a webcam and answer questions. Their behavior, intonation, and speech is fed to an algorithm that assigns certain traits and qualitiesDiscontinuedUnilever, Sodexo, GE, Delta, Hilton, Bank of America, VodafoneTelecommunications, Financial Services, Retail, Hotels, Hospitality, Aviation, Manufacturing, RetailThe Carlyle Group, Rose Park Advisors, Sequoia Capital, Peterson Ventures, TCV, Granite Ventures, Investor Growth Capital Limitedworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy suggests that personal information may be retained indefinitely in an anonymised form, stating, "When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, MicrophoneUnknownYesThis software measures ‘emotional IQ’ that is built upon an understanding of cognitive ability, enabling hiring managers to understand more about a candidate’s abilities just by analyzing the candidate's facial expressionsYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownHuman ResourcesThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownAccording to HireVue's privacy policy, a candidate's personal information may be shared with: * the employer * third party services providers and partners who provide data processing services * a future buyer of HireVue, should the company be acquired * any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, government agency, court or other third party where HireVue believes disclosure is necessaryNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingN/A - hiring tool for prospective workersThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:; Ethical AI Principles:, Inc Health & Safety CheckPioneer Works, Inc claims to be the easiest way to track hours and schedulesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Homebase screens workers before every shift for Covid-19 symptoms when they clock in for work * Real-time alerts notify managers of potential issues * "Helping companies access paycheck protection program, Homebase has partnered with Cross River Bank, Blue Vine, and Womply to take applications to help businesses access critical capital"In UseDairy Queen, Arby's, Pizza Hut, Rita's, Scooter's, Jamba Juice, Coachella, Aloft Hotels, Habitat for Humanity, YMCA, Suntrust Bank, Supercuts, CrossFit, Aveda, The UPS Store In total, used by 100,000 small businesses and 1 million+ hourly workers in the United StatesRestaurants, Food and Beverage, Retail, Health and Beauty, HealthcareKhosla Ventures, Bain Capital Ventures, Baseline Ventures, Cowboy Ventures, Rothenberg Venturesworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown However, the privacy policy states, "At your request, we will have any reference to you deleted or blocked in our database"Only workers are being surveilledGPSUnknownNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedYesManagersThere is an internal policy prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Works, Inchttps://joinhomebase.comNo
https://honehq.comHoneHone Group Inchttps://honehq.comHone is a next-generation platform for live online leadership and management trainingNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract* Train first-time managers to grow and lead teams * Hone automatically sends calendar invites and communications, making training scheduling seamless * Companies receive reports on worker performance during training * Eliminates the need for inhouse trainers and associated admin for large companies, as Hone creates courses which can be pooled and shared by multiple companiesIn UseSequoia, WeWork, Rosetta Stone, Casper, GoFundMe, WorldRemit, Fastly, Clarifai, Clear, Doctorcom, Grove CollaborativeRetail, Hospitality, Technology, Financial Services, Insurance, HealthcareReach Capital, Firework Ventures, NextGen Venture Partners, Harrison Metal, Cowboy Ventures, Slack FundUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Group Inchttps://honehq.comNo
https://horseflyanalytics.comHorseflyAI Recruitment Technologies Ltdhttps://horseflyanalytics.comHorsefly is a talent mapping and talent planning software tool NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Horsefly says it can “find hidden talent pools with availability, and where skill shortages exist, map alternative industries and identify transferable skills” so that employers can hire qualified candidates in adjacent industries that may accept lower salaries In UseHays, Webhelp, UK Home Office, Korn Ferry, CapgeminiAll sectorsUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AAI Recruitment Technologies Ltdhttps://horseflyanalytics.comYes Marijuana BreathalyzerHoundhttps://houndlabs.comHound Labs is a startup that has created an ultra-sensitive breath analysis technology platform NoWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly* Hound Lab’s Marijuana Breathalyzer can detect cannabis use up to an hour before a worker begins their shift In DevelopmentUnknownConstructionBenchmark, NFP Ventures, Main Street Advisors, Icon Ventures, Intrinsic Capital Partnerscompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesN/ANoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailableHoundhttps://houndlabs.comNo OmniceptHP Inc Labs creates, identifies, and develops technologies to connect people and define their futureYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried* Wearable headset includes eye tracking, pupillometry sensors, a heart rate sensor, and facial tracking camera system * Various apps for the wearable are under development; one intended for aircraft pilots will measure and help reduce heart rate-measured stresses under situations of cognitive load * Enterprises will only get access to the collected worker data in de-identified, aggregated, and secured form, and the headset doesn’t store any data itself In UseUnknownAviation, HealthcareN/A - publicly-listedcompany-provided devices, personal devicesCentralizedUnknownLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownNoUnknownUnknownMouse, KeyboardUnknownNoNo algorithmYesUnknownNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themWorkers are able to email and request a correction, and it may or may not be processedWorkersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownNoneNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerNoneUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnavailable Policy: Development Company, LP is infrastructure for managing health-related credentials in a decentralized, privacy-respectful, and user-centric manner, leveraging blockchain technologies YesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* hPass is an application designed for businesses that wish to reopen post-Covid-19 * hPass allows "a municipality to manage access to venues based on COVID-19 testing results and personal health data that form an individualized health policy" * hPass can "help a municipality to design and enforce a selective quarantine policy that balances the health requirement as well as the economic considerations"In UseUnknownHealthcareUnknownCentralizedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy states that, We will not retain your Personal Data in an identifiable form and will retain only data that is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy We will retain and use your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policiesCameraUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Policy: is a tech company on a mission to make personalized nutrition accessible for allYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformSalaried* Some employers are encouraging their workers to download this app in order to identify diagnostic patterns of coronavirus-inflicted disease detection, progression, and recovery * People with the virus are invited to participate in this study by tracking their symptoms, heart rate variability, and data from wearables such as Apple Watch, Garmin, or Fitbit with the Welltory app * This data will be released to researchers who can study data patterns that may predict viral symptoms, and ultimately publish their findingsDiscontinuedUnknownHealthcareCABRA VC, Anton Yudintsev, Sergey Rizhikov, Mike Merkulov, CB Investworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknown"Researchers" can access all dataUnknownWorkers able to voluntarily choose to use the softwareThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/AWelltory Holdings, LLC develops time-tracking softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Measures workers' activity rates and takes screenshots to see their work as it unfolds * "With Hubstaff's time clock app with geofences, you can get a deeper level of employee monitoring by seeing when teams arrive or leave locations Eliminate manual punching for more accurate timesheets and easily track your team’s location during the workday"In UseTallyfy, Groupon, Instacart, KellerWilliams, ClippersCleaning, Construction, Landscaping, Healthcare, Consultants, Architects and Engineers, Manufacturing, Accountants, Software Developers, Attorneys, E-Commerce, Nonprofit, Real Estate, DesignUnknownCompany-provided devices, worker-provided devices (depending on organizational configuration)CentralizedWorker identity is easily ascertainedIf location data is shared, it is always captured However, Hubstaff can still be used if a worker denies their access to their location dataUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We will retain your information only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this policy, for as long as an account is active or as needed to provide the Services to you We will retain and use your information to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your information to comply with applicable tax/revenue laws), resolve disputes, enforce our agreements, and as otherwise described in this policy We also retain log files for internal analysis purposes" While not stated here, from blog posts, it appears that much data is not retained by Hubstaff directly but instead resides on the employer's services For example, screenshots of a worker working are uploaded directly to the employer's servers and never reach Hubstaff In addition, a data retention page in Hubstaff's helpdesk[1] states that data is frequently retained for 3 years [1] https://supporthubstaffcom/data-retention-comparison/Only workers are being surveilledMouse, Keyboard, GPSScreen CaptureNo* Elevate your best team members and inspire the entire organization with an accurate measure of productivity trends over time Custom reports along with built-in activity metrics provide tangible measurements you can use to record progress and motivate teams to reach goalsYesData is collected only when a worker is workingIt is not clear whether informed consent is obtained From Hubstaff's marketing materials, it appears that individual organizations have discretion as to how the tool is deployed Techically, it is possible for the software to function with permission settings like location tracking denied However, some organizations might opt to make such privacy-invasive features mandatoryYesYesManager, IT Administrator, WorkerStripe, ActiveCampaign, Segment, Zendesk, LogEntries, Heroku, Amazon Web Services, Google Analytics, Woopra, Facebook, Redis Labs, Airbrake, Google AdWords, Twilio, Mandrill, Mailchimp, AccountDock, Referral SaaSquatch, Satismeter, Hubspot, Hotjar, Quantcast, HubSpot, New Relic, LeadPages, GetAmbassador, Instrumental, ChartbeatPersonal information is generally not shared with third parties, with some exceptions for sharing user data in the event a user requests to attend an event (in which case their contact information is shared with the event organizer), to service providers and subcontractors for the purposes of performing tasks on Hubstaff's behalf, and to comply with legal requestsNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could in theory be used to identify employees who meet with one another because of its geofencing toolThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections that are not extended to other workersThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsHubstaff says it only complies with lawful requests from law enforcement to access personal information In its privacy policy, it states, "We generally do not disclose user information unless we have a good faith belief that an information request by law enforcement or private litigants meets applicable legal standards"Unavailable Policy: Studies: Holdings, LLC
http://www.wearehuman.ioHumanHumanhttp://www.wearehuman.ioHuman humanizes technology to decipher emotion and characteristics and predict behaviorNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Human analyzes video-based job applications * Human then sends a report to the recruiter detailing candidates’ emotional reactions to each interview question, with scores on characteristics that specify how “honest” or “passionate” an applicant is DiscontinuedUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AHumanhttp://www.wearehuman.ioYes
https://www.humanity.comHumanityHumanity Inc provides software for businesses designed for employee schedulingNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Schedule worker shifts and let workers view their shifts in a mobile app * "Reduce the amount of time spent creating compliant, error-free schedules by 80% through automated, predictive rule-based scheduling technology. By leveraging custom templates and rules specific to your unique scheduling use, Humanity’s forecasting and automation capabilities ensure you produce the most intelligent, data-driven schedule every time, with less effort" * Control labor costs. "Remove manual processes and take the guesswork out of managing overtime costs. Humanity’s robust budgeting tool and conflict engine allow you to track and proactively flag impacts to your bottom line in real time. An integrated, flexible employee scheduling tool means less overhead costs associated with building, maintaining, and optimizing your schedules"In UseSafeway, ScribeAmerica, Quest Diagonostics, Kaiser Permanente, University of Michigan, Lyft, Vibra Healthcare, Rockin' Jump, University of Oregon, Ohio State University, Orange Theory Fitness, PetvaluHealthcare, Retail, Call Center, Hospitality, Universities, Food & Beverage, Fitness & Recreation, Manufacturing, Transportation, DeliveryPoint Nine, MHS Capital, Team Builder Ventures, Klever InternetUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.humanity.comNo
https://humantic.aiHumanticAIHumantic, Inchttps://humantic.aiHumantic AI is an artificial intelligence platform for talent acquisition and analyticsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Humantic uses AI to create psychological profiles of applicants based on their career history and resumes * The technology is unforgiving of time gaps in resumes taken because of, for example, cancer treatment, pregnancy, or for other medical reasonsIn UseApple, PayPal, Caterpillar, Cognizant, Crompton Greaves, Rizehq, Kissflow, Indeed, Wellington, Advantage Talent, HotelogixAll sectorsUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AHumantic, Inchttps://humantic.aiNo badgeSociometric Solutions, Inc trading as Humanyze helps businesses measure how work gets done by their workersNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareContract, salaried, non-management, management* Website says, "The same ID badge that opens office doors can now track your every move and more to help organizations figure out in real time what people are doing at work" * The badges are outfitted with Bluetooth, infrared, a motion sensor, and two microphones * According to scenarios from Humanyze, the badge can then generate reports for managers if the sales team is collaborating with the engineering team, for example, or if groups of employees are spending too much time in meetings or too much time alone at their desksIn UseBank of America, United States Army, NASA, Boston Consulting GroupOfficesSafar Partners, Romulus Capital, Dunnhumby Ventures, Boston Seed Capital, MIT Media Labcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknown30 daysOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPS, MicrophoneN/ANoA lot of companies are investing in diversity inclusion programs But no one knows if they actually work For example, we know how many women are in a company, so how much of the time are they invited to meetings? How much of their managers communicate with them? This badge can measure scenarios like thisYesData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownManagersUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:, Inc is a human resource company that makes work better through science and machine learningNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, salaried, non-management* Humu is a performance management tool that offers workers personalized guidance on how they could become better leaders or individual contributors * It seeks to “drive measurable improvement with your people—every single week”In UseVodafone, Virgin Atlantic, Roche, ExpediaTravel, TelecommunicationsIVP, Index Ventures, HomebrewUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknown12 monthsUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc Diversity in Faces DatasetIBM Corporation is an American multinational technology company with operations in over 170 countriesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* Facial recognition systems in commercial use performed better for lighter individuals and males and worse for darker females. IBM states, "The heart of the problem is not with the AI technology itself, per se, but with how the AI-powered facial recognition systems are trained. For the facial recognition systems to perform as desired – and the outcomes to become increasingly accurate – training data must be diverse and offer a breadth of coverage, as shown in our prior work" * IBM Research developed a large and diverse dataset "to advance the study of fairness and accuracy in facial recognition technology. The first of its kind available to the global research community, [it] provides a dataset of annotations of 1 million human facial images" * IBM abandoned its research into facial recognition after NBC News reported that the company had assembled its million-photo dataset from Flickr without asking the photographers or their subjects for permissionDiscontinuedN/AN/AN/A - Publicly listedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Watson TalentIBM is an IT technology and consulting firm providing computer hardware, software, and infrastructure and hosting servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract, salaried, non-management, management* IBM Watson Recruitment is a "cognitive talent management solution that increases recruiter efficiency to allow HR to improve and accelerate people’s impact on the business. It automatically predicts, without bias, the best suited candidates who are most likely to succeed in an organization" * Pinpoint talent: "Automatically recommends the most qualified candidates with maximum predicted level of success, leading to more productive employees who will thrive in the organization" * Real-time insights: "Social listening provides an advanced warning system of employee sentiment and data to drive better conversations with candidates" * Increase recruiter efficiency: "Focus efforts with confidence, improving efficiency and engagement so that high-priority requisitions are immediately surfaced and acted upon"In UseUnknownTechnologyN/A - publicly listedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Watson WorksIBM is an IT technology and consulting firm providing computer hardware, software, and infrastructure and hosting servicesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management, visitors* Marketing website says, "Watson Works solutions use data, AI technology, and blockchain to help you make decisions in three critical areas: workplace re-entry and facilities management, workplace safety, and contact tracing and care management" * Allow workers to control their health information and their access to clean and compliant workspaces * Manage disruption: "Use data to monitor and manage risk levels, adhere to new policies and guidelines, and optimize space with confidence" * Keep sensitive data private and secureIn UseHumana, Crédit Mutuel, Apple, Bradesco, KPMG, Thomson Reuters, KONE, Woodside EnergyTechnology, Professional ServicesN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Talent CloudiCIMS, Inc says it empowers organizations to attract, engage, hire, and advance the right talentNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* The iCIMS Talent Cloud is a recruiting platform for attracting, engaging, and hiring workers * The platform "features robust AI- and ML-driven solutions that can help you build a diverse, winning workforce. With iCIMS’ Talent Cloud, you can automatically match candidates with the roles that fit them best; maximize your recruiting department’s productivity; boost diversity and inclusion efforts by reducing bias; and leverage AI and conversational interfaces to engage new candidates" * "Remove subjectivity by leveraging automated matching and ranking with video Interviewing"In UseAmerican Heart Association, NorthStar Anesthesia, Corizon Health, Southeastern Grocers, RPM Pizza, AmTrust Financial, Peet's Coffee, Perspecta, Regis Corporation, Celanese, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Cedar Fair, Infirmary Health, Hard Rock Hotel, Virgin OrbitRetail, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Restaurants, HospitalityVista Equity Partners, Susquehanna Growth EquityN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy:, Inc, Inc is a digital identity network that aims to simplify the worker verification experience NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareContract, salaried* Verify the identities and credentials of healthcare workers before they can access a healthcare facility's patient records * Physician takes a photo of their driver's license using the IDme app along with a selfie. This data is then validated in real time * "Meets Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substance (EPCS) compliance requirements for identity proofing physicians. IDme’s EPCS identity proofing allows Health Care Providers to verify their identities one time and create Identity Assurance Level 2 (IAL2) and Level of Assurance 3 (LOA3) credentials they can use to issue EPCS across multiple healthcare systems. IDme also validates healthcare provider credentials, including DEA and NPI identifiers and secures online accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA)" * Some other applications for gig economy platforms, e.g., verifying driver's licenses, are valid, but this is not the primary use at presentIn UseUnknownHealthcareLyft, Morgan Stanley, Viking Global Investors, BoxGroup, PSP Growth, Airbnb, Willoughby Capitalworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy states that IDme's retention policy is the duration of one's relationship with IDme, plus seven and a half yearsPotential workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy states, "We do not share any personally identifying information with them without your explicit consent"UnknownNo Use of the product is voluntaryThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingN/A - location not capturedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:, Inc Safety SuiteIdelic, Inc is a software enterprise solutions provider for transportation fleetsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Idelic Safety Suite’s Watch List is an AI-generated score of drivers most at risk of getting into a preventable crash * The platform integrates fleet systems into a single platform, including MVR & Background Checks, ELDs & Cameras, HR Systems & Training, Drug/Alcohol & Med Tests, Applicant Tracking / Recruiting, FMCSA Portal, TMS / Dispatch, Asset Management, and Sleep Apnea * Idelic Safety Suite can locate hidden patterns in driver data, using information from all of your systems, to predict which of your drivers are most likely to cause an incidentIn UseBrown Transfer Co, CLI Transport LP, Dohrn, ECM, HR Ewell Inc, JLE Industries, Modern Transportation, MCS, NEP, No Boundaries Trucking Group, Palmetto State, PGT Inc, Pitney Bowes, Pitt Ohio, Ross Express, Sharp Transportation, Superior Bulk Logistics, Inc, US Cargo Trucking, Covenant Transport, US Special Delivery, Central Freight Lines, TCI, Seahawk Transport, Veriha Trucking, TCW, Transhorn, Tucker Freight LinesFreight, TransportationPlug and Play, Bain Capital Ventures, Innovation Works, Birchmere Ventures, M25, TDF Ventures, Origin Ventures, SaaS Ventures, Carbon VenturesunknownCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownGPSUnknownUnknownSafety Suite uses machine learning and neural networks to predict which of your drivers are most likely to cause an incident Safety Suite identifies and displays why drivers are at-risk, and recommends training to address their specific needs Alongside the Idelic Risk Score, you will see all of a driver’s behaviors that have affected their score and exactly how much each of these individual events has contributed to that driver’s scoreUnknownUnknownNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThe use of this software could result in accidents or personal injuryInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc Biometric Fingerprint SensorsIDEX Biometrics ASA Biometrics is the leading provider of biometric identification and fingerprint sensor solutions offering simple, secure, and personal authentication for allNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingHardwareHourly, contract, non-management, visitors* IDEX manufactures fingerprint biometric sensors that integrate with worker ID badges * Software component includes biometric verification algorithm, matching functionality, and APIs for integrating software/hardware with a company's existing internal systemsIn UseUnknownHealthcare, Education, Offices, Financial ServicesN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownNorwayNorwayUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Biometrics ASA Systems, Inc Systems develops identity management solutions providing biometric, secure credential, and law enforcement technologiesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* One product, GoVerifyID, provides two-factor and multi-factor biometric worker authentication. Biometric matching can be performed on-device, in the cloud, or on an organization's own servers * GoVerifyID Enterprise Suite integrates "with nearly all security infrastructure commonly used in the retail industry This includes certified integrations with products from Microsoft, CA, IBM, Oracle, SAP, ForgeRock, and HPE" In UseUnknownComputer SoftwareMDB Capital GroupUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Systems, Inc helps fashion and lifestyle brands and retailers improve inventory turnsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Better forecast sales demand on the basis of the true rate of sales by analyzing past sales, revenue, discounts, size-cuts, stock-outs, and exposure. "Identify and discard highly discounted sales that distort true demand" * Optimal store allocation: "automated replenishment and replacement system" that can also "identify non-moving dead styles in stores and suggest pullback to warehouse" * Improves warehouse inventory turns by 2 or 3 times, allowing workers to pack 100 orders extra per day by more efficienctly storing items in a warehouse * Reduces need for human workers in revenue management and in warehousesIn UseAdidas, Puma, Levi's, Landmark Group, ArvindRetail, Fashion021 Capital, Sequoia CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AIndiaIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Workforce ManagementInfor provides enterprise software and services in the licensing, maintenance, and consulting industriesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Track employee time and send data to payroll system * Worker contact tracing based on shift scheduling * Ensure legislative compliance for international, federal, state, and local labor laws * "Promote the aggregation of more and better data with broader labor models, deeper flexibility with forecasting algorithms" * "Utilize a self-learning algorithm to analyze historical data, previous period actuals, weather, and promotional data" * "Leverage patented and proven technology to measure person-to-role fit"In UseMunro Footwear Group, Diane von Furstenberg, Burton, Levi's, Eva, Coles, Spencer's, Iberian Sports Retail GroupAerospace & Defense, Automotive, Chemicals, Construction & Engineering, High Tech & Electronics, Industrial Manufacturing, Retail, Fashion, Food Services, Healthcare, EducationSalesforce Ventures, Summit Partners, Golden Gate Capital, Koch Equity DevelopmentCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/A - location data is not collectedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesInfor's privacy policy states, "Generally, we will keep your personal data for the duration of our relationship with you After our relationship ends, we will retain your personal information for a period of time that permits us to satisfy the following purposes: record retention as may be required by applicable law, for use in a legal claim or proceeding, to address any complaints we receive regarding our products or services, or other legitimate business reasons"Data is only being collected about workersMouse, KeyboardN/ANoIn its online manual for workplace administrators and software developers, Infor outlines the various algorithms that Workforce Management utilizes (by default) and how they work, but also notes that individual organizations can create and upload their own algorithms to extend its functionality https://docsinforcom/wfm/700/en-us/wfmolh/defaulthtml?helpcontent=qwc1475662175627htmlYesData is collected continuously, but tends not to be of a sensitive nature For example, the system monitors how many workers are working versus customer orders and compares this against promotions running in order to predict future labor needs While there is worker data at play here, the potential for misuse is not too high The software is aware of the arrival and departure that workers are working, but does not know their precise location or those colleagues who workers directly interact withYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view worker dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of Infor's technology for discriminatory purposesNoneThe privacy policy states, "We share your personal data with Infor affiliates and subsidiaries, vendors, partners, and service providers (when you have approved such sharing) to complete transactions, or to provide a product you have requested We also share data with Infor affiliates and subsidiaries, with vendors working for us, when required by law or legal process, to protect lives, to maintain the security of our products, to provide support services and to protect the rights and property of Infor and its customers For example, we may share information with our partners to complete a business transaction with you or to provide support during your use of our products and services"Yes In its privacy policy, Infor provides contact details for its Global Data Privacy Officer, and also notes, "If you have an unresolved privacy or data security concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our third party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at https://feedback-formtrustecom/watchdog/request Under certain conditions, an individual may invoke binding arbitration for complaints"Workers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could potentially lead to discriminatory decision-making, but a better understanding of how individual organizations are deploying this tool is necessary in order to understand how significant the potential for harm here isThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union have additional protections not extended to US workersYes Infor says it has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: is a behavioral monitoring platformNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management, visitors* innerActiv's "Endpoint & Behavior Monitoring" is employee monitoring software that continuously monitors workers and alerts "management to suspect events taking place" * The software tracks "data moving to and from removable media" like USB keys * Informs management when customer data is being viewed by workers outside the need-to-know circle * Ensures that personal information is not being transferred via chat, IM, or email * Alerts management when a print screen event takes place that may include sensitive data * Monitors for unauthorized or abnormal print behaviorIn UseUnknownRemote Work, Healthcare, Financial Services, Government, Education, Manufacturing, TechnologyKreos Capital, Evergreen Venture Partners, Idan Ofer, Andy Fruchter, Ehud Hillmancompany-provided devicesCentralizedUnknownLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownNoUnknownOnly works are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardUnknownNoUnknownYesData is collected only when a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesManager, IT Administrator, WorkerThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsUnavailable, Inc provides a broad technology platform, and an app store for businesses applications NoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Instabase is a platform that collects data to verify a worker's income (the platform collects data and extracts information, but does not make lending decisions or perform other analysis) * Reduces the cost of processing loan/cash advance applications: "Issue new loans with reduced manual review costs; scale the business without scaling the operations overhead costs" * Extract Information: "The real world is messy. Documents submitted as part of lending journeys are often highly variable and unstructured. Automatically extract key fields for underwriters required to make decisions" * Validate output and flag targeted review: "Assist operations agents by flagging only the fields that require an extra check, and ensure that errors are captured robustly upfront"In UseStandard CharteredFinancial Services, Gig EconomyGlynn Capital Management, Tribe Capital, Greylock, Andreessen Horowitz, Index Ventures, SC Ventures, New Enterprise Associates, Spark CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc - Shopper MetricsMaplebear Inc specializes in delivering groceries and home essentials from a variety of local storesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformContract* Instacart pervasively surveils its workers, and workers can be terminated for cause very easily. For example, if a worker clocks into their shift five minutes late, they will receive a "reliability incident." If an order is not accepted in four minutes or less, the worker will be removed from their shift and receive a "reliability incident." If a worker receives three incidents in a week, they are at risk of termination * Until early 2021, Instacart allowed for "tip baiting" where customers could add a large tip to their order in advance - something the Instacart gig workers see before choosing to claim an order - then lowering it after the order is delivered to a smaller amount. Though Instacart says it has banned this practice, some workers report that it continues because shoppers can ask customer service to manually remove a tipIn UseN/AGroceries, RetailGeneral Catalyst, Khosla Ventures, Sequoia Capital, Dragoneer Investment Group, Andreessen HorowitzUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy (General):; Privacy Policy (Shoppers): CommsInstant Access Medical Access Medical develops and owns MyPCR, a personal care record, with proactive, automatic updates from their physician healthcare systemYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Instant Comms "addresses the critical need for companies to keep their employees informed and supported, simply, rapidly, and automatically, both during and especially after the pandemic for the Return to Work and for at least the next 12 months" * Consists of a web portal and matching mobile app to allow workers to track their Covid-19 symptoms, to allow employers to analyze the impact of the pandemic in their own workforce, and to plan for the futureIn UseUnknownOfficesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownGuernseyUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/AInstant Access Medical Technologies, Inc is a full-featured employee monitoring softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Interguard says its software “can be silently and remotely installed, so you can conduct covert investigations and bullet-proof evidence gathering without alarming the suspected wrongdoer” * The example on their marketing website of problematic behavior is a worker, before beginning their work for the day, visiting a job listings website In UseUnknown, but possibly government clientsGovernment, Offices, Consulting, Financial Services, InsuranceUnknowncompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledMouse, Keyboard, GPSView ScreenNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesManagers, IT Administrators, WorkersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownNoneNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnavailable Policy: Technologies, Inc
#Intune Company PortalMicrosoft Corporation is a software corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareSalaried* Intune is a Microsoft product that allows companies to create a mobile app that allows workers "access to corporate apps and resources from almost any network" from their mobile device * Workers can access corporate resources like manuals and documentation * Workers can browse and install other approved company apps like Microsoft Office * Workers can view IT department contact information * Workers can change their work account password * Workers can unenroll or remotely wipe other devices using this appIn UseN/AAll sectorsN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableNo
https://www.iziwork.comIziworkIziworkhttps://www.iziwork.comIziwork is a digital employment platform that connects temporary workers to a wide range of jobs and assignmentsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Platform for connecting workers with employers * For employers, "an automatic pre-selection of the best candidates is generated in less than 24 hours by our artificial intelligence algorithms"In UseGroupe Casino, Arc, FNAC DARTY, PSA GroupeLogistics, Transportation, Call Center, Customer Service, RetailBpifrance, Global Founders Capital, Cathay InnovationN/AN/AN/AN/AFranceFranceN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc-JazzHR is a user-friendly, applicant tracking system that is purpose-built to help businesses exceed their recruiting goalsNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* JazzHR is a platform for hiring workers * "Save time by automatically sending candidates rejection emails or requests for interviews with JazzHR's customizable message response templates" * "Manage, rank, track, and discuss candidates more efficiently with all members of the hiring team" * "Organize your hiring pool based on your own criteria and decide who gets moved along in one centralized location" * "Stop losing great hires because of timely paperwork. Digitize the offer management process and automate new hire onboarding"In UseTeambuildingcom, Signal 88 Security, Museum Hack, The Channel Company, Massaro Construction Group, Santa Cruz BicyclesConstruction, Retail, Logistics, Transportation, Warehouse, OfficesRincon Venture Partners, Volition Capital, Birchmere Ventures, Volition Capital, Blue Cloud Ventures, ff Venture CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy:, Inc-No is an online platform for finding and filling gig-type jobsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Jobandtalent is an on-demand staffing marketplace that aims to make the labor market more fluid for employers * Jobandtalent keeps track of workers and only allows its best performing workers continue working through its platform * Jobandtalent says it can reduce labor costs by up to 30% by optimizing worker productivityIn UseXPO, Ocado, Saint Gobain, Santander, Bayer, eBay, Huawei, Ceva Logistics, Uber, CarrefourLogitics, Warehouse, Call Center, Delivery, HospitalityWallapop, Kibo Ventures, SEEK, Atomico, InfraVia Capital Partners, DN Capital, Quadrille Capital, Spotahomeworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedSpainUnited States, European UnionYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, Camera, GPS, MicrophoneFace ID, Photo GalleryNo* Jobandtalent has a linguistics algorithm to parse job ads and create alerts to loop in passive job seekers * Jobandtalent has a proprietary quality worker scoring algorithm which it calls a Worker Quality Score (WQS) The criteria that feeds into this score include attrition rate, absenteeism rate, and unspecified “productivity metrics of the workers”YesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle Analytics, Google Firebase, Fabric, Appsee, Appsflyer, Facebook, Amazon Web Services, Amplify, Salesforce Marketing Cloud SDKJobandtalent says it shares personal information with: * Providers of technology and telecommunications networks for the provision and management of the service as well as the attention of applicants needed; * The agencies that help Jobandtalent adhere with tax and labor law obligations; and * Mutual insurance companies, social security providers, and other providers of medical services and health and safety providers required to comply with applicable labor law obligationsNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:;; analyzes resumes and LinkedIn profiles against job descriptionsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Job candidates upload their resume to the JobScan website and it offers feedback on how they could improve it * Marketing website states, "Over 90% of large companies use Applicant Tracking Systems. These systems analyze resumes and CVs to surface candidates that best match the position, but qualified applicants slip through the cracks. We have researched the top systems and built our resume checker based on their common patterns to help you get noticed" * Subscription fee of $49.95 per monthIn UseUnknownTechnologyUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablettps:// Policy: Talent Acquisition SuiteJobvite, Inc provides end-to-end talent acquisition software and services aimed at increasing recruiting quality, speed, and cost-effectivenessNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* "Artificial intelligence inherent throughout the Jobvite Talent Acquisition Suite connects critical processes with recruiting data to eliminate tedious administrative work. With Jobvite handling the grunt work, recruiters are freed to build relationships and accelerate candidates through the hiring process. In fact, Jobvite is proven to cut time-to-hire in half" * AI candidate matching "will enable recruiters to sort through a large volume of candidates and identify those who are most closely aligned with a job description or in comparison to other similar candidates. These AI algorithms automate what has been a manual process for recruiters" * AI chatbots "interpret questions, provide answers, and then build upon that knowledge and history to build its internal knowledgebase" * AI screening. "The average recruiter spends 16 hours each week screening candidates. With conversational AI that is driven by chatbots and automated texting, this can be reduced to just 5 hours. AI can screen candidates using basic questions to quickly and automatically determine whether a candidate has the basic skills and qualifications, allowing recruiters to focus on more in-depth questions" * AI candidate engagement scoring "gives talent acquisition teams a way to gauge how interested a candidate is in coming to work for their company. By tracking and measuring candidates’ interactions with their employer brand, recruiters see engagement metrics for every candidate These AI algorithms give recruiters a better indication of which candidates are the most engaged and excited about their company"In UseLogitech, Hulu, Premise Health, Zapposcom, ShutterflyBusiness Services, Financial Services, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail & Consumer Products, Technology, Automotive, Construction, Education, Energy, Government, Media, Non-Profit Organizations, Real Estate, Restaurant & Food Service, Transportation, Logistics, Travel, HospitalityK1 Investment Management, Stratim Capital, CMEA Capital, ATA Ventures, Catalyst Investors, Trident CapitalWorker's own device; Prospective worker's own deviceCentralizedProspective workers and workers can readily be identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe retention period ambiguously states, "Jobvite retains personal data as a data controller and the personal data we process on behalf of our customers for as long as needed to provide the Services to customers, job-seekers and employees enrolled in those Services We will retain and use this personal data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements with customers, and/or the period required by laws in applicable jurisdictions"Only job candidates are being surveilledCamera, Microphone, Keyboard, MousePhotos / Media / Files, Wi-FiNoDetails on algorithms are available here: https://wwwjobvitecom/products/ai-and-automation/YesYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownJobvite will need to share your personal data (and data generated by cookies and beacons) with these vendors and service agenciesThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://www.joveo.comJoveoJoveo Inchttps://www.joveo.comJoveo delivers the most relevant hires in the shortest amount of time to companies around the worldNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Advertising platform to allow employers to buy and manage their recruitment media to attract the most relevant candidates within their budget * "Target and attract candidates most likely to get hired, at scale. Execute data-driven recruitment media campaigns, resulting in up to 2X more relevant applicants and 40% higher click to apply conversions. Leverage intelligent, automated optimizations to allocate your recruitment media spend to the best-fit publishers for your jobs" * "Track your candidate’s journey from click to application to hire – in one dashboard – so you can make more intelligent media buying decisions using down-the-funnel metrics" * "Retarget relevant candidates that abandoned your job application process, wherever they are on the World Wide Web, to bring them back to your recruitment funnel" * "We are neither an agency nor a job site. We don’t sell or share your data. We are job site agnostic"In UseWells Fargo, Barclays, FedEx, UPS, Skip the Dishes, Rolls Royce, Sony, Philips, Hermes, Johnson and Johnson, HCL, MCI, Mayo Clinic, Pontoon, Adecco, Bristol-Myers SquibbFinancial Services, Manufacturing, Logistics, Transportation, Insurance, Healthcare, RetailNexus Venture PartnersN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.joveo.comNoüstoPoder Justo, SAPI de CVüsto is an online delivery-only supermarket chainNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatform* Instacart competitor. Customers order groceries; workers pick items from the grocery store and deliver them * Downward pressure placed on workers to deliver orders to a customer in under an hour * Workers subjected to continuous electronic performance monitoringIn UseN/ARetail, GroceresEndeavor Catalyst, General Atlantic, Foundation Capital, Mountain Nazca, AgFunder, Sweet Capital, Elevar Equity, Grupo BimboN/AN/AN/AN/AMexicoMexicoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://justomx/privacy-advice/N/APoder Justo, SAPI de CV
https://jyve.comJyveJyve Corporationhttps://jyve.comJyve is a tech platform that matches brands’ in-store execution needs with the right skilled labor, at the right timeYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* Gig-economy platform where workers are paid by the job to do tasks such as stack shelves in a grocery store * Workers complete skill sharing videos on their phone to learn brand standards, then accept/reject jobs through the app * Workers can work in any state (some workers like this flexibility, like if they travel to another state to spend time with their grandchildren, for example) * Employers optimize their scheduling and can hire workers at the last-minute if demand rises. (Precarious employment for workers)In UseUnknownRetail, Groceries7 Global Capital, Bracket Capital, New Enterprise Associates, SignalFire, Ridge Ventures, Crosscut Ventures, Kortschak Investments, LP, FJ LabsN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Corporationhttps://jyve.comNo Touchless AccessKastle Systems International, LLC provides security solutions for commercial real estate, multi-family, offices, education, and government in the U.S.YesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* KastleSafeSpaces is a smartphone app that grants access to a building; replacing badges, key fobs, and keypads * Know how many people are in a building. "Daily occupant screening performed via smartphone app and instantly enforced by access control" * Contact tracing. "Easy audit reporting data of daily occupant entry and exit history" * Capacity monitoring. "Real-time occupancy monitoring and alerts maintain social distancing" * Air quality filtering, monitoring, and reportingIn UseUnknownEducation, Government, Law Offices, Retail UnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Systems International, LLC SentinelClinicient, Inc provides software-enabled revenue cycle management solutions for outpatient rehabilitation clinicsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, non-management* Automate surveys to assess symptoms and potential exposure * Determine employee health status before every shift * Direct employees to available health resources * Support resource planning with predicted employee availabilityIn UseNorthwell Health, Confluent Health, Central Nebraska Rehabilitation Services, Sustainable Health Index, PT Northwest, Fyzical, Orthopaedics Physical Therapy Plus, IRGHealthcareHighway 12 Ventures, Village Ventures, Catalyst Investors, Piper Jaffray, Saas Capitalworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown The privacy policy is ambiguous and states, "We will retain your Personal Information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law"Only workers are being surveilledN/A - No hardware is utilizedNoneNo* Aggregated survey data provides critical insights across the business * Support resource planning with predicted employee availability * Inform risk mitigation strategies with reported safety concerns * Expand access to health care resources based on the current status of employeesYesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownIn its privacy policy, Keet says it will only disclose information about which third parties have access to the personal information of a worker if the worker lives in California and formally requests this information This information is not disclosed to workers in other statesUnknownUnknownThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Health SafeZoneKINEXON GmbH offers real-time location intelligence for the Internet of ThingsNoWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, non-management* KINEXON SafeTag is a wearable sensor that warns workers if they are too close to others * The proximity and duration of each contact is recorded and can be quickly accessed to trace and evaluate chains of infection * "The KINEXON SafeTag does not record any movement, position, or health data of the employees. Only the distance between two sensors is measured and the duration of the contact. This measurement is independent of the contact location and completely pseudonymized as well as randomized"In UseDHL, Deutsche Bahn, Nespresso, Henkel, Stihl, Fisher Price, NetflixInformation Technology, Internet Services, Manufacturing, Science and Engineering, Software, TransportationEuropean Investment Bank, EIT Digital Acceleratorcompany-provided deviceDecentralizedWorker identity is pseudonymisedPrecise location not capturedGermanyUnited StatesUnknownData is deleted after the wearable device is re-charged (30 days)Only workers are being surveilledN/ANoneNoNoneYesData is collected when the wearable device is worn and when the worker is at their workplaceUnknownYesYescompany doctor, HR representativesThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData is not shared with third partiesWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Kinexon, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software is thoughtfully designed and could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentNo The product offers uniform privacy protections across all jurisdictionsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: GmbHhttps://kinexon.comYes AppKnack Corporationhttps://knackapp.comKnack develops science-smart games to identify true talent and unlock untapped potentialNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* This gamified neuroscience technology claims to help businesses gauge the leadership potential of candidates * Candidates who are colorblind may find this software difficult to useIn UseTata GroupRetail, Financial Services, Professional Services, HospitalityUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/ASwitzerlandN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AKnack Corporationhttps://knackapp.comYes UEMKnoa Software provides user experience and workforce optimization softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Knoa User Experience Management (UEM) for Enterprise Applications provides employers with visibility into how workers interact with applications * These insights help employers to measure impact on day-to-day operations and increase adoption of tools to realize inefficiencies and save money * Organizations can identify complexities of key business functions, and deliver a road map to enable users to be more productive, responsive, and engagedIn UseUnknownComputer SoftwareAdvantage Capital, Rand Capital, New York State, Robin Hood Ventures, Ascent Venture PartnersUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Software - Healthy OfficeKnotel, Inc is a flexible workspace platform that matches, tailors, and manages space for customersYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Healthy Office is a web application that allows employers to control the daily capacity of their workspace and screen them for Covid-19 symptoms before workers arrive for workIn UseCheddar, OmnicomCoworking500 Startups, FJ Labs, Norwest Venture Partners, RTP Global, Global Founders Capitalcompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorker identity is easily ascertainedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownNoThe company says "Knotel retains the Personal Information we receive as described in this Privacy Policy for as long as you use our Services or as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our Services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws"Only works are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhotos / Media / Files, Wi-FiNoNo algorithmYesData is collected only when a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownManager, IT Administrator, WorkerThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownYes Data sharing with third party is alowNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsUnavailable Policy:, Inc is a care coordination platform that enables physician practices to improve revenue and patient outcomesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management, visitors* Virtual check-in with record keeping and escalation protocol for any at-risk employees * Keep track of employee health with self-screening questions for symptoms before they come to work * Secure two-way messaging for you and your employee at anytime * Quickly direct employee to available testing sites with easy appointment schedulingIn UseAllegheny, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Abertsons Safeway, AstraZeneca, University of California San FranciscoEducation, HealthcareUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownWhile mhealthcoach claims on its website that their app is GDPR-compliant, there is no publicly available privacy policy and no publicly available information on how long data is retained for This is inconsistent with the consumer protection provisions of the GDPR, which require that a privacy notice, including retention period, be available for public inspectionOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/AViralMesh Workforce and Human Capital ManagementUKG Inc provides HR tools to help manage the modern workforceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* A platform for managing "the entire employee lifecycle — from pre-hire to retire" * "Help your HR staff more easily hire, manage, and retain a quality workforce and simplify benefits administration so they can take a larger role in supporting your organization’s strategic objectives" * The platform helps "develop top talent and streamline performance management with key performance indicators" and other reviews * The platform "automates and streamlines the entire compensation management process for improved visibility and governance"In UsePuma, Tesla, Holland Home Foundation, YMCA, MammothRetail, Manufacturing, Logistics, TransportationMassVentures, Bessemer Venture PartnersN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesCanadaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: SaaShr
https://www.kustomer.comKustomerFacebook Inc is an omnichannel Software-as-a-Service platform for automating customer serviceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Kustomer uses machine learning to analyze and classify inbound customer conversations, which can activate processes that expedite customer experiences and free agents for more valuable engagement * Kustomer can handle 40% of calls or chats, meaning fewer human agents are required for customer serviceIn UseBirkenstock, Ring, Glovo, Sweetgreen, Deliverycom, GlossierRetail, Logistics, Transportation, Consulting, Marketing, HospitalityCoatue, Battery Ventures, Tiger Global Management, Redpoint, Canaan Partners, Social Leverage, CiscoN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policies, Procedures and Statements: Inc is a logistics company that provides on-demand and same-day delivery servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatform* Platform that connects workers with businesses that have items requiring local delivery * "Match orders in 3 seconds, deliver your goods immediately" * "Different vehicle types and courier services for all kinds of delivery needs" * "Professional and trained drivers ensure all your goods safely reach their destination" * "In-app tracking allows you and the receiver to track your order in real time during the delivery"In UseLogistics, TransportationD1 Capital Partners, Sequoia Capital China, Vitruvian Partners, Boyu Capital, Shunwei CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AHong KongN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
#Lancor Covid CheckThe Lagos Analysis Corporation Analysis Corporation offers information technologies, automation of government services, and finance and accounting information systemsYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Workers answer questions in the app before leaving home and get the green light to come to the office or stay at homeIn UseThe Lagos Analysis CorporationUnknownUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/AThe Lagos Analysis Corporation
https://landing.aiLandingAILandingAI AI provides deployment-ready AI solutions and enterprise-wide transformation programs for customers worldwideNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Landing Lens is an "end-to-end visual inspection platform designed to manage data, accelerate troubleshooting, and scale deployment" in manufacturing facilities * Saves time: "speeds up your labeling process by as much as 50% and reduces your model deployment time by up to 67%" * Scales easily: "manages a few to thousands of models with minimal resources" * "Improves the accuracy of your machine learning models with data generation and smart labeling" * Enhances visibility: "track and manage the efficiency of AI projects, current data assets, and deployed solutions across all company site locations" * Learns continuously: "identifies issues caused by the environment and raises alerts when the model drifts"In UseUnknownAutomotive, Retail, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Telecommunications, PharmaceuticalIntel Capital, Samsung, Lenovo, AI FundUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable, Inc is an app that connects people looking to work with local customers who need help with big and small landscaping tasksNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Platform that connects workers with landscapers * Workers subject to constant, pervasive surveillance monitoringIn UseN/ALandscapingUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto Album, ContactsNoThis app does not make any public claims about its algorithmUnknownData is always being collected, even when the worker is not workingIt is not clear if the informed consent of workers is obtained before their personal information is collected or processedWorkers can access some of their own data, but not all of the data collected about themWorkers can correct some of their own data held about them, but not all of the data collected about themUnknownNoUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedIt is plausible that this app could explose workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown The privacy policy is incomplete and not specific enough to make an assessment about regulatory arbitrageThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.onqall.ioNo PreScreenLAZ Parking Parking offers parking garages across the U.S.YesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Before workers arrive to work, they must complete a short health screening questionnaire on their phone * If the worker passes the health check, they are cleared to report to work In UseN/AParkingUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, Inchttps://www.vizsafe.comNo HirenZero Labs, Inc is a talent marketplaceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Platform seeks to reduce worker rights by eliminating probation periods, conventional employment contracts, and worker benefits by encouraging companies to hire workers as contractors * Website states, "For years we've been okay with the rigidity and the arbitrary outcomes of existing hiring processes. Interviews are terrible. Month-long screenings are not feasible. And bad hires are often fatal for early stage startups. Hire a contractor and have them join after they have made an impact on your company"In UseUnknownTechnologyUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Labs, Inchttps://www.beondeck.comNo is a blockchain development company, providing scalable and robust blockchain solutions to enterprises and startupsNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* LeewayHertz has created a system that can identify whether a worker is wearing a face mask when they report to work * "These systems are different from typical facial recognition systems in that they don’t actually identify people — they’re trained on images that aren’t linked to any identities They do the same thing as a typical facial recognition system, taking temporary images of the faces that pass by and putting them through a machine learning algorithm But that algorithm is only trained to identify whether the face is covered by a mask and not the identity of the face"In UseSiemens, LeicaTechnology, Professional ServicesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:
