Press Room

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Press Room

Check out the latest stories about our work, the campaigns being run on our platform, and the issues facing workers today.

PDX MONTHLY: At the Grocery Store, a Push to Re-Up Hazard Pay

August 27, 2020
More than 7,000 people, including staff and customers, have signed an online petition started by Tekiah Elzey, who worked in the produce section at New Seasons Market’s Concordia location, one of 18 around the metro area.Read More

NYT: Pinterest Employees Demand Gender and Race Equality

August 14, 2020

“On Friday, 236 employees of Pinterest, a company known for its virtual pinboards, expressed solidarity on an internal chat app with three former co-workers who have accused the company of racial and sex discrimination and retaliation.”

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NEW YORK TIMES: REI Faces Staff Backlash Over Response to Covid-19 Cases

July 19, 2020

“Before the company’s policy was changed, store workers had created an online petition accusing REI of prioritizing sales above employees and demanding steps like more transparent policies around Covid-19 exposure and hazard pay.”

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BUSINESS INSIDER: Starbucks will become the first national restaurant chain to require all customers to wear masks in stores

July 9, 2020

“The need for a standard mask policy has been a hot topic for Starbucks baristas and leadership in recent weeks. A [petition] calling for a standard policy has more than 1,000 signatures…

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MIAMI HURRICANE: Coronavirus places UM workers under financial stress, health risk

June 26, 2020

“The petition, which has garnered more than 1,500 signatures so far, states that the university’s culture of belonging should include all community members and urges the university to guarantee paid leave for workers, among other demands.”

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