https://www.lenddo.comLenddoLenddo is a technology company that uses non-traditional data to provide credit scoring and verificationNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformContract* Lenddo uses non-traditional data to provide credit scoring and verification to economically empower workers * "Lenddo’s patented score is a powerful predictor of an individual’s character or 'willingness to pay.' The LenddoScore ranges from 1 to 1000, with higher scores representing a lower propensity to default. The LenddoScore can be deployed at the wide end of the funnel to prioritize applications or within an existing underwriting scorecard to reduce risk or approve more applications. The LenddoScore complements traditional underwriting tools, like credit scores, because it relies exclusively on non-traditional data derived from a customer’s social data and online behavior. When the LenddoScore is added to a traditional underwriting scorecard, it has been proven to better discriminate between good and bad borrowers" * "Embedding Lenddo’s verification service into an online or mobile application process enables clients to quickly check the veracity of the information reported on the application The Verification Service returns 'Verified,' 'Not Verified,' and 'Unable to Verify' results for application fields, which include name, date of birth, email address, employer, university, and, if desired, mobile phone number (using SMS code for authentication) These results include up to 19 'reason codes' that offer more detail about our findings. The Verification Service has been found to be more than 99% accurate for name verification with greater than 97% coverage. Lenders use the verification results to fast track an application, reduce required documentation, or eliminate manual checks. The verification service can also be configured to include document and/or face capture via the digital camera on Android devices"In UseUnknownFinancial Services, Lending and InvestmentsAccel, Compound, Inovia Capital, Omidyar Network, Blumberg CapitalWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownPhilippinesSingaporeUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: LLC LevelsFYI allows people to compare career ladders in different companiesNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareSalaried* LevelsFYI allows workers to compare and contrast salaries and different career levels in different companies * The platform allows workers to see if they are being fairly compensated for their workIn UseUnknownTechnologyUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwlevelsfyi/about/privacyhtmlN/ALevelsfyi LLC
http://lingoda.comLingodaLingoda GmbHhttp://lingoda.comLingoda offers online, live language classes in English, Business English, German, Spanish, French with qualified, native-speaking teachersNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Lingoda connects workers with students who want to learn a language * Workers have little job security and are assigned classes with little notice. While some workers appreciate this flexibility, it leads to precarious employment for others * Lingoda pays workers below the minimum wage in some jurisdictions by classing workers as contractors * Classes are recorded and students grade workers with stars after each class This system leads to inconsistent workplace assessments that can be biased by factors other than worker performanceIn UseN/AEducationGlobal Founders Capital, Claret Capital Partners, Grazia Equity, pd venturesworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedGermanyGermanyYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, MicrophoneUnknownYesN/AYesData is only collected when workers are workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesNoUnknownNo There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of this platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: GmbHhttp://lingoda.comYes - Talent InsightsMicrosoft Corporation is a professional networking site that allows its members to create business connections, search jobs, and find potential clientsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* With a Talent Insights subscription, one can “make smart workforce and hiring decisions” as this tool allows for “competitive benchmarking” of salaries and allows for workplaces to see what skills gaps exist in their existing workforce relative to real-time data on their competitorsIn UseUnknownAll sectorsN/A - publicly listedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AMicrosoft Corporation
#LinkedIn MarketplacesMicrosoftMicrosoft develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareContract* Connect white-collar professionals, such as app developers and accountants, with businesses or individuals who want their services * Allow LinkedIn users to make payments to freelancers using a digital walletIn DevelopmentN/ARemote Working, ConsultingN/A - publicly listed companyworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo There are no guidelines prohibiting the use of this platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal information privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentN/AMicrosoftNo Mendelson Platform for Predicting Worker UnionizationLittler Mendelson PC Mendelson is a law firm that handles labor and employment litigation as well as global mobility and immigration issuesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* According to OneZero in July 2020, Littler Mendelson is "actively considering building" a tool to "monitor things like employee engagement and workplace culture to pinpoint the store locations, departments, and demographics of employees who are most likely to unionize"In DevelopmentUnknownUnknown, but likely Retail, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Logistics, TransportationN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/A - tool still in development Policy: Mendelson PC Local Positioning SystemLocix, Inc develops solutions to provide spatial and contextual awareness to buildings, homes, and connected devicesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* The Locix Local Positioning System allows for highly accurate location determination of WiFi-enabled devices such as asset trackers, mobile phones, IoT sensors, appliances, and equipment, with sub-meter accuracy in indoor and outdoor environments * Locix LPS enables infection control and accurate contact tracing for safer commercial and industrial environments: - Monitor Social Distancing Compliance - Visualize High Traffic Areas - Determine Highest Dwell Areas - Set Occupancy Limits for Specific AreasIn UseMurata ManufacturingFactories, TransportationAcer, ID Ventures, Sumitomo Corporation, Murata Manufacturing, NTT DOCOMO Ventures, University of Tokyo, YASKAWAcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSN/ANoUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable, Inchttps://www.locix.comNo, Inc specializes in biometric identification technologies, offering facial recognition solutions for any type of business enterpriseNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* FaceSDK 72 is a software API developed by Luxand that adds a thermal face detection feature * Feature is intended to help small and medium-sized businesses identify individuals with an elevated temperature. An elevated temperature can be a symptom of Covid-19In UseUniversal, Samsung, Boeing, Ford, LG, Proctor & GambleRetail, Manufacturing, Logistics, Aviation, TransportationUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc - Priority ModeLyft, Inc designs, markets, and operates a mobile application that matches drivers with passengers who request ridesYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Turning on priority mode will give Lyft drivers priority access to ride requests over other drivers, which reduces the time between rides * Lyft says, "Your rates on each ride will be lower in priority mode. Check your driver app to see your priority rates"In UseN/ARide SharingN/A - publicly tradedworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoN/A - labor market optimization use caseData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhotos / Media / Files, Contacts, Wi-FiNoDetails on how the product works are outlined here: https://wwwlyftcom/hub/posts/priority-modeYesN/A - labor market optimization use caseYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedN/A - labor market optimization use caseN/A - labor market optimization use caseN/A - labor market optimization use caseN/A - labor market optimization use caseN/A - labor market optimization use caseN/A - labor market optimization use caseN/A - labor market optimization use caseNo Use of this feature is voluntaryUnknownN/AThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, Inc Trousse CNESSTCommission des normes, de l’equite, de la sante et de la securite du travail (CNESST) Trousse CNESST is an awareness-raising tool to accompany and support employers and workers in Quebec in the resumption and continuation of professional activities in complete safety in the context of Covid-19YesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Government-funded app intended to enable employers to "take charge of the health and safety of your business" * "Establish and maintain good health and safety practices" * "Find out about distancing, hygiene, and health measures" * "Find the measures that apply particularly to your industry"In UseCNESSTAll sectorsN/A - governmentPersonal DeviceDecentralizedApp does not retain dataIn UseCanadaCanadaN/AData is cached on the local device while app is open; when closed, data deletesNo onereceive data from Internet; view network connections; prevent device from sleepingNoN/AUnknownGoogle Firebase, Google PromisesThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailableN/AIBM LinksMagicLinks, Inc leader in social commerce for video influencers and the world's top brandsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Influencer platform that connects content creators with brands whose products they can then promote * Platform integrates with Instagram so when content creators promote a product on social media, they get a cut of the sales their content generates * No transparency into how many sales are generated; hard to verify that sales are tracked correctly * Influencers are being remunerated via a small commission of sales generatedIn UseNordstrom, HP, Spanx, Buy Buy Baby, Origins, Lululemon, Jared, Lacoste, Fendi, Adidas, Urban OutfittersRetail, InfluencersUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
#McDonald's Apply ThruMcDonald's Corporation's Corporation operates and franchises McDonald's restaurants worldwideNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, non-management* McDonald’s Apply Thru allows job candidates to start their McDonald's job application with their voice by asking Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant to apply * The voice assistant will ask some screening questions and then send the candidate a link on their mobile device to submit a fuller applicationIn UseMcDonaldsRestaurantN/A - publicly tradedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Tech Labs
#McDonald's Call Center (USA Operations)McDonald's Corporation's Corporation operates and franchises McDonald's restaurants worldwideNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, non-management* Software tracks the productivity and speed of McDonald's call center workers, and every so often a red box pops up on their screen to test whether they are paying attention * A worker is expected to click on it within 175 seconds * In the break room, a computer screen lets employees know just how many minutes have elapsed since they left their workstationsIn UseMcDonald'sCall Center, Hospitality, RestaurantsN/A - publicly tradedworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoNo algorithmUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownManagersUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Communications-No Clean=SafeMicroshare offers Sensing-as-a-Service solutions to capture real-time data that informs how people use their space as well as the condition of the facilityYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitorsThese bluetooth sensors: * Trace contacts anonymously between facility occupants through badges, wristbands, and keyrings * Identify high and low usage areas for cleaning and HVAC purposes * Provide data that can lower energy and maintenance costs * Create a historical picture of leased-space usage for corporate decision makers * Enable 'on demand' and 'as needed' cleaning rather than wasteful schedulesIn UseGlaxoSmithKlineRetail, Offices, Healthcare, GovernmentMotley Fool Ventures, Semtech Corporationcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesData is stored locally within the workplaceNoIndividual employers determine the retention periodOnly workers are being surveilledBluetoothN/ANo* Identifies high and low usage areas for cleaning and HVAC purposes * Provides data that can lower energy and maintenance costs * Creates a valuable picture of leased-space usage for corporate decision makersUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy: - 365 Productivity ScoreMicrosoft Corporation develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesThis feature, yes - but not the product as a wholeWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried* Employers/managers can analyze employee activities at the individual level; for example, the number of days a worker has been sending emails, using the chat, using 'mentions' in emails, or has meetings in their calendarDiscontinuedAll Microsoft clients who subscribe to Microsoft 365 (there are 200 million active users as of October 2019)All sectorsN/A - publicly tradedCompany-Owned DevicesCentralizedIdentifiableN/AUnited StatesEnterprise customers can select where data is savedProbably based on standard contractual clauses, given Microsoft offers local data centers in many countries28 daysSalaried workersKeystrokes, mouse movementsNoYesNoYesUnknownWorkers; Managers; Company-specified Microsoft 365 "Admin" accountsYesThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailable Corporation - Measuring Employee Collaboration StrengthMicrosoft Corporation develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Microsoft is looking to measure the collaboration strength of employees in an enterprise * To calculate an worker's collaboration score, the filing describes the software analyzing emails, instant messages, video meetings, calendar invites, document sharing, and more * For each person in the enterprise, Microsoft can then see how effectively each worker collaborates with others in an organization. For example, how connected is an individual to their core team? * Based on this collaboration score, Microsoft can generate recommendations to users on how to improve their work. For instance, if there are users who are working on similar topics, but there aren't any meetings or documents being shared between them, Microsoft could recommend this group collaborate more closelyIn DevelopmentN/A - in developmentAll sectorsN/A - publicly tradedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentN/AMicrosoft Corporation - Meeting Sentiment AnalysisMicrosoft Corporation develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Microsoft is developing a tool that will capture the sentiment of participants in a meeting, including their sentiment towards the topics being discussed, and time stamps for the most relevant parts of the conversation * To do this, Microsoft will analyze both the audio and the video feeds of the participants * For example, to highlight any controversial or contentious topic that might need revisiting, Microsoft’s system could take into account what’s being said, who said what, strength of voice, number of interruptions, raised hands and facial expressions The filing describes listening out for non-linguistic expressions, such as yawns, sighs, and laughter * Another use case would be determining the level of consensus (positive and negative reactions) in a meeting, and what topics drove each type of reaction. For example, if someone makes a statement and then others react negatively (either verbally or non-verbally), the algorithm would take account of this, note the topic, and feed it into a consensus score for the meeting In DevelopmentN/A - in developmentAll sectorsN/A - publicly tradedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentN/AMicrosoft Corporation - Toxicity Detection for workplacesMicrosoft Corporation develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* Microsoft is developing a way to automatically parse worker responses to company surveys in order to identify answers that may allude to toxicity in the workplace * To do this, Microsoft will create a list of toxic keywords by looking at examples of toxic and non-toxic comments (presumably labeled by humans in a training process), and finding keywords that appear in significantly higher frequency in the toxic dataset. If survey comments then contain one of these toxic keywords, the survey comments will be flagged for HR to dig into further * Given that toxicity can vary from context to context, organizations will be able to remove or adjust the toxic keywords. However, it is likely that many organizations will just use Microsoft's default settings * Microsoft may also seek to deploy this technology in contexts outside of worker surveys. For instance, written or video conversations in Microsoft Teams could be analyzed for toxic responsesIn DevelopmentN/A - in developmentAll sectorsN/A - publicly tradedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentN/AMicrosoft Corporation
#Microsoft - VivaMicrosoft Corporation is a software corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried* According to the Microsoft blog, “Microsoft Viva Insights uses data and signals from Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and other Microsoft 365 apps and services, and can also access data from an existing ecosystem of tools and services, including Zoom, Slack, Workday, and SAP SuccessFactors” to give “individuals, managers, and leaders personalized and actionable insights that help everyone in an organization thrive” * Based on these insights, “Leaders will be able to more accurately identify where teams may be struggling, proactively adjust work norms, and then quantify the impact of those changes over time”In DevelopmentN/A - in developmentAll sectorsN/A - publicly tradedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Corporation - Wellness InsightsMicrosoft Corporation is a software corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried* Microsoft is developing an algorithm that will generate wellness recommendations based on a worker's biometric data (e.g., heart rate, blood pressure) and data around work events such as writing/reading emails and attending meetings * To capture data, Microsoft would request access to the productivity applications used by a worker. From this, Microsoft could track a number of different data points, such as: duration of time spent writing an email; time spent reading an email; number of times a user refreshes their inbox; number of emails written / number of emails read; number of corrections made when writing an email; who’s on the recipient list for each email; number of meetings in a day; audio data from meetings (via microphones on a device); how hard each key press is on the keyboard; the tone of language in an email. By cross-checking this with biometric data (e.g., from a secondary device like a Fitbit), Microsoft could begin to understand what work events are triggering anxiety * For example, if a user receives an email from their manager, Microsoft might see that the user spent a higher-than-average amount of time reading the email, and their blood pressure was also elevated during this time. Based on these insights, Microsoft could surface recommendations for helping users manage their stress levels, as well as helping highlight events that trigger anxietyIn DevelopmentN/AAll sectorsN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailableN/AN/AMicrosoft Corporation
https://wwwmicrosoftcom/en-us/microsoft-365/business/workplace-analyticsMicrosoft - Workplace AnalyticsMicrosoft Corporation is a software corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports, and sells a range of software products and servicesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried* In its Workplace Analytics software, Microsoft assigns every employee an “influence score,” a numeric score that "indicates how well connected a person is within the company” based on extensive email, calendar, call, and chat dataIn UseN/AAll sectorsN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/ASomatichttp://getsomatic.comNo Miine is an app for remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, and healthcare servicesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformUnknown* Remote at-home testing mitigates exposure risk and eliminates unnecessary contact * Proactive testing protects employees, customers, and suppliers * Contact Tracing: Warn those who may have exposure risk * Reporting and custom analytics to identify health trends, risk clusters, and COVID-19 exposureIn UseJustmiine primarily sells its software to small private medical practicesHealthcareNo outside investorsworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersBluetooth, Camera, GPS, MicrophoneCalendar, Face ID, Photo GalleryYesThe software's Triage Hub collects all the organization's data in one place and can spot risks and determine who needs to quarantine and who can come to workYesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceUnknownWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesThe privacy policy states that personal information is disclosed to "our affiliates and third party service providers that we use to support our business; to a company we merge, acquire, or that buys us, or in the event of change in structure of our company of any form; to comply with our legal obligations; to affiliates and third parties for their own commercial purposes; to enforce our rights; and with your consent" This is very broadUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Miine
https://www.milkbasket.comMilkbasketDoorstep Retail Solutions Pvt, Ltd-Milkbasket is a daily micro-delivery service, offering grocery and household needs for customersNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Instacart competitor. Riders deliver milk, bread, eggs, butter, juices, and other daily needs via bicycle * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items rapidly * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AGroceries, RetailUnilever Ventures, Lenovo Capital and Incubator Group, Blume Ventures, BEENEXT, Mayfield Fund, Inflection Point Ventures, Kalaari Capital, InnoVen CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Solutions Pvt Ltd-No
https://www.localmilkrun.comMilkRunMilkRunhttps://www.localmilkrun.comMilkRun is an online marketplace and grocery delivery service that connects consumers and chefs directly with hundreds of local farmersNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Instacart competitor - riders deliver meats and produce harvested from local farms to customers * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items rapidly * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AGroceries, RetailTechstars, Y Combinator, Revolution’s Rise of the Rest Seed Fund, Revolution, Congruent VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
https://www.mirakl.comMiraklMirakl SARLhttps://www.mirakl.comMirakl is a marketplace SaaS platform that empowers both B2B and B2C organizations to launch and grow an enterprise marketplace at scaleNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* Mirakl allows large legacy retailers to add a marketplace to their e-commerce website * Such retailers can "gain a competitive advantage by connecting supply and demand without carrying the risks of owning the goods and services they offer," instead placing this risk on small businesses * Website states, "Mirakl’s best-of-breed SaaS solution automates marketplace operations including seller onboarding, third-party catalog integration, distributed order management, and seller invoicing and payout without compromising security, performance, or quality of experience" * This product consolidates the operations of marketplaces and encourages small businesses to sell across an array of websites, resulting in fewer jobs for workers and less opportunities for small businesses to expand into local marketsIn UseBestBuy, Carrefour, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Media Markt, Conrad, La Poste, Metro, Bunnings Warehouse, 1800 FlowersRetail, E-CommerceBain Capital Ventures, Permira, 83North, Felix Capital, ElaiaN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: SARLhttps://www.mirakl.comYes, Inc is an online collaborative whiteboard platform that enables distributed teams to work better togetherNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* Miro is an online whiteboard for hosting remote meetings, workshops, and brainstorming sessions * Marketing website states, "Track team activity and any changes made to your account with audit logs. See how teams are using Miro with detailed reporting on the number of boards created, new user invitations, and more. Coming soon: gain valuable insights into how teams are using Miro through the new analytics dashboard"In UseInstapage, Skyscanner, Cisco, UpworkRemote WorkAccel, ICONIQ CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
http://www.mishipay.comMishi PayMishiPay Ltdhttps://mishipay.comMishipay is an app that allows you to never have to stand in line to pay at a store againNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* Convert an existing retail store into an autonomous store that does not require human cashiers * Essentially clones 'Amazon Go' cashier-less stores, only requiring part-time human labor to restock shelvesIn UseUnknownRetail, GroceriesMassChallenge, American Express Ventures, True, Tech Nation Fintech, Nauta CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Ltdhttps://mishipay.comYes CUvd Robotshttps://www.uvd-robots.comUvd Robots is a Danish company that claims to be behind the "autonomous revolution in UV-C disinfection"YesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* This autonomous disinfectant robot can remove dangerous pathogens and microorganisms from washrooms, kitchens, and hospital rooms in 10 minutesIn UseUnknownAirports, Offices, EventsAlchemist Accelerator, Red Rowant, TerraVC, Moscow Seed Fund, Phystech VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/ADenmarkN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AUvd Robotshttps://www.uvd-robots.comYes HireModern Hire Inc Hire helps customers continually improve hiring across the enterprise through more personalized dataNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Modern Hire is a pre-employment assessment that claims to be able to predict job performance * It evaluates candidates before they are interviewed in order to give hiring teams insights into the candidate’s predicted workplace performanceIn UseAmazon, FedExRetail, Logistics, Transportation, ManufacturingUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Hire Inc is a device that logs your mood and tracks it, simply, securely, and discreetlyNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Moodbeam One is a device worn on the wrist, where workers press an up button when happy and a down button when unhappy. The data syncs in real-time when worn in the workplace * The device will vibrate periodically to ask workers to report data * Marketing website says, "Imagine knowing how your people and teams are feeling every day. Moodbeam offers you the tools to not only let your employees voice how their day is going, but see in real time how they’re feeling"In UsePrimary Care DirectHealth Care, Internet ServicesNPIF ‚ Mercia Equity FinanceUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, Inc is an on-demand removalist platform connecting people with trucks and trailers with people looking to move homesNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareContract* MoveQwik connects workers with customers who are moving and need help * Workers have no insurance provided and are paid set rates for moving items from one location to anotherIn UseN/AReal Estate, RelocationUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto Album, ContactsNoThis app does not make any public claims about its algorithmUnknownData is always being collected, even when the worker is not workingIt is not clear if the informed consent of workers is obtained before their personal information is collected or processedWorkers can access some of their own data, but not all of the data collected about themWorkers can correct some of their own data held about them, but not all of the data collected about themUnknownNoUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedIt is plausible that this app could explose workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown The privacy policy is incomplete and not specific enough to make an assessment about regulatory arbitrageThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.onqall.ioNo Inc is the maker of brainwave-controlled computing technology and applications that convert brainwaves into digital signalsNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingHardwareSalaried, management, non-management* Muse is a wearable device worn on the head that measure's a worker's brain waves * Marketing website states, "Help your employees lower stress, increase resilience, and improve their engagement" * Sleep tracking: "See how quickly you fell asleep and how restful your sleep was through lab-precision detail on sleep stage patterns and the amount of time spent in each sleep stage (awake, REM, light, deep) each night" * Sleep position tracking: "Sleep positioning shows you how long you spent in each sleeping position throughout the night, so you can see patterns in how your sleep position can affect your sleep quality" * Sleep efficiency score: "Monitor and improve your overall sleep efficiency by tracking how long you're spending in each sleep stage, as well as your efficiency in being able to achieve a restful state"In UseUnknownHealthcare, Offices, Remote WorkEPIC Capital, Trend Forward Capital, Build Ventures, Export Development Canada, OMERS Ventures, Bridge Builders Collaborative, Horizons Ventures, Flex Lab IXcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownCanadaUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy states, "Typically, we will retain your Muse account personal information for as long as you have an account on one or more of our Products We will delete your personal information from our Products if your account becomes inactive, ie, there has been no user log-in to the account for a period set by us from time-to time (such period of non-activity will not exceed 10 years) or if you withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information (eg, if you delete your account)"Only workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoAccurately track sleep cycle patterns of deep, light, and REM sleep you are getting each night as well as gain insights into your sleep performance through a Sleep Efficiency Score each morning to help track improvements and create your best sleep habits for restorative sleepUnknownData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesOnly the worker can see individual health dataUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePress Release: Policy: Inc Office DaysOn-d-mand develops software and apps for the catering, events, and facility industriesYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* App for booking workspaces. "Easily book working- and flex spots, meeting rooms, parking spots, shared cars, and lunch, using your smartphone" * View co-workers' bookings. "Always know when colleagues from your department are in the office" * Contract tracing in the event a worker tests positive for Covid-19In UseCoca-Cola, Heineken, Rituals, Pathé, Ziggo, Aegon, FundaOfficesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownThe NetherlandsUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/AOn-d-mand PlatformmyStrength, Inc offers web and mobile resources that enable patients with mental disorders to recover physically and mentallyNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* myStrength is an app and online website that workers can access to "help boost [their] emotional wellbeing" * Includes "evidence-based and clinically reviewed tools based in clinical models like CBT, acceptance, and commitment therapy" * Claims to be "83% as effective as face-to-face therapy at a fraction of the cost as evidenced by myStrength users"In UseWal-MartHealth, Wellness & FitnessUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, Inc
#National Basketball Association Covid-19 Testing RegimeNational Basketball Association National Basketball Association is a professional basketball league in North AmericaYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* All NBA players and staff wear Oura Smart Rings that monitor their location constantly * Twenty-two of the thirty NBA teams were invited to participate in the 'NBA Bubble' in Orlando for four months * All players/workers tested every second day for Covid-19, in addition to 10-day quarantine whenever they entered the bubbleDiscontinuedN/AEvents, SportsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable is the inventor and manufacturer of the Neo autonomous floor-scrubbing robotYesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Neo2 is a floor-scrubbing robot designed for airports and shopping malls that can autonomously clean 42,000 square feet per hourIn UseUnknownAirports, Offices, Events, Groceries, Warehouses, HospitalsSOSV, BDC Capital, 500 Startups, KCPL, Next47, GGV Capital, Real Ventures, True Ventures, HAXN/AN/AN/AN/AGermanyN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AAvidbothttps://www.avidbots.comYes
http://www.neolix.cnNeolixNeolix Technologieshttp://www.neolix.cnNeolix is a technologically innovative company that specializes in the production of physical and sports scenesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatform* Neoflix manufactures autonomous food delivery vehicles that drive slowly on sidewalks alongside pedestrians * Neolix’s shuttle-like cars are 24 x 24 x 24-meter in size and include four-wheel disc brakes. They detect and avoid obstacles using a combination of sensors and HD maps captured with “centimeter-level” accuracy * On the service side, Neolix provides a cloud platform that orchestrates vehicle dispatching, condition monitoring and visualization, error warning management, and driving data analysis. In the event something goes wrong, it enables remote operators to disengage the shuttles’ autonomous systemsIn UseHuawei, Alibaba, Meituan-Dianping, JD, NooncomFood Delivery, Transport, RetailLi Auto, Addor Capital, Oriza Seed Capital (Oriza Yuandian), Yunqi Partners, Glory VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo privacy policy availableN/ANeolix Technologieshttp://www.neolix.cnNo
https://www.nicealliance.orgNetwork of Intelligent Camera EcosystemNICE Alliance Network of Intelligent Camera Ecosystem Alliance seeks to propel and advance computer vision to bring forth the next generation of smart cameras to the market through strategic alliance and a proprietary framework to share and process data via smart camerasNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* NICE is a system "that fully exploit[s] the power of vision but protect[s] privacy by keeping the images in the camera and controlling which events are signaled by the sensor. Camera sensors have the power to do this, but until now there was no way to effectively tell them what to do and how" * For example, in a business setting you could upload the faces of workers and then instruct the cameras to ignore all images where those faces were present. You could then use video surveillance to look for anomalies without having to worry about any loss of privacy for workers * In addition, the system does not transmit images beyond its eyes, unless specifically instructed to do soIn UseFoxconn, Sony, Nikon, Scenera, WistronRetailN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AIsraelUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Alliancehttps://www.nicealliance.orgNo NICENICE Ltd Systems provides products that capture and analyze client interactions and transactions for businessesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformContract* NEVA NICE is an attended Robotic Desktop Automation Tool * The platform listens in on calls between workers and customers and provides the worker with suggestions and tools to help resolve the customer call. For example, the platform will display on the worker's computer the relevant customer profile/information * "NEVA guides the employee in real time according to their skills, the specific customer profile, the unique interaction context, and real-time insights from voice or chat-driven interactions. Her advanced decisioning engine provides employees with next-best-action guidance by prompting them with information related to disclosures, reminders, sales best practices, product details, etc., or by collecting relevant data from multiple screens and applications, and presenting it to them when they need it most. This facilitates first contact resolution and reduces handle time" * "NEVA removes desktop complexities to prevent employees from making mistakes. She can also automate multiple tasks on behalf of the employee such as summarizing data, copying and pasting data between applications, post-call wrapup tasks, verification checks and calculations (to name a few)" * According to the marketing website, "NEVA collects employee desktop data (such as keystrokes, field entries, etc.), which can be used for gaining operational and business insights"In UseHoneywellCall CenterUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownIsraelUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Ltd CandidateSearchNexxt, Inc is a recruitment companyNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* CandidateSearch is a recruitment search engine that searches across platforms for candidates to fill a position "Sometimes the best candidates don't come to you — but that doesn't mean they're not out there"In UseUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.nexxt.comNo
https://www.ninjavan.coNinjavanNinjavanhttps://www.ninjavan.coNinja Van is a tech-enabled express delivery firm serving businesses across Southeast AsiaNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Platform that connects workers with businesses who have items requiring local delivery * "Match orders in 3 seconds, deliver your goods immediately" * "Different vehicle types and courier services for all kinds of delivery needs" * "Professional and trained drivers ensure all your goods safely reach their destination" * "In-app tracking allows you and the receiver to track your order in real time during the delivery"In UseN/ADelivery, Logistics, TransportationMonk's Hill Ventures, Grab, B Capital Group, Golden Gate, Abraaj GroupN/AN/AN/AN/AMalaysiaUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
https://m1.nodle.ioNodle M1Nodle International builds robust low energy-powered networks to help companies and cities connect and collect data from their Internet-connected devices, sensors, and tagsYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* The Nodle M1 is a wearable device that buzzes when workers are too close to another, intended to help them social distance * HR departments can rapidly notify workers if a coworker they have interacted with has become infected with Covid-19 * "Minimizes scale of outbreaks and risk of shutting down work operations" * "Privacy-by-design and secure to protect corporate and personal identity; inside and outside the workplace"In UseUnknownManufacturing, Warehouses, Healthcare, Food Processing PlantsBlockchaincom Ventures, Blockchange Ventures, Blockhead Capital, Olymp Capital, Work Play Ventures, BootstrapLabsCompany-provided deviceDecentralizedWorker identity is anonymized or pseudonymizedLocation captured always when inside workplace; never outside workplaceCayman IslandsN/A - data stored locally on devicesNoData is retained for 14 daysOnly workers are being surveilledGPS, BluetoothNoneNo"The Nodle M1 securely records “smart interactions” between employees — measured in time, distance, and duration (but not location) — with high accuracy, reliability, and far better precision than a smartphone-based solution If an employee informs HR that they are infected or have tested positive for COVID-19, those who were in contact over the previous 14 days can be notified This process transpires using an on-premises secure server, while maintaining the utmost privacy and anonymity of employees The Whisper Tracing Protocol, an open source privacy-first framework, peer-reviewed by cryptographers at MIT, Stanford, USC and Oxford University has also been leveraged by governments internationally The Protocol provides for secure, encrypted interactions using wireless anonymization"YesData is captured continuously when the device is worn and the worker is inside their workplace (the device only connects to designated Wi-Fi networks, so should only connect to workplace Wi-Fi)UnknownUnknownUnknownHR departmentThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of this technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownN/A - data is not shared with third partiesNo Workers are unable to raise and/or resolve grievances with the device manufacturer, but depending upon who they are employed by, may be in a position to raise and/or resolve grievances with their employerYes Workers are obliged to wear the wearable deviceUnknown, but likely noAlthough this product captures location continuously, as workers cannot be individually identified, there are no freedom of association concerns associated with this product at this timeThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentN/A - data is stored locally on the deviceInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnavailable Policy: Internationalhttps://nodle.ioNo HealthNomad Health, Inc Health is an online marketplace for healthcare jobsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Platform for connecting registered nurses with employers * Nurses can choose the shifts they want to work * Platform assesses nurse's competency through "Prophecy testing," which is described as "a tool used to assess core clinical, situational, and behavioral competencies for nurses." Nurses must pass the Prophecy test before they can attend a work assignment * "You will only receive two attempts to fill out a Prophecy Exam, and if you do not meet the proficient score, your assignment will be canceled. You will not be allowed to apply for or work for jobs in that specialty for the next 6 months through our platform. After that time, you may re-apply for jobs in that specialty on Nomad" * It is not clear how (if at all) the platform ranks candidates for employer review/selection/hiringIn UseBloombergHealthcarePolaris Partners, RRE Ventures, 406 Ventures, Silicon Valley Bank, Icon Ventures, Company Ventures, First Round Capital, Grand Central TechN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Health, Inc
https://www.nuvolo.comNuvoloNuvolo Technologies Corporationhttps://www.nuvolo.comNuvolo is an integrated workplace management system that allows customers to manage their operations through a single platformNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Nuvolo is a field service management platform for assigning work to field workers * Allows an employer to track the work done by field technicians: 'Empower your field technicians with mobility to track and report their work. Data then rolls up to a single connected workplace platform so you have a bird's-eye view of all work being done across your business" * "Easily dispatch and schedule technicians to customer locations, enable smart dispatch routing to optimize the experience for call center agents, and automate work order management, while keeping track of assets and parts inventory"In UseUnknownUtilities, Energy, Manufacturing, Transportation, LogisticsServiceNow, Insight Partners, New Enterprise Associates, GE Ventures, Kaiser Permanente VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies Corporationhttps://www.nuvolo.comNo gaze detectionNvidia Corporation is a computing platform company, innovating at the intersection of graphics, HPC, and AIYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareUnknown* Nvidia has patented a technology that installs cameras in a vehicle in order to track what a driver is looking at at any given point in time * By tracking a driver’s gaze direction, the system can detect whether a driver is looking out a windshield while driving, or looking away, such as in the rear-view mirror In turn, the system can see if a driver is distracted or unable to see an event. For example, imagine someone is walking in front of a vehicle and the system can see that the driver is not looking out the windshield. The system could determine that a user won’t be able to stop the vehicle in time, so it could intervene to stop the vehicle * In order to train models that can estimate a driver’s gaze, Nvidia would need to train a model on drivers looking at various points of interest in a vehicle. Once enough data is collected, the model can be rolled out for that specific vehicle * Besides tracking for distraction, Nvidia imagine looking at a driver’s gaze for understanding the context behind voice instructions in a vehicle. For example, if a driver is looking at the passenger seat window and says “lower that window," the instruction could be properly understood and executedIn DevelopmentN/ALogistics, TransportationSequoia Capital, SoftBank Vision Fund, DARPA, TriplePoint Capitalcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable - product still in developmentNvidia Corporation Smart PlatformOcado Group is an online grocery retailerNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* The Ocado Smart Platform is sold to retailers around the world (Kroger's in the U.S.) and powers the grocer's e-commerce website, fulfilment warehouses, and logistics operations * Inside these warehouses, high-speed Ocado robots move around and pick products for customers’ orders from atop a 3D grid of crates packed with items ​* A 50-item order is picked in 2 minutes with 99% accuracy, then bagged by robots and ready for transport * The platform then routes deliveries to homes in the most direct way. "The Ocado Smart Platform starts calculating the most efficient route for a driver to take as soon as an order is made" * Workers cannot deviate from these routes unless there are extraordinary circumstances * Ocado drivers work under pervasive electronic monitoringIn UseKroger'sRetail, GroceriesGeneration Investment ManagementN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technology Integrated Optimization and NavigationUnited Parcel Service Parcel Service is a multinational package delivery and supply chain management companyNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation (ORION) uses "expansive fleet telematics and advanced algorithms to gather and calculate countless amounts of data to provide UPS drivers with optimized routes" * "The technology helps UPS drivers to determine the optimal way to deliver and pick up packages within a set of stops defined by start time, commit time, pick-up windows and special customer needs" * The system relies on online map data, customized by UPS, to calculate miles and travel time to plan the most cost-effective routes * ORION saves UPS about 100 million miles per year, according to a UPS press release. "That's a reduction of 10 million gallons of fuel consumed." It also reduces carbon dioxide emissions by about 100,000 metric tons. * "A reduction of just one mile of driving per driver per day over one year can save UPS at least $50 million"In UseUPSTransportation, LogisticsN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersBluetooth, GPSN/ANoAccurately calculate optimized driver routes and package delivery timesYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePress Releases:; Parcel Service Inc is a cybersecurity technology companyNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* OneSpan's identity verification service "leverage[s] AI & Biometric Verification" in order to "verify the authenticity of ID documents in real-time and compare facial biometric data" * The service is used to verify worker's identity and/or drivers license by gig economy platformsIn UseSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, RabobankComputer SoftwareN/A - Publicly traded companyUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Inc
https://onfido.comOnfido Identity VerificationOnfidohttps://onfido.comOnfido is a technology company designed to automate the process of identity verificationNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Onfido is an identity verification platform, and does not offer conventional background checks * However, it is used by various gig economy platforms to verify the identities of workers, their right to work in a country, and their driver’s licenseIn UseHandycomAll sectorsCapability and Innovation Fund, Crane Venture Partners, TPG Growth, Acequia Capital (Acecap), M12, Tuesday Capital, Salesforce Ventures, Talis Capital, Idinvest Partners, Augmentum FintechN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
https://onlyfans.comOnlyFansFenix International Limited is a content subscription service. Content creators can earn money from users who subscribe to their content—their "fans"NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* OnlyFans is a platform that connects content creators with their 'fans' who pay to access their content * The platform takes a 20% commission from each sale * Reporting in The New York Times and Rest of World has chronicled the impact of the pandemic, and lack of a social safety net, on individuals who have turned to OnlyFans to make a living * The New York Times reported in January 2021, "Many of the creators who have joined the platform out of dire financial need do not have large social media followings or any way to drum up consistent business" * The Times also cautioned, "Creators can also be subject to 'capping,' a practice in which users take unauthorized screenshots or recordings and then share them elsewhere on the internet. OnlyFans creators have also received death and rape threats on social media"In UseUnknownArtists, Creator EconomyNo outside investorsworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can adopt pseudonyms, but at the platform level, data can be paired to individual workers by their legal namesLocation not capturedUnited KingdomUnited States, European UnionYesThe privacy policy states, "We retain personal data for a period of six (6) months after a user closes their account, and certain personal data for longer periods to the extent we deem necessary to carry out the processing activities described above, including but not limited to compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and requests of relevant law enforcement and/or other governmental agencies, and to the extent we reasonably deem necessary to protect our and our partners’ rights, property, or safety, and the rights, property, and safety of our users and other third parties Under applicable law, we are required to retain certain financial information for seven (7) years"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraPhoto LibraryNoN/AYesN/AYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesN/ANoUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerNo Use of this product is voluntaryN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable;; Policy: International Limitedhttps://fenixinternational.comYes
https://www.onqall.ioOnQallOnQall, Inc is an on-demand task services app that connects customers with background-checked service providers in their local area to complete home chores like house cleaning, junk removal, lawn care, and small home repairsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Platform that connects workers with local service providers for house cleaning, junk removal, land care, and small home repairs * Workers subject to constant, pervasive surveillance monitoringIn UseN/AHousehold Help, Home ImprovementUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPS, BluetoothPhoto Album, ContactsNoThis app does not make any public claims about its algorithmUnknownData is always being collected, even when the worker is not workingIt is not clear if the informed consent of workers is obtained before their personal information is collected or processedWorkers can access some of their own data, but not all of the data collected about themWorkers can correct some of their own data held about them, but not all of the data collected about themUnknownNoUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedIt is plausible that this app could explose workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknown The privacy policy is incomplete and not specific enough to make an assessment about regulatory arbitrageThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.onqall.ioNo, Inc delivers cloud-based human capital management software to solve workforce challenges in healthcareYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* OnShift is a time and attendance software that "utilizes facial recognition biometric technology to decrease labor costs, improve timecard accuracy, and reduce payroll errors—all without the need for traditional, expensive timeclocks" * Workers clock in and out of their shifts from an app on their cellphone * Employers can "implement pre-screening questionnaires that screen staff for common symptoms of the novel coronavirus at every clock-in" * "Reduce excess labor costs with real-time insights into punches, overtime, and potential clock-riding" * "Seamlessly integrate job costing data directly to payroll to ensure accuracy" * Analytics functions include "proactive hiring recommendations" that can "pinpoint positions you need to hire based on analysis of your staffing patterns" and employers can "model scenarios to target positions with the greatest impact so you can prioritize positions to fill"In UsePrestige Healthcare, Altercare, HCF Management, Marklund, The Goodman GroupHealthcare, Care Homes, EducationJumpStart, Clearlake Capital Group, HLM Venture Partners, Flashstarts, North Coast VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc Optronic IndustriesOpgal Optronic Industries Ltd Optronics Industries manufactures thermal imaging safety and security systems and infrared camerasYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformContract* Opgal manufactures a number of thermal cameras, including the Therm-App MD Pro Mobile Thermography Device for Elevated Body Temperature Estimation * This camera can detect faces in 5 seconds and can measure temperatures from multiple camera angles * Its "Advanced Deep Learning Algorithm" has "real-time base auto-adjustment to compensate for localized climate change" to ensure accuracyIn UseUnknownElectrical & Electronic ManufacturingUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownIsraelIsraelUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Optronic Industries Ltd HousekeepingOptii Solutions, LLC Solutions is the creator of Optii Keeper, a housekeeping labor optimization solutionNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly* Optii Housekeeping is a platform that “optimizes labor and cleaning sequences for planning efficiency and faster turnaround times” by “employ[ing] predictive, intelligent AI to optimize room attendant routes in real time to deliver cleaning efficiency and an excellent guest experience” * The platform “manages room attendant and room status with intelligent automation, eliminating ineffective manual communications” and expensive supervisors * It “tracks and traces audit trails for cost-efficiency per occupied room” and “trains team members on evolving cleaning protocols, like irregular stayovers and delayed departure cleans”In UseAT&T Hotel and Conference Center, various independent hotels Hospitality, HotelsThayer Ventures, Kinetic Ventures, NextGen Venture Partners, Select Venture Partners, Camber Creek, Brisbane Angels, MetaPropWorker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesData is being captured while a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableOptii Solutions, LLC Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition PlusOracle Corporation is an integrated cloud application and platform services that sells a range of enterprise information technology solutionsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* This platform provides centralized data access and calculation to all of a business' processes that consume information * "Users interact with a logical view of the information—completely hidden from data structure complexity while simultaneously preventing runaway queries—and can easily create charts, pivot tables, reports, and visually appealing dashboards, all of which are fully interactive and drillable and can be saved, shared, modified, formatted, or embedded in the user's personalized Oracle BI Intelligence Dashboards. The results are new levels of business user self-sufficiency in an environment that is fully secure and controlled by IT" * For example, it is used by a quick service restaurant chain to monitor social media for terms like “wage theft,” “low pay is not ok,” and “fissured workplace” and to cross-reference user’s real names against company-held employment records along with who they interact withIn UseMcDonald'sRetail, Manufacturing, Logistics, Offices, ConsultingN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesConfigurableUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Corporation Retail XBRi Loss Prevention Cloud ServiceOracle Corporation is an integrated cloud application and platform services that sells a range of enterprise information technology solutionsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Oracle's "Retail XBRi Loss Prevention" system constantly monitors cashiers * It provides managers with a ranked list of "high-risk" workers to "identify suspicious trends, transactions, and other data anomalies"In UseAdidasRetailN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesConfigurableUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableOracle Corporation XBRi Sales and Productivity CloudOracle Corporation is an integrated cloud application and platform services that sells a range of enterprise information technology solutionsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Oracle Sales and Productivity Cloud "helps companies to be more flexible, accountable, and responsive to improve sales effectiveness and achieve targeted revenue goals" * Align individual quotes to an overall sales strategy: "set individualized management objectives to drive desired behaviors and increase the performance of each individual in executing an overall sales strategy" * Constantly refine worker quotas: "Use advanced planning capabilities to calculate sales objectives based on current territory potential or past performance as opposed to 'gut feel'" * Track worker performance automatically against sales objectives using sales performance dashboards and reports * Alert managers to "performance problems as they occur so they can take corrective actions" * "Construct leaderboards and scorecards to further recognize and reward sales performance" * "Identify top performers and their best practices then determine how to transition 'B players' into top performers"In UseAdidasRetailN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesConfigurableUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableOracle Corporation Health ScoreSociometric Solutions, Inc trading as Humanyze helps businesses measure how work gets done by their workersNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Humanize passively measures company-owned data from enterprise communication and collaboration systems such as Gsuite, Office 365, Slack, and Gmail, among others * In doing so, the marketing website claims "it tells you if your people are happy, your teams are productive, and if your organization can adapt to change"In UseBank of America, United States Army, NASA, Boston Consulting GroupOffices, Remote WorkSafar Partners, Romulus Capital, Dunnhumby Ventures, Boston Seed Capital, MIT Media Labcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknown30 daysOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnclear It would appear some employers have made the use of this tool voluntary, whereas others make it mandatoryUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy:
https://osaro.comOsaroOsaro, Inchttps://osaro.comOsaro is an artificial intelligence company developing products based on proprietary deep reinforcement learning technologyNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Osaro has two products; both are built on a "core technology of learning algorithms and sophisticated robotic control to enable industrial robots to see and manipulate objects in warehouses and factories around the world" * Osaro Vision helps existing robots identify objects. It can identify "all types of objects from simple or opaque to shiny or transparent. It's also packed with features like orientation detection and grasp position locators" * Osaro Control helps optimize and improve the movements of robots. It is "specifically designed to complement Vision in key deployment environments where tight integration and high performance are critical" * This platform is helping automate warehouses and improve the effectiveness of robots, thus contributing to a downturn in the need for human workers in these environmentsIn UseUniversal Robots, ABB, Kuka, Intel, IHI, Innotech Corporation, Dematic, Fanuc, KawasakiManufacturingFounders Fund, Peter Thiel, ZhenFund, Compound, Elad GilN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Notice:, Inchttps://osaro.comNo RingOura Health Oy Oura Ring is a finger-based health tracker that can help you keep tabs on your activity level, sleep, and general well-beingYesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingHardwareContract* Oura Ring is a wearable device worn like a ring on a finger that "measures the physiological signals of your body" such as heart rate, skin temperature, and amount of sleep * Las Vegas Sands bought 1,000 smart rings for its workers, as it "had seen studies indicating that the devices, worn on a finger, could potentially predict the onset of Covid-19 symptoms" * Data can be synced between the ring, a worker's cellphone, and corporate systemsIn UseUnknownHealth, Wellness & FitnessGradient Ventures, Carl Pei, Square, Forerunner Ventures, Dave Morin, Nico Wittenborn, Biz Stone, Lance Armstrong, Kevin Lin, Jeremy YapUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownFinlandUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Health Oy Forensic DetectiveOxygen Forensics, Inc Forensics makes forensic data examination tools for mobile devicesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Oxygen Forensic Detective is a "forensic software platform built to extract, decode, and analyze data from multiple digital sources: mobile and IoT devices, device backups, UICC and media cards, drones, and cloud services" * It can "find passwords to encrypted device backups and images," "bypasses screen lock on popular Android OS devices," "acquires data from cloud services and storages," "collect user data on Windows, MacOS, and Linux PCs," "import and analyz[e] call data records," and "provide social links analysis" * Corporate investigators can upload "reference photos" of a worker and the tool can scan files and cloud services with its facial recognition technology to locate other photos with that workerIn UseUnknownLaw Enforcement, Government, OfficesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Forensics, Inc Roboticshttps://www.skylinerobotics.comSkyline Robotics is an at-heights industrial automation companyNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Ozmo is a window cleaning robot that claims it can clean a skyscraper six times faster than human workers canIn UseUnknownEnterprises, OfficesKärcher New Venture, Creative Destruction Lab, ICONYC labsN/AN/AN/AN/AIsraelN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/ASkyline Roboticshttps://www.skylinerobotics.comNo FoundryPalantir Technologies offers software applications designed for integrating, visualizing, and analyzing data, and fighting fraudNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Palantir has offered its services to corporate clients since at least 2009 through its "Palantir Foundry" * Palantir Foundry is a platform that "reimagines how people use data by removing the barriers between back-end data management and front-end data analysis. Foundry enables users with varying technical ability and deep subject matter expertise to work meaningfully with data. With Foundry, anyone can source, connect, and transform data into any shape they desire, then use it to take action" * While little public information about this tool is available, it is known that the bank JP Morgan used Palantir Foundry to "collect emails, browser histories, and GPS locations from company phones, as well as transcripts from recorded phone conversations." The surveillance was sanctioned by the bank as a means to keep tabs on potentially dishonest traders, according to Bloomberg NewsIn UseJP MorganFinancial Services, Manufacturing, Retail, Law Enforcement, Government, Insurance, Energy, HealthcareN/A - publicly tradedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies
https://www.paradox.aiParadoxParadox, Inchttps://www.paradox.aiParadox is an AI company that helps companies capture and screen candidates, improve conversions, and answer all candidate questionsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, non-management* Paradox is a recruitment/hiring tool for hourly workers whose "conversational AI assistant [is] saving the world's best talent acquisition teams countless hours every day and creating world-class candidate experiences by automating all kinds of recruiting tasks through smart, simple conversations" * Paradox schedules job interviews, answers worker questions, and sends reminder messages * Claims a "90% reduction in time to hire from application to offer acceptance" * Integrates with tools that candidates already use, like WhatsApp, WeChat, and Facebook MessengerIn UseUnilever, McDonald's, Nestle, CVS Health, The Walt Disney Company, AramarkRestaurants, Retail, Healthcare, Trucking, Logistics, Financial ServicesBrighton Park CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.paradox.aiNo Pace Systems, Inc Pace is a professional services company that offers custom application development and financial services consultingYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareStudent-athletes, workers in athletic departments at institutions of higher education* Covid-19 symptom screening * Daily compliance notification and reminders if daily screening input is missed * Daily compliance log * Exposure trackingIn UseCC PaceEducationUnknownPersonal DeviceCentralizedIdentifiableN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoPersonal health information will be automatically deleted after 21 days Workers may contact CC Pace to delete this information before 21 daysStudent-athletes primarilyN/ARemindersNoN/AYesData is only collected when the app or a webpage is opened and data is self-reported by the userUnknownUnknownUnknownTrainers and CoachesUnknownAmazon Web ServicesCC Pace will not share personal information with any third parties But additional terms of use might be dictated by the institution licensing this program and this could entail third parties gaining access to dataNoYesThe app does not collect information about race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, intent to have children, number of dependents, religion, or similar information that could have the potential to lead to discriminatory decision-making The data collected by the app is minimalIt is unclear how the app's contact tracing function works, given it does not collect location data automatically From screenshots, it would appear users can manually type in the names of persons they have interacted with in the event that they have a positive Covid-19 diagnosis If this is the extent of the app's contact tracing function, it would seem unlikely to have a negative impact on freedom of associationThe app and website does not expose people to an unsafe environment nor interfere with medical devicesN/AUnknown CC Pace does not publish information on its supply chainN/AAn identical product is offered in all marketsNoUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Pace Systems, Inchttps://www.ccpace.comNo SafePlacesPathCheck Foundation at MIT, PathCheck Foundation is a global nonprofit dedicated to creating healthy and resilient communities by protecting public health, containing pandemics, and strengthening economies while preserving individual privacyYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitorsSafeSpaces is a pandemic response mobile app that engages workers through: * Covid-19 exposure notifications * Covid-19 symptom checking * Delivering trusted workplace news and information * Helping exposed users self-quarantineIn UseState of Minnesota, Government of GuamGovernment, Healthcare, Education, RetailN/Aworker’s own deviceDecentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesData is stored in the country of deployment; therefore, US data is stored in the US and not transferred abroadUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersBluetooth, GPSNoneNoN/AYesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themNoOnly State health departments, if someone tests positive for Covid-19There is an internal policy prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesNoneNoneN/A - use of the app is voluntaryWorkers voluntarily choose to use the softwareThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsUnknownThe company complies only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Institute of Technology Inc is a web-based platform for teaching in-demand tech skills for workNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* Pathstream offers 5 certificate programs aligned to "high-demand career pathways": Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, 3D Immersive Design, Salesforce Administration, and Project Management * The certificates take 4-6 months to obtain, with a part-time commitment * Pathstream earns revenue from student tuition, government grants, and placement fees when graduates accept jobs with employers * Pathstream is incentivized to deliver training that meets employer (funder) expectations, rather than meet the interests of students or society, even though workers/students shoulder the majority of the costIn UseN/AEducationNew Ground Ventures, Bisk Ventures, Heritas Capital, Rethink Education, TDM Partnersworker’s own deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownN/AN/AN/ANoN/AN/AN/AYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc operates an online platform that lets artists get paid directly by fans for content subscriptionsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Patreon is a platform that connects content creators with their "fans," who pay to access their content * Content creators pay four different fees to Patreon: a platform fee, payment processing fees, payout fees, and currency conversion fees * The vast majority of Patreon’s creators make less than $500 per month. According to tracking service Graphtreon, only 9,200 users made more in 2019In UseUnknownArtists, Creator EconomyLone Pine Capital, New Enterprise Associates, Glade Brook Capital Partners, Wellington Management, Terrence Rohan, Index Ventures, Hannibal Buress, Freestyle Capital, CRV, Initialized Capital, Thrive Capital, Allen & Company LLC, Accomplice, Sam Altman, David Marcus, Hydrazine Capital, Ooga Labs, Joshua Schachter, Alexis Ohanian, Atlas Ventures, CAA Ventures, StartX (Stanford-StartX Fund), UTA Ventures, SV Angel, Joshua Reeves, Garry Tan, Rothenberg Ventures, SVAngel, Tyler Willis, Freestyle Capital, Jonathan TeoN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc is a data preparation platform built to assist analysts in turning raw data into ready data for analyticsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Paxata provides a "self-service data preparation solution for business and technical teams to visually clean, integrate, and govern data at scale" * Marketing website states, "Firms need accurate, trustworthy and timely information from disparate internal and external sources for investigative analytics to uncover and address risk and compliance. Only Paxata leverages machine learning and governance to automate the data collection, preparation, and distribution process, making it easier, simpler, faster, and cost-effective for risk and compliance professionals to discover, address, and prevent risk and compliance issues" * "Paxata Rapid Data Profiling enables you to scan your data in its entirety and visualize anomalies, outliers, and patterns, so you can discover your business rules. Once identified, Paxata Self-Service Data Preparation can validate and transform your data visually and in real time into consistent and accurate information" * While the product website is ambiguous about use, its collection of worker (and customer) data provides individual organizations with the capability to surveil workers, should they opt to do soIn UsePolaris, Vizient, Hitachi, Sanyo DenkiFinancial Services, Insurance, High-Tech, Retail, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Public SectorAccenture, DTCP, Cisco, EDBI, Intel Capital, AirTree Ventures, In-Q-TelN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: By FacePreciate develops customer recognition softwareYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, non-management* Preciate's facial recognition technology allows businesses to offer customers personalized service when they walk in the door * Increase workplace efficiencies by allowing customers to self-checkout Preciate's facial recognition technology can verify customer ages for age-restricted products and process payments to customer credit cards (a la Amazon Go)In UseIsraeli clothing chain Fox, US luxury retail chains The Webster and ShowfieldsRetailUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownIsraelUnknown - possibly IsraelUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersN/A - No hardware is utilizedN/AYesThe company has not released any public statements on its algorithmUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWe know that customers are obliged or pressured to use the software While it does not yet actively seek to surveil workers, it seems inevitable that it could capture data about workers given its software and hardware is installed in their workplacesThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable,7340,L-3884071,00html; Policy: https://preciateme/privacy-security/N/APreciate Financial WellnessPayActiv, Inc offers a holistic financial wellness platform for employeesNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformHourly, contract, salaried* Workers can cash out their daily earnings (wages or tips) without waiting for their regular paycheck * While PayActiv charges no fees to workers (provided their incoming pay check covers the cash advance), it does charge a "program fee of $1 on the day you use bank transfer, card load, cash access, Bill Pay, Uber, or Amazon. It covers all transactions until midnight Pacific Time that day. This fee is capped at $5 per pay period, even if you use Payactiv more than 5 days in a pay period" * Workers will pay heavy late repayment fees if their employer is late sending a pay checkIn UseAlorica, Wal-Mart, Uber, TTEC, Mercy, Murphy USA, Pizza Hut, Perdue, The Fresh Market, Subway, Signature Healthcare, ReddyIce, Veggiegrill, NYC Taxi, Hilton Hotels & ResortsRetail, Manufacturing, Logistics, Transportation, Healthcare, Education, Hospitality, Restaurants, TechnologyZiegler Link-Age Funds, Generation Partners, Eldridge, SoftBank Capital, Acorn Pacific VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc, Inc is a provider of online payroll processing, human resource management services, and timekeeping softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Paycor Analytics enables organizations "to gain deeper insights into important [organizational] data like turnover, headcount, and gender pay equity You can also gain a holistic understanding of your organization by extracting and compiling key data points from your HR and payroll solutions. And if you’re an HR leader, our people analytics tools arm you with the data you need to show the true value your department brings to your organization" * Benchmarking tool - "See how you stack up against the competition by leveraging EEOC government data that can be filtered and sorted with different parameters" * Increase productivity - "Predict absences, reduce overtime hours, increase productivity, and other KPIs based on historical data" * Analyze compensation - "Compare compensation in various attributes including department, location, and job title to ensure compliance and monitor pay equity" * Monitor risk - "Easily identify potential fraud by monitoring trends in overtime, absenteeism, payroll and more to help reduce risk"In UseDetroit Zoo, PURE Dental Brands, YMCA, Seaway's, Wendy's, Two Men and a TruckHealthcare, Restaurants, Professional Services, Education, Manufacturing, Retail, NonprofitsFranklin Templeton Investments, Teca Partners, ClearBridge Investments, Leumi Partners, Neuberger Berman Group, Qatar Investment Authority, Canada Pension Plan Investment BoardUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc Workforce IntelligencePegasystems Inc provides business process and customer relationship management solutions for organizationsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Pega Workforce Intelligence is a platform that allows organizations to perform "granular, step-by-step analysis of critical processes and learn the most efficient paths to valuable outcomes" * Assess the impact of change - "Discover the business value of making impactful changes. Use data to decide which process changes and automations deliver the greatest return" * Uncover people insights - "Make new discoveries into worker productivity Identify unintended behaviors and digital distractions that impact employee experience" * Discover digital distractions - "Find out which applications stand in the way of an optimal experience, and stop slow applications and unnecessary screens from adding bottlenecks and increasing the chance for errors" * Elevate customer experience and agent performance - "Halt employee and customer headaches caused by bad processes and ill-defined workflows Combine the power of desktop analytics with CRM metrics to foster better employee engagement and happier customers"In UseAthora, ANZ, American Express, Anthem, Alere, Alfa-Bank, AirEuropa, Aegon, Aflac, Acso, Aegis, Great American Insurance Group, Achmea, Oi, Commonwealth BankFinancial Services, Insurance, Healthcare, Communications, Government, Manufacturing, High-Tech, Energy, UtilitiesGolden Triangle Angel NetworkUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Inc Technologies Group Inc Technologies Group is an e-learning services companyNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformContract* PeopleFluent’s performance management software helps managers manage goals, objectives, and competencies for their team, and allows individual contributors to tackle daily tasks, like goal tracking and evaluations * Know your people - "You might have a superstar on staff, a born leader, an innovative thinker, and not even know it. With PeopleFluent’s powerful talent profiles, your performance management process will help you pinpoint the skills you need for important roles. And the people who can fill them" * Calibrate targets - "You track performance so you can adjust as needed. But adjusting employee performance isn’t like pulling a lever. It’s complicated, and you need clear feedback. PeopleFluent Performance Management software gives employees and managers the clarity they need to make the right adjustments" * Evidence-informed decision making - "When the future of your people – and your organization – is on the line, gut feelings aren’t enough. Big decisions need data behind them. Our software gives you the information you need, so you and your managers can make the right moves"In UseCCI Systems, Serco, Hertz, Medical College of WisconsinEducation, Healthcare, Retail, Logistics, Transportation, ManufacturingUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies Group Inchttps://www.ltgplc.comYes robotSoftbank Robotics robot-related products and servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Pepper is a human-like robot designed to deliver customer service in retail environments * Pepper will approach and "answer your customers’ questions, providing the latest product and promotional info, so your customers are more likely to learn, understand, and buy" * Pepper gathers data on customers and workers - "Pepper gathers data over the course of conversations, learning people’s tastes, traits, preferences, and habits to help personalize responses and better address needs. Pepper also collects new info to help you better understand both your customers and your business"In UseUnknownRetail, Banking, Education, Hospitality, HealthcareAlibaba Group, Foxconn Technology GroupN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Robotics Merchandise ProtectionPercepta Labs is a medley of engineers and entrepreneurs on a mission to revolutionize loss preventionYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Percepta uses "proprietary AI technology to analyze existing security camera feeds" and alerts workers to shoplifting incidents in real-time * "Percepta leverages cutting-edge pose estimation tech to anonymize demographic features of shoppers. Our AI is trained to take race, gender, and age bias out of the equation" * Claims to be always on - "When your employees are doing what's important and helping customers, we're always keeping an eye out for you"In UseUnknownRetailADT Commercial, Comcast NBCUniversal LIFT Labs Accelerator, TechstarsUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable publicly accessible privacy policy is availableN/APercepta Labs, Inc claims to be revolutionizing the employee survey and people analytics industryNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Perceptyx surveys a workforce periodically, and based upon responses to questions about compensation and a manager’s style, develops a “union vulnerability index” to identify individual workers and teams that may be open to organizing effortsIn UseDell, Hitachi, Standard Charted, 21st Century Fox, FedExConsulting, Retail, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logistics, Transportation, EnterpriseTCVUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable on-.organizing-a7e28a8c2158Privacy Policy:, Inc, SAhttps://anybrain.ggReal-time adaptive system that monitors and manages mental fatigue in a non-invasive and non-intrusive wayNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Fatigue management software for call centers * Marketing website states, "Track and detect mental fatigue in real-time using machine learning to analyze the user interaction patterns with the computer. It's a one-click installation with no extra hardware required" * "Performetric allows you to correlate productivity and performance metrics with mental fatigue, improving workforce management and revealing hidden patterns" * "Measuring mental fatigue in your team will allow you to manage pauses and shifts effectively which translates into increased performance and better results"In UseFujitsuCall CenterUnknownCompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedPortugalUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy states, "We shall not keep any personal data longer than necessary, but acknowledge that this will be dependent on the different types of documents and data that we have responsibility for As such, our general data retention period shall be for a period of 1 year after cancellation or termination of the use of our services"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersMicrophone, Keyboard, MouseUnknownNoMarketing website states, "Our software detects mental fatigue through analysis of the user’s computer interactions via the keyboard and mouse"YesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesUnknownManagers, HRThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of this technology for discriminatory purposesAzure, Mailjet, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, ZendeskThe privacy policy states, "Performetric shall process the Personal Data solely for the provision of the Performetric Services, and shall not otherwise (i) process and use Personal Data for purposes other than those set forth in the Performetric Agreement or as instructed by Client, or (ii) disclose such Personal Data to third parties other than Performetric affiliates or sub processors for the aforementioned purposes or as required by law"The privacy policy directs workers to contact their employer with any concerns about the product: "Where the Services are made available to you through an organization (eg your employer), that organization is the administrator of the Services and is responsible for the accounts and/or Service sites over which it has control If this is the case, please direct your data privacy questions to your administrator, as your use of the Services is subject to that organization's policies We are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of an administrator's organization, which may be different than this policy"Yes Workers are obliged to use the productThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNo, there are no freedom of association concerns associated with this product as it does not capture a worker's locationThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentNo The product offers uniform privacy protections across jurisdictionsThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, SAhttps://anybrain.ggYes
#Personalization AnywhereMcDonald's Corporation's Corporation operates and franchises McDonald's restaurants worldwideNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, non-management* McDonald’s currently uses this decision technology to provide a personalized customer experience by varying outdoor digital Drive Thru menu displays to show food based on time of day, weather, current restaurant traffic, and trending menu items * Using data, the decision technology can also instantly suggest and display additional items to a customer's order based on their current selections. This technology powers the McDonald's mobile app and in-restaurant touch screens, allowing customers to place orders without interacting with human workersIn UseMcDonald'sHospitality, RetailN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited States, IsraelYesUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePress Release: Policy: Yield Ltd
https://www.personio.comPersonioPersonio GmbHhttps://www.personio.comPersonio is developing an HR management and recruiting platform for SMEs and startupsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Personio is an HR "operating system" for small- and medium-size businesses * Recruiting features - "Publish job offers with one click and convince applicants with a smooth and fast hiring process" * HR management features - "Maintain all personnel data and documents centrally and manage onboarding processes, absences, and time registration/attendances" * Payroll features - "Use personal and transactional data from personnel files for payroll, saving time with automated updates and processes" * Document performance reviews and development milestones and define initiatives and objectives for employees, through feedback, to drive company growthIn UseFacileit, Spendesk, Mindful Chef, Futurice, Papercup, Statista, Heidelberg EngineeringConsulting, Retail, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Hospitality, Logistics, Transportation, EnterpriseIndex Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Northzone, Accel, Picus CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: GmbHhttps://www.personio.comYes
https://pickupnow.comPickUpPICKUP NOW, Inchttps://pickupnow.comPickUp is an enterprise-grade, same-day delivery provider delivering everything big and smallNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* PickUp partners with local businesses to offer them home delivery services for bulky items like furniture * Workers must own a 2005 or later truck and be comfortable lifting items up to 100 lb * Workers are not insured for damage to themselves or their vehicle * Workers are paid a flat fee of $25 per delivery, which may take longer than an hour to complete and entail driving up to 50 miles. (Workers may also receive tips from customers) * Workers are not reimbursed for tolls or parking * Workers have little flexibility to select their jobs and are subject to constant, pervasive electronic surveillanceIn UseUnknownDelivery, Logistics, TransportationNew York Angels, TDF Ventures, Noro-Moseley Partners, Florida Funders, Autotech Ventures, NewRoad Capital Partners, Miami Angels, EngageN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: BV operates an online platform created to provide grocery supermarket services at low pricesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Instacart-like service - workers deliver groceries via bicycle or car * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items in short delivery windows * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/ARetail, GroceriesDe Hoge Dennen Capital, ABN AMRO Fund, NPM Capital, Hoyberg, FinciN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://picnicapp/nl/privacybeleid/N/APicnic BV
https://www.piestro.comPiestroPiestro, Inc (k/k/a Future Labs VI, Inc) is an automated robotic pizza shop that delivers high-quality artisanal pizzas within 3 minutes NoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Piestro is a robot that assembles and cooks pizzas in 3 minutes * According to its website, “By all but eliminating the retail footprint and labor costs associated with producing pizza, Piestro is able to maintain high-quality ingredients in order to make better pizzas and offer them at lower prices to customers” In DevelopmentN/ARestaurantsUnknown - currently raising fundsN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/ANo at Buffalo State University of New York at Buffalo, commonly referred to as University at Buffalo, is a public research university in New York stateYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareContract* App that seeks to help slow the spread of Covid-19 "and potentially other infectious diseases, by using privacy-preserving technologies to improve contact tracing"In DevelopmentUnknownEducationN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailableN/AUniversity of Buffalohttps://www.buffalo.eduNo FraudcasterThomson Reuters Reuters delivers critical information from the financial, legal, accounting, intellectual property, science, and media marketsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Pondera "leverages advanced prediction algorithms and the power of cloud computing to combat fraud, waste, and abuse" * "Pondera combines powerful analytics, special investigation services, and intuitive design to deliver the most important leads to your analysts and investigators" * "Trends, patterns, clusters, and individual leads are delivered through easy to interpret graphs, link charts, tables, and other methods to clearly display the cause for suspicion" * "Pondera continually improves detection accuracy with machine learning and structured customer feedback processes to keep pace with emerging fraud trends and methods" * "Pondera employs advanced prediction and machine learning algorithms to identify outliers and fraud schemes" * Social media analyzer examines an individual's "social media footprint to analyze unusual behaviors and previously unknown relationships"In UseUnknownGovernment, Law EnforcementImpact Venture Capital, Serent CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownCanadaUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable privacy policy specific to this product is availableN/AThomson Reuters
https://pony.aiPonyaiPonyai is a startup that builds full-stack autonomous driving solutionsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Ponyai is an autonomous vehicle startup developing "an agnostic virtual driver for all sizes of vehicles, from small cars to large trucks, and to operate on both ridesharing and logistics (delivery) service networks" * At present, it is mainly applying its automated technology to the long-haul trucking market * Ponyai's technology seeks to reduce the need (or eliminate altogether) human drivers for deliveriesIn UseUnknownArtificial Intelligence, Data and Analytics, Information Technology, Science and Engineering, Software, TransportationSequoia Capital, 5Y Capital, Toyota Motor Corporation, DCM Ventures, Sequoia Capital ChinaN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Group Group is a retail technology holding company that focuses on using technology to transform the restaurant and retail industriesYesWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* PopID sells a physical device that grants contact-free building access using facial recognition technologies * Optional Covid-19 health screening and temperature checks * "Fast, AI-based algorithms featuring advanced anti-spoofing to prevent video and mask-based attacks. Robust operation in all lighting conditions and fully mask-compatible" * "PopID’s secure facial recognition-based entry can be integrated into a range of devices, such as turnstiles, as well as hardware from other access control companies" * "Rapid noncontact temperature checks through a thermal camera with measurement accuracy of +/- 3 degrees C with measurement time of 3 seconds"In UseSubway, Lemonade, Diversified Restaurant Group, Solera Senior Living, Belmont Village Senior Living, Westmont Hospitality Group, LPGA, Ole Miss, Mary Kay, City of Lancaster (California), Park Place Technologies, University of Antelope Valley, University of Redlands, Bismarck State CollegeFood Service, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Statiums/Venues, Offices, Assisted Living FacilitiesWavemaker Partners, Cali Groupcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe PopID privacy policy is ambiguous, stating that "We will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected your Personal Data"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AYesPopID uses “core algorithms” from Japanese electronics vendor NEC combined with “technologies that PopID has built internally” While NEC says its algorithms are bias-free, it has refused to share proof even when compelled by UK courts There’s anecdotal evidence to the contrary of NEC’s claims — an NEC algorithm used by UK police forces had a false positive rate of 98%UnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesN/APopID says it will disclose data to the following categories of unnamed third parties: Businesses that the worker elects to use PopID to authenticate identity; analytics and search engine providers; law enforcement or where compelled by law; to a buyer if PopID is acquiredUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Group Mobile Health PlatformPharmaceutical Research Associates Inc Health Sciences develops life-saving and life-improving drugsNoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* PRA’s Mobile Health Platform provides patients and workers with a Covid-19 symptom screening check * Remotely schedule and conduct video consults with persons with Covid-19 symptomsIn UseUnknownHealthcareNorth Carolina Biotechnology CenterUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Research Associates Inc is a virtual office platform for remote teams with a virtual water cooler, avatars, and fast conversationsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Pragli is a virtual office for remote employees. Whenever another worker wants to speak with you, they can open your room in Pragli and immediately gain access to your webcam and microphone/speaker so they can have a conversation with you, just like if they walked into your office * Pragli captures your audio and broadcasts it to team members, just like if you were by a watercooler. If others hear what you're talking about, they can jump in the conversation straight away * Pragli measures your mouse/keyboard activity; if you are idle for 15 seconds or more, it will broadcast in Slack or Microsoft Teams that you are away from your computer * Pragli collects and displays your Spotify music playlist so that other workers can see what you are listening to and listen alongIn UseFacebook, AppDynamics, Asana, Tableau, GoDaddy, MercariRemote WorkK9 Venturesworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy does not outline Pragli's retention period for personal informationOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, MicrophoneN/AYesN/AUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownAll workersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Inc socializing and recognition platform for businesses and teamsNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformSalaried* Preciate is a "virtual socializing platform for businesses and teams" that is "designed for mingling, listening to music together, and making conversation. Build stronger relationships and increase engagement no matter where your people are located" * Team building function - "Whether it's a weekly coffee break, game night, or virtual happy hour, Preciate Social makes it more fun. Who wants to have fun in boring meeting platform? Upgrade your experience with built-in music, mingling, and more" * "Networking function - "Effective networking requires free movement and the ability to get in (and out of) conversations quickly. Preciate Social is the only virtual socializing platform that enables free movement. Work the room, make connections, and grow your business"In UseUnknownRemote WorkInspiration Ventures, Santa Barbara Angel Alliance, Founders Capital PartnersUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePreciate Inc Pay At TableE la Carte, Inc provides customer experience and labor productivity software to restaurantsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, non-management* Presto is point of sale terminal that can "boost front-of-house efficiencies" * "Due to recent labor reform policies and minimum wage increases, restaurant operators are increasingly under pressure to meet staffing requirements while sustaining profitability In an industry known for tight profit margins. Restaurant owners and operators need to make smart business decisions. Presto Pay At Table allows operators to make data-driven decisions that not only take into account their back-of-house operational needs but a myriad of other factors such as individual employee performance and increasing guest demands. Additionally, operators can save or re-deploy roughly 236 FOH labor hours per day by deploying the Presto" * The technology helps "maximize their ROI by improving operational efficiency, increasing staff retention, and providing significantly better guest experience"In UseInstalled in 1,800 restaurants in the US as of January 2015, including Outback Steakhouse franchises in Oregon, Applebeees, Denny's, Red Lobster, CraftWorks, Texas Roadhouse, BJ's Restaurant Brewhouse, Blue C Sushi, Rock-Bottom Restaurant & Brewery, 4ORE!, Broadway Masala Indian Cuisine, Spice Affair Beverly Hills, Charbar CoHospitalityRecruit Holdings, EG Capital Group, Romulus Capital, I2BF Global Ventures, Brainchild Holdings, Y Combinatorcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "We retain Personal Data for so long as it remains relevant to its purpose or for so long as is required by law (if longer) As we process Personal Data on behalf of Clients, we may retain information for the periods requested by the Client or delete information upon the Client’s request We will review retention periods periodically, and if appropriate, we may de-identify or anonymize data held for longer periods"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersBluetooth, Camera, MicrophoneN/A - not installed on personal devicesUnknownPresto takes advantage of preexisting surveillance cameras that many restaurants already have installed and uses machine learning to analyze footage of restaurant staff at work and interacting with guests It aims to track metrics like how often a server tends to their tables or how long it takes for food to come out At the end of a shift, managers receive an email of the compiled statistics, which they can then use to identify problems and infer whether servers, hostesses, and kitchen staff are adequately doing their jobsYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themYesManagersUnknown, however Presto claims to have an Ethics Office that workers can contact via email or postal mailUnknownThe privacy policy states that personal information may be shared with a variety of parties, including Clients, Service Providers, Data Aggregators (for marketing purposes), Affiliates, Successors, and Lawful RecipientsNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy: la Carte, Inc Technology LLC specializes in using AI/deep learning, blockchain, and cybersecurity methods to solve challenging issues in government and civilian industriesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, visitors* Preworkscreen is an online COVID-19 self-assessment tool that allows employees to perform self-health checks, log their results, and report to their company's HR/Safety Officers from their mobile phonesIn UseInfobeyond TechnologiesSchools, Healthcare, Construction & Agriculture, Retail, Restaurants, Banks, Manufacturing, Offices, Transportation, TravelUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Captured When In Use, Location Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe product's privacy policy is ambiguous as to how long data is retained for It states, "We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as it is needed to provide you the Services If you no longer desire our Services, you may update or delete your information on your account settings or even completely delete your account from the Preworkscreen"Only workers are being surveilledCamera, MicrophonePhoto GalleryNoUnknownData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesFacebook (Generic)The company does not disclose which third parties are able to access the personal information of workers In the privacy policy, it is observed that "Residents of the State of California, under certain provisions of the California Civil Code, have the right to request from companies conducting business in California a list of all third parties to which the company has disclosed certain personally-identifiable information as defined under California law during the preceding year for third party direct marketing purposes You are limited to one request per calendar year In your request, please attest to the fact that you are a California resident and provide a current California address for our response" Residents of other states are therefore unable to know which third parties, if any, are in receipt of their personal informationUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locationsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technology LLC
https://www.procore.comProcoreProcore Technologies, Inchttps://www.procore.comProcore is a software company that provides cloud-based construction management softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried* Procore is a vertical SaaS platform for the construction industry * "Deliver projects on time and on budget by managing your entire project from the palm of your hand" * Stay on schedule - "See a unified view of project performance to understand what needs to get done each day to prevent rework" * Quality and safety - "Mitigate risks and make tough decisions using real-time data from the field. Manage daily logs, inspections and incidents all in one place" * View OSHA incident rate and view worker injuries/illnesses by harm source, type, and client site * Protect margins - "Protect your labor budget and schedule with decision making that is powered by insights from real-time productivity tracking software" * "Enable individuals to clock in and clock out with GPS tracking" * Productivity tracking - "With faster and easier time collection you can view labor and production rates in real time, from anywhere, and ensure timecards are accurate the first time"In UseUnknownConstructionD1 Capital Partners, Bessemer Venture Partners, ICONIQ Capital, Tiger Global Management, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Dragoneer Investment Group, Bienville CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableProcore Technologies, Inchttps://www.procore.comNo provides insights into employee productivity in the form of one simple scoreNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* "Using Machine Learning, AI, and Natural Language Processing," Prodoscore measures "thousands of daily activity points across business applications you’re already using like your office suite, CRM, UCaaS, and more" * "Our proprietary scoring system generates actionable analytics that measure productivity and create immediate opportunities for process improvement"In UseCloudCodes, Grove Group, Vonage, Specialty Lighting Group, UpCurve Cloud, DTiQ, Prime Corporate Services, Skyway Capital MarketsTechnology, Consulting, Financial Services, InsuranceTroy CarterUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Health AppReel Health, a division of Reel Security Corporation Security Corporation provides production security and executive protection services to the motion picture industryYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Manage film crews with daily on-set check-ins, risk assessment questionnaires, regional outbreak updates, screening/testing information, and on-set hygiene education * Assists in notification protocols and a helpline should an environment be compromisedIn UseUnknownMotion Picture ProductionN/Aworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown The privacy policy does not outline a retention period for dataUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo claims madeUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownApple, Google (unknown which Google SDK precisely), FacebookUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Masons Server Technology, LLC is an on-demand process provider for serving legal documentsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Uber-like platform that connects customers with on-demand process servers * Process servers are paid a fee for making four delivery attempts of a legal document over seven days. While there are some exceptions in some states, servers are generally independent contractors paid piecemeal for each legal document delivered to a third party * Process servers are not licensed and can begin delivering legal documents, without insurance, to potentially dangerous parties, "after completing our short video training" * Proof's terms of service state, "If a process server receives two (2) or more negative ratings within any 45-day period, Proof may, in its sole discretion, block the process server from the PROOF Services (the Proof app and related technology), no longer allowing the process server to accept or work on assignments from PROOF Services"In UseUnknownTechnology, Professional ServicesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Server Technology, LLC Texas TogetherUniversity of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Austin is a public research university in TexasYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Symptom Survey and Symptom History - "Log any [Covid-19] symptoms that you are (or aren’t) feeling today to help decide if you should come to campus or stay home" * Campus Room Check-In and History - "Log the rooms, labs, or offices you visit each day, quickly and easily This feature helps with contact tracing so that the university can quickly notify others of potential contact with someone who’s tested positive for COVID-19 and identify which rooms, if any, need to be closed and disinfected"In UseUniversity of Texas at AustinEducationN/Aworker’s own deviceDecentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy states, symptom information will be retained on the App (saved locally on the device in a decentralized manner) until deleted by the worker Anonymous completion statistics are uploaded to the server and will be retained indefinitely Location data is saved on phones for three weeks and then automatically deleted It is only uploaded to the server if someone tests positive for Covid-19 and indicates as such in the AppOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSNoneNoNo algorithmYesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are able to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair manner There is a published policy and chain of escalation for workers who have concerns about the AppWorkers able to voluntarily choose to use the softwareThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThe data controller has standardized its processes and published its policies for external review It is not known if the application of these policies is subject to auditThe company complies only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: of Texas at Austin
https://weprotectwell.comProtectWellUnitedHealth Group Group is the most diversified healthcare company in the United StatesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* ProtectWell is a smartphone app that screens workers for COVID-19 symptoms and clears workers for daily work * A press release says that “employers can direct their employees to a streamlined COVID-19 testing process that enables closed-loop ordering and reporting of test results directly back to employers” * Accordingly, employers are receiving worker medical dataIn UseUnitedHealth GroupHealthcareN/AUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Grouphttps://www.unitedhealthgroup.comNo Check-InPricewaterhouseCoopers is an accounting firm that provides tax, HR, transactions, performance improvement, and crisis management servicesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* PwC Check-In is a risk exposure management platform that helps businesses "prevent high-risk individuals from entering the workplace, so you can mitigate risk" * The platform allows employers to "trace exposure precisely, so you can quickly contact the right people" in the event of a Covid-19 diagnosis * Employers can "visualize where your greatest risks are, so you can take action" * The platform "integrates with your current systems, so you can make data-driven decisions"In Use60+ companies (unnamed)Retail, Hospitality, Factories, Industrial Environments, Financial ServicesN/Aworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSUnknownUnknown“With automatic contact tracing , [organizations can use] data to make resource allocation decisions that may improve productivity and keep employees as well as possible Limit downtime among employees by protecting the workforce from any impacted individuals to the extent possible, which will also lead to increased productivity”YesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable;;; Talent Acquisition PlatformPymetrics, Inc helps companies build the workforce of the future, using behavioral science and audited AI technology, which they claim results in more diverse teams and more efficient processesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Pymetrics is a recruitment platform that leverages data intended to deliver predictions about workplace fit and worker potential * Identify the highest potential workers to move forward in the recruitment process in a fair and unbiased manner * If a worker applies for a position and is not a good fit, the platform can redirect them to more appropriate roles (including at other companies)In UseAustralian bank ANZTechnology, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Logistics, RetailBBG Ventures, Jazz Venture Partners, Workday Ventures, General Atlantic, Salesforce Ventures, Khosla Venturesworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesYesPersonal information is deleted automatically after two yearsOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, MicrophoneUnknownYesFrom its website, Pymetrics says it is "the Netflix-like recommendation algorithm for jobs We build custom, cross-validated profiles for each role and company based on top performers No two roles or companies have the same algorithm so pymetrics can match candidates who aren't a good fit for one role, to one where they are" Though further information on the algorithm is not described, it is open source so those with expertise can download and audit the algorithmYesUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedUnknownHuman ResourcesThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle AnalyticsPersonal information is only shared with third parties with the consent of the candidate However, the privacy policy notes, "If you are a job candidate playing the Games as part of the job application process, then we share your Personal Information and Trait Profile with the employer and any third party that is pertinent to the employment application process for the specific role(s) you are applying to through our Site" (Pymetrics refers to its platform as a Game)No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNAThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Studies:, Inc CameraDragontail Systems Systems provides software solutions that facilitate the optimal management of deliveries for fast food chainsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, non-management* QT Camera is fitted above pizza ovens and analyzes pizzas * The cameras use advanced machine learning, artificial intelligence, and sensor technology to identify pizza type, even topping distribution and correct toppings * If the food prepared doesn’t match a customer's order or internal quality standards, workers are ordered to make it againIn UseDragontail has signed contracts with leading quick service restaurant franchisors and franchisees including key contracts with Yum! Brands, TelePizza and household names like Dominos, Pizza Hut, KFC, Papa John’s and Sweetgreen, and has formed partnerships with global aggregators (third party delivery operators such as Uber Eats, Deliveroo, DoorDash, Grab and FOOD PANDA), across a growing number of countries globally There are over 2,500 restaurants now using Dragontail technologyHospitalityEldridge, Goudy Park Capital LP, Alceoncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownAustralia supposedly, but almost staff appear to be based in IsraelUnknownYes12 monthsData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AYesThe QT AI camera system’s sensor and camera automatically monitor the preparation and cooking process in the kitchen Using proprietary patented advanced AI machine-learning technology, the system keeps improving its diagnostics, becoming even more efficient The QT has been upgraded in 2020 for hygiene and sanitisation checkingUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themYesManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy ambiguously states that personal information will be disclosed "to third parties who provide sufficient guarantees that they implement appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a manner that their processing of your personally identifiable information will meet the requirements of Data Protection Regulation"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThe use of this software could result in accidents or personal injuryInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy: Systems TimeIntuit Inc offers business and financial management solutions for SMBs, financial institutions, consumers, and accounting professionalsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* QuickBooks Time is time tracking software * "Employees can clock in or out with just one click. Take a break, change job codes, or add timesheet details instantly" * "Build employee schedules by jobs or shifts Quickly and easily edit, publish, and share the schedule with your crew" * "Keep your teams in the know with robust project management and geofencing technology Set geofence boundaries to automatically remind employees to clock in and out" * "Gain valuable business insight with real-time, interactive reports. Predict time needs for job costs, plan for payroll, and increase profitability"In UseMana Services, Amaru Confections, Millenial Accounting, Berger SteelConstruction, Government, Legal, Technology, Healthcare, AccountingSierra Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Technology Venture Investorscompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation capturedUnited StatesUnknownYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "If we no longer need your information for the above purposes, we will generally delete or de-identify it in accordance with our standard data retention practices However, there may be occasions where we are unable to fully delete or de-identify your information due to technical or other operational reasons, for example where your information has been archived onto back-up systems Where this is the case, we will take reasonable measures to securely isolate your information from any further processing until such time as we are able to delete or de-identify it"Only workers are being surveilledMouse, Keyboard, GPSScreen CaptureNoFrom the company's website: "Using an intelligent algorithm, TravelBank predicts travel costs from real-time pricing Users can access a curated flight-booking platform with special corporate rates to book flights for business travel TravelBank offers a camera-first experience for tracking expenses on the go and rewards for employees who save money on corporate travel when they choose more cost-effective options"YesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesManagers, IT Administrators, WorkersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownData is not sold to third parties, but can be provided to third parties performing academic research, to third party companies "who are jointly providing features, sales initiatives, promotions or events with us" and with financial services providers like "collection agencies, credit bureaus and loan service providers, and payment card association members We may also share your personal information with other companies, lawyers, credit bureaus, agents, government agencies, and card associations in connection with issues related to fraud, credit, defaults, or debt collection"There is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the European Union have additional protections that are not extended to other workersThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company says it grants law enforcement access to worker data that it "reasonably and in good faith believe may violate federal, state, or local law"Unavailable Policy: Inc
https://nuro.aiR2 by NuroNuro, Inc develops and operates a fleet of electric self-driving vehicles that are built to deliver assorted local goodsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* R2 is a low-speed self-driving delivery vehicle that drives on roads and sidewalks to deliver goods to customers * If the vehicle collides with a worker or pedestrian, its front panels are designed to absorb energy to minimize the likelihood of causing injury * If successful, R2 will reduce the number of human workers in delivery rolesIn UseUnknownLogistics, TransportationT Rowe Price, Fidelity Management and Research Company, Gaorong Capital, SoftBank Vision Fund, ZhenFundN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://nuro.aiNo Training Systems, Inc develops people management softwareNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* RecruiterBox helps small businesses hire workers * Publish job postings - "Broadcast jobs to search engines and share them on your social media accounts" * Automate recruitment - "Create a (customizable) set of steps according to your recruitment process and track candidates as they flow through the stages of your hiring funnel" * Screen candidates - "Create a completely customizable application form to collect richer information from applicants beyond the resume" * Track applicants and offers - "Discuss candidates, share evaluations, attach documents / notes to candidates in one place No more information buried under a pile of emails"In UsePeñasco Valley Telephone Cooperative (PVT)Telecommunications, Financial Services, Retail, Hotels, Hospitality, Aviation, Manufacturing, RetailMassChallengeN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:
https://reeftechnology.comReef Technology IncREEF Global, Inchttps://reeftechnology.comREEF Technology is a company that plans to transform static parking facilities into thriving mobility and dynamic logistic hubsYesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceSalaried* REEF is building "a network of neighborhood hubs to bring [customers] the goods and services you want, faster than ever before" * REEF is building mobile kitchens in parking lots to "enable restaurants – from local heroes to national brands – to reach more people in hundreds of new cities by providing turnkey solutions for food preparation, delivery, and fulfillment" * Gig workers then deliver orders to customers by car or bicycle in short delivery windows * Workers experience pervasive, continuous electronic surveillanceIn UseN/ARetail, GroceriesMubadala Capital - Ventures US, Target Global, UBS Asset Management, Oaktree Capital Management, SoftBank, SoftBank Vision FundN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technology, Inchttps://reeftechnology.comNo, Inc provides a mobile video-based sales learning and development platform for high tech, financial services, medical devices, and pharmaNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, non-management* Refract records all your staff's telephone calls to "profile where revenue is won and lost in every interaction" * Identify the most valuable conversations and key moments to review, coach, and share. "Learn the DNA of your conversations that lead to successful outcomes"In UseThree (Ireland), Johnson-Johnson, VMware, Neopost, ZooplaSales, Customer Service, TelecommunicationsNorthstar Ventures, Mercia Fund Managers, IP Group Plc, North East Technology Fundcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited KingdomEuropean UnionYesThe privacy policy is ambiguous about data retention periods, saying "will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for", but notes, "In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data for research or statistical purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you"Data is being captured about the general public as well as workersMicrophoneUnknownNoTrust your data, not big data What leads to successful outcomes from your calls? What do your top performers do differently? Our AI Insights reveal the DNA of calls that lead to successful outcomes and revenue, what each rep is doing in their conversations, and the coachable insight to level-jump performance and resultsYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themYesManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownGoogle, FacebookUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Software Ltd Limited develops patient medical record systems for the healthcare industryYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* reOpen is a mobile screening app so that workers can pre-screen themselves at home for Covid-19 symptoms * If a worker has Covid-19 symptoms, they are advised to stay home and their manager is advised via email * "Real-time data capabilities allow you to manage your staff approvals remotely and have a 24/7 view of symptom progressions among your staff and customers across every location"In UseUnknownHotels, Healthcare, Home Repairs, Education, Restaurants, Hospitality, Religious VenuesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownSouth AfricaUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/AEpioneNet Limited
https://responsiblue.umich.eduResponsiBLUEUniversity of Michigan University of Michigan is a public research university located in Ann Arbor, MichiganYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* ResponsiBLUE is a mobile app that helps reduce the spread of Covid-19 * Each day, workers are required to check themselves for Covid-19 symptoms by answering a brief set of questions * The tool offers advice on where to seek care if a worker is not well * The tool provides management with insights and visibility into the state of worker healthIn UseUniversity of MichiganEducationNational Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Technion, US Department of Defense, NASAworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoIdentifiable information is retained for one year in compliance with Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration Emergency Rules for the Coronavirus Disease Identifiable data is limited to one's university email address username and individual responses to questions and results After one year, the username will be deleted in order to de-identify the information De-identified information will be retained indefinitelyOnly workers are being surveilledN/A - No hardware is utilizedNoneNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesIT DepartmentThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogleOnly Google (indirectly)UnknownWorkers are obliged to use the software if working on campus; workers who can work from home are only required to use the software if visiting campus on a particular dayThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableFAQs: Privacy Policy: https://itsumichedu/.computing/web-mobile/responsiblue/privacy-policyN/AUniversity of Michiganhttps://www.umich.eduNo ProtectMalong Technologies Technologies provides state-of-the-art in computer vision and AI for the retail industry Backed by AccentureNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* RetailAI Protect provides "state-of-the-art AI for loss prevention at self-checkout and staffed lanes" * "Leveraging product recognition, the system accurately identifies and stops common scan errors as they happen – including mis-scans and ticket-switching – while helping to protect customer privacy" * "Video that contains people can be automatically obfuscated to protect their privacy. This automatic obfuscation works for people of any age, gender, or ethnicity; it is accurate and occurs in real time" * While the use of this product at self-checkouts is less controversial, the use of this product at staffed lanes implies the product is monitoring for worker fraud and that there could be a breakdown in trust between an employer and its workersIn UseUnknownArtificial Intelligence, Computer, Computer Vision, Information Technology, Machine Learning, SoftwareAccenture, CITIC Capital Holdings, SBCVC, Greenwoods Asset Management, Jiangmen Venture CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo privacy policy availableN/AMalong Technologies, Inc enables retailers and manufacturers to collect, analyze, and visualize data about in-store customer engagementNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* RetailNext sells technologies that enable big retailers to collect and analyze data from their workers * Utilizing a technique called “direction mapping,” RetailNext can analyze how workers move and behave in the store, and how they interact with customers * Employers can combine this tool with “frequent high-resolution snapshots” to see how products and assets are placed throughout the store while also capturing employees in their daily workflowIn UseCasper, Sephora, Club Monaco, Ermenegildo Zegna, Atlanta Hawks, Bloomingdale's, AriatRetailCommerce Ventures, August Capital, Pereg Ventures, Qualcomm Ventures, StarVest Partners, NGP Capital, JCI Ventures, Activant Capital, Tyco Retail SolutionsUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableRetailNext, Inc
https://www.retorio.comRetorioRetorio GmbHhttps://www.retorio.comRetorio is a software solution that claims to optimize the entire application process for hiring peopleNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Retorio is a video interviewing platform * They claim that “one minute of video reveals a lifetime of possibilities” and say they use AI in order to assess the culture fit of a candidate. However, independent testing of the platform has shown that candidates who wear religious headscarves are seen unfavorably by Retorio, whereas candidates who interview in front of bookcases are seen as desirableIn UseHappycarde, Xing, Personio, Lufthansa, ADAC, The Retail Performance Company, Airtame, Citizen MRetail, Hospitality, Hotels, Aviation, Consulting, Manufacturing, Logistics, TravelBasinghall PartnersN/AN/AN/AN/AGermanyGermanyN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: GmbHhttps://www.retorio.comYes is a platform for managing and controlling infectious diseasesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* ReturnSafe is a platform for "protect[ing] your workplace from Covid-19" * Daily symptom screening - "Employees are notified to complete a quick mobile survey as a daily health check-in to ensure that only healthy employees are asked to come to work" * Contact tracing - "Automated contact tracing increases the reliability and accuracy of logged contacts to prepopulate an exposure list if and when required" * Worker notification - "Admins have a centralized portal for contact tracing case management including employee exposure notification and health screening status for your entire organization" * Workplace testing - "Our Chief Medical Officer can help you provide for your employees to be tested either once or regularly to measure the percentage who are asymptomatic and positive. ReturnSafe can expedite the process and aggregate the data for decision makers" * Vaccination tracking - "Track employee vaccination status on the way to herd immunity. You don’t know where you are if you don’t measure it"In UseSesame Workship, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, BSE Global, South Texas College of Law, Leukemia & Lymphoma SocietyEducation, HealthcareFifty Years, Active Capital, Capital Factory, Necessary VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Covid-19 Symptom TrackerMarquee, LLC COVID Symptom Study app is a not-for-profit initiative that was launched at the end of March 2020 to support COVID-19 researchYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Covid-19 Symptom Tracking * Health Screening Results * Monitor trends and cases, and stay compliant with local health guidelinesIn UseunknownRestaurants, Hotels, Retail, Supermarkets, Offices, Warehouses, ManufacturingUnknownWorker's own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "The personal data provided by you will be stored by us for the duration of use of the portal or in the event of the provision of information, services or support until expiry of the statutory storage period, taking into account the basic principles of applicable law to the permissible extent"Only workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged to use the appInsufficient information is available in order to make an assessmentUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, LLC
https://www.roadie.comRoadieRoadie, Inchttps://www.roadie.comRoadie puts unused space in passenger vehicles to work by connecting people with items to send with drivers heading in the right directionNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Roadie is a same-day delivery platform that "connects people with stuff to send to drivers who are already heading in the right direction" * "Our community of 200,000 verified drivers has delivered to more than 20,000 zip codes — the largest local same-day delivery footprint in the country" * Workers are paid piecemeal per delivery and are subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseAT&T, Southwest, ACE Hardware, Verizon, Foodkick, Delta, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, Ferguson, U-HaulLogistics, TransportationSOSV, Eric Schmidt, HAX, United Parcel Service (UPS), The Home DepotN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.roadie.comNoÁ PECKA sro-Rohlik is a grocery delivery company that offers a 90-minute same-day delivery serviceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Instacart-like service - workers deliver groceries via bicycle or car * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items in short delivery windows * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/ARetail, GroceriesEBRD (Investment Firm), Quadrille Capital, Index Ventures, ENERN Investments, J&T Finance Group, Partech, R2GN/AN/AN/AN/ACzech RepublicN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:Á PECKA sro-Yes
https://covid19illinoise.du/health-and-support/safer-illinois-app/Safer IllinoisUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a public research university in IllinoisYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* App grants or denies access to facilities, based upon a worker's self-reported Covid-19 symptoms * Workers can use the app to access information about their Covid-19 testing schedule and results, including personalized testing reminders, personalized testing results, and information on testing site locations and hours * You can enable the app to anonymously notify you of possible Covid-19 exposuresIn UseUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignEducationN/Aworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoThe default retention period is unknown However, the privacy policy states data can be deleted upon request "You may opt-out of information collection from within the Application In Application Settings, you can request your PII data be deleted from Servers Your PII and non-PII may be retained on Servers until you request its deletion"Only workers are being surveilledBluetooth, Camera, GPSPhoto GalleryNoN/AYesData is always collected, even a worker is not at their workplaceYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesUnknownThere is an internal policy prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownYes Workers are able to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers able to voluntarily choose to use the software Workers who do not wish to install the software on their personal device may request a company-provided deviceThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwuillinoise.du/about/policies/mobile/SaferIllinoisN/AUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
https://www.safer.meSaferMe Virus Management and Safety SuiteSaferMe Limited mobilizes hazard data to make people safer, driving the digital transformation of safety within complex organizationsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* SaferMe is a contact tracing system that is a hybrid of an app and a wearable device * The Bluetooth contact tracing app is designed to reduce Covid-19 virus transmission * The Bluetooth wearable does not need recharging and is "built for users that don’t have the app, and the very privacy conscious" * "Contact tracing for business is a superior alternative to free public systems, because your business can quickly achieve 80%+ adoption by employees. Your business needs the right data to take precautions, to protect your team from risk, and to avoid disruption to operations. Contact tracing is effective, and with SaferMe it's easy"In UseVodafone, Veolia, Parsley, Phillips Exeter Academy, New Zealand Government, European Commission, Walter P Moore, Schneider Electric, Walla Walla University, AngloGold AshantiManufacturing, Logistics, Government, Telecommunications, Education, Healthcare, MiningEASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEsUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownNew ZealandUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Limitedhttps://www.safer.meYes Occupancy & Face Mask DetectionSensource Inc specializes in solutions for counting people and vehicle, environmental sensing and automation technologiesYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* SafeSpace is a series of cameras and screens that count the number of people in a room and display the occupancy level on a display before new persons enter a room * "Monitor and report on customers and workers entering and exiting your facility with an easy-to-use occupant counter. Face Mask Detection is also available to ensure customers are wearing masks and following guidelines while in your stores" * "With the power of 3D video and machine learning, SenSource people counters measure footfall, track and count individuals entering, exiting, and dwelling with precision"In UseUnknownRetail, Library, Education, MuseumsUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Inc KioskMedia Services Worldwide Kiosk can be connected with automatic doors or ticketing systems to restrict entry access for people who have a feverYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* SafeTemp is "a thermal sensor made by a German medical instrument company that scans a person’s entire body" and when 3 to 6 feet away will measure the person's body temperature. (An elevated body temperature may be a sign of Covid-19) * "The SafeTemp Kiosk is customizable and can perform anything from an audible alarm sounding with lights flashing red, to a silent alarm via a Bluetooth connection to an enabled device, and a red light on the Kiosk. Making your staff and visitors feel comfortable is our priority"In UseUnknownOfficesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Services Worldwide
https://safetytek.ioSafetyTekSafetyTek Software Ltd is a Workplace Safety engagement platform enabling safety professionals to view the performance and engagement of their safety programsYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* SafetyTek is a mobile app allowing workers to submit self-assessments of their Covid-19 symptoms * Workers receive an immediate green light/red light result as to whether or not proceed to work * Management can view the analytics dashboard that summarizes results and complianceIn UseUnknownManufacturing, Warehouses, Healthcare, Food Processing PlantsSaskWorks Venture Fund, Tribune Capital, Broad Street Bulls, Conexus Credit Union, Alchemist Accelerator, BDC Venture CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownCanadaUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Software Ltdhttps://safetytek.ioYes
https://www.safezoneapp.comSafeZoneCriticalArc Pty Ltd is a service that helps organizations respond to and handle critical situations more effectivelyYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* SafeZone is an app for workers working alone or in high-risk areas * Workers can set a timer that automatically alerts the team if they become unresponsive * Workers can also press a button manually if there is an emergency * "The Safezone App only shares your location with the response team or campus security when you press one of the three alert buttons (Emergency, First Aid, Help), or Check-In. Even then, your location is only ever shared with professional responders. Your right to privacy is always respected. You can cancel any alert or check-in at any time"In UseUnknownSports, Hotels, Events, Manufacturing, Warehouses, Logistics, TransportationSydney Angels, Commercialisation Australia, Hunter AngelsUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownAustraliaUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Pty Ltdhttps://www.criticalarc.comYes
https://safr.comSAFR from RealNetworksRealNetworks, Inc is a provider of internet streaming media delivery softwareNoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* SAFR is a platform that integrates with existing surveillance cameras and brings a "highly accurate, machine learning facial recognition platform, architected to economically scale with high performance and rapid processing to detect and match millions of faces in real time" * "AI can perform real-time, automated identification of persons of interest and prevent security incidents, freeing up your security team to do more" * Touchless access control for workers entering workplaces - "Boost security and enhance user experience with contactless, fast, and auditable face-based authentication and real-time alerts of unauthorized entry attempts" * Claims to have 98.85% accurate recognition for masked faces and to deliver visibility into tailgating attemptsIn UseUnknownEnterprise, Consulting, Insurance, Financial ServicesN/A - publicly tradedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, Inc Ltd is a payroll automation platform for managing time and attendance, computation, disbursement, and complianceYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Salarium has launched a touchless time and attendance device for workers to use when arriving or departing work * The device has biometric facial recognition, mask detection, and body temperature scanning * The device can identify masked workers "in seconds," according to its marketing websiteIn UseStarcross Construction, AFDigital, Denali Marketing, Nusku, Vanguard Assessment, Recruitdaycom, TecsurgeConstruction, Office, Consulting, Technology, EnterpriseFuture Now VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownPhilippinesPhilippinesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Ltd
https://www.samsara.comSamsaraSamsara Inchttps://www.samsara.comSamsara allows businesses that depend on physical operations to harness Internet of Things data to develop actionable business insights and improve their operationsNoWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Samsara uses dash cameras, cameras, and wireless sensors to "capture and address safety risks in real-time across your operations" * The high-definition cameras have GPS tracking, WiFi, and computer vision, and can automatically detect safety threats such as distracted driving, tailgating, rolling stops, and harsh driving * AI technology coaches drivers in real-time with preventive in-cab alerts * Managers can "instantly review collisions, near misses, and distracted driving events with full HD 1080p footage that is automatically uploaded to the cloud" * "Protect your drivers against false claims and increase driver retention" - "Using video evidence to defend innocent drivers against false claims is one of the most effective ways to increase driver acceptance of dash cams. It also prevents costly legal battles and unnecessary payouts"In UseGoodfellow Bros, GP Transco, ArcBest, Spring Waste, Athens-Clarke County, City of Boston, Uniti FiberTransportation & Logistics, Food & Beverage, Construction, Government, K-12 Transportation, Higher Education, Passenger Transit, Field Service Fleets, Utilities, Oil & Gas, Water & WastewaterGeneral Catalyst, Andreessen Horowitz, General Atlantic, Dragoneer Investment Group, Tiger Global ManagementUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.samsara.comNo
https://www.sandstar.comSandstarSandStarhttps://www.sandstar.comSandStar is an artificial intelligence platform that provides computer vision technology to the retail industryNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Sandstar AI checkout machines use AI image recognition technology to automatically recognize items and automatically calculate their prices * The machines can recognize 30,000+ different items including fresh fruits, breads and cakes, snacks, and deli items * Marketing website states that "they can help retailers reduce labor cost and provide a simpler and more convenient shopping experience for their customers" * The recognition accuracy is up to 99.7%, and the recognition speed is .002 seconds/item * Creates profiles of workers and customers - "Gather the people-products-place data of offline stores in real time, to create a clearer profile" and "Track all the behaviors of multiple customers dynamically and in real time, to build a purchasing funnel model for stores, and to provide guidance for the making of marketing decisions"In UseUnilever, Pepsi, Coca-ColaRetail, GroceriesBaidu Ventures, Kinzon Capital, Fengshion Capital, True Digital Group, Mobai CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AChinaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo privacy policy availableN/ASandStarhttps://www.sandstar.comNo
https://www.sannteklabs.comSanntek Lab’s 315 BreathalyzerSanntek Lab SannTek is at the leading edge of the rapid drug detection market NoWorkplace SafetyOther Physical DeviceHourly* This device analyzes the molecules on a person’s breath to determine the amount of marijuana they’ve smoked within the past 3 to 4 hours. Sells for $800-1,000 * This product has not been tested as part of a clinical trial and uses novel technologyIn DevelopmentUnknownConstructionUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/ACanadaN/ANoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailableSanntek Labhttps://www.sannteklabs.comYes SuccessFactors RecruitingSAP SE is a technology company that develops enterprise application software for companies and industries across diverse sectorsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting is a recruitment platform for hiring workers * Marketing website states the product can "simplify hiring, streamline workflows, and enable consistency with automation, rules, and self-service tools" * "Guide the entire recruitment process with a range of embedded intelligent technologies," including ones that can "remove bias in job descriptions with bias-language scans," "leverage machine learning for salary recommendations," and "establish offer rules to help ensure fair and equitable pay regardless of gender, race, orientation, and other status types" * Line-of-site sourcing analytics - "Get insights into recruitment initiatives with drill-downs by source, job, or time-frame dimensions for in-depth performance views"In UseMaui Jim, SephoraRetail, Manufacturing, Logistics, Hospitality, Transportation, Consulting, Enterprise, Technology, Financial Services, InsuranceElliott Management Corp, EASME - EU Executive Agency for SMEsN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: SE VueSapience Analytics Analytics is an SaaS software provider offering workplace analytics tools to companies around the worldNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Establish a culture of high performance, understand productivity impediments, and proactively address them * Sapience reveals daily data on employee engagement to motivate them toward stronger productivity and higher career satisfaction * Document and maximize time management and employee productivity * Develop standardized performance and competency management tools * Implement effective, enterprise-specific onboarding and continuous learning programsIn UseBarclaysFinancial Services, OfficesCredit Suisse NEXT Investors, Orios Venture Partnerscompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownSapience Vue standardizes and connects your data so it provides insights into predictability, velocity and quality Because there are zero degrees of separation of insights about your organization, it’s designed to illuminate any bottlenecks in your system and to grow your businesses based on reliable, predictable, qualitative strategies derived from your organizational dataUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themUnknownLeadership, Managers, WorkersUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Analytics
https://www.scandit.comScanditScandit AGhttps://www.scandit.comScandit is a technology platform for mobile computer vision and augmented reality (AR) solutions for enterprisesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Automate end-to-end retail operations by moving routine processes and tasks onto mobile devices * Workers can perform tasks like shelf management and stock control using mobile scanning * Workers can scan product labels or barcodes on their cellphone to have instant access to product information and personalized promotions to share with customers * Future-proof software - "Replacing inflexible infrastructure with powerful mobile software solutions reduces hardware costs immediately. And new levels of efficiency and productivity go straight to the bottom line"In UseUnknownRetail, GroceriesSalesforce Ventures, GV, Atomico, Venture Kick, NGP CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/ASwitzerlandN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: AGhttps://www.scandit.comYes ScannerSovrenity Application used by employers, restaurants, airport screeners, and others to verify that the person requesting entry has completed a COVID test, and passed the screener's criteriaYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareN/A* App to be used by employers, restaurants, airport screeners, and others to verify that the person requesting entry to a building has completed a Covid-19 test, and passed the screener's criteriaIn UseUnknownAirports, Hospitality, OfficesUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownCameraPhoto Gallery, view WiFi connectionsUnknownNo claimsUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogle AnalyticsThe privacy policy indicates that Pinterest, Twitter, AdRoll (Semantic Sugar Inc), Bing (Microsoft Inc), Facebook, Stripe, PayPal/Braintree, FastSpring, Authorizenet, 2Checkout, Sage Pay, Square, Go Cardless, Elevon, Verifone, WeChat, Alipay, and Google have access to collected dataUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Scan KioskSeek Thermal, Inc Thermal engineers, designs, manufactures, and markets thermal imaging products and sensorsNoWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Seek Scan Kiosk streamlines worker temperature checks with "no-touch, no-fuss thermal scanning" * "Seek Scan meets FDA guidelines for thermal imaging systems used for initial body temperature assessment during the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency. Per the FDA guidelines released in April 2020, Seek Scan meets the accuracy specification, includes a reference heat source and is made for single-person screening. Seek Scan is also NDAA compliant" * "Unlike typical industrial thermal cameras, Seek Scan was developed for precise temperature measurement and maximizes accuracy by referencing a fixed heat source with a known temperature value The system measures the inner canthus as the primary reference site and measures the warmest spot on the face as a secondary reference site when needed. Seek’s patent-pending heat source allows Seek Scan to achieve much higher accuracy than a standard thermal imaging camera designed for industrial use"In UseUnknownManufacturing, Government, Healthcare, Education, Hospitality, OfficesRose Park AdvisorsUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Thermal, Inc
https://www.seekingsitters.comSeekingSittersSeekingSittershttps://www.seekingsitters.comSeekingSitters is a safety and convience solution to the childcare delimmaNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Connects workers with families who require childcare assistanceIn UseN/AChildcareUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy Embedded Into Worker Signup Form: Pty Ltd is an e-commerce platform for businesses of all sizes NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly* Sellz allows small businesses to sell digital products, physical products, and services from one integrated platform * Platform primarily includes analytics on customers, but can deliver basic reports on worker activities, like refunds issued * In automating processes like marketing of products and customer service, the platform reduces the need for small businesses to employ as many human workers as they may do before using SelzIn UseUnknownE-Commerce, RetailMacdoch VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AAustraliaUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Pty Ltd WorksSema4 is a patient-centered predictive health company and a leader in diagnostic testingYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Sema4 Works is a mobile app that enables workers who have been registered by their employer for Covid-19 testing to receive test results * Sema4 Works enables symptom tracking through simple self-reporting of symptoms by registered individuals. These results are provided immediately to the entity that registered them (their employer), helping organizations determine whether the individual is permitted to return to the workplace, or if additional testing or other steps are requiredIn UseUnknownBiotechnology, Health Care, Science and EngineeringSection 32, Connecticut Innovations, Decheng Capital, Moore Strategic Ventures, Oak HC/FT, BlackRock Innovation Capital, Blackstone Group, Deerfield, Mount SinaiUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/ASema4
https://www.servicetitan.comService TitanServiceTitan, Inchttps://www.servicetitan.comServiceTitan is a service management software that helps home services businesses generate more leads and close more salesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* ServiceTitan is an all-in-one SaaS plarform for commercial and residential HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and other field service businesses * Workers install an app on their cellphone, and HQ can then see where workers are in real time. "That way, they can easily queue up new jobs for techs finishing up their current call" * Time sheets are generated automatically and worker hours and mileage can be automatically allocated to projects * Dashboards display specific metrics on how workers are performing in the field, giving managers "the insight to provide coaching and keep your team sharp, productive, and awesome"In UseUnknownPlumbing, Electrical, Field Service BusinessesIndex Ventures, Battery Ventures, T Rowe Price, Dragoneer Investment Group, Bessemer Venture PartnersN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.servicetitan.comNo
https://www.servicenow.comServiceNow Workplace WiFi MonitoringService Now Inc delivers digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivityNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* ServiceNow automates proximity tracing by using workplace Wi-Fi data from Juniper Networks Inc to identify employee interactions in the office by zones and time periods * Once a worker self-reports as a potential risk for spreading Covid-19, Juniper can identify all individuals who may have come into contact with the worker by correlating where users were connected to the network’s Wi-Fi access points on desktops and mobile devices, as well as wireless Bluetooth connectionsIn UseAston MartinOfficesNew Enterprise Associates, Kleiner PerkinsUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesThe NetherlandsUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Now Inchttps://www.servicenow.comNo LaborSESO is a labor marketplace for agricultureNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Seso is an end-to-end recruiting and workforce management platform for the agriculture industry * Employers upload job requests, and Seso matches the job with experienced workers with relevant crop experience. Seso provides complete consulate services and transportation * Workers can submit H-2A visa applications through the portal and receive live notifications * Seso captures all worker documents and signatures digitally and stores them * Seso automatically stores documents needed for Department of Labor audits in its compliance tool In UseUnknownAgricultureNFX, Founders FundN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: RTLSSewio Networks, sro is delivers real-time location platform as a fundamental technology for digitization of movement in Industry 4.0, retail, and sportNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Sewio RTLS is an indoor location tracking and positioning system * Tags are attached to the entities that need to be tracked * Anchors are deployed on the ceiling of the building to receive the signals transmitted from those tags * Anchors receive the signals from the tags and forward them to a server, which then calculates the real-time location of the entity * An example of a tag could be a worker ID badge. This would therefore allow workers to be accurately tracked at all times when inside a company facilityIn UseVolkswagen, ToyotaManufacturing, AutomobileY Soft VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownCzech RepublicUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Networks, sro
https://www.shadowfax.inShadowFaxShadowfax Technologies Ltdhttps://www.shadowfax.inShadowfax is an on-demand logistics network that provides tech-enabled one-stop delivery solutionsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Platform that connects workers with businesses who have items requiring local delivery * Orders can be delivered to a customer's hands within 45 minutes of delivery being requested * Different vehicle types and courier services for all kinds of delivery needs * GPS-enabled fleet allows for workers to be tracked in real time to ensure goods arrive on-timeIn UseUnknownLogistics, TransportationFlipkart, International Finance Corporation, Mirae Asset Global Investments, InnoVen Capital, NGP CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AIndiaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies Ltdhttps://www.shadowfax.inNo Inc provides a process management software designed for auto repair shopsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Shopmonkey is an all-in-one platform for small auto repair shops * Measure labor efficiency - "Create a more profitable business by having workers connect their hours to specific work orders, helping you to understand your shop's efficiency and labor margins" * Timesheets - "Allow your workers to clock in and clock out with a touch of a button and understand how they are spending their time each day" * Accurate customer quotes - "Provide customers with accurate quotes by better estimating labor hours for specific jobs" * In addition, the Shopmonkey website states, "The COVID-19 pandemic requires all auto shops to modernize and innovate their workflow. Shopmonkey has seen a huge surge in new subscribers eager to use its software to implement a contact-free workflow that includes online payments, digital vehicle inspections, and customer communications—enabling their shops to adapt and digitally transform their businesses with a smart, simple solution"In Use1,000+ auto repair shops in the United StatesAuto repairIndex Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, eventures, I2BF Global Venturescompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy is ambiguous, stating, "We take measures to delete your Personal Information or keep it in a form that does not permit identifying you when this information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we process it, unless we are required by law to keep this information for a longer period When determining the retention period, we take into account various criteria, such as the type of products and services requested by or provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you, possible re-enrolment with our products or services, the impact on the services we provide to you if we delete some information from or about you, mandatory retention periods provided by law and the statute of limitations"Only workers are being surveilledN/A - No hardware is utilizedN/ANoNo details availableYesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can view some data being collected about them, but not all data being collectedYesManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: to YouTube channel: Inc
https://www.myshyft.comShyftShyft Technologies, Inc Technologie is a tech company developing mobile apps for coworkers and teamsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Shyft is a worker app that integrates with employer systems to "empower employees to swap their shifts, message team members, and manage schedules, all from their mobile device" * Workers can view scheduled shifts - "Shyft calendars provide a seamless user experience for associates to manage, filter, and view shifts that are right for them. Employees can compare Schedule, Marketplace, and Availability data all in one place" * For managers, worker shifts can be canceled even at the last minute - "Sometimes being able to call off labor is just as important as being able to add extra shifts. Shyft’s time-off tools provide options for associates and managers to signal transparent schedule information about canceling shifts" * Team communication - "Shyft centralizes communication to make it easy for everyone to stay on the same page. Associates, managers, and companies can build teamwork and stay connected"In UseWal-Mart Canada, Victoria's Secret, Pink, Geodis, Banana Republic, Athleta, Old Navy, Gap, Bath&BodyWorks, AramarkRetail, Logistics, Hospitality, TransportationTechstars, Madrona Venture Group, Right Side Capital Management, Ignition Partners, Techstars Seattle AcceleratorUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies, Inchttps://www.myshyft.comNo HR SoftwareSilkRoad Technology Technology goes beyond traditional talent management to help our clients attract, retain, and align people to their businessNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, non-management* SilkRoad's performance management platform "drives employee performance with communication, collaboration, and visibility into individual and business goals" * Allows employers to "engage employees at every inflection point with feedback and goal setting" * Helps connect workers with business strategy and goals * Automate the process of reviews being completed - "Enable administrators to create and launch reviews within minutes, speeding time-to-value and reducing the administrative burden of mass events. Employees are able to access and complete their reviews quickly from any device" * Identify high achievers and under performers easily - "Easily identify high-potential employees to fill gaps, create talent pools and 9-Box visualizations to plan for impending organizational fluctuations and change. Flexible data-gathering forms allow you to view data and make informed recommendations based on your unique organizational needs. Identify the risk and impact of talent loss"In UseAccenture, Cleveland Clinic, Turner Broadcasting, EagleBank, Cacique, Davis Construction, Dairy Queen, Newlink, New York University, Save the Children, Scania, Yale New Haven Health SystemRetail, Logistics, Hospitality, Transportation, Consulting, Manufacturing, Construction, Healthcare, RestaurantsHorizon Technology Finance, Azure Capital Partners, Foundation Capital, Tenaya Capital, Intel Capital, Crosslink CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technology
https://sirenum.comSirenumSirenum Limitedhttps://sirenum.comSirenum is a WFM platform for employers to put the right shift worker in the right place at the right time and pay the right amountNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* The Sirenum dynamic workforce management platform "leverages cloud and mobile technology to increase revenue and lower costs across multiple key processes" * Scheduling - "Increase gross profit and improve operational efficiency by putting the right person in the right place at the right time" * Compliance - "Build compliance rules and manage certifications, credentials, and permits to improve health and safety and streamline operations" * Monitoring - "Proactively reduce lateness and uncovered shifts, capture time and attendance, manage patrol and lone workers, and more" * Financial - "Simplify the calculation and processing of gross pay, automate invoice development, and more, freeing time and resources" * Analytics - "Engagement analytics created with Sirenum show just how engaged your workers are You’ll see how many workers have downloaded the app, when they last logged in, who is not using the app, and the number of logins over a set period of time. Knowing this information is invaluable, and means you can identify disengaged workers and proactively do something about it"In UseManpower, BlueArrow, Interiman, Penrose Care, Impellam Group, Great Western RailwayConstruction, Manufacturing, Transportation, Logistics, Healthcare, ChildcareDynamo, William Currie Group, Sir Terry Leahy, Mark Horrocks, William Christopher CurrieN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Limitedhttps://sirenum.comYes
https://sitter.comSitterCareGuide Inchttps://careguide.comCareGuide connects families with care providers at,,,, and HouseSitter.comNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Connects workers with families who require care of various typesIn UseN/AChildcareFJ Labs, 500 Startups, CIBC, RBC Capital, Inovia Capitalworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesNo retention period is specified in the privacy policyData is being collected about workers and families looking to hire babysittersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how nannies are assigned to families, but the product website implies an algorithm is involvedYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://careguide.comNo
https://www.sittercity.comSittercitySittercity Inchttps://www.sittercity.comSittercity's mission is to make childcare finally workNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Connects workers with families who require childcare assistanceIn UseN/AChildcareWestern Technology Investment, Bright Horizons Family Solutions, PJC, Baird Capital, Pritzker Group Venture Capitalworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesNo retention period is specified in the privacy policyData is being collected about workers and families looking to hire babysittersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how nannies are assigned to families, but the product website implies an algorithm is involvedYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.sittercity.comNo
https://www.sittingaround.comSittingAroundSitting Aroundhttps://www.sittingaround.comSitting Around makes it easy to create, manage, and grow a babysitting cooperativeNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Connects workers with families who require childcare assistanceIn UseN/AChildcareMassChallengeworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesNo retention period is specified in the privacy policyData is being collected about workers and families looking to hire babysittersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how nannies are assigned to families, but the product website implies an algorithm is involvedYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Aroundhttps://www.sittingaround.comNo
https://www.skipcart.comSkipcartSkipcarthttps://www.skipcart.comSkipcart connects our crowdsourced drivers to restaurants, retailers, and e-commerceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Skipcart is a platform that connects workers with businesses that have items requiring local delivery * Orders can be delivered to a customer within 30 minutes of delivery being requested (45 minutes delivery time is stated on some webpages) * Different vehicle types and courier services for all kinds of delivery needs * GPS-enabled fleet allows for workers to be tracked in real-time to ensure goods arrive on-time * Workers are subjected to continuous electronic surveillanceIn UseN/ARetail, Groceries, DeliveryUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc uses artificial intelligence to create flying drones that are used by consumer, enterprise, and government customersNoLabor Market OptimizationHardwareContract, salaried* Skydio sells industrial drones to utility providers, the construction industry, and telecommunication companies. Their drones "fly up close to structures and automate data capture" * The product "EagleView Assess" autonomously completes property inspections using "AI trained to map and inspect residential houses. It recognizes individual roof facets and guarantees complete, ultra-high resolution coverage to make sure you get the data you need to assess damage" * In construction, "Save time and money by surveying construction sites from up close while autonomously dodging common obstacles like cranes" * In transportation, "Reduce inspection time by up to 80% and eliminate the need for snooper trucks and lane closures Skydio drones can navigate under structures that block GPS signals and see 90 degrees up and down, making them the ideal solution for bridge inspections" * In telecommunications, "Complete tower inspections in a third of the time while saving lives and injury by reducing tower climbs. Operate a Skydio confidently with 360-degree obstacle avoidance, even near metal structures and through electromagnetic interference" * All in all, in reducing the need for skilled human pilots to operate drones, labor costs can be reducedIn UseAeronyde, Eversource, JacobsConstruction, Manufacturing, Transportation, Utilities, TelecommunicationsAndreessen Horowitz, IVP, Accel, Next47, Thirty Five VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc Inc is a deep learning startup that cracks the code on wait times by fusing various different data sourcesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Sleek calculates how long it will take a restaurant to prepare a customer's to-go order. It "leverages your existing onsite hardware to arrive at the real-time foot traffic and corresponding wait times" * Sleek monitors how fast workers are working, customer demand, and other data points * Businesses can add a "priority lane" to allow customers to pay to jump the queueIn UseUnknownRestaurants, Events, HospitalityCanaan Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Unpopular Ventures, Outliers Venture Capital, BAM Ventures, First Serve Partnersworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnited StatesUnited StatesProbably YesOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc Health Inc Health operates a digital healthcare portal used to offer behavioral programs for mental health issuesNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformSalaried* Sleepio is a digital sleep-improvement program featuring cognitive behavioural therapy techniques * Workers set their own goals for what they want to improve, complete an in-depth online questionnaire, and Sleepio generates a personalized program with weekly online lessons to be completed * Privacy policy states that worker health data is not shared with employersIn UseUnknownHealthcareJamJar InvestmentsUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Health Inchttps://www.bighealth.comNo
#Smart CushionHealth Boost IoT Technology Company-UnknownUnknownWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringOther Physical DeviceSalaried* The New York Times reported in January 2021 that smart cushions have been installed on office chairs to "monitor worker health, note bad posture as a sign of possible fatigue, measure heart rates, and tally minutes spent at work stations" * HR has used cushion data to understand when workers are absent from their desks * These cushions are not believed to be in use in the United StatesDiscontinuedUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AChinaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Boost IoT Technology Company-No, Inc is an end-to-end recruiting platform to find, engage, and hire talentNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* SmartRecruiters is an enterprise-grade talent acquisition suite that "empowers businesses to hire talent on-demand, and under budget" * Hiring - "Expand your candidate sourcing reach and find the best talent inside and outside your organization using SmartRecruiters robust sourcing tools" * Automation - "Increase productivity and alleviate the administrative burden on recruiters, while generating a positive candidate experience for happier recruiters and candidates. Screen and evaluate candidates better using pre-integrated assessments tools Improve communication by leveraging templates, scheduled notifications and auto-replies. Configure tasks and reminders easily to keep recruiters and hiring managers on track" * Send offer letters and keep an audit trail on hiring approvalsIn UseAvery Dennison, Equinox, LinkedIn, Skechers, VisaFinancial Services, Insurance, Fitness, Consulting, EnterpriseSalesforce Ventures, Mayfield Fund, Insight Partners, Rick Marini, Rembrandt Venture PartnersN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc, Inc Safety Suite helps companies identify their highest risk projects and act to prevent incidents from occurringYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Smartvidio's Safety Suite is a risk management platform that aggregates all sources of an organization's photo and video content and uses artificial intelligence "to find indicators of project risk in the areas of safety, productivity, and quality" * Its "Safety Observations" feature "places observations at the center of risk calculations" and "involves the entire project team in the shared responsibility of safety, and supports programs where observations are turned into teachable moments" * The "Safety Monitoring" feature helps safety managers and executives "identify up-to-date risk conditions and where to focus each week" by "automatically detecting safety hazards on jobsites, creating dashboards and a safety risk assessment report that enables cross-project benchmarking for leading risk indicators from PPE to workers at height, to ladders by type, slip, trip, and fall hazards and more" * "Predictive Analytics enables teams to continuously reduce risk by proactively identifying high-risk projects through an Incident Early Warning System. Trained on massive amounts of historical project data and incident reports, this construction-specific AI model analyzes data from the Safety Monitoring module and other sources to predict safety incidents. Predictive analytics models are built for each customer and specifically tuned for their sources of data and types of construction"In UseHawaiian Dredging, Messer, Suffolk, Skanska, Clark Construction, Clayco, DPR Construction, AECOM, Shawmut, Barton MalowConstruction, ManufacturingAlumni Ventures Group, Autodesk, Sony Innovation Fund, IA Capital Group, Building VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: https://wwwsmartvidio/privacyhttps://wwwsmartvidio/customersSmartvidio, Inchttps://www.smartvid.ioNo Republic Ltd human contact back to remote teams, Team snaps, instant video, Slack integration, and moreNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Zoom-like platform that claims to be "bringing human contact to remote teams" * When the software is open, workers can see one another (the software uses their webcam to take photos of workers at regular intervals) and can start instant video chats with a single clickIn UseDeksiaRemote WorkUnknownworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited KingdomEuropean UnionYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCameraUnknownUnknownNo algorithmUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themUnknownAll workers in an organization can view collected data There are no granular permission settingsThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownSneek does not disclose the names of those third parties which have access to worker data However, the privacy policy notes that personal information will be shared with a large number of third parties, including "credit reporting agencies"No Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used In particular, it is not clear whether video chats between individual workers are recorded or if managers/other workers can see metadata on which workers are speaking with whomThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: https://sneekio/guides/policyhttps://sneekio/testimonialsAnalog Republic Ltd
https://www.securonix.comSNYPR Security AnalyticsSecuronixhttps://www.securonix.comSecuronix delivers a security analytics and operations management platform for the modern era of big data and advanced cyber threatsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* SNYPR is a security analytics platform that "transforms big data into actionable security intelligence" * "Large organizations are collecting, archiving, and storing massive volumes of data in repositories, without deriving security value from it. SNYPR was purpose-built to translate the billions of events from hundreds of different data sources that big data organizations generate daily into accurate risk intelligence and real-time threat detection" * "SNYPR integrates directly with sources of event information an enterprise already has in place. In addition to leveraging existing event data, it provides aggregation and enrichment with other relevant sources of information including identity, access, third party intelligence, and geolocation information" * "SNYPR ingests petabytes of data, processes it, and then analyzes it in real-time using a combination of user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA), machine learning, and threat modeling to deliver true predictive threat detection. SNYPR is the most sophisticated threat detection capability ever available: it can detect any threat from anywhere with unprecedented accuracy" * "SNYPR enables organizations to detect insider threats, privilege abuse, data exfiltration, advanced persistent threats, and hard-to-see breaches involving sophisticated malware. It harnesses the power of big data and puts actionable intelligence into the hands of security leaders, enabling them to combat cyber threats and reduce risk to their organization with fewer resources and lower costs"In UseUnknownEnterprises, Offices, Telecommunications, Consulting, Financial Services, Technology, MediaCapital One Ventures, Volition Capital, Eight Roads VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableProduct Manual:
https://socialsafety.appSocial Safety AppFROM, the Digital Transformation Agency helps companies transform from where they are now to where they need to be to succeed with today’s digital-first customersYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Social Safety App is a social distancing app that helps workers keep approximately 6 feet away from each other at work * The app offers a gentle reminder to workers if they come to close to another worker If workers come within approximately 6 feet of each other, the app alerts them through beeps, vibration, and a light display * The app "keeps less complaint employees in check" by policing those who don't take social distancing guidelines seriously * The app reduces stress because "when employees are worried about safety and having to deal with irresponsible coworkers, they aren’t doing their best work. The Social Distancing App lets them relax and get focused on their job" * The app keeps a "secure, private record of accidental close contact between people at your business, so that in the case of infection, you will be able to warn employees of their potential exposure risk for self-quarantine purposes"UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy:, the Digital Transformation Agencyhttps://www.from.digitalNo ActivityDeep Software Inc Software provides web analytics solution for small- and medium-size websitesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* When installed, this software monitors every computer on a Local Area Network * Workers can be covertly monitored - marketing website states, "Remotely Monitor Without Them Knowing. View their computers in real time – from your own PC. SoftActivity Monitor works invisibly, without slowing down their PCs" * Tracks websites visited. "Tom from accounting was on Facebook for 3 hours a day, every day this week? Let him explain that to HR" * "Record their e-mails. End workplace harassment, IP theft, and more" * "Record keystrokes in work apps, emails, websites, and IM chats in real time See what’s happening as it’s happening" * "Generate reports and schedule screen captures. Then show the bad guys the evidence. Even better, show everyone" * "Protect against insider threats. Your employees could be putting your company at risk" * "Idle time tracking lets you see for how long and when exactly a user was away from their computer during the day"In UseUnknownRemote Work, EnterpriseUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownCanadaCanadaUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Software Inc
http://getsomatic.comSomaticSomatichttp://getsomatic.comSomatic makes bathroom cleaning robots for commercial office buildingsYesLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Somatic makes autonomous bathroom cleaning robots for commercial spaces like office buildings In UseUnknownAirports, Offices, EventsC2 Ventures, Y Combinator, SOSV, Pioneer Fund, Soma CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/ASomatichttp://getsomatic.comNo OneSonde Health, Inc Sonde, preventive healthcare is at the heart of everything we do. We strive to enable any organization that supports people and their health to be more proactive, to provide those individuals with engaging ways to detect health conditions so they are able to actNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Sonde One is a vocal biomarker platform for health symptom detection and monitoring from an individual's voice * It has an API that can be integrated into other apps and websites that workers already use. It collects a six-second voice sample and then compares this sample against tens of millions of datapoints in its biobank * "With a short voice sample, Sonde symptom detection technology can tell if you are at risk for leading health conditions, including asthma, COPD, Covid-19, depression, and anxiety" * Employers can see "trending data" for their entire workforceIn UseShi, Xavier University, Cognitive Behavior InstituteEducation, Healthcare, ManufacturingNeoteny 4, Evidity Health Capital, MP Healthcare Venture ManagementUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Health, Inc
https://www.speakap.comSpeakapSpeakap BV is a secure and private platform that enables organizations of all sizes to reach and engage with their front-line employeesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Speakap is a mobile app that deskless workers install on their personal cellphone that provides them with a "centralized internal communication hub to connect, inform, and engage" with their employer * Frictionlessly integrates with existing business systems like SAP, Workday, or Salesforce * Management can track engagement on messages at a company, location, or department level * Gather audit logs on who has viewed news, updates, and videos * Identify internal ambassadors and track down employees who contribute to your internal brandingIn UseBosch, Domino's, G4S, Flexjet, McDonald's, RitualRetail, Hospitality, Groceries, Security, Transport, Logistics, ManufacturingConnected CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownThe NetherlandsUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: BVhttps://www.speakap.comYes
http://appftusptogov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-boolhtml&r=3&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PG01&s1=SquareAANM&OS=AANM/Square&RS=AANM/SquareSquare - Video Analysis of Food Server EffectivenessSquare, Inc, Inc is an American financial services, merchant services aggregator, and mobile payment company that markets software and hardware payments productsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Square has patented a system for having a camera record the kitchens of a quick-service restaurant. The camera would be connected to a Square payment terminal. For each sale made, Square could then see which ingredients were required for each purchase * With this information, Square mentions being able to do the following for restaurants: - "Ingredient layout recommendations: by seeing the most frequently selected ingredients, Square could make recommendations for how to change the layout of the ingredient counter in order to speed up service; - Menu recommendations: provide restaurants with a report of the most popular ingredient combinations to then inform menu changes; - Ingredient Replenishments: Square could track how quickly ingredients are being used up and provide real-time data for when ingredients need to be replenished" * This could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of food servers: for example, Square could track whether servers are smiling during encounters with customers, and then offer suggestions to the restaurant to improve customer service. Or it could be used to evaluate customer satisfaction: Square could evaluate the faces of customers to understand customer satisfaction. This could then be correlated with the actions of food servers to understand which servers, or which actions, result in poor customer satisfactionIn DevelopmentN/AHospitality, RestaurantsN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentN/ASquare, Inc
https://www.squawk.toSquawkZuma Labs Ltd is open platform for connected Living SpacesYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareSalaried* Squawk is an app that allows a worker to "broadcast" their voice to all the computers of their colleagues (or team, or selected group of workers). It intends to replicate the experience, for workers working from home, of being in an open plan office * By default, all microphones are muted and workers must consciously un-mute their microphone to talkIn UseUnknownRemote WorkUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited KingdomAustraliaUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/AZuma Labs Ltdhttps://www.zumaltd.comYes
https://www.getsquire.comSquireSquire Technologies, Inchttps://www.getsquire.commSquire offers a barbershop management and POS/Booking mobile application that connects barbers and clients nationwideNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Squire is an all-in-one platform for barber shops * Includes a scheduling function for customer bookings and the associated scheduling of worker shifts * Includes Covid-19 symptom screening for customers and workers * For barbershops where barbers are independent contractors, the "Smart Collect" feature allows the shop to "know at a glance if your barbers are current with payments, or if the rent is past due. When rent is due, automatically charge your barbers’ credit or debit cards for seamless payment"In UseUnknownSalonsNew General Market Ventures, Trinity Ventures, ICONIQ Capital, Tiger Global Management N/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies, Inchttps://www.getsquire.comNo GmbH offers a platform for mobile-first employee communicationNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Staffbase is an internal communications platform for retail and manufacturing workers that can be used to schedule shifts, send training and workplace updates, request/upload sick notes, and run surveys to gain worker feedbackIn UseAdidas, DHL, Deutsche Telekom, TransdevHealthcare, Retail, Manufacturing, Energy, UtilitiesCapnamic Ventures, KIZOO Technology Capital, Insight Partners, General Atlantic, eventuresWorker-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownGermanyGermanyUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableStaffbase GmbH
https://standard.aiStandardStandard Cognition, Corphttps://standard.aiStandard Cognition provides an autonomous checkout tool that can be installed into retailers' existing storesNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Convert an existing retail store into an autonomous store that does not require human cashiers * Essentially clones Amazon Go cashier-less stores, only requiring part-time human labor to restock shelvesIn UseUnknownRetail, GroceriesEQT Ventures, CRV, SoftBank Vision Fund, Initialized Capital, Y CombinatorN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://standardai/privacy-policy/N/AStandard Cognition, Corphttps://standard.aiNo
https://www.starship.xyzStarshipStarship Technologies, Inchttps://www.starship.xyzStarship Technologies is a robotics company building fleets of self-driving delivery robots designed to deliver goodsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Starship develops and operates last-mile food delivery robots * The electric-powered robots ride autonomously on sidewalks at a pedestrian speed * The robots are equipped with a sensor suite that includes cameras, GPS inertial measurement unit, ultrasonic sensors, radar, and possibly also other sensors. The robots have speakers, so they can communicate with humans they meet * The robots are eliminating the need for human workers to make last-mile deliveriesIn UseUnknownFood DeliveryMatrix Partners, Daimler, HOF Capital, Shasta Ventures, Playfair CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwstarshipxyz/data-privacy/N/AStarship Technologies, Inchttps://www.starship.xyzNo Income VerifierSteady is an app that finds part-time and temporary work that fits location, interests, and scheduleYesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, non-management* Steady "Income Verifier" uses income intelligence to allow states to alleviate the financial and clerical burden of vetting unemployment claims for fraud * It verifies income data directly from banks and financial institutions, in real time, without relying on self-reported or manual inputsIn UseN/AFinancial ServicesOmidyar Network, Commerce Ventures, Clocktower Technology Ventures, Recruit Strategic Partners, Propel Venture Partners, Flourish Ventures, Loebnyc, CMFG Ventures, Loeb Enterprises, Fintech71worker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesThe privacy policy states data is stored "in the United States and other countries"YesUnknown The privacy policy says that users have the right to request that their information be deleted, but does not otherwise mention when data will be removed from their serversOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownUnknownSteady has a sophisticated view into hourly worker income and wage trends, or "income intelligence," which can be leveraged by public sector agencies to analyze earnings and instantly determine eligibility for unemployment benefitsYesUnknownUnknownWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesUnknownUnknownUnknownSteady shares it "may" share personal information with one's consent in order to "provide you a service you requested through a partnership or promotional offering made by a third party or us"; "with the general public if you submit content in a public forum, such as blog comments, social media posts, or other features of our Services that are viewable by the general public;" and "with third parties with whom you choose to let us share information, for example other apps or websites that integrate with our API or Services"UnknownWorkers able to voluntarily choose to use the softwareThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product's privacy protections are differentiated by jurisdiction, affording workers in some locations more safeguards than workers in other locations Workers in California have additional rights than workers in other statesThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Communications SurveillanceSteeleye Limited is a data analytics firm that develops compliance technologiesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* SteelEye's Communications Surveillance platform captures, monitors, and analyzes corporate data and enables companies to strengthen their risk detection functions * "We collect, normalize, validate, and index all your structured and unstructured data, including email, voice calls, SMS, and instant messages from Bloomberg Chat, Slack, Office 365, Verint, WhatsApp, Masergy, and more" * "With SteelEye's dynamic query creation, it is easy to set up lexicon, behaviour or logic-based alerts Real-time back testing, machine learning and granular parameter settings allow you to reduce false positives and fine-tune your surveillance procedures" * "With SteelEye, you can instantly identify and retrieve any data set, automatically detect and analyse anomalies, and create and export cases for further investigation The platform gives you real-time vision of who is doing what, where and with whom"In UseSchroders, Capital IndexFinancial ServicesEight Roads Ventures, Illuminate Financial, Tech Nation FintechUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Limited Money, Inc Money is a service that lets creators on new online platforms manage their businessesYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Stir is a platform for content creators that aggregates financial and audience data from each platform that a creator uses. "See what's driving your bottom line so you can focus your time and money on all the right places" * Provides a calendar of when payments from various content platforms are due * Split income from particular videos or projects with another content creator, either on a percentage or flat-fee basis. "Splits handles settlements with trust and transparency for everyone involved"In UseRocketjump, Mythical, Airrack, Casey Neistat Artists, Content CreatorsLudlow Ventures, Homebrew, Chad Hurley, XYZ Venture Capital, Casey NeistatN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Money, Inc
https://www.strivr.comStrivrStrivr Labs, Inchttps://www.strivr.comStrivr develops virtual reality technologies for enterprisesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Strivr’s Immersive Learning platform trains workers using virtual reality technologies. "When employees learn by doing, they are more engaged, better prepared, and develop new skills faster with data-driven insights" * Immersive Learning allows retailers like Walmart "to recreate those situations that we can’t or don’t want to recreate at the store with customers present. Associates go through training in a real, life-like environment so they can learn from it and feel the experience of it" * "With Immersive Learning, there is no need for employees to wait for trainer to be on-site. It helps store associates become proficient even before the installation of equipment and enables 100% consistency of training"In UseWal-MartRetail, Manufacturing, Logistics, Transportation, Hospitality, ConstructionPrologis Ventures, Georgian, GreatPoint Ventures, Alumni Ventures Group, Franklin Templeton Investments, GreatPoint Ventures, BMW i Ventures, Signia Venture Partners, Advancit CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Labs, Inchttps://www.strivr.comNo makes it simple for a writer to start an email newsletter that makes money from subscriptionsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Substack is a platform that connects content creators with "fans" who pay to access their content * The platform takes a 10% commission from each sale * The top 10 authors on Substack collectively make more than $15 million a year, but most content creators earn less than $500 a yearIn UseN/AOnline MediaY Combinator, Andreessen Horowitz, UpHonest Capital, Kenji Niwa, Fifty Years, FundersClub, Wei Guo, Garage Capital, The Chernin Group, Brad Flora, VentureSouq, Justin Waldron, Emmett Shear, ZhenFundworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersNoneNoneNoN/AN/AN/AYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesN/AN/AUnknownN/AUnknownNo Use of the platform is voluntaryN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Safety PlatformSwipeSense, Inc is a healthcare technology company that makes healthcare safe, efficient, and predictable through location-aware applicationsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* The SwipeSense Hand Hygiene system provides employers with data on which workers and departments are not adequately washing their hands * Hygiene dispensers are fitted with a smart drip guard that captures personal usage data when workers wash their hands * Worker ID badges have a beacon that communicates with the hygiene dispensers to capture hygiene events and visits * Hand hygiene data is relayed from all devices to Communication Hubs located in centralized work areas. Data is then delivered over existing WiFi or Ethernet to secure servers for analysis * Software then provides managers and department heads with "reliable data and surfaces actionable insights" so issues can be quickly addressedIn UseUnknownHealthcareSandbox Industries, Eclipse Ventures, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, TEXO Ventures, Jumpstart VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable, Inc Holding AG is a provider of logistics solutions for hospitalsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly, salaried, non-management* Swisslog makes automated warehouse robots that pick and pack objects, including: - CarryPick, a small retrieval system for automatically retrieving small loads from warehouses - Tornado, a stacker crane that transports loads up and down the shelves of a warehouse - CycloneCarrier, a shuttle system that transports items one part of a warehouse to anotherIn UsePepsi, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Radwell, Lineage Logistics, Medline Industries, Trinchero Family Estates, Stemlit Growers, Thrive Market, Vera BradleyManufacturing, Logistics, Government, TransportationUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Holding AG PayEQSyndio Solutions, Inc Solutions is an HR Analytics company that focuses on promoting fairness in the workplaceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* PayEQ examines employee data inside human resources systems from companies such as Workday with the goal of flagging significant disparities in pay for equivalent jobs. Such disparities are prohibited by a variety of federal and state laws in the U.S.In UseNordstrom, Nerdwallet, Match Group, Slack, Adobe, Medallia, Forsman & Bodenfors, Vimeo, Hyatt Hotels, Coinbase, Stitch FixTechnology, Retail, Media, Office, Remote Work, Hotels, HospitalityBessemer Venture Partners, Emerson Collective, Next Play Capital, Voyager Capital, Contour Venture Partnersworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited States, European UnionYesThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We retain personally identifiable information that we collect only so long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and to meet legal requirements We have an Information Security Policy which provides for the destruction of personally identifiable information after it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected and legal requirements have been met"Only workers are being surveilledN/A - No hardware is utilizedNoYes* Syndio runs multivariate regression analyses, median tests and cohort analysis in minutes * Flexible configuration options to fit your organizational structure and groupings like tenure, experience, performance and geography * Instant results that apply Syndio’s industry leading methodology using data science and AI This level of sophistication can’t be achieved from spreadsheets or basic reports * Identify the degree to which your pay practices are fair and unbiased by gender or race * Easily interpret results and address disparities with the Budget to Fix feature * Make compensation adjustments directly and review results immediately with the interactive dashboard * Identify outliers or individuals incorrectly included in groupingsData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownHuman ResourcesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-making Conversely, it is designed to aid organizations in eliminating bias in employment practicesNo freedom of association concernsThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: https://syndio/privacy-policy/N/ASyndio Solutions, Inc Former Worker ReHiring ToolSyrg, Inc helps hourly workplaces make operations more efficient, compliant, and humanYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Syrg is a management platform intended for employers of hourly workers * Creates a network of future employees for future hiring needs: former workers, applicants that weren't hired, and nearby students * Collects exit insights from departing workers to uncover where and why preventable turnover is happening * Specializes in helping rehire former workers to reduce training costsIn UseMcDonald's, Subway, Domino's, Taco Bell, Restaurant Associates, Allied UniversalHospitality, RetailUnderscore VCN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://www.takeoff.comTakeoffTakeoff Technologies Inchttps://www.takeoff.comTakeOff uses an automated software platform to help grocers thrive in e-commerceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* TakeOff is an automated grocery order fulfillment platform for small grocers * When customers place orders for groceries, TakeOff robots pick orders in a matter of minutes from its microfulfilment centers * Customer orders are then delivered * Downward pressure is placed on drivers to deliver large volumes of orders in small periods of time * In automating the picking of orders from local grocery stores, there is less need for human workersIn UseAlbertsons, Ahold Delhaize, Wakefern, Sedano's, Woolworths, Loblaws, Big YGroceries, RetailIGNIA, H20 Capital Innovation, Forrestal CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Technologies Inchttps://www.takeoff.comNo Corporation is an integrated cloud application and platform services that sells a range of enterprise information technology solutionsYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Taleo is a talent acquisition platform that provides recruiters with tools for sourcing, recruiting, and onboarding workers * Automated chatbots "keep candidates engaged with an intelligent digital assistant, designed to provide quick answers to questions and guided experiences" * Automation helps recruiters to "assess talent, increase bench strength, identify successors, build talent pools, and support the creation of high-impact employee career development plans" * Analytical tools help recruiters "make smart decisions and improve hiring at every step by analyzing sourcing processes, talent assessments, candidate communication, and more"In UseUnitedHealth Group, Hyatt Hotels, Daimler, AT&T, AmerisourceBergen, Berkshire HathawayAutomotive, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Insurance, Retail, HospitalitySequoia CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Corporation 30Simbe Robotics, Inchttps://www.simberobotics.comSimbe Robotics builds automation solutions for shelf auditing and analyticsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceHourly* Tally 30 is an autonomous inventory robot * Tally strolls down grocery store aisles and captures 15,000 to 30,000 products an hour * The robot has numerous autofocus, auto-exposure and HDR camera systems onboard, which it uses to navigate and analyze the store environment, but processing of data happens in the cloud * Tally is 99% accurate (human workers are 65% accurate) and works 21 times fasterIn UseWal-MartRetail, GroceriesSOSV, Venrock, Activant Capital, Cherubic Ventures, Future ShapeN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Robotics, Inchttps://www.simberobotics.comNo
https://www.taskrabbit.comTaskRabbitTaskRabbit, Inchttps://www.taskrabbit.comTaskRabbit is a platform that matches up users with help on furniture assembly, moving, and other handyman servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* TaskRabbit is a platform that connects workers with furniture assembly, moving, and handyman services * TaskRabbit takes a 15% commission from every sale (excluding expense reimbursements) * Workers are subject to electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AConstruction, HandymanLightspeed Venture Partners, Founders Fund, 500 Startups, First Round Capital, Collaborative Fundworker-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesNo retention period is specified in the privacy policyData is being collected about workers and people looking to hire workersCamera, Mouse, KeyboardUnknownNoIt is not clear how workers are assigned to customers, but the product website implies an algorithm is involvedYesData is only collected when workers consciously upload dataYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the platform for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerN/A - use of platform is voluntaryYes The software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThere are no freedom of association concerns associated with this productThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.taskrabbit.comNo AG is an all-in-one solution for remote access, support, collaboration, and desktop sharing over the internetNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareSalaried* TeamViewer lets IT technicians and corporate investigators remotely log in to computers or mobile devices * Can access unattended devices without knowledge of the worker, if the software is preinstalled ahead of time * Collect files on the device for inspection purposesIn UsePhilips, Siemens, Doro, Mercedes Benz, CNES, Trimble, Leitner RopewaysRemote WorkPublicly-listedcompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation capturedGermanyUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardView ScreenNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themYesManagers, IT Administrators, WorkersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnavailable Policy: AG Biometric TechnologiesTECH5 SA is an international technology company dedicated to the design, development, and distribution of biometrics-driven Identity Management solutionsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Tech5 sells three different biometric products: - T5-Face is a face detection algorithm that captures faces through liveness detection technology and verifies one's identity - T5-Finger is a fingerprint capture algorithm that allows for person's identity to be verified by fingerprint - T5-Iris is an iris recognition algorithm that matches iris images from a variety of capture sources and from different population traits to verify that a person is who they say they areIn UseTech5, however, claims to have 320 million active identities managed by their algorithms globally While not all clients are known, the governments of Turkey, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia are believed to be clientsGovernment, Military, AirportsUnknownworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedSwitzerlandUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraFace IDYesFrom Tech5's website, "The high-speed and extremely accurate TECH5 face recognition technology has proven its efficiency in real-world projects that work with national databases consisting of hundreds of millions of faces and capable of processing millions of operations in real-time Our face recognition technology is based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) with the most up to date architecture and progressive methods of training that permit the highest accuracy for both identification (1:N match) and verification (1:1 match) Our face recognition technology has been trained on diverse databases, and as such, the algorithm remains invariant across different nations, ages and genders, showing high accuracy not only for Asians, Europeans and Africans, but also for different nations within these continents T5-Face technology is highly accurate (99,98%) and ranked in the TOP-tier of most accurate face recognition algorithms in the world (Facial FRVT, 2020) The superb accuracy of T5-Face technology is ensured by a combination of convolutional neural networks that utilize the most up to date architecture and progressive methods of training"UnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: https://tech5ai/privacy-policy/N/ATECH5 SAhttps://tech5-sa.comYes Fleet TrackingTeletrac Navman US Ltd Navman provides solutions for GPS fleet managementNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* According to the Telemetrics website, using Telemetrics, "UPS was able to monitor the way a driver behaves when behind the wheel. If they speed, accelerate sharply, or brake heavily, they put undue wear on the vehicle and can expedite any underlying problems it may have, as well as worsening fuel economy. Now UPS can look at that data and decide whether a driver needs to be reprimanded or given extra training to iron out those habits"In UseUPSTransportation, LogisticsUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, GPSN/ANo* Generate driver scorecards to benchmark unsafe behaviors, such as harsh braking, cornering, and acceleration * Synchronized alerts with dashboard camera feeds to record and view driving incidents * Low-distraction driver training aids and alerts on the road * Through AI, the platform allows managers to take corrective action as soon as impactful outliers occur The platform enables business operations to recognize patterns of efficiency in order to highlight opportunities in areas like route planning, logistic workflows, maintenance, driver behavior, compliance and fuel managementUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesN/AUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableUPS Case Study: Navman US Ltd
#Teleperformance TP ObserverTeleperformance SE connects the biggest and most respected brands on the planet with their customers by providing customer care, technical support, customer acquisition, digital solutions, analytics, back-office, and other specialized services to ensure consistently positive customer interactionsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* TP Observer is “a risk-mitigation tool that monitors and tracks real-time employee behavior and detects any violations to preset business rules” * Teleperformance workers who work from home will have an AI-enabled webcam added to their computers that recognizes their face, tags their location, and scans for “breaches” of rules at random points during a shift. Such breaches include an “unknown person” detected at the desk via the facial recognition software, “missing from desk,” “detecting an idle user,” and “unauthorized mobile phone usage” * If a breach is detected, a still photograph is snapped and sent to a manager for review In UseN/ACall CenterN/A - Publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownFranceUnknownUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCamera, MicrophoneUnknownYesUnknownYesUnknownUnknownYesUnknownManagersUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable TabletInVidTech Solutions provides telecommunications, IT, data center, and cloud servicesNoLabor Market OptimizationHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* A tablet-like device with a thermal sensor and multiple infrared-cameras that quickly and without contact checks for fever in anyone seeking entry to a building * Asks workers a series of questions pertaining to Covid-19 symptoms * Grants access to a building if a worker does not have a fever or present symptoms of Covid-19 * "Face liveness detection technology distinguishing real faces from non-real face spoof attacks"In UseUnknownEducation, Healthcare, EnterpriseUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesUnknown Individual organizations can configure how long to retain data forWorkers and visitors are being surveilledCameraPhotos / Media / Files, Wi-FiYesDetails of the algorithm are sparse, but we know the product has some kind of face recognition systemYesData is collected only when a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownThere are no public-facing guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy is ambiguous and speaks more to InvidTech's website, which serves marketing purposes, than it does the Temp Tablet itself It is not known who is obtaining data collected by this deviceNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to this hardware and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnavailablePrivacy Policy: ScannersZhejiang Dali Technology Co Ltd develops infrared thermal imaging technologiesYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Dali's temperature scanners are designed for mass screening of public areas, and can be used to find individuals with elevated body temperatures, which may be a symptom of Covid-19In UseUnknownEducation, Healthcare, EnterpriseN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedChinaChinaUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableNo privacy policy availableN/AZhejiang Dali Technology Co Ltd, Inc is an AI elder care platform that helps seniors live independently, economically, and longerYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, management* Tempo is a wearable device worn by both workers and care patients * The device helps home care providers prioritize staff time in areas where senior clients need the most care * CarePredict provides "in-depth productivity insights, so you can allocate more staff resources. Know the exact location of individual staff when they are on-site, via the web portal or smartphone app, and get insight into their movement patterns in the home during their shifts. Find out how much time staff spends with individual clients, and better understand how that changes over weeks or months" * Marketing website states, "Gathering health insights enables you to better understand the specific level of care required for each client. CarePredict's objective data also helps support sensitive discussions with loved ones, such as when to increase staff time spent with the client or when to transition them to assisted living communities"In UseUnknownHealthcare, Home CareStartUp Health, Secocha Ventures, Las Olas Venture Capital, Vectr, HealthTech CapitalUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc is a leading global provider of employee monitoring, user behavior analytics, insider threat detection, forensics, and data loss prevention software solutionsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, salaried* Teramind monitors all worker activity across system objects like email, keystrokes, printing of documents, and the Internet * "Intelligent behavior analysis can detect malicious activity and anomalies that indicate deviation from normal behavioral baseline. Dynamic risk scoring and vulnerability scanning identifies insider activity before it represents a real threat" * Insider threats detection - "Immediately get notified about harmful employee activity and insider threats. Automatically block any harmful action, lock out the user, or take remote control of their computer before any data theft, sabotage, or fraud attempts" * Optimize for productivity - "Define which apps and websites you consider productive and get in-depth reports on how your employees utilize them. Identify the laggards or high performers with active vs idle time analysis. Establish a continuous feedback loop to refine and adjust your organizational workflow through tracking of schedules, projects, and employee engagement rate for overall productivity boost" * Audit and forensics - "Video recording of all employee activity, audio recording, session recording, immutable logs, alerts, and optional OCR search are just a few examples of Teramind’s audit and forensic capabilities. Together they provide a vast collection of investigative data to locate the source of an insider threat with pinpoint accuracy"In UseUnknownFinancial Services, Call Center, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Fashion HouseUnknowncompany-provided devicesCentralizedWorker identity is easily ascertainedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownYes,There are specific requirements for data crossing the EU border For example, in an e-commerce scenario However, this is comparatively easier as you can control the database housing your EU customers But what about remote employees?UnknownOnly workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardUnknownNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themWorkers are able to email and request a correction, and it may or may not be processedManagers, IT Admin, WokersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownNo Agganments to daring data with third-patyNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownUnavailable Policy: and Passporting SystemWren Laboratories LLC Laboratories is a biotech company providing liquid biopsy-based molecular diagnosticsYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementThis system offers: * A personalised app for each testing subject including their current testing status * A dedicated portal under the control of a company’s human resources department ensuring that all identifiable information is kept under their control * Access to a cutting-edge RNA-based PCR Covid test with unrivaled accuracyIn UseUnknownEnterprisesUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownWest IndiesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/AClifton Life Sciences SystemsThermoteknix Systems Ltd develop high end Thermal Imaging cameras, modules, and software for night vision, cement, thermography, and OEM applicationsYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Thermoteknix's temperature scanners are designed for mass screening of public areas, and can be used to find individuals with elevated body temperatures, which may be a symptom of Covid-19In UseUnknownAirports, Healthcare, Education, OfficesUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Systems Ltd CTI-T66THine Electronics, Inc Electronics is a technology company specializing in mixed signal technologiesYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* THine CTI-T66 is a kiosk to be installed near building entrances that detects faces and measures the body temperature of up to 10 people at a time, helping detect Covid-19 * The device can store 10,000 faces in its facial recognition database, so it can also be used to grant or deny access to buildingsIn UseUnknownOffices, Healthcare, RetailN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedJapanN/A - data is stored locally on the device and not uploaded to an external serverNoUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraN/AYesThe biometric facial recognition algorithm can identify people up to 3 meters away from the sensor, while the fever detector can measure body temperature with a margin of error of 03 degrees CelsiusUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesN/AUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/ATHine Electronics, Inc DoctorTime Doctor, LLC Doctor is time tracking and productivity monitoring software for businesses and individualsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Time Doctor tracks the websites and applications used while people are working * Managers then receive a report with this information * Managers also receive a report listing potentially "poor time use" websites such as Facebook, and how long they were used for, and retains screenshots as evidenceIn UseBoost Media, Ericsson, Thrive Market, KellerWilliams, BBB, Verizon, ReMax, Firehouse SubsRemote WorkUnknowncompany-provided devices, personal devicesCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe privacy policy ambiguously states, "We retain your information for as long as necessary to provide you and our other users the Time Doctor Platform This means we keep your profile information for as long as you maintain an account We retain transactional information for at least seven years to ensure we can perform legitimate business functions, such as accounting for tax obligations"Only workers are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardView ScreenNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themWorkers are able to email and request a correction, and it may or may not be processedManagers, IT AdminThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesGoogleNoneNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California and the European Union have additional protections that are not extended to other workersIn its Security and Compliance Policy, Time Doctor says its internal processes are consistently applied in accordance with ISO 27001:2013 and routinely audited by an external auditorThe company says it grants law enforcement access to worker data that it "reasonably and in good faith believe may violate federal, state, or local law"Unavailable Policy:; Security and .compliance Policy: Studies: Doctor, LLC
https://www.toasttab.comToastToast, Inchttps://www.toasttab.comToast is an all-in-one point-of-sale and restaurant management platform for food service and hospitality businessesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Vertical Saas platform for restaurants * "From timesheets to taxes to tips, Toast Payroll and Team Management provides a centralized hub for restaurant HR tasks" * Worker hours and punch data are logged and synced automatically from workers on their cellphones * Ensures compliance with wage and labor laws as the platform "is up-to-date and compliant with complex, ever-changing restaurant labor laws" and can "manage multiple job rates, minimum wage requirements, and blended overtime" * "Schedule employees based on availability and performance while maintaining compliance with predictive scheduling and overtime laws" * "Access keen employee performance insights and identify ways to reduce restaurant labor costs"In UseJeni's, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Jamba, Lettuce Enterain You Restaurants, MeltingPot, Salata Salad Kitchen, BGood, D'Angelo, Papa Gino's PizzeriaRestaurants, HospitalityT Rowe Price, Greenoaks Capital, GV, TPG, Tiger Global ManagementN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Statement:, Inchttps://www.toasttab.comNo
https://www.topia.comTopiaTopia Limitedhttps://www.topia.comTopia is a talent mobility platform that enables employees to work remotelyNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformSalaried* Topia is a workforce management platform for enterprises with workers in many different jurisdictions * "Create and manage employee files with all compensation, payroll instructions, and documents stored in a single, secure place" * "Automate tasks such as stakeholder notifications, approval tracking, document generation, and pre-filling vendor forms/authorizations" * "Trigger vendor initiation automatically based on policy type and approved cost estimate, eliminating need to manually fill out forms and share employee information" * "Topia Manage centralizes your program data across spend, status, immigration, tax, and more The data and analytics tools built into Topia Manage enable users to configure reports, customize dashboards and access their live data 24/7"In UseCriteo, Dell, Telstra, AXA, Equinor, Schneider Electric, Veolia, TrueCar, Infor, Ulta Beauty, MorningStar, AllianceBernstein, OpenTable, KayakRemote Work, Enterprises, Offices, Consulting, Travel, TelecommunicationsHorizon Technology Finance, New Enterprise Associates, Future Fund, Notion Capital, NewView CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Limitedhttps://www.topia.comYes Technologies, Inc is a provider of AI-powered video analytics technology that gives visibility and insights for manual assembly line improvementNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Drishti Trace allows organizations to use live and recorded video to improve assembly line quality and productivity * Build video sets and playlists for training purposes * Compare videos side-by-side to identify non-standard practices * Marketing website states, "Avoid arguments about blame and fault with video as objective evidence" * Improved visibility into line activitiesIn UseDENSO, HELLA, Ford Motor CompanyIndustrial, ManufacturingMicron Ventures, Presidio Ventures, Sozo Ventures, Benhamou Global Ventures, Hella Ventures, Alpha Intelligence Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Toyota AI Ventures, Emergence, Benhamou Global Venturescompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledCameraN/AYesIn a press release, Drishti says, "Drishti was founded with the mission of augmenting the role of people in manufacturing In addition to improving standardized work adherence, highlighting any productivity issues and driving quality improvements, Drishti is providing AI-based continuous training for line associates Drishti’s training function uses AI, video and best practices reinforcement to train new employees, cross-train existing employees and identify “brilliant outliers”: creative line associates who excel in certain roles or develop new ways to improve standardized work Employees tend to embrace Drishti because of its direct benefit to workers on the line"YesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoLeadership, Managers, Supervisors, Engineers, Human ResourcesUnknownN/AUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Holdings Ltd is a full suite of real-time location management servicesYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* TraceSafe is a wearable device that ensures workers practice social distancing and supports with contact tracing in the event of a Covid-19 diagnosis: - Provides intelligent cues to maintain safe physical distancing - Can quickly alert users in the case of exposure - Works with or without internet connectivity - No smartphone or app required - Has a virtually unlimited battery life for ongoing worry-free operationIn UseTD Garden, 2021 IIHF World Junior Championship, Telus, Government of Hong Kong (200,000 units)Sports, Education, Healthcare, Offices, VenuesUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedCanadaUnknownUnknownOn their website, TraceSafe states, "Our technology automatically deletes data after a predetermined amount of time, reducing the need to store data longer than required for notification-related purposes and to help comply with local privacy laws and regulations" However, this retention period is not specifiedOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSN/ANoN/AYesData is only collected while a worker is working On their website, TraceSafe says their technology only monitors interactions with other people within authorized locations Their localized contact tracing technology cannot function once a worker leaves the contact site, eliminating fears of being “always-on”Yes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company complies only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailableInvestor presentation: Technologies Inc
https://healthfacedrive.comTraceSCANFacedrive Inc is a multi-faceted “people-and-planet first” tech ecosystem offering socially responsible services to local communities with a strong commitment to doing business fairly, equitably, and sustainablyYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* TraceSCAN is a contact-tracing wearable * TraceSCAN is designed to be worn in work environments where workers may not be able to carry or have access to mobile devices * The TraceSCAN technology is validated by a white paper on privacy and security features issued jointly by Facedrive Health and McCarthy Tétrault’s MT Ventures, and is powered by Microsoft AzureIn UseLiUNA, Air CanadaTravel, Manufacturing, Food Processing, Construction Government of Ontario (Canada)company-provided deviceDecentralizedData is anonymized but workers can be identifiedLocation always capturedCanadaCanadaYesUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSNoneNoNo claims madeYesData is collected continuously while the device is worn, regardless of where the worker isYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers cannot lodge grievances pertaining to the hardware with the developer, Facedrive, but depending on who they are employed by, may be able to submit complaints to their employerWorkers are obliged to wear the hardwareThe hardware collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe hardware could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc Proximity TraceTriax Technologies Technologies, Inc delivers a connected IoT worksite platform designed for construction, energy, and heavy industrial environmentsYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract* The TraceTag is a wearable device that can be affixed to a hardhat or worn on the body * TraceTags will emit a real-time alert when workers are in close proximity to one another * The device will collect worker interactions, including duration, and make these available to management * The device does not capture the worker's precise location and has no GPS functionalityIn UseFour Seasons New Orleans, Fairfield University, Acacia Gardens, New York City Housign AuthorityConstruction, Education, Government, HospitalityUnknowncompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Technologieshttps://www.triaxtec.comNo Recruitment SoftwareTribepad Ltd develops recruitment softwareNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* Tribepad Flex is a "freelance management system" that "makes it easy to source, organize, and manage your flexible workforce in an efficient, secure, and compliant way" * "Tribepad Flex is perfect for medium-to-large businesses with complex processes who want to stop losing days every week to inefficiencies, and stop paying over the odds to agencies and last-minute hires" * "Our contractor management software automates agency processes and paperwork, saving you time and money. Contractors can build rich profiles to highlight their career history, skills, and qualifications. Check their credentials and previous experience, and review their video interview" * "Manage the peaks and troughs of resource demand in your business. People in your database can update their availability quickly and easily. Check the calendar, then invite the freelancers and contractors who are most suitable for the project" * "Mark off the time worked for the role and approve payments to be made via payroll, limited company, or umbrella company. Audit your projects and placements with integration to invoice generation and accounting packages"In UseBBC, Tesco, KFC, Eton College, Pizza Hut, G4SEducation, Retail, Media, Healthcare, Restaurants, Hospitality, SecurityUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Ltd
https://www.trigo.techTrigoTrigoVision Ltdhttps://www.trigo.techTrigo is a developer of AI-based automated retail checkout systemsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* Convert an existing retail store into an autonomous store that does not require human cashiers * Essentially clones Amazon Go cashier-less stores, only requiring part-time human labor to restock shelvesIn UseUnknownRetail, GroceriesVertex Ventures, 83North, Tesco, Vertex Ventures Israel, Hetz VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AIsraelN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwtrigotech/privacy-policyN/ATrigoVision Ltdhttps://www.trigo.techNo Aware214 Technologies Inc applies computer vision technology to camera streams to enable businesses to make immediate decisions based on identified patternsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* TrueFace Aware is a facial recognition system that integrates with existing surveillance cameras installed in a business's premises It is intended to: - Automatically detect firearms and knives when present in camera feeds and send alerts to predetermined security teams - Detect suspicious packages or suitcases left lingering - Understand how customers move through the premises and modify staffing based on customer traffic - Offer person-of-interest recognition and alert security to known criminals, former staff, and bad actors - Grant/deny access control to staff to restricted areas - Verify staff timesheetsIn DevelopmentUnited States Air ForceGovernment, Airports500 Startups, Boomtown Accelerators, Scout Ventures, GrowthX, Lavrock Venturescompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCameraFace IDYesTrueface is vague about the capabilities of its hardware and software However, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the US government agency that evaluates advanced technologies, ranked Trueface 7th (out of 199 technologies tested) in its 2020 Facial Recognition Vendor Test This suggests that Trueface's facial recognition technology has a high degree of accuracyYesData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoUnknownThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnclear - there are no public statements that speak to how Trueface has standardized its processes But given its client base is largely government, it seems likely that it has, as this is typically a vendor requirement for government contractsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable; Policy: https://wwwtruefaceai/privacy-policyN/ATrueFace, Inc is a verified identity platform that aims to protect sensitive personal data behind consumer consentNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Truework provides employment verification services * Truework has a database of employment records for 35 million U.S. workers. If a worker is not in its database, Truework obtains verified employment information from former employersIn UseOscar, Invision, CollegeBoard, Tuft&Needle, Techstars, Cornerstone Staffing, ActiveCampain, TheMotleyFool, Xant, NICEinContactHealthcare, Retail, Logistics, Transportation, Technology, Consulting, ManufacturingKhosla Ventures, Stanford University, Sequoia Capital, Menlo Ventures, Founder CollectiveN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy:, Inc, Inc Health makes it easy for nurses to find flexible job opportunities. No recruiters; our intelligent matching tool finds the best opportunities for youNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Platform for connecting registered nurses with employers * Nurses can choose the shifts they want to work * It is not clear how (if at all) the platform ranks candidates for employer review/selection/hiringIn UseUnknownHealthcareFounder Collective, Craft Ventures, Felicis Ventures, Juney Ham, Healthbox, Abstract Ventures, Wavemaker 360, Texas Medical Center, 1984 VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://www.tusimple.comTuSimpleTuSimple, Inchttps://www.tusimple.comTuSimple is a global self-driving truck company based in San Diego and operating self-driving trucks out of Tucson, Arizona, and Dallas, Texas NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* TuSimple is developing self-driving technologies specifically designed to meet the unique demands of heavy-duty trucks * "With TuSimple's autonomous system at the wheel we can reduce direct labor costs, improve fuel consumption, and with fewer accidents we're able to take advantage of lower insurance premiums. The result is significantly lower operating costs, which benefits shippers, carriers, and fleets" * The continued adoption of this technology is likely to result in fewer human driving jobsIn UseWal-Mart, United States Postal Service, UPSLogistics, TransportationGoodyear Ventures, US Xpress Enterprises, Navistar, Cambium Grove Capital, Sun Hung Kai & Co, VectoIQ LLC, Volkswagen Group, Traton, Lavender Hill CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable publicly accessible privacy policyN/ATuSimple, Inchttps://www.tusimple.comNo Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Twitch is a platform that connects content creators with their fans who pay to watch them play video games * People can pay to subscribe to content creators. Twitch streamers earn a minimum of 50% of the subscription fees that a subscriber pays. The more subscribers they have, the higher percentage of income they get to keep * Streamers get paid roughly 1¢ per viewer per hour for sponsored streamsIn UseN/AVideo GamesThrive Capital, Nelstone Ventures, Take Two Interactive, WestSummit Capital, Alsop Louie Partners, Bessemer Venture Partners, Draper Associates, YCombinator, SV AngelN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwtwitchtv/p/legal/privacy-notice/N/ Inc - Mask VerificationUber develops, markets, and operates a ride-sharing mobile application that allows consumers to submit a trip requestYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract* Uber has adopted a mandatory mask policy. All drivers must wear face masks * The Mask Verification feature prompts workers to take a photo of themselves before they can begin driving, delivering, or riding, and AI technology verifies that the Uber driver is wearing a mask In UseN/ARidesharing, Transportation, LogisticsN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: - Safety ScoreUber develops, markets, and operates a ride-sharing mobile application that allows consumers to submit a trip requestYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract* Uber is developing a "safety score" that will route drivers along safer routes, and also pick up and drop off passengers in safer locations * The safety score may be based on the presence of surveillance cameras, brightness or ambient light level, and/or crime rates for a neighborhood * It is not clear if the platform is optimizing routes for the safety of the driver or the passenger * Drivers cannot see the safety score of a location before agreeing to a pick-upIn DevelopmentN/ARidesharing, Transportation, LogisticsN/A - publicly listedN/ACentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentN/AUberhttps://uber.comNo COVID CheckUniversity of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati is a public research university in Cincinnati, Ohio YesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Workers and visitors are asked to use a mobile app to complete a Daily Health Check, based on CDC guidelines, and self-report if diagnosed with Covid-19In UseUniversity of CincinnatiEducationN/Aworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknown Neither the privacy policy nor FAQs speak to the retention period for collected dataOnly workers are being surveilledCameraPhoto GalleryNoNo algorithmYesData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesUnknownThere is an internal policy prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownYes Workers are able to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers able to voluntarily choose to use the software Workers who do not wish to use the app can complete a paper questionnaire instead upon entering campus This questionnaire asks questions recommended by the Center for Disease ControlThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableFAQs: of Cincinnati SRL designs and develops robotic process automation and artificial intelligence softwareYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract, salaried* UiPath is a platform managing robots and automating a workplace * The function "Orchestrator" is used "to provision, deploy, trigger, monitor, measure, track, and ensure the security of every robot in your organization" from a web browser or mobile device * "Orchestrator tracks and logs everything every robot does, along with everything people do with robots" * Add AI skills to automate cognitive processes on existing robots - "Teach software robots new AI skills: reading documents, recognizing dynamic interfaces, and understanding conversations to make complex decisions. Use pre-built AI models from UiPath, the open source community, or our 100+ partners—or integrate your own AI models" * Robots can work independently in the background and handle task-heavy, long-running processes, or be programmed to check in with workers for validation or if there's a question or exceptionIn UseFitch RidingsArtificial Intelligence, Data and Analytics, Hardware, Information Technology, Science and Engineering, SoftwareTencent Holdings, Seedcamp, Sequoia Capital, Earlybird Venture Capital, Dragoneer Investment GroupN/AN/AN/AN/ARomaniaUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: SRL SoftwareUKG Inc Software is an American technology company that develops and sells UltiPro, a cloud-based human capital management software system for businessesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* UltiPro is a human capital management platform * "Gain one, comprehensive view of all your employee data, including insight into your global teams and critical HR processes" * "Discover the most powerful payroll engine in the industry today, and simplify the most complex tax processes" * "Deliver a personalized, candidate-centric experience to potential employees, and make it easier for recruiters to assess the right fit" * "Go beyond document storage to proactively manage, secure, and centralize all your employee files and ensure compliance" * "Make it easier for people to look after themselves, and their families, with an intuitive benefits shopping experience" * "Gain unprecedented levels of operational insight and optimize workforce productivity and engagement, with the most robust, next-generation workforce management solution" * "Automate, scale, and receive real-time insight into scheduling, time, and leave management processes to improve productivity and engagement for teams of all sizes"In UseData Sonic Car Wash, Vancity, Alyeska Resort, PACE Center for Girls, UHY, Yamaha, Ash Grove, ProcessBarron, Hunton & Williams, Berkeley College, Rollins, Valvoline, Jack in the Box, Texas Roadhouse, Red Roof Inn, Sony Music Entertainment, Los Angeles Dodgers, Phoenix Suns, Miami MarlinsManufacturing, Healthcare, Professional Services, Education, Retail, Restaurants, Hospitality, Travel, Insurance, Financial ServicesHarbourVest PartnersUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.ukg.comNo
https://www.united.comUnited CleanPlusUnited Airlines Airlines and United Express operate approximately 5,000 flights each day to more than 370 destinations throughout the worldYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareSalaried* United Airlines has a worker app that asks workers to complete a short questionnaire before each shift * The questionnaire scans for Covid-19 symptomsIn UseUnited AirlinesAviationN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableNo publicly available privacy policy availableN/AUnited Airlineshttps://www.united.comNo
https://unmind.comUnmindUnmind Ltdhttps://unmind.comUnmind is a workplace mental health platform YesWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformSalaried* Unmind is a workplace mental health platform that encourages workers to track, assess, and understand their wellbeing and how it changes over time * It claims to enable leaders to make more informed decisions about their workforce with aggregated and anonymous dataIn UseUber, Virgin Media, Samsung, British Airways, Asos, Centrica, TSB, John Lewis, Marks & SpencerAll sectorsProject A Ventures, Presight Capital, Felix Capital, Anthemis GroupUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableUnmind Ltdhttps://unmind.comNo, Inc is a property trading game paired with a decentralized economy. Players buy, sell, trade, and develop virtual properties that are based on real-world addressesNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried* Upland is a video game/cryptocurrency that has been auctioning off various landmarks in the Metaverse, its fictional land, and seen landlords trying to profit off of workers online in addition to offline * VICE has been reporting on the economy of this tool and how it may "introduce conference networking as well as productivity-enabling aspects of human interaction in the [real-life] workplace"In UseN/AReal EstateFinLab AGN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy:, Inc Global Inc, formerly Elance-oDesk, is an American freelancing platform where enterprises and individuals connect in order to conduct businessNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract* Workers bid on assignments to complete, with customers then selecting workers for a job (often ranking them by those willing to accept the lowest bid) * No worker protections against abusive/exploitive customers * Upwork takes a commission from each job while also charging customers a platform feeIn UseMicrosoft, CotyConsulting, Remote WorkEquityZen, Benchmark, FirstMark, T Rowe Price, New Enterprise Associates, Jackson Square Ventures, Stripes, Globespan Capital Partners, Sigma Partners, Benchmark, Kleiner Perkin, DAG Ventures, SV Angel, Pequot Capital, Charter Venture Group, Focus Ventures, Integral Capital Partners Citigroup, MIT Media Labworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownThe privacy policy states that all data records are retained for 5 yearsData is being captured about the general public as well as workersCamera, Microphone, BluetoothPhotos / Media / Files, Wi-FiNoUnknownYesUnknownYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYesUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this platform exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Global Inc Covid-19 Vaccine BadgeUrbanSitter, Inc is an online hub connecting families with babysitters through social networksYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract* UrbanSitter has added Covid-19 screening questions for workers, such as "Would you be willing to have your temperature taken upon arrival at our home?" * UrbanSitter has implemented Covid-19 vaccine badges to profiles to allow customers to identify workers who have received the Covid-19 vaccine and are willing to provide proof of a current Covid-19 vaccine, if requestedIn UseN/AChild CareMenlo Ventures, Canaan Partners, First Round Capital, Aspect Ventures, Rustic Canyon Partnersworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesYesData is retained indefinitely by default, but works may remove their vaccination status at any timeUrbansitter is collecting the vaccination status of both workers and customers, with disclosure voluntary for both (but while disclose may be voluntary, in a competitive marketplace workers may feel obliged to disclose this information)N/AN/ANoN/AN/A - even if encrypted, data is visible to anyone, anywayData on a worker's vaccination status is collected only when a worker consciously uploads this information to the Urbansitter platformYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesWorkers, Urbansitter Staff, Prospective Customers of WorkerThere are no public facing statements prohibiting the use of this data pertaining to a worker's vaccination status for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe collection of information pertaining to one's vaccinations status could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherIt is possible that the collection of this information from both workers and customers could help workers make more informed decisions about whether a workplace is a safe or unsafe environment, but there is not yet evidence that this will be the caseInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California have additional privacy protections that are not extended to other workersInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc
https://verensics.comVerensics Integrity AssessmentVerensicshttps://verensics.comVerensics offers assessments to help you make sure that the person who deserves the job gets it and keeps itNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Verensics offers a “psychological assessment that outperforms any background check” that takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete by answering yes or no questions and can “tell you how risky a person will be to hire. The Verensics assessment focuses specifically on risk: risk of theft, risk of violence, risk of fraud, etc”In UseGeorgia Department of CorrectionsAll sectorsUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/AVerensicshttps://verensics.comNo
https://vergesense.comVergeSenseVergeSense is a software-as-a-service company that develops AI-powered workplace sensorsYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* VergeSense sensors are installed throughout a building and continuously collect occupancy data * These sensors "count people across the office. Understand usage and occupancy of buildings, floors, seating areas, conference rooms, all the way down to individual desks" * The sensors integrate with other systems - "Through VergeSense’s open API and robust partner ecosystem, real-time data can fuel workplace management systems, space reservation systems, and other digital workplace tools"In UseRapid1, Genentech, Fresenius, Telus, BP, Shell, RBC, Cisco, Roche, JLLOffices, Events, Consulting, Retail, ManufacturingY Combinator, Bolt, MetaProp, Tola Capital, Pathbreaker VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:,%20Inc%20-%20Privacy%20Policypdf Inc is a SaaS tool for employee scheduling, time, and location trackingNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract* VeriClock is a worker scheduling tool that generates shifts/schedules for workers, allows them to clock in and out of shifts from their cellphone, and constantly tracks the worker's location * VeriClock's location tracking feature "allows you to see exactly where your employees are clocking in and out from, in real time. For businesses with multiple locations, or courier and delivery services, VeriClock is the perfect solution to ensure employee honesty and productivity" * GPS geotagging - "With advanced GPS geotagging, managers and supervisors have the ability to view individual employees on a map for the duration of their shift" * Manage job progress - "Track job progress by having employees snap before, during, and after photos or video of their work. Media can be attached to their daily shifts right in the software. Send media to clients, or have supervisors review for increased communication on job progress"In UseNoRemote Work, Retail, Logistics, TransportationUnknowncompany-provided devicesCentralizedUnknownLocation not capturedCanadaUnknownNoUnknownOnly works are being surveilledMouse, Keyboard, GPSUnknownNoNo algorithmYesData is collected only when a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesManager, IT Administrator, WorkerThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownNo Agganments to daring data with third-patyNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsUnavailable Policy: Inc "Healthy at Work"Alphabet Inc is a holding company that provides projects with resources, freedom, and focus to make their ideas happenYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* Healthy at Work integrates Covid-19 screening and testing, vaccine mangement tools, population analytics, and ongoing safety controls into one online system to help organizations operationalize their plans to return to work and campus * "Administrators have access to centralized results and analytics, the latest public health guidance, and Verily’s clinical and data science experts to help customize and adapt the program for the rapidly changing COVID-19 landscape"In UseBrown UniversityEducation, HealthcareSafar Partners, Romulus Capital, dunnhumby Ventures, Boston Seed Capital, MIT Media LabUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Inchttps://abc.xyzNo
https://www.verkada.comVerkadaVerkada Inc is setting a new standard for enterprise building securityYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract* Verkada manufactures surveillance cameras and an AI platform for finding video footage * Monitor workplace activity with a live feed of access-based events * Visualize meaningful motion across floorplans and track movement across sites with real-time heatmaps * People and vehicle analytics - "Find person and vehicles of interest using various attributes. Search for individuals using clothing color and appearance"In UseFastenalAdministrative Services, Information Technology, Internet Services, Privacy and Security, Real Estate, SoftwareSequoia Capital, Felicis Ventures, First Round Capital, Founder Collective, Meritech Capital PartnersUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Inchttps://www.verkada.comNo Recruitment SuiteVidCruiter Inc offers a video recruiting platform enabling businesses to identify, filter, and acquire talent faster while saving you time and moneyNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract* VidCruiter is a platform for hiring workers * The platform assesses the skills of potential hires - "With VidCruiter’s digital skills testing solution, recruiters and hiring managers are able to test for a variety of different skills in candidates, including Microsoft Excel knowledge, typing speeds, RFP simulations, script reading, and much more" * "If you are looking to help your team save time, you can pair the skills testing platform with VidCruiter’s advanced customized workflow system to help automate the process. Not only will the platform filter out candidates based on their responses, but it will also automatically move them to the next step if they achieve the appropriate score. You can even have rejection emails automatically sent to unqualified applicants" * Automated reference checks can inform hiring decisions - "Your team can get an automatic score based on how the references rate their former employees. The ability to score will give you more insight and make it easier to find the best candidates"In UseUnited Nations, Lionsgate, Samung, US Foods, Lowe's, AflacEducation, Retail, Hospitality, Restaurants, Events, Healthcare, Technology, GovernmentUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/ACanadaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inc ScreenWorkforce Health Assessors is an online tool to screen anyone visiting your workplace, before they arrive on siteYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Set scheduling for worker Covid screening * Access reports with real-time activity and screening results * Easy allocation of screens for visitors, contractors, and unscheduled arrivals * Reassure staff and visitors that your workplace is proactively screening for Covid-19 * Contributes to meeting Covid-19 Safe Workplace GuidelinesIn UsePembroke WinesSporting Clubs, Healthcare Providers, Tourism Operators, Worksites, Factories, Airbnb PropertiesUnknownPersonal DeviceCentralizedIdentifiableIn UseAustraliaAustraliaConsentPrivacy policy states that upon request, information will be destroyed Otherwise, it is unknown when or if data is destroyedPhoto Library, Camera, Microphone, Contacts, Calendar, receive data from InternetNoYesYesemployers; parent company staff; data subjectUnknownData is shared with employer, developerYes The app collects a data subject's medical history and this is disclosed to their employer or potential employerThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentExpressly states cooperation with law enforcementUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Health Assessors Health Health is an AI health-tech company, analyzing voice to find unique vocal biomarkers for specific diseasesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, non-management* "VocalisCheck - Covid-19 Vocal Biomarker" is software that assesses the voice of a person whose Covid-19 status is unknown, without additional information or prior knowledge about the individual user * "A single voice sample is recorded using a mobile app or web-based tool, and a cloud-based AI analytics engine provides feedback within a minute or two" * A worker counts from 50 to 70 The recording is uploaded to the cloud and compared against Covid-19-positive recordings. A result is available in under a minute * Can be used to screen workers for Covid-19 before they come to workIn UseUnknownMedical DeviceaMoon FundUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Health Intelligence, Inc is an AI coaching and training platformNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, non-management* VoiceOps transcribes and analyzes a team’s conversations so that managers can "provide the most valuable, actionable, and data-driven feedback to [their] entire team"In UseQuantum Assurance, Weebly, Square, HomelightInsurance, Travel, Financial ServicesY Combinator, Accel, Bain Capital Ventures, Founders Fund, Lowercase Capitalcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersMicrophoneUnknownUnknownVoiceOps says its clients are able to see their conversion rate improve between 5% to 20% in the first 60 days of use, which helps them generate tens of millions of dollars in additional revenue While details on the algorithms used to achieve this are sparse, published interviews with founder Daria Evdokimova state that algorithms are being used, though still being refined, and value is derived moreso from the training dataset(s)UnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownThe software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Intelligence, Inc Commerce Cloud Solutions LLC focuses on e-commerce strategies for major retailers and consumer brandsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* Vtex is an order management system that allows retailers to fulfil customer orders * "Obtain a single view of orders and orchestrate fulfillment in all channels to ensure inventory and resources are used most efficiently" * "Maximize profitability and reduce cost with intelligent sourcing to ensure orders are fulfilled in the most efficient way possible in the extended network" * "Give your associates the benefit of hands-on intelligence to deliver personalized service with relevant information about customers, products, prices, and promotions, regardless of the channel" * "Give associates the ability to collaborate with customers through a persistent cart for all your channels, to place orders on behalf of the customer, and recover carts to increase revenue" * Collects analytics on workers to ensure workers are giving customers "the best experience possible"In UseMotorola, Sony, StanleyBlack&Decker, Erik's, Worldwide Golf ShopsLogistics, Transportation, Warehouse, RetailSoftBank, Tiger Global Management, Endeavor Catalyst, Naspers, Riverwood CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AAmazon Web Services, Microsoft AzureN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Commerce Cloud Solutions LLC COVID-19 Check-InWabash College College is a private, men's liberal arts college in Crawfordsville, IndianaYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* To help control the spread of Covid-19 at Wabash College, workers and students are required to evaluate their symptoms, record their temperature, and complete the Covid-19 Symptom Check-In Form in an app each day before coming to work or going to class * If someone is symptom free, they will receive a GO pass that allows them to come to campus. If they receive a STOP response, they must stay home and follow instructions that will be providedIn UseWabash CollegeEducationN/Aworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown No publicly available privacy policy is available, and publicly accessible material does not describe the app's retention period for personal informationUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownThere is an internal policy prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsUnknownThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableN/AWabash College Patent US010020004Wal-Mart is a multinational retail corporation that operates several chains of discount department and warehouse storesNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Walmart has patented a system that allows it to listen in on workers and customers * The system can track employee "performance metrics" and ensure that employees are performing their jobs efficiently and correctly by listening for sounds such as the rustling of bags or beeps of scanners at the checkout line and can determine the number of items placed in bags and number of bags * Sensors can also capture sounds from guests talking while in line and determine whether employees are greeting guestsIn DevelopmentWal-MartRetailN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownData is being captured about the general public as well as workersMicrophoneN/ANoDetermine a worker's performance metrics automaticallyUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Voice TechnologiesWal-Mart Inc is a multinational retail corporation that operates several chains of discount department and warehouse storesYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, non-management* Walmart has deployed voice technology to both workers and customers * For customers, it enables shoppers to add items to their online grocery cards with the command of their voice * For workers, in the "Ask Sam" app it offers "digital guidance to Walmart workers looking for store maps, price checks, product locations, sales information, and more" * For managers, there is an Emergency Alert voice feature, "empowering managers to make quick decisions during high-stress situations." When activated, "clear and instructive emergency notifications are sent to all associates on and off the clock. That could mean the start of local lockdown procedures, moving employees and customers to a secure area inside the store; instructions to evacuate the facility; or a simple "all clear" to resume activities and report to shifts as normal"In UseWalmart w/ Partnerships with Google and SiriRetailN/A - publicly listedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable;; Policy: Inc, Inc is a card-linked benefits platform and wellness app for employers looking to improve company culture and employee well-being by automatically giving members cash back for paying in-store or online with their debit cardNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingPlatformSalaried* Wallit is an automated wellness benefits platform * Wallit connects to a worker's existing debit card and then validates purchases in real-time for automated reimbursement. Employers can select from categories like food and grocery, health and fitness, financial wellness, learning and development, student loan repayment, and others * Employers have no cards to issue and manage, no receipts or expense reports to collect * Employers receive "activity tracking" reports and "real-time analytics" into worker shopping habitsIn UseUnknownFinancial Services, Insurance, Offices, Technology, ConsultingMendoza Ventures, BlueIO, BoxOne Ventures, Maine Technology InstituteUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableNo
#Warehouse worker Inc is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creatorsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, non-management* When someone orders a product from Amazon, the details are transmitted to the handheld computers that all warehouse workers carry * Upon receiving the order details, the worker must quickly retrieve the product from one of many inventory bins on shelves, pack it into a delivery box, and move on to the next assignment * The proposed wristbands would use ultrasonic tracking to identify the precise location of a worker’s hands as they retrieve items. One of the patents outlines a haptic feedback system that would vibrate against the wearer’s skin to point their hand in the right direction. This would allow human workers to fulfil more orders in less timeUnknownAmazon.comWarehouse, RetailN/A - publicly listedcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownOnly workers are being surveilledUnknownN/ANoThe system's sensors triangulate on the wristband’s signals to determine where a worker's hand is positioned, and software matches that position with the inventory item that is supposed to be processed The system can then send signals back, setting the band abuzz with a burst of "haptic feedback" to let workers know their hands are heading for the right binUnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThe use of this software could result in accidents or personal injuryInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company complies only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationUnavailable; Inc
https://www.getweave.comWeaveWeave Communicationshttps://www.getweave.comWeave makes communicating with customers easier for businesses by integrating features like texting, phone service, fax, and reviewsNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* Weave is a platform for healthcare providers, veterinary clinics, and salons to communicate with their customers * "The Weave app allows you to keep your business running even if you’re not in the office. You and your team can text and call customers, update voicemails, collect payments, and communicate with each other, all from your smartphones. Even better, all your communication with customers still comes from your office phone number: the number they expect" * "Protect yourself and your staff by screening customers with a wellness form prior to bringing them into the office" * "Weave allows you to collect payments safely and effectively no matter where you are or where your customers are. Our many payment options allow you to collect payments without ever physically handling cash or cards" * Weave's analytics function "gives you an in-depth look at trend data to bring back patients with unscheduled treatment, canceled appointments, and other priority patients" * Call analytics show: "Total calls; Total placed calls; Total missed/answered calls; Call tracking (which number was dialed); Call volume; Call source (current customer or non-customer)" * In targeting small businesses and bringing automation to many tasks currently being performed manually by human workers, Weave may result in job losses for some business functions. If Weave adds additional analytic functions in the future, these could also set the standards for how many small businesses evaluate the performance of their workersIn UseUnknownHealthcare, Salons, VeterinaryInitialized Capital, FundersClub, SV Angel, Y Combinator, Tiger Global ManagementN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo privacy policy availableN/AWeave Communicationshttps://www.getweave.comNo Group Ltd is an online supermarket platform designed for on-demand grocery shoppingNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Instacart competitor - riders deliver groceries via bicycle or car * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items rapidly * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/ARetail, GroceryLeft Lane Capital, DN Capital, Heartcore CapitalN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://weezycouk/privacy/N/AWeezy Group Ltd
https://www.wefarm.comWeFarmWefarm Limitedhttps://www.wefarm.comWeFarm is a farmer-to-farmer digital network that enables users to share information via SMSNoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareN/A* WeFarm is a knowledge-sharing social network for connecting small-scale farmers "to the people and resources they need to be successful" * It is available via SMS for farmers in rural communities without access to high-speed Internet. In this case, farmers text questions to a local number; WeFarm then uses machine learning algorithms to identify the most appropriate responders and transmits the message to those users with similar interests in the area, who reply. Farmers typically receive 3 to 5 responses * WeFarm is free for farmers and funded by international retailers and grocers who want to increase sustainability and transparency in their supply chains and access isolated farming marketsIn UseN/AAgricultureTrue Ventures, LocalGlobe, AgFunder, Rabo Frontier Ventures, Octopus Ventures, June Fund, Innovate UK, LocalGlobe, ADVWorker's own deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Limitedhttps://www.wefarm.comYes
https://wwwwellcheckusWellCheckPinpoint Us, LLC provides a portfolio of solutions designed to protect, prepare, and secure workersYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitors* WellCheck is a digital health screening app that allows organizations to screen workers for symptoms of Covid-19 and then direct them either to come to work, stay at home, or see a doctor * "The Respondent Data Dashboard filters responses continuously in real-time, allowing an organization to instantly assess the health of its entire population. This data helps reallocate workforce resources quickly and efficiently. WellCheck effectively reduces administrative burdens by monitoring and controlling staffing needs" * "Workflows can be customized using adaptive algorithms to instantly screen anyone for symptoms of COVID-19. Once an individual is screened, they will be connected with response-dependent resources. Our platform provides instant monitoring and a complete “return-to-work” solution, serving as an important risk mitigation tool. WellCheck includes multi-language capabilities that work on any device" * A separate product, VaccineCheck, allows workers to upload and store digital Covid-19 vaccination certificatesIn UseUnknownEducation, Retail, Manufacturing, Logistics, Offices, Events, HealthcareUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited States"Europe"UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Us, LLChttps://www.wellcheck.usNo
https://www.westtenth.comWest TenthW Tenth Cohttps://www.westtenth.comWest Tenth is a digital marketplace that helps women turn nontraditional talents into flexible businesses run from homeYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContractThrough its mobile app, women can promote their business to others in the local community, then field inquiries and requests through the app’s integrated messaging platform, as well as finalize transactions through in-app paymentsIn UseN/AE-Commerce, RetailTechstars, Backstage Capital, Gaingels, Better Ventures, Wedbush VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Tenth Cohttps://www.westtenth.comNo
https://www.whatnot.comWhatNotWhatnot Inchttps://www.whatnot.comWhatnot is a live stream platform and marketplace that enables collectors and enthusiasts to connect, buy, and sell verified productsNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareContract* WhatNot is a live shopping platform where influencers host live auctions or pitch products, and customers can then order or bid on them within the app * Influencers receive a commission of every sale * If an influencer is selling an item of their own, they must pay for their own postage and mail them to WhatNot after an item is sold so that WhatNot can "authenticate" the product * While similar to platforms like eBay, the earning potential from commissions is low and the amount of labor involved in selling the items - entailing multi-hour live product pitches - is high In DevelopmentN/AE-Commerce, RetailChris Zarou, Andreessen Horowitz, Y Combinator, Liquid 2 Ventures, Sequoia ScoutN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Inchttps://www.whatnot.comNo Roboticshttps://www.softbankrobotics.comSoftbank Robotics is augmenting the workforce through automation NoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Whiz is an autonomous vacuum sweeper that can clean 15,000 square feet on a single charge In UseUnknownOfficesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/ASoftbank Roboticshttps://www.softbankrobotics.comNo Workplace Command CenterSalesForce is a global cloud computing company that develops CRM solutions and provides business software on a subscription basisYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, visitorsThe Workcom Workplace Command Center allows employers to: * Stay in touch with workers' health with Wellness Checks * Safely manage arrival times with Shift Management * Securely track health-related interactions with Contact Tracing * Help workers adapt to new ways of working with myTrailhead * Eliminate lines and crowding in physical locations with Queue Management * Securely implement Vaccine Administration Management programs at scaleIn UseAccenture, CGI, CoastalCloud, Cognizant, ComplianceQuest, CVSHealth, Deloitte, ElementsCloud, Fusion, IBM, Odaseva, Okta, PC, RealZips, Siemens, Taskray, WorkdayRetail, Hospitality, Offices, Healthcare, Education, Consulting, Factories, TechnologyEmergence, Marc Benioff, New Enterprise Associates, Morgenthaler Ventures, Meritech Capital Partnersworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited States, European UnionYesData is retained for a maximum of 140 days For the first 30 days, it is easily accessible by the employer From days 31 to 120, data is inactive and not readily accessible but can be retrieved from backups From days 121 to 140, it will be scheduled for deletion and will at some time be deleted or overwritten in backupsOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSNoneUnknownN/AYesData is only collected while a worker is workingYes Informed consent is obtained before personal information is collected and processedWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesIndividual customers can configure Workcom and set data access permissions on the platform as appropriate in accordance with employee roles and responsibilitiesThere is an internal policy prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesN/AN/AUnknownWhether this tool is compulsory or voluntary depends on the workplace and employerSalesforce has taken intentional steps to uncover and address the risk of bias or discrimination in this product, and has conducted and published an impact assessment on how it seeks to mitigate and minimize the possibility of this product contributing to discriminationThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company complies only with legal and ethical third-party requests for user informationhttps://wwwsalesforcecom/privacy/resources/#dpiaPrivacy Principles:; Privacy FAQs -
https://www.workato.comWorkatoWorkato, Inc is an enterprise automation platform that helps organizations work faster and smarter without compromising governance and securityNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Identify and recruit the best candidates for jobs with hiring automation * Automate approvals of leave requests * Automate generation of offer of employment lettersIn UseCoupa, MGM, Broadcom, Grab, Box, SlackGambling, Hospitality, Retail, Consulting, Technology, EnterpriseSalesforce Ventures, Altimeter Capital, ServiceNow, Battery Ventures, Norwest Venture PartnersUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.workato.comNo WorkMattersWorkCare Inc provides occupational health servicesNoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* The WorkCare WorkMatters app supports various health screening functions for workers * The app guides workers through a series of questions to either clear the individual to go to work or stay home * If an individual is directed to stay home, WorkCare clinicians contact the employee for further screening as required by their employerIn UseUnknownUnknownUnknownworker’s own deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesData is stored on servers located at data centers and colocations in North America and EuropeYesThe retention period is unknown The privacy policy ambiguously states, "Personal information we collect is retained for varying lengths of time according to the type of information in question and the purposes for which it is collected and used"UnknownCameraPhoto GalleryUnknownN/AYesUnknownUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoData is viewable to the employer No further information is available on who within an organization can view personal dataThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe following categories of unnamed third parties may access data: healthcare providers, Organization, law enforcement, public authorities, strategic investorsUnknownWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in California, Canada, the European Union, and the United Kingdom have additional protections that are not extended to other workersThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailableFlow chart describing app:; Privacy Policy: Inc, Inc provides SaaS-based enterprise solutions for a company's human resources and financial management activitiesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Workday offers an integrated payroll and workforce management platform * For deskless workers, Workday can be accessed by an app on their cellphone * "Mobile time tracking in Workday comes with geofencing. Your workers can get a reminder to check in and out as they enter and exit the jobsite—and managers don’t have to spend time monitoring mobile employees" * "Managers can review and approve time for an entire team at once. Plus, our employee time-tracking software highlights exceptions automatically, making it easy to zero in for a closer look" * "Understand global labor costs at a glance See what’s happening with your global workforce and make more accurate workforce plans. With Workday, you can analyze global labor trends and dig into the root cause—all in a single view" * "With Workday, approved time flows seamlessly to payroll in real time, with hours worked, overtime, holidays, and more calculated for you. So your workers get paid correctly and you stay in compliance"In UseBank of America, Target, Nordstrom, Panera Bread, Netflix, AirbnbFinancial Services, Enterprises, Retail, Manufacturing, Technology, Consulting, Logistics, TransportationJanus Capital Group, Morgan Stanley, T Rowe Price, Bezos Expeditions, New Enterprise Associates, Dave Duffieldm, Kalaari Capital, GreylockN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inc is a provider of internet monitoring software that helps in employee monitoring and internet usage trackingNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Work Examiner is a monitoring tool that shows "every type of computer activity performed by your employees in real-time: web surfing, keystrokes, messaging, printing, or downloading. Diligent monitoring supports disabling any unwanted feature. Additionally, switching between Stealth and Tray Icon modes allows the software to run with or without users’ knowledge" * This monitoring software takes videos of the screen at 1 frame per second to reproduce all the worker's activities for further analysis. *All the activities tracked are "conveniently transformed into clear reports with tons of important stats: productivity scores, active/idle time, activity types, attendance, and more. The reports can be exported to downloadable PDF or CSV files and scheduled to arrive at your email box"In UseUnknown, but claims 3,000 enterprise customersRemote WorkUnknowncompany-provided devicesCentralizedUnknownLocation not capturedUnited StatesUnknownNoUnknownOnly works are being surveilledMouse, KeyboardUnknownNoNo algorithmYesData is collected only when a worker is workingNo Informed consent is not obtained before personal information is collected and processedYesYesManager, IT Administrator, WorkerThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownYes Data sharing with third party is alowNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsUnavailable Policy:
https://www.appiancom/workforce-safety/Workforce SafetyAppian provides a low-code software development platform that enables organizations to rapidly develop powerful applicationsYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* Unified Response Hub - "View and manage workforce health and work status in real time, through a single interface" * Contact Tracing - "Easily track and respond to exposures and incidents with contact tracing and case management in keeping with US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines" * Vaccination Insights - "Track employee vaccination status and related insights such as: intent to get vaccinated, number of doses received, and whether someone is partially or fully vaccinated" * Capacity Management - "Streamline scheduling with easily defined capacity limits"In UseUnivision, Mizuho, Garmin, Pandora, VolkswagenRetail, Media, Automotive, TransportationNew Enterprise Associates, Novak Biddle Venture PartnersUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: TimeWorkForce Software, LLC management software for complex scheduling, time, and attendance, absence management, and compliance requirementsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, non-management* Minimize your organization's payroll leakage with digital enforcement of policies while easily identifying emerging labor trends in your workforce * Reduce your unplanned overtime costs with real-time notifications that alert when your employees are working outside of their scheduled hours * Support strategic decision making in your organization by classifying your employees' time against any cost center or activity for granular labor reporting * Prominently display your urgent messages and tasks to easily address with the click of a button * Geofence your organization - track the location of employees to ensure they are where they say they areIn UseAbellio, Air Canada, Alamo Colleges, Amerock, Ladbrokes-Coral Group, Morrisons, Ohio University, Oregon State University, UC Santa Cruz, Wesleyan UniversityEducation, Travel, Hospitality, Gambling/Casino, RetailElliott Management Corp, Insight Partners, Triangle Capital Corporation, K1 Investment Managementworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedLocation Always CapturedUnited StatesUnited States, European UnionYesIndividual employers specify their own retention policyOnly workers are being surveilledBluetooth, GPSUnknownUnknownThe company's cloud-based solutions enable enterprise and mid-sized organizations to digitize time and attendance processes, optimize employee scheduling, simplify absence management, and gain strategic business insights, particularly in complex, multi-national, and highly unionized environmentsYesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can view, make sense of, and store the data being collected about themYesLeadership, Managers, Human Resources, IT Department, WorkerUnknownUnknownUnknownDepends on the employer From press reports, some organizations have upheld workplace grievances related to the software and asked for certain features (like geofencing) to be disabledWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatUnknownUnknownThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes and these are auditedThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: Software, LLC, Co is a tool that provides workforce analytics centered on productivity and collaborationNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Worklytics surveys a workforce periodically, and based upon responses to questions about compensation and a manager’s style, as well as data gathered from calendars and other internal systems about the frequency of meetings, can begin to identify individual workers and teams who may be "at risk" of taking a job with another employer * Marketing website states, "AI analyzes data to identify factors influencing your employee experience"In UseUber, Telefonica, Glovo, Panasonic, Dropbox, Tucows, WeWorkConsulting, Technology, Real Estate, Transportation, Telecommunications, Financial Services, ManufacturingY Combinator, FundersClub, Pioneer Fund, Brad FloraUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableN/AWorklytics, Co
https://www.workpasstoday/WorkPassKanda Software Software is a computer software company providing software development servicesYesWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Covid-19 symptom screening app that workers complete on a daily basis before heading to workIn UseClient names have not been published for this particular product However, the website for parent company Kanda Software notes that its current clients include Verizon Media, Ford, Lionbridge and Dun & BradstreetEducation, Real Estate, Healthcare, Hospitality, TravelUnknownworker’s own device, company-provided deviceCentralizedWorker identify is anonymizedLocation Captured When In UseUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown - the privacy policy does not specify a retention periodOnly workers are being surveilledN/A - No hardware is utilizedN/A - No permission requestsNoN/A - no algorithm Simple data logging appYesData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownWorkers can neither view, make sense of, nor store the data being collected about themNoManagersThere are no guidelines prohibiting the use of the technology for discriminatory purposesUnknownThe privacy policy states that data is not transferred to third partiesNo Workers are unable to file and resolve workplace grievances pertaining to the software and/or the data it collects in a safe, transparent, and fair mannerWorkers are obliged or pressured to use the software under a real or perceived threatThe software collects very little personal information and is unlikely to be a vector for discriminatory decision-makingThe software could not be used to identify employees who meet with one anotherThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentThe product offers uniform privacy protections across all marketsThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailablePrivacy Policy: https://wwwworkpasstoday/privacy-policyN/ASoftTeco
https://www.workplace.comWorkplace by FacebookFacebook Inchttps://about.fb.comFacebook’s mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformSalaried* This corporate version of Facebook (similar to Slack) allows employers to suppress and search for topics like “unionization” in chats between workers, according to reporting by The IncerceptIn UseNestle, Asos, Petco, Deliveroo, AstraZeneca, Telefonica, Spotify, Virgin Atlantic, Estee Lauder, GlaxoSmithKline, Domino's, GaliciaAll sectorsN/A - publicly listedUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableNo relevant privacy policy is publicly availableN/ASomatichttp://getsomatic.comNo
https://www.workstep.comWorkStepWorkstep, Inchttps://www.workstep.comWorkStep helps industrial companies hire and retain their hourly workforceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Platform for increasing the retention rate of an hourly workforce with "real-time feedback, benchmark insights, and suggested actions" * Fully automated check-ins collect structured, open, and anonymized feedback from workers by sending a push notification to the worker's cellphone at key milestones and in their preferred language * Managers then have access to view worker satisfaction and retention data by position, facility, and milestone * Organizations can track the satisfaction of their workforce over time and benchmark satisfaction and retention in a company and against industry peers * Alerts managers to ensure visibility when "hot-button issues such as safety" are raised by workersIn UseKroger, WestRock, Saint-Gobain, Milgard Windows & Doors, Reser's Fine Foods, Alpine Food Distributing, IncRetail, Groceries, Manufacturing, Logistics, Hospitality, RestaurantsFirstMark, FirstMark Capital, Prologis Ventures, Jonathan SwansonN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://www.workstep.comNo Hiring, Onboarding and WorkflowWorkstream Technologies, Inc Technologies, Inc develops hiring, onboarding, and workflow solutions for business customers, which include tools and functionalities that can be integrated into customers' hiring, onboarding, and workflow management systemsNoLabor Market OptimizationHardwareHourly* Platform for hiring hourly workers * "All your applicants and current employees feed into the Workstream dashboard and mobile app, regardless of whether they are new applicants from job boards; walk-ins/ referrals applying via SMS link, or existing employees you upload" * Schedule interviews - "Engage with applicants the second they apply. Collect video resumes to see who's interested. Text a link to schedule interviews" * "Understand where your applicants are coming from and what percent are qualified. Over time you can even see retention rates by applicant source" * Onboard new hires - "Hire with one click. Workstream sends the new hire docs and training materials. Collect e-signatures. Track everyone's onboarding progress from your phone"In UseJamba, Marriott, Uber, McDonald's, 7-11, SubwayRetail, Hospitality, Assisted Living, Logistics, Manufacturing, RestaurantsFounders Fund, Heartland VenturesN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Technologies, Inc Employee Survey SoftwareWorkTango Inc helps companies give employees a voice and serve actionable insights to leadership to drive a more aligned and engaged workforceNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* WorkTango surveys a workforce periodically, and based upon responses to questions about compensation and a manager’s style, can begin to identify individual workers and teams that may be open to organizing effortsIn UseDeloitte, Hub, UGG, Harris, RSA, Expedia Group, Bluetooth, Pizza Pizza, Magic Leap, Dynacare, Nets Brooklyn, Norton Rose FulbrightHuman ResourcesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownCanadaUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy: Inc
https://www.wyzetalk.comWyzetalkWyzetalkhttps://www.wyzetalk.comWyzetalk is a mobile-first employee engagement company that connects large businesses with their entire workforce to improve communication, increase engagement, and boost productivity NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management* Wyzetalk is an employee engagement platform that facilitates immediate and simultaneous top-down and bottom-up communication via SMS or in-app notification enabling internal comms teams to deliver customized campaigns and content, and receive survey responses In UseToyota, Yum! Brands, Burger King, Deloitte, ShopriteRetail, Hospitality, Restaurants, Manufacturing, WarehousesCNBB Venture Partners, Invenfin, Clifftop Colony Capital Partners, Savannah FundWorker-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownPolandUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableWyzetalkhttps://www.wyzetalk.comYes
https://www.yonderdesk.comYonderdeskYonderdesk is a virtual extension of your entire company, at a fraction of the real estate costNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* Marketing website states, "Connect all of your teams, colleagues, tools, and rooms together online in one place, your Yonderdesk virtual office" * Instant access to workers - "Just like your real office, pop into any of your employee's rooms for quick fly-by meetings" * "Nobody Goes Missing! Improves your overall workforce communication by having the instant ability to chat with people"In UseUnknownRemote Work, EnterpriseUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited KingdomUnited KingdomUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Inc enables companies with a deskless workforce in retail, hospitality, manufacturing, warehousing, construction, and more to empower their employees through digitally optimized communication, training, and process managementNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Yoobic is an app that workers download onto their cellphones and which then automatically measures their productivity. It also assigns them tasks * For example, when a worker reports to work, the app will give them a checklist of tasks to complete for the day and workers are required to document their work by taking photos using their personal cell phone, completing checklists, and writing notes * The app’s automated pass/fail scores can factor into worker scheduling * In addition, workers can receive incentives for reporting coworkers who violate internal operating procedures In UseLacoste, Peugeot, Lancome Paris, Bchef, Kenzo, Pixi, Puma, Peloton, Logitech, Mazda, VansRetail, Restaurants, ManufacturingInsight Partners, Felix Capital, PetriboxUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailableYOOBIC Inc
https://zapier.comZapierZapier, Inchttps://zapier.comZapier allows its users to easily connect and automate the apps they useNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformN/A* "Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work" * In automating repetitive tasks, Zapier is automating tasks otherwise performed by human workersIn UseAdobe, Outbrain, Typeform, HackeroneTechnologySequoia Capital, Y Combinator, Bessemer Venture Partners, Threshold, Zillionize AngelN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:, Inchttps://zapier.comNo
https://tryzapp.comZappQuick Commerce Ltdhttps://tryzapp.comZapp delivers your daily needs in minutes to your door so you easily get the things you want most, when you need them mostYesLabor Market OptimizationPlatformContract* Instacart competitor - riders deliver groceries via bicycle * Downward pressure on workers to deliver items in under 20 minutes * Workers subject to constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/ARetail, GroceriesAtomico, 468 Capital, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Burda Principal InvestmentsN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited KingdomN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Commerce Ltdhttps://tryzapp.comYes MotionWorks ProximityZebra Technologies Corp Technologies is a global leader in barcode printing and RTLS technology, including printers, RFID, software, and suppliesYesWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* Android app that can be installed on company-provided or worker devices * Manage contact tracing and help workers reduce risk of exposure to Covid-19 * "Our alerts reminds employees to maintain social distancing proactively, while also creating a record of proximity events for reporting purposes" * "Our dashboard helps you identify patterns where social distancing is not being maintained and ensure a safe working environment for all"In UseCaesars Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, Ford Motor Co, Walgreens, USPSRetail, Logistics, Transportation, Restaurants, Hospitality, ManufacturingMorgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Rev1 Ventures, Plymouth Growth, North Coast VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Technologies Corp
https://www.zensors.comZensorsZensors, Inchttps://www.zensors.comZensors creates AI-powered visual sensors that turn cameras into smart IoT sensors for actionable business insightsNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Zensors integrates with existing surveillance cameras and can detect the cleanliness of a space * If a space is too dirty, it integrates with other systems and can summon an autonomous cleaning robotIn UseVerizon, Sony, ExxonMobil, CBRE, MIXT, Tulsa International Airport, City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh International AirportAirports, Offices, Manufacturing, Energy, Utilities, GovernmentTechNexus Venture Collaborative, ContraryN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableTerms of Service:, Inchttps://www.zensors.comNo BiometricsZenus, Inc develops award-winning facial recognition softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* Zenus smart cameras passively analyze hundreds of faces an hour and produce metrics such as heat-maps of where workers congregate and happiness over time * Marketing website states, "Obtain in-person behavioral insights with over 95% accuracy" * "Detect faces even if people are wearing masks, glasses, hats, and more" * Physical distancing - "Measure the space between people and create alerts to adhere to social distancing"In UseKPMG, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, Oracle, KW, UK GovernmentConsulting, Events, RetailBaner InvestmentUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:, Inc
https://www.zerogrocery.comZero GroceryZero Grocery Inchttps://www.zerogrocery.comZero Grocery provides a convenient zero-waste grocery delivery serviceNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly* Zero is a plastic-free grocery delivery service * App discourages tipping drivers. FAQs state, "Tips are just a cherry on top. Please do not feel obligated to use this feature as all regular fees are included in your membership costs" * Drivers experience pervasive, constant electronic surveillanceIn UseN/AConsumer Goods, Delivery Service, Grocery, Waste ManagementAlumni Ventures Group, Precursor Ventures, Kapor Capital, MaC Venture Capital, GaingelsN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Grocery Inchttps://www.zerogrocery.comNo
https://www.flyzipline.comZiplineZiplinehttps://flyzipline.comZipline designs, manufactures, and operates drones to deliver vital medical products to everyone, no matter where they liveNoLabor Market OptimizationOther Physical DeviceN/A* Zipline is developing autonomous delivery drones. One drone can deliver 300 orders per day * Cut delivery times - "With delivery guarantees as low as 30 minutes, Zipline helps you turn the last mile problem into the ultimate competitive advantage" * Give precise control - "Customers can select a 15-minute delivery window as easily as they set an alarm on their phone" * Reach more customers - "Zipline's 50-mile delivery range allows you to serve customers beyond the reach of existing same-day delivery solutions" * Centralize inventory - "A longer delivery range means fewer warehouses, lower inventory costs, and more scale economies" * These drones, if they become commonplace, will displace human workersIn DevelopmentWal-MartRetail, Logistics, TransportationGoldman Sachs, Techstars, Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Lerer HippeauN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailableNo privacy policy availableN/AZiplinehttps://flyzipline.comNo PeopleZoho Corporation Pvt Ltd offers a suite of business, collaboration, and productivity applicationsNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* Zoho People allows organizations to "visually analyse and understand your business framework, employees, and their roles in your company. Improve employee performance and make better decisions about all aspects of HR" * Understand your workforce - "Analyze and understand workforce better. Gain valuable insights into your overall employee distribution based on gender, designation, experience, and lots more" * Hiring and attrition analysis - "Understand your employee hiring, retention, and attrition patterns. Measure your employee turnover and improve HR strategies" * Time tracking and billing - "Measure productivity and performance of your employees with ease. Track the time logged and billable hours by projects, clients, and months"In UseGodrej, AmazonInformation Technology & ServicesUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownIndiaIndiaUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailablePrivacy Policy: Corporation Pvt Ltdhttps://www.zohocorp.comNo - Attention TrackingZoom Video Communications, Inc is a cloud platform for video calls that helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more doneNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, visitors* In 2020, Zoom introduced a feature that assessed whether video conference attendees were paying attention on calls * The attention-tracking feature alerted the meeting organizer if an attendee had been looking at a different window for more than 30 seconds. Zoom said that the attention tracker was designed for users of specific sectors, such as education, where attendance was a requirement for a course or training * Feature was retired as workers found the feature "creepy"DiscontinuedN/ARemote Work, EnterpriseN/A - Publicly listedN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailable Policy: Video Communications, Inchttps://zoom.usNo
#Zoom - Contact CenterZoom Video Communications, Inchttps://zoom.usZoom is a cloud platform for video calls that helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more doneYesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management* Zoom is developing a new tool for contact centers that analyzes the performance of customer service agents to improve their efficiencyIn DevelopmentN/A - in developmentCall CenterN/A - Publicly listedN/ACentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesUnited StatesNoUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnavailable privacy policy is currently available, as the product is still in developmentZoom Video Communications, Inchttps://zoom.usNo provides scheduling and time tracking software to teams that treasure time, value simplicity, and foster communicationNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly* The worker scheduling tool in ZoomShift acts as a single source of truth, "so everyone knows who’s scheduled to work which days, times, and locations" * ZoomShift "will log not only time punches, but staff location using GPS as well. The GPS feature is especially handy for companies that work in the field or companies with multiple locations" * ZoomShift tracks time off, including vacation time, paid time off, sick time, holiday, and jury duty * "Tracking employee time is rarely straightforward. Between last-minute time-off requests, sick days, and shift swap requests, you can always count on something changing. Thankfully, ZoomShift lets employees swap shifts in its app in seconds"In UseWalgreens, ACE Hardware,, Holiday InnConstruction, Salons, Hospitality, Healthcare, Education, Policing, Security Guards, Call Center, FirefightingUnknownUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownYes Workers are obliged to use this toolUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnavailable Policy:
https://www.ridezum.comZumZūm Services, Inchttps://www.ridezum.comZūm is a provider of safe, efficient, and reliable child transportation for school districts and busy familiesNoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, salaried, non-management* Platform for scheduling school buses to collect students to take to school * "Our approach of any size vehicles reduces the need for costly 'one size fits all' yellow buses" * Optimized routes - "Our proprietary technology ensures commute times are minimized while deploying the right size vehicle" * Real-time worker tracking - "Districts, schools, parents, students. and drivers are kept informed of vehicle locations in real time" * Dynamic updates - "Parents can cancel their child's ride via the Zūm platform, improving route efficiency"In Use4,000 school districtsEducationBMW i Ventures, Volvo Cars Tech Fund, NGP Capital, Spark Capital, Citi Ventures, Clearvision Ventures, Sequoia Capital, DNX Ventures, AngelPadN/AN/AN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AUnavailablePrivacy Policy:ūm Services, Inchttps://www.ridezum.comNo Organizational InsightsAware is an AI solution that analyzes human behavior and provides modern governance, risk, and compliance controls.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management#NAME?In UseAIG, AstraZeneca, BT Group, Memorial Health, MercadoLibre, Rivian, Sunlife Financial and WiproHuman Resources, Financial Services, Professional ServicesGoldman Sachs Growth Equity, with participation from Spring Mountain Capital, Blue Heron Capital, Allos Ventures, Ohio Innovation Fund, JobsOhio, and Rev1 deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AWorkers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoFrom the company's website: "AI Enriched Conversation Data allows for every message to be enriched with our proprietary, conversation-based behavior AI. This technology is engineered based on years of research and exclusive access to real-life conversation data found in the workplace.It is: - 3x more accurate than other leading sentiment models - Detect messages for inapporopriate, offensive, and hate speech - Extract topic information and your company's feeling towards them - Analyze messages, images and attachments in near real-timeYesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownSlack, Workplace from Facebook, Microsoft,Yammer, Zoom, Cisco We may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms of Service. Occasionally, we may use certain trusted third party business partners to perform Site-related services (including, hosting and, maintenance services, database management, Web analytics, and improvement of the Site’s features). If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us at platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessment Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsThe company provides no information on what due diligence it carries out before responding to requests for personal informationUnavailable Policy: your organization’s collaboration and sentiment data. White paper Aware wrote with Deloitte: Enterprise Workforce Productivity and AnalyticsWorkpuls tracks employee activity, time and productivity to build a more efficient and focused workplace.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management#1 fastest growing employee monitoring and time tracking solutionIn UseHare Farmers Insurance Flatworld Solutions Mau Bank LeanStaffing Cadena 1PointHuman Resources, Financial Services, Professional ServicesStartLabs South Central Ventures European Commission European Investment Bank European Investment Fund European Bank for Reconstruction and Developmentcompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesN/AN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoFrom the company's website: MAKING SENSE OF YOUR DATA The server collects the data your agents deliver. Millions of data points processed and organized for machine learning and analytics. Once collected, the data is used to build meaningful, clear-as-day reports. That way, you can understand exactly what your employees are working on – and what it means for business. Plus, with data stored for two years, you can return to it whenever you need.YesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownYesUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownKubernetes Red Hat OpenShift VMware EsXi Microsoft Hyper-V Google Cloud AWE AzureThe privacy policy is extensive and outlines the various scenarios whereby worker information may be disclosed to third parties However, it also notes that employers may set their own policies for the collection and processing of data, so this may be a 'loophole' that allows for more problematic uses of worker dataIf you have any questions, comments, requests, or concerns related to this privacy policy or our privacy practices or if you would like to opt-out of future communications or exercise your other privacy-related rights, please feel free to contact us at: +1-415-800-4284, 1355 Market Street, Suite 488 San Francisco, California 94103UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessment Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsYes The privacy policy states that worker data may be shared with service providers, business transactions, law enforcement, and social event planners. Other purposes by which Workpuls may also disclose your personal data as is necessary to: comply with a subpoena or court order; cooperate with law enforcement or other government agencies; establish or exercise our legal rights; protect the property or safety of our company and employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, and customers; defend against legal claims; help with internal and external investigations; or as otherwise required by law or permitted by lawUnavailable Policy: User Activity MonitoringEkran System System is insider threat protection software for businesses of all sizes. We help with employee and contractor control and complianceNoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementEkran System is a universal insider threat protection platform. We proudly meet security needs of enterprises and Fortune 500 customers, government organizations, educational and public institutions, as well as small and medium businesses. Ekran System combines three essential insider security controls: activity monitoring, access management, and identity management. Functionality is provided in a single universal software platform delivering light-weight agents for all types of endpoints. Ekran System monitoring and session recording functionality is based on advanced screen video recording module enhanced with multi-layer indexing metadata that includes application names, visited URLs, opened files, typed commands, run script content, keystrokes, connected devices, and more details. In UseSamsung, Deloitte, Kd Finat, UPS, PECB Popular, Republic of Slovenia Statistical Office, Seoul National University, Constitutional Court of Korea, KDN KOICA Human Resources, Public Sector, Education, Financial Services, Professional ServicesMACH 37, Private Investorscompany-provided deviceCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedN/AUnited StatesN/AN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoFrom the company's website: Our insider threat management platform provides a highly configurable alerting subsystem that includes both customizable rules based on generic behavioral indicators of potential insider threats and an AI-powered user behavior analytics module for detecting anomalies in the routines of internal users.YesUnknown; data is continuously collected while a worker is working, but it is unclear if data is collected while a worker is not workingUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknown1. SIEM systems: Splunk, ArcSight, and QRadar 2. Ticketing systems: SysAid, ServiceNow, API Bridge 3. Active DirectoryUnknownFrom company website: "If you would like to get to know which of your Personal Data is collected and processed, to request access to your Personal Data, to correct or change Personal Data you provided, to request the erasure of respective Personal Data, to restrict processing of your Personal Data, to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services, to object processing of your Personal Data, or exercise any other of your legal rights in respect of your Personal Data, you may do this by emailing us directly at"UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe software could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessment Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersThere is no evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standardsUnknownUnavailableN/AWhite papers: documentation: for BusinessesDataminr develops an artificial intelligence platform designed for real-time event and risk detection.NoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: Dataminr Pulse leverages our industry-leading AI platform, which detects emerging events and critical information in real time from within billions of public data signals. Your team will gain the earliest visibility into critical incidents as they develop, allowing you to respond with speed and confidence.In UseShell, CITI, The Washington Post, NYC Emergency Management Big Lots, dyson, Netflix, vodafone, UPS, CNNFinancial services, technology, retail, consumer products, transportation, insurance, healthcare, energy, and media. The company's public sector clients include first responders, global NGOs, universities, and hospitals.Fidelity Investments, IVP Venrock, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Valor Equity Partners, MSD Capital Vulcan Capitalcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/AN/AUnited StatesN/AN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveilledN/AN/AUnknownFrom the company's website: "Dataminr Pulse leverages our industry-leading AI platform, which detects emerging events and critical information in real time from within billions of public data signals. Your team will gain the earliest visibility into critical incidents as they develop, allowing you to respond with speed and confidence."YesUnknownUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AThe privacy policy is extensive and outlines the various scenarios whereby worker information may be disclosed to third parties such as other service providers, users of services, or due to legal obligations. The website also includes information on how data may be shared in case of a business transfer such as a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other transaction in which that third party assumes control of our business (in whole or in part). From company website: If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, the ways in which we collect and use your Personal Data or your choices and rights regarding such collection and use, please do not hesitate to contact us at: (646) 701-7826 135 Madison Ave., Ninth Floor, New York, NY 10016 In most cases, we will investigate and respond to a complaint within 30 days of receipt of the complaint. If the matter is more complex or our investigation may take longer, we will let you know."UnknownN/AN/AN/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownUnavailable Policy: Security CamerasVoxel uses computer vision and AI to enable security cameras to automatically identify hazards and high-risk activities in real-timeYesWorkplace SafetyHardwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementThe company’s longer-term vision is to become a “Risk OS” for site management.In UseAmericold, Tradefull, Everest, Zero, United States Cold Storage, Plug and PlayWarehousing, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Distribution, Oil & GasMTech CapitalN/ACentralizedN/ALocation CapturedUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AWorkers are being surveilledCameraN/AUnknownFrom company website: "Proactive System Alerts Customizable alerts to help prevent injuries & catch concerns as they happen Risk Scoring & Analytics Understand trends and review activity reports to improve safety ratings"N/AUnknownUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be usedThere is no evidence that this software exposes workers to an unsafe environmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownUnavailable Dayanidhi and Troy CarlsonN/AN/A Technologies a leading software development company, Advantal focuses on creating advanced digital solutions by offering tailor-made development and support of business apps and products for you.NoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "SyncSpy is a mobile monitoring solution comprising an app that needs to be installed on the target device, and a dedicated web panel which allows advanced device monitoring and remotely controlling / initiating specific actions on the device. Once the software is installed and activated on the target device, all visible signs of the application completely disappears and becomes 100% untraceable. This has been tested thoroughly for Android and iOS devices. However, in order to use SyncSpy, the target mobile device needs to be rooted (Android) / jailbroken (iOS)."In UseUnknownHealth Care Government Telecom Oil & Gas Banking and Finance Automotive ECommerce & Retail Education DefenseUnknowcompany-provided deviceCentralizedN/ALocation CapturedIndiaN/AN/AN/AWorkers could be surveilledBluetooth, GPSN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownCall Recording & Ambient Recording – Device Data Sync – All device data like contacts, SMS, iMessages, call logs, photos, videos, location, files, installed applications, and internet browsing history are synced on command with the web panel. Tracking Social Media Communication – All social media communication from Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype and VK Social can be monitored in real time. NoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnknownThe app collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe app could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.N/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/A UnknownUnavailableN/APrivacy Policy: MonitoringStaff Cop Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics, Productivity Optimization & Insider Threat Detection in a Single Platform NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity Monitoring and Workplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementThe product seeks to prevent insider threats through the use and combination of user activity monitoring and behavioral analytics to provide actionable insight and automated responses to employee-generated threats.In UseN/AHealthcare, government, financial services, energy, retail &ecommerce, and legalN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AWorkers are being surveilledN/AN/AUnknownFrom company website: "Besides the basic user monitoring and tracking functionality, StaffCop also covers intelligent behavior-based analysis to provide actionable insight and automated responses to employee-generated threats. It can capture violation incidents as forensic evidence and take action to alert appropriate authorities, thanks to its rules and policies. Employee productivity measurement, risk analysis, and the prevention of unauthorized data exfiltration are other benefits of StaffCop's solution. "N/AUnknownUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AN/AN/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.N/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownUnavailable Interact: Workspace Monitoring & Response SolutionsTrendzact is a workspace monitoring platform used to control insider threats, protect sensitive data, compliance and improve productivity.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity Monitoring and Workplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Workspace Monitoring & Response Platform. One solution to protect sensitive data, maintain regulatory compliance & improve productivity. Get user activity monitoring, webcam workspace surveillance, computer geolocation tagging, and data security & productivity risk management."In UseN/AN/AN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AWorkers are being surveilledN/AN/AYes. From the company website the Workplace Monitoring Solution includes: webcam workspace video surveillance and facial/object detection & identity verificationFrom company website: Their Workplace Monitoring and Response Solutions includes: Proprietary risk/productivity assessment"Company requires customers to encrypt some of the data being collected UnknownCompany requires that customers provide advanced notice that data is being collectedNoCompany recommends that customers provide access to review and correct the dataIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AFrom company website: "We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service, to provide the Service on our behalf, to perform Service-related services and/or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used. If TrendzAct LLC is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your Personal Information may be transferred as a business asset."N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.N/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AFrom company website: "We will disclose your Personal Information where required to do so by law or subpoena or if we believe that such action is necessary to comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law enforcement or to protect the security or integrity of our Service."UnavailableN/A AI Driven Insider Threat DetectionAwareness Technologies (acquired Veriato and Interguard) Technologies provides endpoint security solutions for both home and business.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementVeriato Cerebral is a user behavior analytics and insider threat management solution that’s powered by machine learning algorithms. It monitors employee chats, emails, web surfing, and file transfers. Upon receiving an automatic alert, you’ll be able to view a detailed log and a screenshot of the illegal activity. This information will ultimately help you decide what actions should be taken towards resolving the threat.In UseSONY, TaskUS, Bridgestone, Northrop Grumman, Amway. Company website claims thousands of companies in over 100 countries are using their products. Financial services, healthcare, technology providers, government, manufacturingAcquired by Awareness Technologiescompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownN/AWorkers are being surveilledN/AN/ANo. Just claims to capture video footage of all onscreen activity, making it easy for your legal team to investigate insider incidentsFrom company website: "Cerebral is an AI-powered security platform that integrates User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) with User Activity Monitoring (UAM), allowing rapid Data Breach Response (DBR). The ability to hunt threats by proactively recognizing signs of risk, like changes in an employee’s attitude and behavioral patterns, allows you to move your security posture from reactive to proactive. Cerebral’s Risk Scoring At a glance, you’ll see all individual’s with elevated levels of risk. This daily Risk Scoring maximizes efficiency and productivity by allowing your security team to hunt threats proactively. Cerebral’s AI-based behavior analysis continually tracks each user's activity and language to create their daily risk score. The Risk Score dashboard shows high scores for each day, trends, recent alerts, and user details. It provides an immediate overview of high risk, user behavior within your organization."N/AUnknownUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. Their privacy policy for data collected through the website, people can contact to access, update, correct, and delete your personal data.UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AThe privacy policy possibly only related to data collected from their website and not their product say that "in compliance with the law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Veriato, our users, or others."Unavailable Investigation SoftwareAwareness Technologies (acquired Veriato and Interguard) Technologies provides endpoint security solutions for both home and business.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementVeriato Investigator can be deployed silently and remotely in minutes. From the moment it is installed, it begins records detailed information on employee activity, and enables fast, accurate, and efficient exploration and playback of the recorded data during employee investigations. It records all computer activity, website activity, file and document tracking, application activity, emails, network activity, chat & IM, and keystroke logging. In UseSONY, TaskUS, Bridgestone, Northrop Grumman, Amway. Company website claims thousands of companies in over 100 countries are using their products. Financial services, healthcare, technology providers, government, manufacturingAcquired by Awareness Technologiescompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownN/AWorkers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoN/AN/AUnknownUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. Their privacy policy for data collected through the website, people can contact to access, update, correct, and delete your personal data.UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AThe privacy policy possibly only related to data collected from their website and not their product say that "in compliance with the law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Veriato, our users, or others."Unavailable Tracking SoftwareAwareness Technologies (acquired Veriato and Interguard) Technologies provides endpoint security solutions for both home and business.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity Monitoring and Workplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Veriato Vision remote employee time tracking software lets employers track employee productivity, attendance, idle vs active time and monitors user activity - providing visibility into whether the team is working hard... or hardly working. Vision is installed on the employees' endpoint, you can remotely track attendance, productivity and hours worked by department, group or individual. Vision supports hybrid, work-from-home and in-office employee activity tracking."In UseSONY, TaskUS, Bridgestone, Northrop Grumman, Amway. Company website claims thousands of companies in over 100 countries are using their products. Financial services, healthcare, technology providers, government, manufacturingAcquired by Awareness Technologiescompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownN/AWorkers are being surveilledN/AN/ANoN/AN/AUnknownUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. Their privacy policy for data collected through the website, people can contact to access, update, correct, and delete your personal data.UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AThe privacy policy possibly only related to data collected from their website and not their product say that "in compliance with the law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Veriato, our users, or others."Unavailable Systems provides actionable data governance solutions for financial services, healthcare, energy, manufacturing and tech companies.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company February 2021 SEC Form 10-K some business goals were listed as: Extend Our Technological Capabilities Through Innovation and Strategic Transactions. Grow Our Customer Base. Grow Sales From Our Newer Licenses and Functionality. Expand Our Sales Force. Establish Our Data Security Platform as the Industry Standard. Continue International Expansion."In UseFrom company February 2021 SEC Form 10-K: "Our products are used by a wide range of enterprises, including Fortune 500 corporations and small and medium-sized businesses. Our customers span a broad array of industries and are located in over 85 countries."Financial services, public, healthcare, industrial, insurance, energy and utilities, technology, consumer and retail, media and entertainment and education sectorsConvergence Investment Partners company-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesN/AN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledN/AN/AUnknownUse machine learning to develop threat models and for behavioral analysis. From company website: "Behavior analysis Our security experts and data scientists continually introduce new behavior-based threat models to monitor patterns, track the latest APTs, and keep your data safe. Our machine learning threat models rely on behavioral profiles that improve over time and gradually become tailored to your environment."Company provides guildelines and best practices for customersUnknownCompany requires that customers provide advanced notice that data is being collectedNoPer company privacy policy: "You may contact us at any time and request: To delete, change or update any personal data relating to you (for example, if you believe that your Personal Information is incorrect, you may ask to have it corrected);"Individual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataPrivacy policy states protections for users from California under the California Consumer Privacy Act RegulationsN/AIn the company privacy policy the company notes notes compliance with GDPR regulations when sharing information with third parties or outside jurisdictions. From company website: "If there are any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the information that we collect about you, or if you feel that your privacy was not treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy, you may contact our Data Protection Officer at Additional contacts: If you are unsatisfied with our response, you can reach out to the applicable data protection authority for the Company affiliates for the purpose of the EU General Data Protection Regulations: the Data Protection Commissioner in Ireland at Canal House, Station Road, Portarlington R32 AP23 Co. Laois R32 AP23, Ireland."UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersCompany is transparent about corporate governance and data security policies.Yes. From company website: "We may disclose Personal Information, or any information you submitted via the Software if we have a good faith belief that disclosure of such information is helpful or reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (ii) enforce our policies (including this Privacy Policy), including investigations of potential violations thereof; (iii) investigate, detect, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities or other wrongdoing, suspected fraud or security issues; (iv) to establish or exercise our rights to defend against legal claims; (v) prevent harm to the rights, property or safety of us, our users, yourself or any third party; or (vi) for the purpose of collaborating with law enforcement agencies or in case we find it necessary in order to enforce intellectual property or other legal rights."Unavailable. Behavioral AnalyticsForcepoint (acquired by Francisco Partners) empowers organizations to concentrate on what’s most important to them while automating routine security tasks.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementTap into the emerging cloud-based security and software opportunities which they note in a press release is both a $80bn software market and hardware market.and $70bn preferred professional services market. In UseIBM, CVS, Microsoft, DirectTV, MassMutual Ecxacibasi, Qualcomm, Boeing, Dow, Walmart, CDW, Metro Bank, Toyota, Lake Michigan Credit Union, Kootenai Health, Ross, Bancolombia, Whataburger, Pegasus, Copa Airlines, BSE, Leonardo, Amadori Accenture, Comdata, BB&T, TATA Consultancy Services, Raytheon, FinansBank, Max Life Insurance, HCL, Matmut, SwissLife, CarGlass, MagnaChip, Huisman, Deutsche Vermogensberatung, Caesarstone, BancoBice, Vidant Health, Scavolini, Brisbane Catholic Education, Davies Turner, MicrolandHealthcare, Government, Finance, RetailAcquired by Francisco Partnerscompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownAppears to use machine learning. From company website: "Leverage deep analytics Understand user intent through deep context driven by big data analytics and machine learning."N/AUnknownUnknownUnknownYes, according to Company privacy policy: "Forcepoint seeks to ensure that your Personal Data and preferences are accurate and complete. If at any time you decide you want us to delete, correct, or provide you a copy of any Personal Data we have, or you think we have about you, submit a request with your name, and physical and e-mail addresses to together with a description of the changes you request."Individual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownIn the company privacy policy they report sharing data with Forcepoint affiliates, service providers or agents, Forcepoint auditors, legal representatives or similar agents, partners, to any third party that purchases Forcepoint, to credit reference agencies, law enforcement in response to a subopena, or in the case of an emergency where someone’s health or safety may be endangered. Can contact a designated Privacy Officer via email or mail: or: Forcepoint Attention: Data Protection Officer 10900-A Stonelake Blvd., Quarry Oaks 1, Suite 350 Austin, TX 78759 UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentComany seeks to be complaint with GDPR and CCPA. Workers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AIn their privacy policy they state that they would share data "in response to lawful subpoenas, court orders or other legal process, or as may otherwise be required by applicable law."Unavailable. the company privacy policy: "Forcepoint’s participation in the EU/US Privacy Shield Framework (Privacy Shield). Participation in Privacy Shield is only approved for companies that verifiably implement Privacy Shield’s privacy principles and enforcement procedures. Privacy Shield participants could rely on participation as a GDPR compliant means to transfer personal data from the EU to the US." Behavior AnalyticsNetwrix (Acquired by TA Associates) provider of visibility and governance platform for on-premises, hybrid and cloud IT environments.NoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementCompany made 5 acquisitions in 2021 that expand its marketshare in cloud and data security sectors. In UseAirbus, Virgin, Allianz, King's Hawaiian, Denso, Landspitali, Reading International, Geneva Foundation, NHS, Palmer College of Chiropratic, Georgia Lottery, Day Pitney LLP, Teach for America, AccentureFinancial services, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial rganizations, business servicesAcquired by TA Associatescompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownN/AWorkers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownProduct assign a risk factor score to be able to identify potential insider threats. N/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownIn their privacy policy they state that they share information with the following entities and in the following instances: within Netwrix (including our affiliates and subsidiaries); third party service providers that perform services on their behalf; professional advisers acting as service providers, including lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers; customers, sales partners, and to a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings); or to comply with legal obligations.N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy states that they would share data if legally obligated to. Unavailable. states to oblige by GDPR and CPPA standards. Behavior and Insider DetectionSearchInform is a risk management product development company.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website, business goals are still focused on: Detecting malicious insider incidents involving corporate fraud and profiteering. Controlling the human factor and predicting HR risks. Protecting confidential data from leaks during its storage, use and transfer. Facilitating regulatory compliance and investigation processes.In UsePer company website: "3000+ customers in 22 countries. Including: En+ Group, Prettl, Gazprom, BP, ISR Trans MTS, Inter, CBOSS, DEFA, SPLAT"Industry, oil and gas, IT telecommunications, Retail, HealthcareN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownRussiaUnknownUnknownN/AWorkers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable. Profile Center SearchInform is a risk management product development company.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website, business goals are still focused on: Detecting malicious insider incidents involving corporate fraud and profiteering. Controlling the human factor and predicting HR risks. Protecting confidential data from leaks during its storage, use and transfer. Facilitating regulatory compliance and investigation processes.In UsePer company website: "3000+ customers in 22 countries. Including: En+ Group, Prettl, Gazprom, ISR Trans, BP, MTS, Inter, CBOSS, DEFA, SPLAT"Industry, oil and gas, IT telecommunications, Retail, HealthcareN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownRussiaUnknownUnknownN/AWorkers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownAppears to use machine learning. For the Profile Center product the company website states that "the module's algorithm reveals key behavior and thinking patters based on analysis of 70 criteria. Then this data can be used to identify and determine: Identify and determine: Main types of conduct Thinking patterns Personality traits and emotions Purposes and response to management decisions Role within a team and influencing colleagues Motivation and needs Loyalty and reliability level Propensities and criminal tendencies." For the TimeInforner product, the website states that it has the ability to "analyze the collected data and provides the administrator with a set of reports". N/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable.,_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B5_WorktimeMonitor) in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace in a positive light: InformerSearchInform is a risk management product development company.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website, business goals are still focused on: Detecting malicious insider incidents involving corporate fraud and profiteering. Controlling the human factor and predicting HR risks. Protecting confidential data from leaks during its storage, use and transfer. Facilitating regulatory compliance and investigation processes.In UsePer company website: "3000+ customers in 22 countries. Including: En+ Group, Prettl, Gazprom, ISR Trans, BP, MTS, Inter, CBOSS, DEFA, SPLAT"Industry, oil and gas, IT telecommunications, Retail, HealthcareN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownRussiaUnknownUnknownN/AWorkers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownAppears to use machine learning. For the Profile Center product the company website states that "the module's algorithm reveals key behavior and thinking patters based on analysis of 70 criteria. Then this data can be used to identify and determine: Identify and determine: Main types of conduct Thinking patterns Personality traits and emotions Purposes and response to management decisions Role within a team and influencing colleagues Motivation and needs Loyalty and reliability level Propensities and criminal tendencies." For the TimeInforner product, the website states that it has the ability to "analyze the collected data and provides the administrator with a set of reports". N/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable.,_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B5_WorktimeMonitor) in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace in a positive light: Threat Response SystemData Resolvehttps://www.dataresolve.comDataresolve Technologies builds software products to help home users and businesses secure their critical information from being unauthorized copied or shared , theft and loss by allowing them to control any PC or Laptop from accessing any kind of removable media device, internet application or website.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementCompany mission per their website: "Become a worldwide leader in the area of Data Protection, Employee Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics and offer a single integrated business solution addressing all these issues."In UseN/AServices, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, educationMunjal Family office along with IDFC Parampara Capitalcompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownN/A - Does provide a Terms of Use for customers that go over some privacy and data collection agreed practices. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable. MonitoringData Resolvehttps://www.dataresolve.comDataresolve Technologies builds software products to help home users and businesses secure their critical information from being unauthorized copied or shared , theft and loss by allowing them to control any PC or Laptop from accessing any kind of removable media device, internet application or website.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementCompany mission per their website: "Become a worldwide leader in the area of Data Protection, Employee Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics and offer a single integrated business solution addressing all these issues."In UseN/AServices, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, educationMunjal Family office along with IDFC Parampara Capitalcompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownN/A - Does provide a Terms of Use for customers that go over some privacy and data collection agreed practices. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable. ProductivityData Resolvehttps://www.dataresolve.comDataresolve Technologies builds software products to help home users and businesses secure their critical information from being unauthorized copied or shared , theft and loss by allowing them to control any PC or Laptop from accessing any kind of removable media device, internet application or website.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementCompany mission per their website: "Become a worldwide leader in the area of Data Protection, Employee Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics and offer a single integrated business solution addressing all these issues."In UseN/AServices, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, educationMunjal Family office along with IDFC Parampara Capitalcompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownN/A - Does provide a Terms of Use for customers that go over some privacy and data collection agreed practices. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable. Behavior InvestigationsData Resolvehttps://www.dataresolve.comDataresolve Technologies builds software products to help home users and businesses secure their critical information from being unauthorized copied or shared , theft and loss by allowing them to control any PC or Laptop from accessing any kind of removable media device, internet application or website.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementCompany mission per their website: "Become a worldwide leader in the area of Data Protection, Employee Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics and offer a single integrated business solution addressing all these issues."In UseN/AServices, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, educationMunjal Family office along with IDFC Parampara Capitalcompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownN/A - Does provide a Terms of Use for customers that go over some privacy and data collection agreed practices. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable. Exiting EmployeesData Resolvehttps://www.dataresolve.comDataresolve Technologies builds software products to help home users and businesses secure their critical information from being unauthorized copied or shared , theft and loss by allowing them to control any PC or Laptop from accessing any kind of removable media device, internet application or website.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementCompany mission per their website: "Become a worldwide leader in the area of Data Protection, Employee Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics and offer a single integrated business solution addressing all these issues."In UseN/AServices, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, educationMunjal Family office along with IDFC Parampara Capitalcompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownN/A - Does provide a Terms of Use for customers that go over some privacy and data collection agreed practices. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable. ProDesktime is automatic time tracking software that tracks and analyzes business productivity.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementThe company seems to aspire to be a workplace productivity tool grounded on transparency, fairness, and supporting empowering work environments. Therefore, they are trying to position themselves as the more worker-friendly productivity monitoring tool. In UseIn their website the company claims that 16.7k companies from around the world are using this product. Financial services, healthcare, technology providers, government, manufacturingN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownLatviaUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/AUnknownN/AN/AUnknownUnknownOnly users from EU. Only users from EU. Individual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownPrivacy policy states that they share information with third parties that provide them with services that allow them to do their work, hosting and server co-location service providers, communication and content delivery networks, data and cyber security service providers, billing and payment processing service providers, fraud detection and prevention service providers, web analytics, email distribution and monitoring service providers, session recording service, marketing service providers, legal and financial advisors, among others. SIA DeskTime Attn: Data Protection Officer Address: Ziedleju street 6, LV-2167, Marupe, LatviaUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy regarding data sharing with law enforcement. Unavailable. Control: Smart Employee MonitoringClever Control is a real-time remote control of a wide range of employee activities such as application running, chats, emails, and printers.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "CleverControl is employed as an instrument for increasing productivity and detecting slackers which is really easy with all of the available functions like recording of start and end time of user’s session, work time duration, and all running applications. Customers also have successfully used CleverControl to prevent leakage of corporate information with the help of such features as monitoring of keystrokes, online chats, visited websites and others."In UseN/AFinancial services, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial rganizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoNoN/AUnknownNoUnknownYes, they can contact to access, update, correct, and delete your personal data.Individual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknown"Per privacy policy they share personal data with third party service providers that help with data analytics, legal advice, third party processors, advertising platforms,and channel partners."You may contact to access, update, correct, and delete your personal data.UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy that seems to be for data collected from their website, states that they "may be required to share personal data in a court proceeding, in response to a court order, subpoena, civil discovery request, other legal process, or as otherwise required by law."Unavailable Workforce ManagementQuinyxhttps://www.quinyx.comQuinyx AB is a web-based system that provides workforce management support for scheduling and time reporting.NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom Venture Beat article: "Quinyx aims to address some of the challenges in gig and hourly work by simplifying scheduling, time reporting, communication, task management, budgeting, and forecasting."In UseMcDonalds, Oatly, Sysco, Virgin Atlantic, Espresso House, Palace Entertainment, IHG, Swarovski, Starbucks, Odeon, iss, Domino's, Rituals, Gorillas, Boots,and DHLRetail, restaurants and hospitality, facility management, healthcare, logistics, and food deliveryBattery Ventures, Alfvén & Didrikson, Zobito, and Euroventurescompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownSwedenUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoNoCompany outlines encryption policies in their "Information Security" handbookUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy on their website. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable IntelligenceAvisohttps://www.aviso.comAviso is the AI compass that guides sales and go-to-market teams to close more deals, accelerate growth, and find their Revenue True North. Aviso AI delivers revenue intelligence, drives informed team-wide actions and course corrections, and gives precise guidance so sellers and teams don’t get lost in the fog of CRM and augment themselves with predictive AI.NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAviso’s conversational intelligence metrics are designed to help improve internal team alignment, with qualitative and quantitative insights to change specific sales behaviors.In UseDell, Splunk, Nuance, Github, and RingCentral, Ivanti, Seagate, Hewlett Packard,Honeywell, FireEye, 8x8,Inc., Lookout, DePhix, elastic, Venafi, Nuance, Silver Peak, LaunchDarkly, rescale, MUFG, Conviva, Datastax, Marlin Equity Partners, Accela, Qualitest, D2IQSales, financial services, technology servicesStorm Ventures, Scale Venture Partners, Shasta Venturescompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownAviso has publicly committed to GDPR standards for EU residents. Its unclear what their privacy protections are for US citizens. Aviso has publicly committed to GDPR standards for EU residents. Its unclear what their privacy protections are for US citizens. Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentUnknownN/ANoAppears to use machine learning. According to their website Aviso's Conversational Intelligence tool: "Aviso also helps sales reps and teams go beyond effectiveness metrics by analyzing bias due to overconfidence or pessimism. Aviso’s sentiment analysis feature provides visual indicators to show how your forecast call truly went and how your customers are actually feeling. With insights into meetings’ overall tone and positive, neutral, or negative sentiment, sales teams can better help each other and serve executives and customers’ needs. Our sentiment analysis supports purpose-built conversation channels and integrates well with Zoom, Teams, etc."Aviso has publicly committed to GDPR standards for EU residents. Its unclear what their privacy protections are for US citizens. UnknownAviso has publicly committed to GDPR standards for EU residents. Its unclear what their privacy protections are for US citizens. Aviso has publicly committed to GDPR standards for EU residents. Its unclear what their privacy protections are for US citizens. Aviso has publicly committed to GDPR standards for EU residents. Its unclear what their privacy protections are for US citizens. Individual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataAccording to their website: "If you are a citizen of the European Union and would like to contact Aviso regarding your personal data, please send an email to"UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersIn their website, company reports that: "Aviso has completed the internal self-assessment and compliance review as applicable to the GDPR regulation and implemented new controls around data privacy and protection."Aviso has publicly committed to GDPR standards for EU residents. Its unclear what their privacy protections are for US citizens. Unavailable ReporterCurrent Ware 2003 CurrentWare has been a Canadian software company that provides solutions for a wide array of government and private organizations including schools, hospitals, libraries, and for-profit businesses. CurrentWare’s customers improve their user productivity, data security, and business intelligence with advanced awareness and control over how technology is used in their organization.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementBrowseReporter is a versatile employee monitoring software to track productivity and efficiency. Easily monitor web browsing and application usage with intuitive user activity reports.In UsePepsi Cola, NASA, AXA, Panasonic, San Diego Padres Baseball ClubEducation, financial services, government, healthcare, manufacturing, small businessN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownCanadaUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoNoN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy on their website. They do have an Internet Usage Policy Template customers can use in the workplace. This policy notes that the data collected belongs to the employer and can be used with anyone else at their discretion. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ACompany provides an Internet Usage Policy Template for customers in which it suggest employers can mention that the data collected belongs to them and can be shared with authorized parties at their discretion. Unavailable Monitoring SoftwareKick Idler is the software that allows keeping account and time supervision of employees at the working computers. Kickidler was developed by Tele Link Soft company. The first release of the program happened in 2013. Now, in 2019 thousands of companies and state agencies on all five continents are using Kickidler employee surveillance software.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementKickidler, a full computer forensics software system, gives you the option of monitoring user activity online, allowing you to see the desktops of each of your employees. When you see something that doesn’t look right, you can quickly take measures against those who are idling or trying to harm your company.In UseClaims to be used by over 3000 companies worldwide. Financial services, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownSingaporeUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledNoN/ANoNoN/AUnknownCompany provides a legal opinion on employee monitoring and suggests that is not legal to monitor workers without informing them. More here: organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy on their website. Just provide a legal opinion on employee monitoring: platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable Employee Productivity Monitoring FocusRo is a machine learning based business automation B2B startup, that helps businesses to measure and analyze productivity. To begin with we started classifying employee screenshots , working times and their activity in our ML training models with many more to follow. FocusRO Dashboard is equipped with insightful deep data presentations such as Focus Stack & moreNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementProduct states that its a machine learning based productivity & distraction detections. It seeks to be non-invasive, privacy protected; while also helping companies save hidden costs in employee monitoring, train their own ML model, and provide intelligent & deep insights.In UseClaims to be used in 1000s of companies around the world. Financial services, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledNoN/ANoAppears to use machine learning. From company website on how the product works: "Managers can also tag screenshots to train the ML algorithm so that the system continually evolves. The dashboard shows the date and hours worked for each employee, who is currently active, and the latest screenshots. Additionally, our ML algorithm tag’s each screenshot with a productivity score customized across teams. By designating #socialmedia, #chat, #email, etc., managers can customize the algorithm to analyze and empower employee productivity accurately."Product provides ECC EncryptionUnknownYes, product notes that, "Once you decide on a Pro plan, a company manager will invite employees to their company team, which can be customized based around departments. Upon accepting the invitation, employees immediately start tracking their time and submitting screenshots to that company team."UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected data. It appears that workers can see aggregated and a personal productivity report. UnknownUnknownPrivacy policy states they may share information in these cases: "We may share information with service providers who provide necessary services to FocusRO and to strategic partners who help us market FocusRO. To provide customer support. When we have your permission to share your information. When we have given you prior notice that the information will be shared. When we are required by law, or legal process to disclose that information – such as a valid court order or a valid subpoena. When we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a valid government request. To enforce our terms and conditions or to protect our operations or users. If a transfer of your information is required under the terms of a reorganization, merger, or sale of the company. When we determine that information is aggregate information or other information that does not identify you.If you are our customer and would like to access or delete information that you provided, you may do this by signing in to FocusRO and making the change or by emailing us at We will respond to your request within 30 (thirty) calendar days. We may decline to process unreasonable requests or requests that are not otherwise required by local law.UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy for data collected from their website states they may share information "when we are required by law, or legal process to disclose that information – such as a valid court order or a valid subpoena. When we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a valid government request."Unavailable Employee Monitoring PlatformApployehttps://apploye.comApploye is an all in one time management software that increases the productivity of team.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementProduct seeks to monitor workers in the office and their locations outside the office. From company website: "Keystroke tracking, app and URLs monitoring and screenshots make the monitoring service conducive. Ensure the best employee engagement and avoid unproductive time waste in your company. As well as Observe the footmark - Don’t get bothered to observe the outdoor employees. Track the real-time location of your employees."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownLocation always capturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownTerms of Service notes that "Apploye has data retention policy and the system do not store user’s data perpetually. User’s data are deleted after a certain time interval ranges from 1 month to 3 years. These policies are depended on types of data and subjected to change time to time. It’s user’s responsibility to keep updated with most recent data retention policy."Workers are being surveiledNoN/ANoNoN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable management process automation software company.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementWorkiQ automatically tracks desktop activities and time spent in work and non-work applications, wherever employees are working. Ideal for hybrid workforces, WorkiQ gives Operations Managers, HR and IT timely access to actionable real-time performance, producitivity and wellbeing insights, enabling data-driven decision making.In UseTDBank, BendigoandAdelaideBank, Ned Bank, KBC, Nationwide, CoreLogic, Capita, PhilamLife, AIB, Xchanging, HfS, nabFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesPublicly Tradingcompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledNoN/ANoAppears to use machine learning. From company website: "WorkiQ real-time metrics identify where individual employees excel and where there’s room for team members to improve your team's productivity and time management. Managers can compare benchmarks with accurate standards, motivate high performers with rewards and see where their teams rank against other groups or departments."N/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. Privacy policy regarding data collection from the website indicates this person as the contact: Declan Mulcahy, Email address: Postal address: ActiveOps, One Valpy, 20 Valpy Street, Reading RG1 1AR, U.K. Telephone: +44(0) 118 907 5000 You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the U.K. supervisory authority for data protection issues, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), ( We would, however, appreciate the opportunity to deal directly with your concerns before approaching the ICO. We would be pleased to respond to any such complaints as your first priority contact.UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable MonitorSoft Activityhttps://www.softactivity.comSoftActivity delivers security applications for businesses, employees and parents.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to website, product seeks to: Protect your company against Insider Threats, Know exactly what employees are doing on their computers, Improve staff productivity, Enforce the company's computer use policy Investigate security incidents, perform an employee investigation."In UseAimee Lynn, A-LegalFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownCanadaUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoNoN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable Productivity Software and Remote Employee Monitoring (2 separate products)Monitask is time-tracking and employee monitoring software company.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom Capterra: "Monitask delivers employee monitoring solutions to boost productivity, efficiency, and accountability across your team. Advanced screenshot and activity monitors, as well as time tracking capabilities, keep teams focused on the task at hand. Our software is powerful, yet lightweight, making it simple and easy to use. Managers can also access their dashboard on any of their devices to keep track of their team anytime, anywhere."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoNoN/AUnknownAccording to website, customers have to "invite employees and remote workers Click "Invite your team" from the dashboard and add your team members’ email addresses. You can add an unlimited number of employees to your account."UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. Privacy policy regarding data collection from the website indicates that "Based on the applicable laws of your country, you may have the right to request access to the personal information we collect from you, change that information, or delete it in some circumstances. To request to review, update, or delete your personal information, please visit:"UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable is a Norwegian startup that builds tools for the future of work.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAutomate workers' personal time tracking. From company website: "Forget timers, note taking and manual input—Timely can track time spent in every web and desktop app automatically for you. Get a precise daily record of all the time you spend in documents, meetings, emails, websites and video calls with zero effort. It’s all 100% private to you."In UseGrant Thornton, Hasan & Co, Nabler, City of Boston, Compass, PTS Group, Stellaris, Healthfinch, Yummygum, Ridestore, CY Architecture, Retrospec, Miles, naehas, havas media, 500Global. Website claims that they have over 5000+ customers worldwide. Consulting firms, software companies, public sector, designers and creatives, financial services, legal/law industrySNÖ Ventures Sanden Melesio Capital Arild Engh Investinor Ronny Vikdal Concentriccompany-provided deviceDecentralizedUnknownUnknownNorwayUnknownUnknownAccording to their privacy promise, workers own their data and can change or delete at anytime. NoUnknownN/ANoNoN/AWorkers can turn it on and off. Workers can turn it on and off. Yes, workers have complete control of the data. Yes, workers have complete control of the data. Yes, workers have complete control of the data. Yes, workers have complete control of the data. UnknownWorkers have complete control of the data. Workers have complete control of the data. NoNoNoPromotes a positive workplace cultureInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentPromotes a positive workplace cultureWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AWorkers have complete control of the data. Unavailable AIDesksight (company founded by founders of Data Resolve) Capterra: "DeskSight.AI is an intuitive & cost-effective time tracking & employee productivity software that's ideal for small to midsize enterprises (SMBs), especially in today's remote work culture."YesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "DeskSight.Ai is a SAAS based employee monitoring & productivity software whose ultimate goal is to provide the insights of businesses that need to drive performance through employee observation & behavioral analytics."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoClaims to use AI to conduct productivity inspection, efficiency projection, and conduct user performance analysis. N/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable Employee MonitoringBerqun is premium quality activity tracking tool to increase your productivity.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Berqun monitors and converts employee activities into state-of-the-art performance metrics. BQ scores are calculated based on ratios of time spent on websites and apps that YOU consider to be productive or distractive."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownCanadaUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoAccording to company website, product claims to develop a BQ productivity score to "understand employee’s time based on the productivity level of assignments done for the various activities that the employee is committed for. It’s a way to boil your time down to a single metric, so you can get a quick understanding of how your employees are spending their times without having to dig into the more detailed reports."N/AUnknownHave a convert or transparent implementation option for employersUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownThere are no privacy policies regarding the products and data collected through their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Unavailable Track Employee MonitoringDesk Track is an automated time tracking tool which records the insight details of the desktop i.e. it keeps the list of applications opened, URLs browsed, files opened with the total time spent on them. This record helps in identifying the actual work we did & distractions faced all through the day. It is also useful for managing the projecttimesheets by linking the files and URLs to the specified projects.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAutomated time tracking app for managing the time properly by monitoring and documenting the time spent on all the desktop & mobile activities.In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownCompany has an extensive Privacy Policy (for data collected from their products) and term of use that indicate they keep data for up to 13 months and keep some data indefinitely. But that customers can request to have the data deleted. Workers are being surveiledUnknownN/ANoUnknownN/AUnknownHave a convert or transparent implementation option for employersUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownCompany has an extensive Privacy Policy (for data collected from their products) and term of use that indicate "Only a minimum amount of non-sensitive information is shared with the third parties, this shared information is strictly required by them to provide the required services. "In case you have any concerns or queries related to the privacy policy or data processing practices, please email us at or by using the contacts below: Aryavrat Infotech Inc. US: 1291 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Ste 205, Foster City, CA 94404 India: 217 Metropolis Tower, Ajmer Road, Jaipur -302019NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AIn privacy policy company states they may share data in order to comply "with any applicable law and assisting law enforcement authorities."UnavailableN/A CompassPsychology Compass offer a fully automated cognition coach that’s completely backed by science and offers measurable results.NoWorkplace Benefits, Health, and Well-beingApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom Capterra: "PsychologyCompass offers your employees a cognition coach in their pocket, to enhance their mental performance, and protect their mental health. Measurably reduce absenteeism, presenteeism, churn and mental health claims. Nourish your employees' mental health and boost their performance on auto-pilot, and at scale. Get real-time employee engagement and improvement data through our dashboards. Improve your team's cognitive aptitude with privacy in mind."``In UseWalmart, DMZ, SSIMWAVE, JYSK, InkBoxFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AWorker-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownCanadaUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. UnknownUnknownN/ANoUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/ANoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. UnavailableN/A Time TrackTraqq helps businesses and organizations monitor and analyze internal company processes. Your team will get better organized, enjoy higher transparency and improved work efficiency.YesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom Capterra: "Traqq enables you to take screenshots and recordings in the background. You can manually add or edit the time recorded if you forget to turn on the tracker. This feature is helpful for work done outside computers. Traqq also allows you to monitor web and app usage for better insight into your team's working process. Traqq provides actionable statistics and reports like weekly summaries and amounts earned to keep you updated on productivity." In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownAustraliaUnknownUnknownStrong privacy and security policy. Company states that it is compliant with the GDPR. UnknownUnknownStrong privacy and security policy. Company states that it is compliant with the GDPR. NoNoStrong privacy and security policy. Company states that it is compliant with the GDPR. UnknownStrong privacy and security policy. Company states that it is compliant with the GDPR. Strong privacy and security policy. Company states that it is compliant with the GDPR. Strong privacy and security policy. Company states that it is compliant with the GDPR. Strong privacy and security policy. Company states that it is compliant with the GDPR. UnknownAccording to privacy policy which is for website users as well as their products: "Traqq will not sell, rent or lease your personal information to others. Traqq shares customer information with companies working on our behalf, but only as described above in "How we use your information." Traqq will not share personal information with any other third parties without your permission, unless required by law enforcement action, subpoena, or local law." According to privacy policy which is for website users as well as their products: "How you can access, edit or delete your personal information. Keeping your personal information updated and accurate helps Traqq provide better service to you. You may email us at any time to review the information we have on you, to update it or have us delete it. Email address to use for this purpose:"NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-making. However, it has strong privacy and security protections that could help prevent malicious and discriminatory uses of the data. Unknown. The company has strong privacy and security protections that could help prevent malicious and discriminatory uses of the data. Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to privacy policy: "Traqq will not share personal information with any other third parties without your permission, unless required by law enforcement action, subpoena, or local law."Unavailable AnalyticsLab Onehttps://www.lab.oneData-driven process improvements and workload managementNoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to their website: "People analytics is a data-driven approach to managing people at work (click to read more). You can use solutions like Lab1 to discover lots of patterns in your organization."In UseAcquanet, Poznan, Commercial Communications, Carlsberg, OmidaFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownPolandUnknownUnknownAccording to privacy policy: "Once you set up an account on our website, your personal data will be stored by us for the duration of the validity of this account and the following 5 years, to provide the service of enabling the access and use of the application as well as for marketing purposes. After this period your data will only be stored with the intention of considering any complaints and claims related to the services which we provide, for the duration of a period which is defined by the provisions of the law, with regards to the statute of limitations for those types of claims." Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoUnknown. Company notes that they use statistical analysis to meta level productivity data collected. But does not share any more info. No privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. UnknownUnknownAccording to their privacy policy: "In order to pursue any of the below-mentioned rights, you may contact us: 1) The right of access to data; 2) Right to have the personal data rectified; 3) Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”); 4) Right to a restriction of processing; 5) Right to data portability; 6) Right to object."According to their privacy policy: "In order to pursue any of the below-mentioned rights, you may contact us: 1) The right of access to data; 2) Right to have the personal data rectified; 3) Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”); 4) Right to a restriction of processing; 5) Right to data portability; 6) Right to object."Individual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownAccording to privacy policy: "Your personal data will be transferred by Curulis, in case it is required for the particular purpose of processing and in compliance with the proper legal grounds. Current categories of recipients of your personal data include: 1) Data center operators; 2) Cloud services providers; 3) Providers of access to innovative technologies and internet advertising; 4) Providers of advertising services; 5) Providers of accounting services."They can be contacted. But do not have a designated privacy officer. UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AIn their privacy policy, they do not indicate if they would share personal data if legally obligated. N/AN/A Psychometric TestTalent Metrix Cloud-based candidate selection solution that provides an opportunity to test competencies of job applicants.NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to their website: "Our online computer based psychometric tests are easy, scientific & objective, providing an unbiased way of capturing hidden aspects of candidates which are impossible to ascertain from an interview. They are designed to measure a candidates' suitability for a job role based on competencies, behaviour, motivations and their natural talent."In UseGE Electric, TATA Consultancy Services, MRF, Credit Suisse, Abbott, Johnson & Johnson, and Hindustar UnileverIT ITES Banking Financial Services Insurance Software Products Manufacturing Hospitality Global Insourcing Centre's (GIC's) Global Delivery OrganizationsN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownAccording to their privacy promise, workers own their data and can change or delete at anytime. UnknownUnknownWorkers have to agree to take the psychological assessments. NoYes. With their predictive test they claim to: "Their USP is capturing competencies that accurately predict on-the-job performance rather than describing traits like “extroversion” which are not linked to performance. We have researched and developed scales that measure the specific skills and behaviors needed to be successful on the job. It may be interesting to know an associate’s energy level, but a good competency assessment must evaluate if they can successfully manage people, innovate and execute for results. ​The Chally Predictive Psychometric Test is based on extensive research conducted over decades. Based on actuarial science, our database includes performance measures of over 450,000 associates across management, sales and specialized functions. It leverages more than 400 proprietary validation studies to accurately predict on-the-job performance. "N/AUnknownYes, workers have to agree to conduct the psychometric assessment. UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.UnknownUnknownAccording to their privacy policy (including for data collected from their products), they will disclose data to the following 3 actors: (1) Service Providers – We may share your personally identifiable information with our Service Providers. Our Service Providers will be given access to your information as is reasonably necessary to provide their services. (2) Third parties – We will only disclose your Personal Information to partners and third parties for a purpose and with whom we have entered into an agreement that gives you at least the same level of protection to your Personal Information as TalentMetrix does and in which you have given your consent to disclose the Personal Information. (3) Government agencies and statutory bodies – If the government agencies or statutory bodies seek your Personal Information, we may be required to disclose your Personal Information for the purpose of verification of identity, or for prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, prosecution, and punishment of offences. This disclosure will be done only after following due processes laid down by applicable laws.Their privacy policy indicates that grievances can be sent to the Grievance Officer: Name: Ajay Namboodiri Contact No.: +91 9987578522 Email ID: Postal Address: TalentMetrix Human Capital Management Solutions LLP. 73, 2nd Floor, Gopal Mansion, Guru Nanak Road, Bandra West,Mumbai-400050UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknown. Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy indicates that: "If the government agencies or statutory bodies seek your Personal Information, we may be required to disclose your Personal Information for the purpose of verification of identity, or for prevention, detection, investigation including cyber incidents, prosecution, and punishment of offences. This disclosure will be done only after following due processes laid down by applicable laws."N/AN/AN/A Employee MonitoringWolfeye software solution to monitor what your children or employees are doing on their computer. NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to their website: "Wolfeye Keylogger is a computer monitoring software for the PC. The program secretly records all keystrokes on the computer and stores them in a log file or sends them to the email address of the supervisor. In this way it is possible to read all chat conversations, all email and Facebook passwords, and thus gain access to the accounts. The keylogger also allows you to control which websites have been visited. Finally, it is possible to take regular screenshots / screenshots of the PC. Because the data is sent to the supervisor's email address, it can be received by a remote computer. This allows the PC to be monitored remotely."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownNoNoNoNoUnknownNoNoNoIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.UnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Employee Monitoring, SpyAgent, Realtime Spy (PCs), Sentry PC (3 different products offered to businesses)Spytech computer monitoring solutions since 1998NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Remotely installable cloud-based computer monitoring software, Realtime-Spy gives you the ability to monitor your PC or MAC from ANYWHERE. Realtime-Spy's robust monitoring features allow you to see what users are doing and typing in real-time from any web-browser. Realtime-Spy captures screenshots of user activity and records keystrokes, websites and applications, chats and emails, file system usage, and much more. "In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided or worker's own deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownNoNoNoNoUnknownNoNoNoIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Realtime-Spy (Mobile)Spytech computer monitoring solutions since 1998NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Realtime-Spy is the latest in cutting-edge mobile monitoring technology that allows you to monitor ANDROID from ANYWHERE. Realtime-Spy logs everything users do on your Android device. Realtime-Spy allows you to view the activity logs in real-time from anywhere and track the device's location in real-time, 24/7, via our secure Realtime-Spy website."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided or worker's own deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledCamera, GPS, MicrophoneNoNoNoNoUnknownNoNoNoIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A MonitorReFoghttps://www.refog.comREFOG products are made by REFOG Founded in 2002, the company provides employee monitoring and parental control solutions for customers worldwide. NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Refog Employee Monitor records and monitors your employee's activities and provides you on-site and remote access to employee's logs and computer screens in real time. The software-only solution can be installed in a matter of minutes, and does not require any hardware other than an ordinary PC. No special surveillance skills or security training are needed to successfully configure and operate Refog Employee Monitor."In UseCaters to small businessesFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownFrom privacy policy: "We keep your personal data (including voluntary data) as long as we need it to provide you with the Refog Service and as long as you have a valid account with a paid license. After the paid license expires, the data is stored for 30 calendar days. Then we delete it."Workers are being surveiledUnknownNoNoNoNoUnknownNoUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownAccording to their privacy policy they share data with the following actors: third-Party Applications you connect to your Refog account, third-party applications you use to log into Refog, other REFOG group companies, purchasers of the Refog Business( if they are selling, or discussing the sale of, our business, we may share your personal data with a prospective buyer or buyers. Refog will ensure your personal data remains safe. You will receive a notice if your personal data becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy), or law enforcement and data protection agencies.Privacy policy states that: "If you have more questions about your publicly available information and what you share with others, please contact us by email ( or use our company's address in this Policy."UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy states that they "may share your personal data to comply with a legal obligation under an applicable law if we, in good faith, believe it necessary to do so. Also, we may share your personal data when responding to a valid legal process, such as a court order, subpoena, search warrant, etc."N/A is the most undetectable keylogger available on the market!NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementSpytector is the ultimate stealth keylogger (keystroke logger) that completely meets your computer monitoring and surveillance requirements. Spytector is running in total stealth, undetectable even for savvy users - it is the perfect keylogger for monitoring the way your computer is used. In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided or worker's own deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownNoNoNoNoUnknownNoNoNoIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A ClockCloud Apper is a SaaS solution platform for automate tasks, improve productivity, and augment IT resources.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementTime Clock is a web & mobile time capture app that runs on off-the-shelf (OTS) iOS or Android devices. Employees easily scan a QR code or take their picture and identify with our face biometric system to submit punches.In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided or worker's own deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNot indicated in the terms of agreement and privacy policy just pertains to users of the website. UnknownCameraUnknownYes. The product states in the website that "Employees easily scan a QR code or take their picture and identify with our face biometric system to submit punches."NoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Privacy policy for data collected through use of their site, they note the following: "For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at or by mail using the details provided below: 3424 Peachtree Road NE, Floor 22, Suite 64, Atlanta, GA 30326, USA"UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Handdyhttps://www.handdy.comHanddy is a division of Integra Global Solutions Corp, a technology and business consulting firm with a strong 1600+ member team headquartered in Pittsburgh, USA with branch offices in the UK, India, and the Philippines. INoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementApp that features 3 different services: employee monitoring, employee time and attendance, and employee productivity analytics in order to help businesses overcome productivity challenges, address insider threats, and more. In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownCompany seeks to abide by GDPR standards, but privacy policy reads as if its just for data collected from use of the website and not its products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Employee MonitoringiMonitorhttps://www.imonitorsoft.comI Monitor Soft is an employee computer monitoring software designed for enterprises, education organizations, and government offices.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementiMonitor EAM combines user activity monitoring, behavior analytics and productivity tools in a single console, Prevent insider threats and increase productivityIn UseSiemens, Luca Way, Volvo, RM, NTTData, Sony. Website claims that 25000+ companies including Fortune Top 500 in 100 countries all use their software. Financial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownTerms of Service and privacy policy do not indicate a retention period for data collected through their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoYesUnknownPrivacy polic indicates that products should not be used without user's knowledge and consent. UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownPrivacy policy just talks about data arrangement/sharing of data collected through use of the website, not the products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Mogy Employee MonitoringOgy Mogy is a complete parental monitoring software for smartphones and computers. OM spy app supports Android, iOS, Windows, and MAC.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Now build your comprehensive employee monitoring strategy on android cellphones, tablets and contemporary computer laptop desktops devices of windows and MAC OS. Further, eliminates all the blind spots and make sure the productivity of your employees on business-owned devices. Also includes a location tracker." In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownLocation CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownTerms of Service and privacy policy do not indicate a retention period for data collected through their products. Workers are being surveiledCamera, GPS, MicrophoneUnknownNoNoNoUnknownTerms of use indicate employer is responsible for developing this policy. UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownPrivacy policy just talks about data arrangement/sharing of data collected through use of the website, not the products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A is a software development company focused on producing the best in class solutions for remote session monitoring and recording.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "With RecordTS you can: View their sessions in a video and provide evidence of wrongdoing. Mistakes in business procedures. Security breaches (Covid-19 virus or Ransomware attacks – did they open an infected email?). TSFactory’s RecordTS v5 will record Windows remote sessions reliably and securely for RDS, Citrix and VMware systems."In UseBASF, Cerner, Covance, Credit Suisse, fiserv, GE Healthcare, International Culinary Center, ING, MIT, Mitsubishi, Shell, Morgan Stanley, Siemens, SWIFT, Home Shopping Network/QVC, TysonContact centers, government, financial services, technical services, proctoring & training, healthcareN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or termsof use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AN/A Employee MonitoringWispyhttps://www.thewispy.comFrom company website: "TheWiSpy emerged as a global leader in the mobile tracking market. Our expert app developers consistently upgrade app according to the user needs. TheWiSpy is latest parental control and employee monitoring app. We operate worldwide and enable companies to track any malicious online activity that can harm their business."NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementMobile and tablet monitoring app for employees that is compatible with Android OS. Product allows employees to track calls, view SMS, track employee productivity remotely, read work emails and social media messages, track internet usage, as well as the GPS location of work phones to discover the whereabouts of employees. In UseN/A - claims to be operating in 120+ countries. Financial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownLocation CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledCamera, Bluetooth, GPSNoNoNoNoUnknownTheir disclaimer and terms of use indicate that the product is only for ethical and legal use with the consent of those that it will be used upon. Therefore, puts the responsibilty on the employer. UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Location TrackingThroughappshttps://throughapps.comFrom company Facebook: "THROUGH APPS is an innovative & forward thinking product based company that provides B2B software and IOT solutions to SME Industries, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Multi activity centers and Elite Beauty salons across the globe."NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "For the Employee Tracking solution all you need is an Android device with GPS and an internet connection to get started with Tictoks- Employee and Vehicle Location tracking app. Specific features include: Real Time Location Tracking, On-field Performance Analysis, Attendance & Visit Reports, Distance & Speed Analysis, Live Location Tracking."In UseCeil, Process Weaver, RaaGaa, Lemcer Construction, dph, AI ImportsTransporation, food delivery, pharmaceuticals, logistics, courier services, educational institutionsN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownLocation CapturedIndiaUnknownUnknownTheir privacy policy for data collected through their products states that "We will retain your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies. We will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of our Service, or we are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods."Workers are being surveiledCamera, Bluetooth, GPSNoYesUnknownNoUnknownUnknownCompany seeks to abide by GDPR, CCPA, and CalOPPA)Company seeks to abide by GDPR, CCPA, and CalOPPA)Individual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownAccording to their privacy policy for data collected through their products they "may disclose personal information that we collect, or you provide in the followin cases: Disclosure for Law Enforcement. Under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities. Business Transaction. If we or our subsidiaries are involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your Personal Data may be transferred. Other cases. We may disclose your information also: to our subsidiaries and affiliates; to contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business; to fulfill the purpose for which you provide it; for the purpose of including your company’s logo on our website; for any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information; with your consent in any other cases; if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Company, our customers, or others.According to privacy policy, people can exercise their data rights by contacting platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to their privacy policy for data collected through their products they "may disclose personal information that we collect, or you provide in the followin cases: Disclosure for Law Enforcement. Under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities.N/AN/A Employee Monitoring and TicToks (two separate products)Thoroughappshttps://throughapps.comFrom company Facebook: "THROUGH APPS is an innovative & forward thinking product based company that provides B2B software and IOT solutions to SME Industries, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Multi activity centers and Elite Beauty salons across the globe."NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website the products allow for, "real-time monitoring, touchless facial recognition to capture and recognize the face of an remote employee. Also allows for stealth mode to monitor remote employees activities without being noticed. It tracks remote rmployee productivity such as application usage, browser history, and keystroke and screenshot monitoring." In UseCeil, Process Weaver, RaaGaa, Lemcer Construction, dph, AI ImportsFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/Acompany-provided deviceCentralizedUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownTheir privacy policy for data collected through their products states that "We will retain your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies. We will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of our Service, or we are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods."Workers are being surveiledUnknownNoYesUnknownNoUnknownUnknownCompany seeks to abide by GDPR, CCPA, and CalOPPA)Company seeks to abide by GDPR, CCPA, and CalOPPA)Individual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownAccording to their privacy policy for data collected through their products they "may disclose personal information that we collect, or you provide in the followin cases: Disclosure for Law Enforcement. Under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities. Business Transaction. If we or our subsidiaries are involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, your Personal Data may be transferred. Other cases. We may disclose your information also: to our subsidiaries and affiliates; to contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business; to fulfill the purpose for which you provide it; for the purpose of including your company’s logo on our website; for any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information; with your consent in any other cases; if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Company, our customers, or others.According to privacy policy, people can exercise their data rights by contacting platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to their privacy policy for data collected through their products they "may disclose personal information that we collect, or you provide in the followin cases: Disclosure for Law Enforcement. Under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities.N/AN/A Employee TrackingWorkganizerhttps://workganizer.comFrom company website: "Workganizer, providing companies with unique solutions to manage their work more efficiently to enhance overall performance and remote-work productivity."YesWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementProduct allows employers to - tracks the time of your entire workforce. - monitor team productivity and work time with screenshots, employees activity, attendance - generate reports for each employees and according to projects or specific tasksIn UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AN/A MonitorNetwork Lookout employee tracking softwareNoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Stop employees wasting work time on illegal activity and keep records of such attempts. Net Monitor for Employees is an all-inclusive tool for employee monitoring and classroom management."In UseWebsite claims that products are used in businesses in over 160 countries. Financial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownDecentralizedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownTerms of use and disclaimer urge customers to not violate privacy laws by using the products without without prior consent. UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AN/AN/A Social Media Monitoring (Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram)Spyrixhttps://www.spyrix.comSpyrix develops, distributes and supports PC/Internet-monitoring products for business, education, government and home users.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to company website: "A Facebook tracking app that provides complete reports of the user’s activity on the social network. Protect your child online or boost the productivity of your team." (also available for WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram). In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownDecentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownTerms of use and disclaimer urge customers to not violate privacy laws by using the products without without prior consent. UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Employee MonitoringSpyrixhttps://www.spyrix.comSpyrix develops, distributes and supports PC/Internet-monitoring products for business, education, government and home users.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to company website: "The software allows employee monitoring in real time from any place and any device since it is cloud-based. A continuous monitoring of any kind of user activities on employees’ computers: keylogging, screenshot capture, activities in applications, social networks and messengers (Skype, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp etc.), online activities, Live Screen Viewing, Continuous Screen Recording."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownDecentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A*ex5pa0*_ga*MjY1NjU3MjA2LjE2Mzg3NjQ0MDA.*_ga_L77N3C7W42*MTYzODc2NDM5OS4xLjAuMTYzODc2NDQwMy41Ng..Clockly500Apps tracking software Clockly by 500apps helps track time, monitor employees, manage payroll. Gain insights into team activity levels and engagement with activity screenshots, mouse and keystrokes tracking, and more. 500apps develops Fortune 500 apps for growing businesses. NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to company website product features: "Time Tracking: Keep track of every hour, whether your team is in the office or working from home. Employee Monitoring: Boost productivity with employee monitoring that helps you identify problem areas and employees costing you time and money. Project Budgeting: Get all your projects from Clockly or third-party services in one place for better organization and productivity measurement. Shift Scheduling: Schedule shifts effortlessly with employee scheduling software. Employee Productivity: Get a complete overview of the work using productivity dashboards and performance metrics to ensure increased productivity. Time Tracking Reports: Use in-depth analytics to perform changes on the basis of actionable data. Easily export or share with team members with the help of exporting features."In UsePeopleperhour, indeed, Entrepreneur, TnW, basesuit, Fidelity BankFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AN/A Employee MonitoringCocospy strives to provide one of the best cutting-edge digital security and risk management solutions on the market.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementRemote surveillance solution that enables users to monitor employee and children activity on phones and tablets.In UseN/A. Website states they are operating in over 190 countries. Financial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Software Open Source Solutions LLP provides mlm software for network marketing business.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom Capterra: "Desklog is a project management and employee tracking software which helps to manage the project and tracks the real-time productivity of your team. It easily monitors daily activities and tracks the spent time and the report. This employee productivity tracking software monitors and helps the team complete all the client requirements and manage time, budget and all the scope constraints. The remote employee time tracking software supervises the local and remote team from both desktop and mobile."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownCompany supports GDPR standards around data retention and deletion. Their privacy policy states: "If the client is not an active business user throughout the year, the data will be recorded until the subscription expires (after certain specific months) and the recorded data will be retained for 3 months. After the retention period, the data will be deleted."Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownAccording to their privacy policy, the company supports GDPR standards around data correction. Individual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownPrivacy policy states potential third party instances when they have to securely share some personal data including some legal instances. But it is unclear what types of instances and third party actors. According to privacy policy, if anyone has any queries regarding this Privacy Policy or our data processing practices, please contact us by email Email: support@desklog.ioUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/A Employee Monitoring & Insider Threat DetectionEasemonhttps://www.easemon.comEasemon Inc, a mature-technique company that is devoted to provide quality Monitoring and Access Control solutions for world-wide users. Apart from EaseMon, it owns more world-famous products like Easemon Employee Monitoring System.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity Monitoring and Workplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom Capterra: "EaseMon logs employees activities on the company-offered iPhones or Android phones, such as surroundings, Calls, Clipboard, Voice messages, Photos, Videos, SMS, GPS, Geo-fencing, Chats, Websites, Keystrokes, Screenshots, websites visited. Employers can also use this app to block inappropriate apps and games, and limit screen time so as to increase employee productivity." Product can also be used for insider threat detection. In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownEnglandUnknownUnknownLegal and privacy policy does not include any information about data retentionWorkers are being surveiledCamera, GPS, ContactsUnknownNoNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AN/A is a computer software that provides early insights to reduce employee misbehavior and internal risks.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom company website: "Predictive data analytics tool that leverages Behavioral Science and Al technologies to reduce internal risk."In UseN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AUnknownUnknownYesUnknownIsraelUnknownUnknownThe company's privacy policy states: "The Company will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies. The Company will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods"Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownUnknownYes. Per product description, the premise is focused on ‍using predictive data analytics that leverages Behavioral Science and Al technologies to put a risk score on each worker. Specifically, the product "quantifies employee behaviors into a risk vector for each employee by building an indicator for each behavior. The employee risk vector contains the different behaviours of the employee allowing eLoomina to identify anomalous behaviors using Anomaly detection and ML heuristics."UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownUnclear if privacy policy pertains to data collected though their products and services or just the website, but it states that they share data with third parties or service providers that help them provide the service. They also share data in case of business transfers. N/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnclear if referring to data collected through use of their website or products, but their privacy policy states: "Under certain circumstances, the Company may be required to disclose Your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency)."N/A Employee MonitorEmpMonitor all the computers in your organization remotely from a centralized location. Your EmpMonitor account is accessible from any internet-enabled device giving you access from anywhere at any time. With our real-time computer monitoring software, you can view activities as they happen and manage instantly.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to Capterra: "EmpMonitor is a brilliant employee performance monitoring application with many smart features which empower employers to track high-performing employees and reward them appropriately. These features are highly relevant in today's corporate scenario and are required to increase the productivity level and degree of control over ongoing projects. EmpMonitor made it easy to keep an eye on where your employees spent their time throughout the day by monitoring their activities."In Use1solutions, Lexmores, LBL Solutions. Claims to have 1000+ customers worldwide.Educational, Finance, Business sectors, Government offices, Healthcare, Ecommerce, Call centers, BPON/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownTerms and conditions and privacy policy does not include any information about data retentionWorkers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownN/AN/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AN/AN/A Data PlatformISmile Technologiehttps://www.ismiletechnologies.comiSmile Technologies offers application development, cyber security, and cloud services.NoWorkplace Performance/Productivity MonitoringApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to company website the product is a "one-stop-shop monitors employee productivity on multiple platforms like MS Teams, SharePoint, HubSpot, LinkedIn. All the Employee Details from these different platforms like Demographics, Roles, No. of meetings, Audio Time, Video Time, No. of potential clients contacted, User engagement on LinkedIn are used to assess the employees’ productivity.  "In UseN/AEducational, Finance, Retail & E-Commerce, Government offices, Healthcare, Ecommerce, IT, AutomotiveN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndiaUnknownUnknownNo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations and workers may be able to see the results.NoUnknownN/AN/AUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ANo privacy policy or terms of use regarding the data collected from their products. N/AN/A Management SolutionBlue Yonder (acquired by Panasonic) Yonder is a digital supply chain and omni-channel commerce fulfillment platform.NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to company website: "Blue Yonder’s Workforce Management (WFM) helps businesses combat today’s labor challenges with optimized scheduling, strategic workforce planning and employee engagement tools. Plus, our integration with the Microsoft Teams Shifts connector provides frontline workers with a greater sense of community and connectivity from any device."In UseWalgreens, Morrisons, BD, Coca Cola, DHL, M&S, Michelin, Wakefern, Mahindra, Albertson, PetCo, L.L Bean, 3M, 7-Eleven, Ace Hardware, Advance Auto Parts, America Eagle Outfitters, Barnes and Noble, Bed Bath & Beyond, Boston Market, Brookshires, Kmart, Lowes, MichaelsManufacturing, Grocery, Retail, Logistics, Distribution, Restaurants & FoodserviceAcquired by Panasonic after a private equity roundUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownThe company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies around data retention. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownYesUnknownYesThe company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies around data retention. The company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies around data retention. The company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies around data retention. YesUnknownThe company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies around data sharing arrangements. According to their privacy commitment: "If you wish to contact us please reach out to"NoThe company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies.Insufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AThe company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies.N/A is the leading platform for digital identity verification and trust. Its predictive analytics platform applies artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques with trusted online/offline data intelligence from email, phone, address, IP, device, velocity, and the broader internet to verify identities in real time.NoWorkplace SafetyApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, gig workersFrom company website: "Socure ID+ is a real-time, predictive analytics platform that provides identity verification and fraud prediction through a single, modular API. Self-learning correlations of over 6,000 predictors to determine riskiness of identity."In UseChime, SoFi, Wells Fargo, Draft Kings, Capital One, CITI, Financial services, public sector, banking, gaming, healthcare, sharing/gig economy, telecom, and e-commerceCommerce Ventures, Bain Capital Ventures, Flint Capital Two Sigma Ventures, Soreson Ventures, Tiger Global Management T.Rowe Price, Scale Venture Partners, Accel, Capital One Venturescompany-provided deviceUnknownUnknownUnknownUnited StatesN/AN/AN/AConsumers and potentially workersN/AN/AUnknownFrom company website: "The Next Generation of Risk Signals are Predictive. From start to finish, multi-dimensional predictive signals inform ML-driven decisioning to identify more good customers and eliminate fraudsters in real-time. Risk Signals for Email, Phone, Address, & Device Email Risk Score predicts the risk of an email address and its correlation to an identity. Phone Risk Score predicts the risk of a phone number and its correlation to an identity. Address Risk Score predicts the risk of an address and its correlation to an identity. Device Risk Score predicts risk associated with a device and its correlation to an identity. Learn how to instantly verify elements of customer identity with the leading platform for identity verification and trust."N/AUnknownUnknownNoNoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownN/AFrom company website: "Our use of received personal information may include sharing the personal information with Vendors working for us to provide products or services to Our Customers, as necessary for the provision of Socure products and services. Vendors with which we share received personal information components are required to keep this information confidential and may not use such information for any purpose other than to help us provide requested products and services to Our Customers. Socure takes appropriate steps to ensure that Vendors protect such personal information. Additionally, your personal information may be disclosed as required by law and when we have reason to believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request. Socure does not sell consumer personal information, meaning we do not pass on personal information to other businesses or third parties for monetary or other valuable consideration. In cases of onward transfer to third-parties of data of EU and Swiss individuals received pursuant to the EU–U.S. Privacy Shield and Switzerland–U.S. Privacy Shield, Socure is potentially liable. See our Privacy Shield Statement below."From company website: "Socure uses a self-assessment approach to assure compliance with this privacy policy and to periodically verify the policy is accurate, comprehensive for the information intended to be covered, prominently displayed, completely implemented and accessible and in conformity with Privacy Shield Principles. In addition to self-assessment, Socure is also subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). We encourage interested persons, including those in the EU, to use the contact information provided with questions or concerns about their personal data. We will investigate and attempt to resolve any complaints and disputes regarding use and disclosure of Personal Information in accordance with the Principles. If a complaint or dispute cannot be resolved through our internal process, we agree to dispute resolution using the U.S.-based JAMS ( Finally, as a last resort and in limited situations, EU and Swiss individuals may seek redress from the Privacy Shield Panel, a binding arbitration mechanism.."UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingN/AN/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersThere seems to be some evidence that the data controller and/or data processor has standardized its processes in accordance with international standard.Yes, their privacy policy states that "your personal information may be disclosed as required by law and when we have reason to believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request."Unavailable and policy: is a global HR technology company with a purpose to help a billion people find the right job and discover their true potential.NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementHas been called “Shopify of recruiting,” continue taking a four-pronged approach to talent management, offering tools for job seekers, recruiters, employees and managers.In UseClaims to have 400+ global customers including: Southwest Airlines, MGM Resorts, Newell Brands, brother, Kuehne + Nagel, Micro Focus, Lifetime, CSG, Mercy, and Land O’Lakes, Healthcare, tech, travel & hospitality, retail, manufacturing, financial services, RPO/StaffingB Capital Group, Dragoneer Investment Group, Omers Growth Equity and GoldenArc CapitalUnknownCentralizedWorkers can be readily identifiedUnknownUnited StatesN/AN/AThe company has one of the most thorough privacy commitments in the industry that has clear policies around data retention which leaves it up to each customer to establish. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoClaims to use AI to match prospective employees with the "right jobs". YesUnknownYesUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataYes, but noted for CA residents according to California law.N/AUnclear if their privacy policy pertains to data collected from the cookies or general data collected. But their privacy policy states: "We may disclose your personal information with third parties for a business purpose. These third parties include analytics providers and other service providers under contract to us. These service providers are prohibited from using your personal information except at our direction. We may also disclose your personal information to government entities or other third parties associated with legal or tax requirements, or in the case of a proposed merger, acquisition, asset sale, or other corporate transaction."According to their website: "If you have a question about this privacy policy, or wish to inquire about our personal information handling practices, please contact us as follows: Phenom People, Inc. 300 Brookside Avenue Building 18, Suite 200 Ambler, PA 19002"UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingN/AN/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy states: "Law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other third party. We may share your personal information with these parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of any third party."Unavailable is the platform for hourly work, with 100 million registered hourly workers and 470,000 employer locations nationwide.NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourlyBegin acquisition process by Fourth. The acquisition will provide Fourth customers the ability to optimize their workforce, boost operations and hire and retain talent, according to a press release. The financial terms were not disclosed in the release.In UseChickafil, Denny's, Friday's, Five Guys, Popeyes, Hardees, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Applebees, Dunkin Donuts, Wendys, Michaels, ChitpoleRetail, restaurants and hospitality, facility management, healthcare, logistics, and food deliveryNewSpring, Invus, Rho AccelerationUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownTheir privacy policy broadly states: "We store and maintain your information for the purposes for which it is processed by us. The length of time for which we retain information depends on the purposes for which we collected and use it and/or as required to comply with applicable laws."UnknownUnknownUnknownNoNoUnknownWhen workers visit the website. NoWorkers can sign up for Do Not Sell My Information. UnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataStates protections against discrimination for CA residents. UnknownAccording to their privacy policy they share data with the following third parties: Service Providers that Perform Services on our Behalf, Employers, Services, and Vendors, Third Parties for Legal Purposes, Third Parties in a Business Transaction. To this end they may disclose information in connection with a corporate transaction, including for example a merger, investment, acquisition, reorganization, consolidation, bankruptcy, liquidation, or sale of some or all of our assets." Has an extensive privacy policy, but unclear what the grievance mechanism is. NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingN/AN/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy states they would share data with law enforcement in these cases: "By using the Services, you acknowledge and agree that we may access, retain, and disclose the information we collect and maintain about you if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access, retention or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with legal process or a regulatory investigation (e.g. subpoena or court order); (b) enforce our Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, or other contracts with you, including investigation of potential violations thereof; (c) respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; and/or (d) protect the rights, property or personal safety of Snagajob, its agents and affiliates, its users and/or the public. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection, and spam/malware prevention, and similar purposes."Unavailable CompassGemhttps://www.gem.comAccording to their company website their "mission is to build the operating system for modern recruiting."NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to their website: "We’re committed to building talent acquisition solutions that simplify workflows, automate tasks, and give you the data you need to optimize your outreach, understand your pipeline, and nurture relationships with top talent."In Useunity, robinhood, lyft, twilio, procore, Dropbox, Cockroach Labs, Envoy, grammarly, mapbox, mindstrong, Prestige Care, Pure Storage, techmate talent, Terminal, wheel, Peloton, Cisco Meraki, Robert Walters, Square, Davita, asana, Confluence, Home Advisor, indeed, McDonalds, Doordash, Slack, Plaid, instacart, Pinterest, mongoDB, affirm, Snap Inc., Roblox, AppDynamics, Binc, Cruise, databricks, gusto, Handshake, LiveRamp, Segment, sift, splunk, stripe, Thumbtack, TripActions, zapier Financial services, public sector, banking, gaming, healthcare, sharing/gig economy, telecom, tech, and e-commerceMeritech Capital Partners Greylock ICONIQ Growth AccelUnknownCentralizedUnknownLocation CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownTheir privacy policy mostly pertains to data collected from their website as they do not dictate data protection preferences to customers of their product. But it states, "We retain Personal Information for as long as you have an open account with us and for 3 years after you close your account. In some cases we retain Personal Information for longer, if doing so is necessary to comply with any legal obligations, resolve disputes or collect fees owed, or is otherwise permitted or required by applicable law, rule or regulation. Afterwards, we retain some information in a depersonalized or aggregated form but not in a way that would identify any individual personally. "Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoClaims to provide forecasting analysis and various performance metrics. UnknownUnknownUnknownUkUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNoUnknownData sharing in their privacy policy mostly pertains to data collected through their cookies: "We gather various types of Personal Information from our users and others, as explained in more detail below, and we use this Personal Information internally in connection with our Services, for example, to personalize, provide, and monitor and improve our Services, to allow you to set up a user account and profile, to contact you, allow others to contact you, and allow you to contact others through the Services, to respond to customer care and other inquiries, to process and fulfill your requests for certain products and services, and to analyze how you use the Services. "Contract with JAMS to process concerns regarding privacy shield complaince. For all other concerns, workers can contact: for other privacy related concerns. NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownN/AInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentInsufficient information is available to make an assessmentWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to their privacy policy related to data collected through cookies on their site, they: "We reserve the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information that we believe is reasonably necessary to comply with law, legal obligations, regulations, law enforcement, governmental and other legal requests, or court order; enforce or apply our Terms of Use and other agreements; address fraud, security or technical issues; or protect the rights, property, or safety of Gem Software, our employees, our users, or others. "Unavailable connects businesses with go-to hourly workers near them. We make it easy for everyone to work on their terms.NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, gig workersOnline the company is described as: "Instawork's goal is to be the essential hiring engine for small to medium-sized businesses across the globe. Our first step toward this goal is to become the "the Uber of Staffing” as our technology enables us to service the needs of the massive gig economy."In UseSunBasket, Whim Hospitality, Sodexo, Farmstead, Atria, EXE Logistics SolutionsFood, Hospitality, Restaurant, Warehousing, Care work, gig economy Greylock, Spark Capital, Benchmark, GV, Corner Ventures, Burst Capital, Tilmal Fertitta, SV Angle Four Rivers Group, Craft VenturesUnknownCentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownPrivacy policy does not share any information on retentio period of data collected through any of their programs and services. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataProtection from discrimination indicated for California residents according to state privacy law. UnknownPrivacy policy states examples of permitted data disclosures that users consent to when using their website or services. It includes: (1) persons or entities that you permit to access or receive your Personal Information (your permission being reasonably determined from your actions in view of the circumstances), including other users of the Services; (2) if you are a Partner, any persons or entities at your organization including those that may have created a Registered Account with us, and persons or entities designated by such organization; (3) if you are a Professional, Partners that have posted or may post jobs or gigs on or through our Services and for which you have submitted an application through the Services; (4) References; (5) third-party providers of services to us such as Internet hosting providers, Internet services providers, email distribution and email management providers, and software development or maintenance providers, provided that we have a reasonable belief that such third-party providers will maintain your Personal Information in confidence; (6) third parties that provide services enabling us to market and advertise our Services and other content that has been customized for you through targeted advertising, targeted content and other means; and (7) any other person or entity to whom we are permitted or required to disclose your Personal Information by law, regulation or other provision of this Privacy Policy or the Terms. Other instances of disclosure can occur in the case of a sale or merger of the business. Can contact to submit a complaint or concern. NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to privacy policy they may share data with law enforcement in this cases: "in response to subpoenas, court orders, legal process or when otherwise required by law, or to establish, protect, or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims in our sole discretion; (2) to protect our rights and property or the public, including the enforcement of this Privacy Policy and any other agreement we may have with you or your organization (as applicable); (3) if we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding unauthorized distribution of another's intellectual property or information, illegal activities, fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person (provided, however, that we have no obligation to do so); or (4) that is available to the general public."Unavailable Recruiting SoftwareWorkablehttps://www.workable.comAccording to their website, their mission is: "To make it easy for employers to find the right person for every job."NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementContinue to build easy to use enterprise tech recruitment tools that can scale as companies grow. In UseCytora, Salad and Go, Frosch, Lethbridge, Alexander Dennis, Ryanair, Sephora, Clippers, Forbes, Eurostar, Starling Bank, Zinger Property, Valient Finance. Financial services, public sector, banking, gaming, healthcare, sharing/gig economy, telecom, and e-commerceouk Capital, Balderton, Endeavor Catalyst, 83North, Notion Capital, TriplePoint CapitalUnknowncentralizedUnknownLocation CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownAccording to their privacy policy: "We will hold all the data for so long as we have an obligation to the Customer to provide the Services, and thereafter until such time as we delete the Customer’s account in accordance with our Customer Terms and Conditions."Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoProvide data driven tools to optimize hiring. Their website states: "Move the right talent forward with data-driven hiring decisions. Our cognitive and personality pre-employment tests are backed by science and delivered directly through the Workable platform, making it easier for you to hire the best candidates fairly and impartially."UnknownUnknownUnknownUnclear in their privacy policy. Unclear in their privacy policy. Individual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataProtection from discrimination indicated for California residents according to state privacy law. UnknownAccording to their privacy policy, they share data with third party vendors, affliates, that help them carry out services, in the case of a sale or merger, and with law enforcement if subopened or need to conduct an investigation. They have a data protection officer who can be reached at: support@workable.comNoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/ATheir privacy policy states they will share data with law enforcement when obligated.Unavailable Employee EngagementGlint (acquired by Linkedin in 2018) mission is to help people be happier and more successful at work.NoLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementIn press statement announcing acquisition by LinkedIn CEO noted that the goal was to "combine "our insights into people success, along with LinkedIn’s insights into the broader workforce, will be a powerful combination that can help customers attract, develop, and retain the best talent."In UseVarian, Ericsson, Linkedin, Shire, Okta, Dropbox, Scottrade, United, Nvidia, Sky, Intuit, Rio Tinto, American Eagle, Glassdoor, United Technologies, Fis, FICO, ally, dish, Roche, Cognizant, Dentsu Aegis Network, Canadian Tire, Pandora OathFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesAcquired by LinkedIn in 2018company-provided devicecentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNot noted in their privacy policy. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoThey provide several data driven tools to measure organizational health as well as predict problems in the workplace. For example, their website states: "Glint’s AI-for-HR™ to monitor millions of data points and generate real-time alerts for employee populations that are at-risk for increased attrition, decreased performance, or other KPI changes. This revolutionary capability helps you spot anomalies hidden in your employee data before they impact performance, giving leaders and managers time to put informed plans in place."UnknownUnknownUnknownNo. But workers can find out what information has been collected about them and request that it be removed and deleted.NoIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNoUnknownPrivacy policy states they share data with: Service Providers, Non-Identifiable Information Shared with Third Parties, in case of sale or merger, and legal disclosuresCan contact the company at: GLINT HEADQUARTERS 1000 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Email: +1 650.817.7240NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.N/AN/AN/AN/AWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/APrivacy policy states they will share data when the need for legal disclosures emerge. Unavailable is a “people-first” social platform – built to help you improve and manage your work-life. According to their website: "Jobcase is on a mission to empower hourly workers to achieve work-life success."NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourlyAccording to their website: "We develop technology to help people lead better, more meaningful work-lives – providing access to jobs, tools to take action, and a community for support."In UseShipt, FedEx, Amazon, lyft, chewy, Pizza Hut, Homedepot, Kelly, Integrity, bayard, Whole Foods, TalentifyRetail, restaurants and hospitality, facility management, healthcare, logistics, and food deliveryProvidence Strategic Growth, Workday Ventures (private equity)UnknowncentralizedUnknownLocation CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownNot indicated in their privacy policy. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownProvide some ability to access data for residents of CaliforniaProvide some ability to access data for residents of CaliforniaIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataProvide protections to California residents. UnknownAccording to their privacy policy they share data in these circumnstances: "within our company, with third parties that perform services on our behalf for our own business and operational purposes, with business partners, for safety and security purposes, if we think we have to in order to comply with the law, or to protect ourselves, our members, will share personal information for safety and security purposes, if we think we have to in order to comply with the law, or to protect ourselves, our members, and others, with successors, and as required by law."Can contact them regarding concerns or the privacy policy at: or at the following address: Jobcase, Inc. Attn: Member Services Team 201 Broadway, Suite 7 Cambridge, MA 02139NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNoNoNoNoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to privacy policy, would share data when need for legal disclosures emerge. Unavailable is the only all-in-one HCM platform built by hospitality, for hospitality. We drive operational and financial success for service-based businesses by empowering them to focus on their greatest asset -- their people.NoLabor Market Optimization and Workplace Benefits, Health, and Well-being PlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementBecome a one stop shop for helping employers in the hospitality industry recruit talent, manage labor compliance, and make more efficient decisions through advanced forecasting and actionable insights In UseN/ARetail and hospitality Daintree.VC, Golub CapitalUnknowncentralizedUnknownNoUnited StatesUnknownUnknownAccording to their privacy policy: "We retain your account information for as long as your account is active. We also retain your information, if required, as long necessary to comply with any legal obligations, to resolve disputes, to enforce our agreements, and to continue to develop and improve our services. Where we retain information for service improvement and development, it will be anonymized and used to uncover collective insights about the use of our services, not to specifically analyze personal characteristics about you. If the services are made available to you through an organization (e.g., your employer), we are the processor for that personal data. The retention period for this data is decided upon by the employer. If your account is deactivated, the information that you have given to your employer will remain (please see the employer’s privacy policy)."Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownYes, they have a health monitor feature where workers have to take a picture and upload to their system to detect if they are wearing a mask. Provide a variety of data driven insight tools to measure employee health and productivity. UnknownUnknownUnknownYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNot indicated in their privacy policy. UnknownPrivacy policy states they share data with: Service Providers, Non-Identifiable Information Shared with Third Parties, in case of sale or merger, and legal disclosuresFrom company website: "Should you desire to obtain a copy of your personal data from Harri, opt-out of personal data collection or transfer to Service Partners, or require the destruction of your personal data, please send a written request to the Company at, or submit a ticket on the following website: Your election to obtain a copy, opt-out of collection or transfer, or require the destruction, of your personal data shall not affect the right to receive equal treatment and pricing from Harri, although, please understand that Harri’s business involves the collection, storage and transfer of such data in connection with your efforts to secure employment."NoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNoThe platform collects medical information on workers. NoNoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to privacy policy, would share data when need for legal disclosures emerge. Unavailable PlatformFourth to Crunchbase: "Fourth is the world’s leading provider of cloud-based cost control solutions to the hospitality industry."NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to company website: "The Fourth Platform gives operators the actionable insights they need to control costs, scale profitability, improve employee engagement, and maintain compliance."In UseBuffalo Wild Wings, Paul, Noodles & Company, Newks Eatery, TGIF Fridays, Hopdoddy Burger Bar, P.F. Chang's, Nando's, The Red Carnation Hotel Collection, SunPubs, Eataly, Joliet Slammers, Potbelly Sandwich Shops, Stonegate Pub Company, Big Bus ChicagoHospitalityAcquired by Marlin Equity PartnersUnknowncentralizedUnknownLocation CapturedUnited StatesUnknownUnknownAccording to privacy policy: "Personal information collected by Fourth may be stored and processed in your region, in the United States, the United Kingdom, and in any other country where Fourth or its affiliates, or service providers operate facilities. Fourth will retain your information as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this Policy and for a commercially reasonable time thereafter, as permitted or required by applicable law, including for backup, archival, fraud prevention or detection, or audit purposes. "Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoThe company provides data driven labor forecasting and employee engagement platforms. YesUnknownUnknownYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNot indicated in their privacy policy. UnknownPrivacy policy states they share data with: Service Providers, Non-Identifiable Information Shared with Third Parties, in case of sale or merger, and legal disclosuresAccording to their website: "You may reach our Privacy Team at with any questions about this Policy or our privacy practices with regard to personal information. Alternatively, you may reach us by addressing regular mail to the following addresses: Headquarters Fourth Enterprises, LLC. Attn.: Privacy 6504 Bridge Point Parkway, Suite 425 Austin, TX 78730 United States Europe and Middle East Fourth Limited Attn.: Privacy Forum St. Paul’s 33 Gutter Lane, 2nd FLR London EC2V 8AS United KingdomNoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNoNoNoNoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to privacy policy, would share data when need for legal disclosures emerge. Unavailable PlatformFindem is a People Intelligence platform that helps companies build more engaged, diverse teams and close their talent gaps faster.NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementTransform how companies make their people decisions. Findem’s platform, companies can uncover the talent attributes that matter most to their business goals, benchmark their talent internally and externally, identify skills and diversity gaps, and fill those gaps through automatic introductions to exceptional and interested candidates—all without bias.In UseNarvar, Coder, Plume, Visual Concepts, Upsolver, Armorblox, Ghost, Equinox, Marin Community Foundation, Path, RingCentral, InformedK12, Heap, Booster, DevRev, Informedk12, Oak Street Health, Adobe, CoinbaseFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesCorner Ventures, Wing Venture CapitalUnknowncentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknown how long customers' data is retained. May rely on individual companies to set their own retention policies. Workers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoAccording to company website, "Our research and development team takes a human-centered approach to ML, verifying algorithm performance with semi-supervised machine learning to further enrich all people data. ‍ By building and training models for content classification, we unearth intangible information about people and companies and deliver a comprehensive view of the talent market."UnknownUnknownYesYesYesIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataPlatforms seeks to combat bias in recruitment. However, doesnt share information on their AI modeling. UnknownUnknownQuestions or concerns can be sent to: privacy@findem.aiNoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNoNoNoNoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AAccording to privacy policy, would share data when need for legal disclosures emerge. Unavailable is a transparent way to share your skill-based work history and nurture your career growth.YesLabor Market OptimizationApp or SoftwareHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementPrototype an algorithm that works by scoring candidates based on "anonymous, quantitative data about a candidate's performance on a per-skill basis sourced from their network of professional colleagues". Beta testingN/AFinancial services, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, public Sector, education, energy & utilities, technology, industrial organizations, business servicesN/AWorker's own devicedecentralizedUnknownUnknownUnited StatesUnknownUnknownUnknownN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknown although there claim to collect and process "anonymous, quantitative data about a candidate's performance on a per-skill basis sourced from their network of professional colleagues"UnknownUnknownYesUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingNoNoNoNoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A Box Voice Analytics & AI Solution (have a separate solution called Screen Recording)Red Box Voicehttps://www.redboxvoice.comRed Box is a leading dedicated voice specialist with over 30 years' experience in empowering organizations to capture, secure, and unlock the value of enterprise-wide voice.NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementFrom 2021 press release: "Red Box also acts as a gateway to leading AI, automation, analytics and storage applications by providing customers with full access to and control of this rich captured voice data set in real-time. Open APIs ensure integration with an extensive ecosystem of best of breed partners that includes compliance archiving, fraud detection and surveillance solutions, as well as CRM, CX, sales performance and business intelligence platforms."In UseCommodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)financial services, contact center, government, and public safetyN/AUnknowncentralizedUnknownUnknownUKUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoAccording to company website, "Voice data analytics and artificial intelligence to unlock the value in your voice data."UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNot indicated in their Terms of Use.UnknownUnknownPer their privacy policy (but appears to refer to data shared from visiting their website): "If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to these practices please contact us by post to the above address, by email to or by telephone to +44115 937 7100 or through this website via our contact us page."UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.NoN/ANoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownNo Background Intelligence PlatformIntelligo makes businesses less susceptible to risk by finding the most accurate, timely, and actionable intel about companies and individuals.NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementExpand the capabilities of its risk intelligence platform to draw more customers and improve the accuracy of the solution covering an even broader base of data sources. The company’s Clarity intelligence system employs multiple layers of AI and automation to comb through more than 400,000 public data sources and gather all relevant information (legal, professional, regulatory, financial, online media) required to make a decision on a particular individual or company.In UseFortune 500 Companies, Investment Banks, Private Equity Firms, Investment Consultants, Hedge Funds, Allocators. Allergan, Antalis, Aol, BT, Blackrock Clinic, Ava, McAffee, Medtronic.FinanceGoverning Dynamics Venture Capital, Felicitas Global PartnersUnknowncentralizedNoN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledUnknownYes, applicants have to sign off a form and consent. NoAccording to their website, their Clarity platform utilizes their "proprietary background intelligence system employs multiple layers of artificial intelligence and automation to comb global networks for an unparalleled quantity of data."NoPotentially all the time if the worker is hired by a company. The employer can purchase a solution that continues to monitor their activities inside and outside the workplace. YesUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNot indicated in their Terms of Use.UnknownUnknownIf you have any questions (or comments) concerning the Terms, you are most welcome to send us an e-mail to compliance@intelligo.aiUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify prospective employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.NoN/ANoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownNo operates as a workplace intelligence platform for compliance teams.NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementAccording to a 2022 Business Insider article ,"It aims to boost its AI platform to help institutions monitor employees and detect compliance issues."In UseN/AFinance, BanksOurCrowd, Mindset Ventures, Macquarie CapitalN/AcentralizedNoN/AUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoUtilizes advanced AI to analyze workplace communications. UnknownData is only collected while a worker is workingUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify prospective employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.NoN/ANoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownNo I2verify (acquired by Equifax in 2020) is an income and employment verification provider. NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, managementThis acquisition was seen as accelerating Equifax’s flagship service - The Work Number® - has helped to digitize and accelerate billions of critical decisions that consumers need for credit, employment, social services and more. In UseMost clients come from healthcare and education industries. HR or Payroll staff at mid-to-large size companiesN/AN/AcentralizedNoNoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoNoYesWhen a verification report is requested for a worker.Yes, for running employment verifiation, but unclear for the sharing of the data for commercial purposes.UnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataUnknownUnknownPer Equifax's privacy policy, "In the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed the following categories of personal information to third parties for business purposes:"If you have questions or comments about this privacy statement, please visit our Privacy Contact Form or write to the Chief Privacy Officer, Equifax Inc., 1550 Peachtree Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30309. Please reference "Equifax Privacy Statement," when contacting us about this privacy statement.UnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify prospective employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.NoN/ANoNoWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AUnknownNo (Continuous Evaluation)Enderahttps://endera.comFrom company website: "We are a software company that builds trust within your business while maintaining individuals’ privacy. With our cutting-edge technologies, Endera enables businesses to increase security and cut compliance costs, while empowering individuals to take control of their personal information."NoWorkplace SafetyPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, gig workersContinuous Evaluation is the first cloud-based platform that delivers real-time alerts for potential workforce risk investigation.In UseThompson Reuters, gig economy companiesUnknownUnknownUnknowncentralizedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoAppears to. According to company website, "CE continuously scans over 25,000 public data sources including criminal records, civil records, professional licenses, and other sanctions, allowing you to customize what data your organization wants to monitor."NoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNot indicated in their Terms of Use.UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify prospective employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.N/AN/AN/AN/AWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersNoUnknownNoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A company website: "We are a software company that builds trust within your business while maintaining individuals’ privacy. With our cutting-edge technologies, Endera enables businesses to increase security and cut compliance costs, while empowering individuals to take control of their personal information."NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, gig workersTrua, a user-centric, digital trust exchange network powered by cutting-edge, patented algorithms that facilitate a Trust Score based on an individual's verified identity, publicly available court records, and other verifiable data. Users can share their TruaScore™ with potential employers to establish credibility and trustworthiness, ultimately replacing the need for traditional background checks and credit-score inquiries that require personally identifiable information (PII).In UseThompson Reuters, gig economy companiesUnknownUnknownUnknowncentralizedUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownWorkers are being surveiledUnknownUnknownNoYes, product claims to develop a Trust Score based on an individual's verified identity, publicly available court records, and other verifiable data. Users can share their TruaScore™ with potential employers to establish credibility and trustworthiness.NoUnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownIndividual organizations can configure who can view the collected dataNot indicated in their Terms of Use.UnknownUnknownUnknownUnknownThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingThe platform could reasonably be used to identify prospective employees who meet with one another Not enough information is available to understand when this functionality will be used.N/AN/AN/AN/AWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersNoUnknownNoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A Platform (includes two relevant solutions: Arity IQ & Drivesight) Arity (developed by Allstate Insurance) to Crunchbase: "Arity is a insights technology company focusing on revolutionizing transportation by using data & predictive analytics to evaluate risk."NoLabor Market OptimizationPlatformHourly, contract, salaried, non-management, management, gig workersArity continues to expand its data acquisition platform with over 700 billion miles of traffic data being used to serve an increasing number of insurance and third-party application customers. They are also getting into the business of aggregating drivers' behavioral database for targeted marketing.In UseInsurance, gig economy, and marketing companies. Specific clients are: Michelin, Ford, Allstate, Duck Creek TechnologiesInsurance, gig economy, financial services, marketingprivate-founded by AllstateUnknowncentralizedNoIn their privacy statement they note that regarding third parties, "For all personal information that can reasonably be aggregated, anonymized and/or deidentified, Arity will take steps to do so before sharing with unaffiliated third parties"United StatesUnknownUnknownAccording to their retention policy, they try to deidentify data that is retained as much as possible, but vaguely keep the information for as long as necessary to provide services and products to customers. Workers and consumers are being surveilledUnknownUnknownNoThey claim to develop a risk score for drivers leveraging its database of tens of millions of U.S. drivers for whom it’s already collected driving-behavior insights.UnknownEverytime drivers are drivingTheir privacy statement notes that: "We use your personal data to assist in our development of predictive driving models. We may profile your personal data only for the purposes of creating a driving score (“Driving Score”), which is used for our analytics purposes to develop and validate our predictive driving models. To develop our predictive driving models we gather information about your driving behaviors, such as speed, change in speed, and other aspects of how much, where and when you drive to predict driving risk. These driving behaviors may be combined with other demographic or geographic information about driving risk for certain locations, which incorporate relative risks. However, we take steps to remove all personal data that is not necessary to the predictive driving models, and so while your Driving Score incorporates your GPS location data, it will not be directly connected to your name, contact information, or vehicle information unless we have obtained your explicit consent to do so in advance."UnknownUnknownYes,California residents can request access their data. Not indicated in their Terms of Use.UnknownThey do share data with: business clients, service providers to Arity, marketing and advertising partners, third parties in connection with a business transaction, law enforcement, and regulators and other parties for legal reasons.Email: Mail: Arity Attn: Data Protection Officer 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 875 Chicago, IL 60654 United States of AmericaNoThe platform collects information that could lead to discriminatory decision-makingUnknownN/AN/AN/AN/AWorkers in the European Union and California have additional protections not extended to most US workersN/AYes, they will share data with law enforcement. No N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A is a global platform to advance change in the workplace. Our platform makes it easy for individuals or groups of employees to launch, join, and win campaigns to improve their jobs and workplaces. You can start your own campaign for changes you want to see in your workplace here at, or contact us at if you would like to discuss a workplace issue with our team.

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